HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-04-13Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Meeting Minutes Date: Thursday, April 13, 2023 Time: 7:30 p.m. Location: Microsoft Teams or Meeting Room 1A, Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance St., Bowmanville, Ontario Members Present: Tom Barrie, Eric Bowman, John Cartwright, Ryan Cullen, Jennifer Knox, Jordan McKay, Brenda Metcalf, Mitch Morawetz (DRFA), Richard Rekker, Craig Rickard, Henry Zekveld, Councillor Zwart Regrets: None Staff Present: Amy Burke, Sylvia Jennings — Planning and Infrastructure Services; Lindsey Patenaude — Committee Coordinator, Legislative Services Guests: None 1. Welcome and Introductions Amy Burke welcomed all to the meeting. Committee members, staff and attendees made self -introductions. 2. Land Acknowledgement Statement Amy Burke recited the Land Acknowledgement Statement 3. Committee Orientation 3a. Presentation by Amy Burke, Committee Staff Liaison, Regarding Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington Orientation A. Burke provided a welcome presentation to the new and returning members of the Committee. The presentation provided an overview of the Municipality of Clarington, its growth, and urban and rural makeup. Amy reviewed the structure of the municipal government and the role of advisory committees. She then reviewed the history and purpose of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington (AACC), explaining that it was established in 2001 to assist Council in its efforts to identify and review agricultural and agriculture -related issues. 3b. Presentation by Lindsey Patenaude, Committee Coordinator, Regarding Advisory Committees of Council Orientation: L.Patenaude, Committee Coordinate from the Clerk's Division of Legislative Services provided an overview of the protocols and Rules of Procedure for Advisory Committees of Council. The presentation included a review of the purpose of advisory committees, committee mandate and terms of reference, election of Chair and Vice -Chair process and their responsibilities, code of conduct, committee Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington April 13, 2023 meeting procedures, motions and the voting process, and meeting agendas and minutes. 4. Election of Chair/Vice Chair A. Burke reviewed the nomination and election process and opened the floor for nomination for the position of Committee Chair. Henry Zekveld was nominated for Chair and accepted the nomination. Brenda Metcalf was nominated for Chair and declined the nomination. 023-001 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Tom Barrie That Henry Zekveld be declared as AACC Chair for a two-year term. Carried The election of Vice -Chair was deferred to the next meeting by consensus. Henry Zekveld assumed the Chair position for the remainder of the meeting. 5. Adoption of Agenda 023-002 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Eric Bowman That the Agenda for April 13, 2023, be adopted. Carried 6. Approval of Minutes 023-003 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Brenda Metcalf That the minutes of the January 12, 2023, meeting be approved. Carried 7. Delegations None 8. Presentations None 9. Business Arising from Previous Meeting None 10. Communications The following communications items were circulated as part of the meeting agenda: • News release, March 10, 2023, announcing the Region of Durham's launch of an online self-service portal, myDurham311.ca; Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington April 13, 2023 Clarington Staff Report PDS-017-23, March 27, 2023, regarding Envision Durham: Draft new Regional Official Plan; Notice of Special Meeting of Durham Regional Council on May 17, 2023 regarding the Recommended Final Draft Durham Regional Official Plan; Environmental Registry Posting ERO 019-6813, April 6, 2023, regarding the Provincial review of proposed policies adapted from A Place to Grow and Provincial Policy Statement to form a new provincial planning policy instrument (comment deadline June 5, 2023). A.Burke informed the Committee that updating of the Clarington Official Plan will be required pending adoption by Region of Durham Council of a new Regional Official Plan. The AACC will be consulted as part of Clarington's Official Plan update process. A.Burke informed the Committee that at the March 13, 2023 Council meeting, Tom Barrie was nominated by Council to the Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee (DAAC) for the 2023-2027 term. Ratification by Regional Council would occur at the April 26, 2023 Regional Council meeting. A.Burke informed the Committee that Planning and Infrastructure Services is reviewing the proposed Provincial Policy Statement recently released by the Province on the Environmental Registry (ERO 019-6813): Committee members were encouraged to review the Provincial consultation materials. Several proposed policies may impact agriculture. Staff will forward potentially helpful summary resources to Committee members. 