HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-16-83A ,� • DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY SERVICES OFF ICE TELEPHONE 623 -3114 TOLL FREE 987 -5039 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANV I LL E, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 REPORT TO GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 17, 1983 REPORT NO. CS -16 -83 SUBJECT: "CEMETERY BY -L44 REVIEW" - RESOLUTION! GPA 729 -83 RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. That this report be received; and 2. That By -Law 79 -104 (Cemetery By -Law) remain unchanged; and 3. That the information sheet be incorporated onto the "Indenture ". BACKGROUND & COMMENT: The Cemetery By -Law 79 -104 has been reviewed by the Cemetery Foreman, Deputy Director and Director of Community Services as requested by Council. All staff are of the opinion that the Cemetery By -Law is adequate and should re- main unchanged. The issue related to the size of the monuments was carefully studied and staff felt that if changes were incorporated to allow people to purchase larger monuments, this would cause additional expense to the Cemetery Budget. From time to time, staff are required to move existing monuments to gain access to burial plots throughout the Cemetery. Staff feel confident in movinn monuments at the size stipulated in the By -Law but if larger stones were required to be moved, then staff would have a private company move them at an additional cost to the Town. r� � tI . i� X64) GPA REPORT NO. CS -16 -83 MEETING OF OCTOBER 17, 1983 PAGE 2. Staff have prepared'an information sheet outlining regulations of the Cemetery By -Law. In previous years, a list of rules and regulations was printed on the indenture which is given to every person purchasing a site in our Cemetery/es. Some years ago, this practice was abandoned. At this point we would like to reintroduce this procedure. In addition, staff will have the information sheet and copies of the By -Law available at the Bowmanville Cemetery and Bowmanville Town Hall. I would like to point out that staff in no way feels responsible for the recent issue involving our Cemeteries and the size of monuments required. Further, monument companys in our area and outside the Municipality of New- castle have been supplied with copies of By -Law 79 -104 and related forms. Thomas A. Fanning, R.D.M.R.(F) for of Community Services 4sa i l P !The' q Qe P, T'ai and CORPORATION OF TIII: TOWN OF NLUCASTLL ¢ DEPARTMENT OF C011MUNITY SERVICES 130WHANVILLE / BONDNEAD CEMETERIES own of Newcastle Community Services Went is responsible for the en qce and upkeep of the Bondhead he,�3owmanville Cemeteries. Any inqu!ir�li!es should be directed to that of f 1 ce', 'A " OT is an area of land in the Ceme- iiiigle' er l s'41apart f�r the burial of not or t+ t� o (2) human bodies in a l nor double depth grave. 3. 411 1i A " LOT" is two P2) or more lots. ',P1a ker" is a memorial set flush with fihe' ground without projections. Not tore then one marker allowed on one grave, and every marker for a single grave shall be 18 inches by 24 inches with a thickness of from 3 to 8 inches and shall be placed only by employees of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. 51, 1 Mo Ome " is a memorial placed up- �q,i{ d the ground. Every monument h � of, granite or other as dur- ab ' s � r e and must be mounted on a stone or on 11te' base or footing (foundation) to e Instructed by the Corporation of the�'Towii iof�l Newcastle. P numt t hall be located at the head of �,ilot or,plof nd not more than one mon ment shall be allowed on one lot or plo�. o �1 nument shall exceed four (4) ft. in' height and; (a) when located on a lot shall not exceed 10% of the lot area; (b); when located on a plot, the base ,shall not exceed three feet two 1inchesxb o one foot two inches i i i a „i IEx 6. "Limitation of Deed" (Indenture) T e ee of a lot shall convey only the right of burial of human remains therein, and of placing a marker of monument and such rights shall be subject to the provision of the Cemeteries Act and regulations there- under and of this Municipal By -Law 79 -104 as amended from time to time. 7. Flowers - Flower pots may be placed and flowers planted at the front of a grave not more than 1 foot from the marker or monument and under the super- vision and direction of the Super- intendent. Any flower pot not properly placed on or before the 20th day of June in any year will be removed. Tri ods and Stands - No tripod or stand for flowers shall be placed on any grave and any so placed shall be removed. Glass Blocks or Winter Wreaths No glass blocks or winter wreaths shall be permitted on a grave or lot after the first day of April in any year and up to the last day of October. 8. Cemetery Services provided by the Corporation: 1. Cutting grass and general care of lots. 2. Planting trees, shrubs and grass. 3. Setting grave markers and memorials. 4. Construction of foundation for monuments and markers. 5. Opening and closing of graves. 6. Disinternment or removal of remains. 9. Copies of Cemetery By -Law 79 -104 are available upon request. 10. For further information, please call the Dept. of Community Services at 623 -3379 or 987 -5039.