HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-31-2023Clar*wn Special General Government Committee Post -Meeting Agenda Date: May 31, 2023 Time: 9:00 AM Location: Council Chambers or Microsoft Teams Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street, 2nd Floor Bowmanville, Ontario Inquiries and Accommodations: For inquiries about this agenda, or to make arrangements for accessibility accommodations for persons attending, please contact: Lindsey Patenaude, Committee Coordinator, at 905-623-3379, ext. 2106 or by email at Iatenaude@clarington.net. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. AudioNideo Record: The Municipality of Clarington makes an audio and/or video record of General Government Committee meetings. If you make a delegation or presentation at a General Government Committee meeting, the Municipality will be recording you and will make the recording public by on the Municipality's website, www.clarington.net/calendar Noon Recess: Please be advised that, as per the Municipality of Clarington's Procedural By-law, this meeting will recess at 12.00 noon, for a one hour lunch break, unless otherwise determined by the Committee. Cell Phones: Please ensure all cell phones, mobile and other electronic devices are turned off or placed on non -audible mode during the meeting. Copies of Reports are available at www.clarington.net/archive The Revised Agenda will be published on Friday after 3:30 p.m. Late items added or a change to an item will appear with a * beside them. Special General Government Committee Pages Call to Order 2. Land Acknowledgement Statement 3. Declaration of Interest 4. Draft Strategic Plan - Vision, Mission, Themes, and Actions 4.1 Memo-011-23 2023-2026 Strategic Plan - Draft 3 5. Tour of Public Works Facilities (Closed Session) 6. Adjournment Page 2 Clarington MEMO If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Report To: Special General Government Committee From: Date: Memo #: Re: Mary -Anne Dempster, CAO May 31, 2023 Memo-011-23 2023-2026 Strategic Plan - Draft On April 27, 2023, Clarington Council was presented with public survey results as well as an overview of the key priorities from Councillor interviews. This material was used to create three overarching draft themes for discussion, inclusive of strategic priorities and actions underpinning each. During that meeting, Council and senior staff discussed the materials at length, and comments and suggestions were provided to be considered in the eventual draft strategic plan. Attached to this memo is a draft that encompasses a vision, mission, themes, and strategic priorities for consideration. Staff will present the actions for each strategic priority in greater detail at the May 31 session. Once the draft is approved by Council, staff will undertake the next phase of public engagement over the summer months to receive feedback on all the components. This will provide an opportunity for the public to not only ensure alignment but possibly identify any gaps. Those insights will be compiled for consideration and endorsement by Council in the Fall. It is recommended that Council approve the following Resolution: That Memo-011-23, and related communication items, be received for information; That Council endorse the draft Strategic Plan, inclusive of the action items in the May 31 presentation and direct staff to proceed with the next phase of public engagement; That staff be directed to prepare a final Strategic Plan to be presented to Council in the Fall. Mary -Anne Dempster Chief Administrative Officer Office of the CAO The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, ON L1 C 3A6 1-800-563-1195 1 Local:905-623-3379 1 info@clarington.net I www.clarington.net Page 3 Strategic Plan (Draft) A dynamic, welcoming community focused on the future while honouring our past. To enhance the quality of life in our community. Create a resilient and connected community that prioritizes the importance of our environment. • Support responsible growth and development Planning for • Promote a diverse mix of housing options the Future • Protect our environment r Ensure that our programs and services are designed and delivered from the customer's perspective, where residents and businesses see value. • Engage and inform our community Service • Offer customer -centric programs and services Excellence • Demonstrate the effective and efficient use of municipal funds x ppyc� Build a strong, thriving and safe community, where everyone is welcome. • Prioritize arts, culture and recreation Vibrant and • Embrace a diverse, equitable, and safe community Inclusive • Seize economic development opportunities Community Page 4 claboolu * mi 1, At Strategic Plan -Draft � 4' May 31, 21 In Ciffi, , s2t OR Prepare Draft Strategic Plan Public Survey to Council Finalization (February/March) (May) (Fall) Council Session Public Engagement Strategic Plan (April) on Draft Communication (Summer) (Fall) Page 6 Offftwn • April 27 Session • Key Takeaways • Draft Strategic Plan • Mission and Vision • Themes, Strategic Priorities and Actions • Public Engagement Next Steps am= Page 7 Ciff*MR April 27 Session ,% r , J-��v 7P • Top priorities identified in public survey were: • Population growth/Urbanization • Development/Urban Sprawl • Affordability/Cost of living • Traffic Management • Taxes /User Fees • As we grow, we need to ensure that we continue to honour our history and small town charm. • Communication and public engagement will be critical to success. Page 9 Offftwn k. . •lIf:1116 •] F Mission — To enhance the quality of life in our community. Vision —A dynamic, welcoming community focused on the future while honouring our past. - _ - age Ai Page 12 a~n Create a resilient and connected community that prioritizes the importance of our environment. Strategic Priorities: Support responsible growth and development Promote a diverse mix of housing options Protect our environment ALAL Planning for the Future Page 13 Ciff*MR P.1 -Support