11. Liaison Reports 11 a. Durham Agricultural Advisory Committee T.Barrie shared updates from the March 21 and April 11 DAAC meetings, highlighting presentations on The Barrett Centre of Innovation in Sustainable Urban Agriculture and Regional Roads and Infrastructure Projects. On Mar. 1, Zac Cohoon, Chair of DAAC presented to Regional Council on the topic of "Agriculture 101." Local DAAC representatives will be taking the presentation to the respective local Councils. The 2023 DAAC Farm Tour will take place on Sep. 21 in Blackstock, with more details to follow. The next DAAC meeting will be held on May 9, 2023 and will include a presentation on a proposed Pickering By-law allowing backyard chickens. Committee members noted that DAAC's comments on Envision Durham relating to On -Farm Diversified Uses (OFDU) included that policy respecting use of 2% of the property up to a maximum of 1 hectare wasn't sufficient. However, the policy remains unchanged in the draft policy document. A.Burke noted the relationship between this land area policy and the Provincial guidelines relating to OFDUs in Prime Agricultural Areas. 11 b. Durham Region Federation of Agriculture M.Morawetz shared updates from DRFA, noting the Spring Time Chat with Jason Bent, Director of Policy Research, Ontario Federation of Agriculture, on April 18. 11 c. Durham Farm Connections: Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington April 13, 2023 B.Metcalf shared updates on recent events held by Durham Farm Connections and upcoming events. Approximately 600 people attended the Farm Open House held on Apr. 5. The annual Celebrate Agriculture Gala will be held on Oct. 19, with more details to follow. Information on Durham's Barn Quilt Trail locations and information, eight of which are in Clarington, are now available on the DFC website - Barn Quilt Trail I Durham Farms (durhamfarmconnections.ca). 12. New Business 12a. Review of Terms of Reference A.Burke informed the Committee that the Municipality is in the process of updating all Advisory Committee Terms of Reference to standardize and update any language. An overview of key changes to the AACC Terms of Reference being considered was provided, including: Incorporation of protocols for Council -appointed Advisory Committees, which are not currently part of the AACC Terms of Reference; General housekeeping to add clarity and address potential interpretation issues; and Specification of a meeting frequency of 4 times per year. It was further noted that no changes to the AACC mandate, scope of activities, member composition, qualifications, staggered four-year appointments, meeting and communication attendance and processes, and annual reporting to Council are proposed at this time. A.Burke advised that comments from the Advisory Committee are being sought in advance of staff reporting to Council on recommended Terms of Reference updates. Members reviewed the scope of AACC activities, the majority indicating the current scope was appropriate and reflective of Committee activities to date. Regarding meeting schedule, the Committee indicated preference for continuing to hold monthly meetings. Concerns were raised relating to the potential consequences of a reduced meeting frequency, including a reduction in Council awareness of local agricultural issues, longer meeting durations, and the schedule challenges and risk to achieving quorum where Special Meetings are called between regular meetings to seek AACC input on time sensitive matters. Questions raised by the members relating to the scope of the review will be taken back by Staff and addressed at the next AACC meeting. 023-004 Moved by Brenda Metcalf, seconded by Eric Bowman That the AACC meet ten times per year, not meeting in July and September. Carried 12b. Procedural Matters A.Burke gave an overview of information regarding the Committee meeting administrative items, including the meeting format, preparation and circulation of agendas, member staff contacts, minutes and correspondence, existing sub- committees. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington April 13, 2023 023-005 Moved by Tom Barrie, seconded by Jordan McKay That the AACC meetings continue in a hybrid format. Carried 12c. 2023 Activities A.Burke advised the Committee that the next AACC meeting will include a discussion on 2023 work plan items. Committee members were encouraged to consider potential AACC activities, topics of interest for discussion and for guest presenters, and farm/agri-food tours. Committee members suggested that the two recent presentations to DAAC referenced in the DAAC Liaison Report would be of interest. Introduction to and a presentation by Clarington's new Economic Development Manager was also requested. Updates from Regional Agricultural Economic Development were also welcomed, as available. 023-006 Moved by Brenda Metcalf, seconded by Richard Rekker That Durham Agricultural Economic Development Update be added to the Liaison Reports portion of AACC meetings. Carried Other Business Bowmanville Farmer's Market Vendor Requirements B.Metcalf informed the Committee that she has received questions from a local farmer about the vendor requirements for the Bowmanville Farmers Market. The concern is that the requirements potentially exclude conventional agriculture and many local farmers, subject to interpretation. A.Burke explained this level of detail for an event is outside of the scope of the Municipality's requirements for applying to book the use of a Municipal facility. The Committee agreed that a discussion with the market organizer would be valuable and R.Cullen was appointed by consensus to do so on behalf of the AACC. 13. Date of Next Meeting May 11, 2023 @ 7:30 pm 14. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 10 p.m. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington April 13, 2023