HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-04-18Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee MINUTES April 18, 2023, 7:00 P.M. Board Room, Dianne Hamre Centre, Newcastle If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905- 623-3379 ext. 2131. Participation: Y/N Person Y/N Person Y Brian Reid (Past Chair) Y Leanne Fernandez Y Carmen Aeillo Y Leo Blindenbach Y Councillor Margaret Zwart (Council Liaison) N Patrick Bothwell Y Kate Potter (Chair) Y Samantha Hansen Y Ken Mercer (Staff) Y Tom Hossie (Vice Chair) Y Leah Bourgeois N Rod McArthur Agenda Items 1. Call To Order And Welcome 2. Additions To The Agenda / Adoption Of The Agenda Moved by Brian, seconded by Tom that the agenda be adopted with the addition of the teacher request addition under other business. Carried. 3. Adoption Of Minutes Of Previous Meeting Moved by Leah, seconded by Carmen that the minutes be adopted with the following changes: • Change "agenda" to "minutes" • Change to date from "April" to "March" Carried. 4. Action Item Updates From Previous Meeting Not Already Covered In The Agenda N/A 5. Committee Administration a. Completion of Accessibility Training This is complete and can be removed from the agenda. b. Committee composition and roles -Terms of Reference Review Ken told the group that the Terms of Reference will be circulated when ready which should this week. Moved by Tom, seconded by Brian that the Terms of Reference should add an additional committee member. Carried. o Action: Ken will circulate the draft Terms of Reference to the Committee for feedback. o Action: Ken will have the Municipality website updated with the most current version of the Terms of Reference once the draft is finalized. 6. SWNA Workplan Updates: a. Interpretative Signage/QR Codes Project Ken has budget for the printing of the QR code. o Action: Tom will create the QR codes o Action: Kate will assist with the graphic design b. Traffic/Usage Survey o Action: Add the traffic survey to the next agenda c. Confirmed ideas for events/activities in 2023 i. Wildflower planting— May 27tn The mower contractors haven't started but Ken will include about the pre -planting mowing to their initiation conversation. The plants have been ordered. At the next meeting, the group can organize pre -digging holes before the planting. The group agreed to leave some plants for the Cobbledick meadow. o Action: Ken will remind new contractors about the pre -planting mowing as well as the request for the increase in size of non -mowed area. o Action: The group can pre -dig the planting holes in the days leading up to the event ii. Spring Cleanup —April 22nd Leanne will man the Toronto Street parking lot station. Kate and Brian will help at the start. The garbage pick up will be on Saturday / Monday. The planting will be from 10 am to noon, followed by a lunch at the Admiral Clubhouse. iii. Moth Night — week of July 22-30 No new updates but Eventbrite could be used for helping Tom with the registration. o Action: Kate will add to L-raohic desi iv. Monarch Tagging — September 9th ( September 16th as backup ) To Investigate Further No tagging new released. 2023 tags have already been ordered. o Action: Tom will provide a tagging update once released d. Tentative ideas for events/activities for 2023 i. May 141h pollinator presentation o Action: Tom will follow up with Scott McIver (sp?) o Action: If the May 14th presentation proceeds, Kate will add to the graphic design ii. Presentation/Walkabout re birding photography with local resident Russ Musgrove The group discussed the potential for a presentation with 2 hikes week later. o Action: Tom and Brian will investigate a birding presentation. o Action: Leah will connect Brian with bird banded Elizabeth Kellog. iii. Calendar/Chart of Activities o Action: Kate will update the timeline of activities. e. On -hold items for events/activities for 2023. i. Butternut Tree Planting — no developments ii. Parking along Toronto Street/ gating to hydro corridor Item i. and ii. will be removed from this section. iii. Hybernaculem Ken advised the group that the hybernaculem f. External Project Updates: i. Visioning Exercise organized by the Waterfront Strategy group ii. Treatment Plant/ Storm Drainage Pond Project No updates on either item. 7. Other Business a. Retractable banner The banner can be expensed in Ken's budget. o Action: Kate will draft some content for the banner(s). b. Bird Box Monitoring and Cleanout Brian and Carmen attempted to clean out the bird boxes but the boxes already cleaned out. The group is not aware of the individual doing the cleaning. With the cleaning being done by a non-SWNA committee member, year to year data can not be compiled. c. 251n anniversary of SWNA o Action: Ken will obtain a scanned version of the hardcopy book. d. Teach Request A teacher relayed to Ken that the SWNA will be used for outdoor education purposes on May 4tn and 5cn 8. Round Table • Brian — enjoying retirement! • Carmen — outlet for the stormwater pond fixed 0 Leanne — excited for the woodpecker in her backyard • Margaret — will follow up about fiddlehead harvesting by-law enforcement • Tom —spring flowers are emerging • Ken — new mower is not yet ready • Kate - lots of people, especially photographers, out during the warm weather. 9. Next Meeting -May 16t". Kate will not be available. Tom will Chair the meeting. Kate will prepare the agenda. Moved by Leah that the meeting be adjourned.