responsible growth and development Actions I == M a. Plan for growth through the completion of our Official Plan and Comprehensive Zoning By -Law review. b. Complete 12 Secondary Plans and corresponding Fiscal Impact Analysis. c. Proactively communicate with residents about the planning process and how we are responsibly addressing growth. d. Update our Transportation Master Plan and Active Transportation Master Plan to ensure both traffic and livability/walkability considerations are proactively managed. e. Enhance our lakefront through the completion of the Clarington Waterfront Strategy. f. Update our telecommunications policy, with a focus on increasing cellular connectivity across the community. g. Advocate for increased public transit options (GO Train expansion, Durham Region Transit service offerings). Page 14 Grahloon Actions � M P.2 - Promote a diverse a. Develop a plan to increase the number of affordable housing mix of housing units in our community, in collaboration with other levels of options government and development partners. b. Complete the design of our Non-profit Affordable Housing fund. Page 15 ciff-MOOR Actions P.3 - Protect our a. Implement Priority Green development standards as part of the environment development review application process. b. Continue implementing actions within the Clarington Corporate Climate Action Plan (CCCAP) and communicate progress. Page 16 ciff-MOOR Ensure that our programs and services are designed and delivered customer's perspective, where residents and businesses see value. Strategic Priorities: Engage and inform our community Offer customer -centric programs and services Demonstrate the effective and efficient use of municipal funds from the Service Excellence Page 17 Ciff*MR Strategic Priorities Actions SA - Engage and inform a. Complete a review of the communications function with a focus on our community community engagement. b. Proactively communicate with residents and businesses. c. Undertake actions to ensure we are connecting with all segments of the population (inclusive of new residents and those who are non-native English speakers). Page 18 Ciff*MR S.2 - Offer customer- a. Develop and implement corporate customer service standards that can centric programs and be reported on to the community. services b. Leverage technology and process improvement to enhance the customer experience. c. Design and implement a service delivery continuity plan. Page 19 Ciff*MR S.3 - Demonstrate the a. Develop and implement a multi -year budget to provide a long-range effective and efficient view of finances. use of municipal funds b. Advance construction of a new public works facility, inclusive of a Fire Headquarters and Service Excellence Training Center. c. Conduct a review of Emergency and Fire Services. d. Review and optimize winter snow clearing routes. e. Report on continuous improvement initiatives. f. Invest in our workforce to ensure we attract highly skilled and engaged staff. g. Actively undertake opportunities to ensure our workforce is diverse and reflective of our community. h. Advocate for grant funding from the Federal and Provincial levels of government and other partners. Page 20 Uffftwn Build a strong, thriving and safe community, where everyone is welcome. Strategic Priorities: Prioritize arts, culture and recreation Embrace a diverse, equitable and safe community Seize economic development opportunities Vibrant and Inclusive Community Page 21 Ciff*MR Strategic • • VA - Prioritize arts, culture a. Develop a Parks, Recreation, and Culture Master Plan to strategically and recreation plan and responsibly manage the provision of parks, recreation and cultural services for our residents. b. Begin construction on a multi -use recreation facility. c. Determine the future of the Camp 30 lands, in consultation with the Jury Lands Foundation. d. Consider the creation of a community park on the Bowmanville Zoo Lands. e. Decide on an ice-skating amenity location(s) and advance to construction. f. Develop a long-term vision for our historic downtowns. g. Explore a potential location for a concert venue. Page 22 clffftwn V.2 - Embrace a diverse, a. Implement actions to reduce barriers to services within the Municipality. equitable, and safe b. Develop a traffic calming plan to address neighbourhood speeding and community parking concerns, inclusive of proactive public engagement and education efforts. c. Collaborate with Durham Regional Police Services - Community Safety Advisory Council to support the proactive management of community safety matters. d. Support the development and implementation of the Community Safety and Well -Being Plan (facilitated by Region of Durham). e. Complete an Indigenous Consultation strategy and continue to implement actions to address the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. f. Implement an arterial road sidewalk snow clearing program. g. Advocate for construction to begin on the Bowmanville Hospital Expansion and Clarington Hospice. Page 2 Clarftwu V.3 - Seize economic a. Implement the Clarington Economic Development Strategy. development b. Increase the amount of serviced land available to expand our opportunities commercial and industrial tax base. c. Ensure active involvement in key catalyst projects (e.g., Small Modular Reactor development and associated nuclear/energy opportunities). d. Develop a concierge program to support business attraction efforts. e. Establish a small business incubator. Page 24 Ciffftwn Public Engagement Ja wom • A public survey on the draft strategy • Facilitated community listening sessions across Clarington • Community outreach at public events • Staff engagement on the draft strategy Page 26 Cfff*MR Thank you Municipality of Clarington 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, ON L1 C 3A6 905-623-3379 Toll Free: 1-800-563-1195 TTY: 1-844-790-1599 info@clarington.net www.clarington.net Clarington I � _! ' G• , f, •• � ` •ice - f. P.P. ✓ 1d ,� ''�✓ - i I _r'