HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-03-22**Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** ci b Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes ffooll March 22, 2023 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility. Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting held as a hybrid meeting in person at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville and via Microsoft Teams on March 22, 2023, at 7:00 PM. Members Present: Councillor Elhajjeh, Peter Vogel, Steve Conway, Victor Suppan, Jason Moore (ACO), Ron Sproule, Heather Graham, Ron Hooper, Laura Thiel-Convery (Museum), Colin Maitland, Sher Leetooze (NVDHS) Regrets: Myno Van Dyke (NVDHS alternate), Joseph Dalrymple, Noel Gamble, Heather Ridge Staff Present: Lisa Backus, Sarah Allin, Jane Wang, Planning and Infrastructure Services, Lindsey Patenaude, Legislative Services Guests: Katharine Warren (Library), Rob Groen (Public Works), Monika Machacek (Library) Opening S. Allin welcomes new committee members for the 2023 term and gave a brief introduction of the meeting's purpose. 2 Land Acknowledgement Statement S. Allin read aloud Clarington's Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3 Welcome Committee members, staff and attendees made self -introductions. 4 Committee Orientation 4.1 L. Patenaude, the Committee Coordinator from the Clerks Division, provided an orientation on advisory boards and committees. The presentation included the committee establishment, mandate, Terms of Reference, election of Chair, Vice - Chair process, code of conduct, committee meetings and other relevant subjects. The presentation materials were shared before the meeting. 4.2 S. Allin gave an overview of the heritage framework and heritage planning, and a summary of the work of this Committee. The presentation included the policy framework, the role of the Committee, and the Cultural Heritage Resources List. 4.3 Elect executive positions - 1 - **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes ciff;W4011 March 22, 2023 S. Allin started the process of electing the Chair, Vice Chair of the Committee by opening the floor for nomination for the position of Committee Chair. Victor Suppan nominated Peter Vogel for the Chair position. P. Vogel accepted the nomination. All in favour of Peter Vogel for chair of the Heritage Committee. 23.01 Moved by V. Suppan That P. Vogel be declared as Committee Chair for this term. "Carried" Councillor Elhajjeh nominated R. Hooper for Vice Chair. S. Conway nominated V. Suppan for Vice Chair. R. Hooper and V. Suppan declined the nominations. Councillor Elhajjeh nominated Steve Conway for Vice Chair. S. Conway accepted the nomination. The Committee voted in favour of S. Convey being Vice Chair. 23.02 Moved by S. Elhajjeh That S. Conway be declared as Committee Vice -Chair for this term. "Carried" V. Suppan raised the role of the Treasurer of the Committee and expressed interest in running for this position. Staff suggested deferring the election of the Treasurer until the next Committee meeting. 23.03 Moved by R. Hooper, seconded by Councillor Elhajjeh That Staff add the agenda item of electing Heritage Committee Treasurer in the next meeting agenda and provide more information. "Carried" 4.4 S. Allin gave an overview of information regarding the Committee meeting administrative items. This Committee's appointment term will align with the current Council term to the fall of 2026. The Legislative Services is in the process of updating all Advisory Committee terms of reference to standardize and update any language. The recommendation in Report LGS-003-23 to reduce the frequency of committee meetings will be part of the terms of the reference update. Members engaged in the discussion regarding the meeting schedule; the majority indicated the preference for continuing to hold meetings on the third Tuesday of the month. The meeting format was also discussed. 23.04 Moved by Councillor Elhajjeh, seconded by S. Conway That Committee meetings will be in a hybrid format going forward to accommodate Committee members attending the meeting in this term until otherwise directed. -2- Clarington 5 Business arising **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes March 22, 2023 "Carried" The Orono branch of the Clarington Public Library is undertaking some accessibility improvements. This matter was previously before the Committee in 2022. M. Machacek, R. Groen and K. Warren presented the revised plans which include adding an accessible ramp to the existing main entrance porch raised to the level of the existing finished floor. The outer door will have to be replaced. Committee members expressed concern with the potential impact of the revised proposal on the heritage value, although acknowledging the revised plans were less impactful than the original proposal, and continued to indicate preference for alterations to the rear of the building. Concerns were also raised about the potential for salt damage to the old bricks of the heritage building when applied along the ramp. M. Machacek explained that the proposal revised in consultation with a structural engineer and the architect. The revised design meets code requirements for accessibility within the budget and resulted in the gentlest alteration to the building. Railings will be added to the ramp, and staff indicated they would be open to input on the design from the Committee. Their next step is to report back to the Library Board to inform them of the feedback from the various committees and obtain direction to move forward with the project. 23.05 Moved by R. Hooper, seconded by V. Suppan That requests another tour visiting the Orono library to understand the scope of work better, then comment on the proposed plan. "Carried" 6 New business Bill 23 implication presentation is deferred to the agenda of the next Committee meeting. 7 Other items 7.1 P. Vogel acknowledged the passing of former Committee member Bob Malone, and Committee members expressed gratitude for his long-standing contributions to the Committee and heritage conservation in Clarington. 7.2 Committee Members requested staff to provide an update on 2022 Committee Motions at the next Committee meeting. Adjournment: 9:30 p.m. -3- "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes claboon March 22, 2023 Next Meeting: Tentatively scheduled for April