HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-77-83T. CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1JO R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTUH TEL. (416) 263.2231 987.5039 REPORT TO THE E PGENERAL6PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF REPORT NO.: WD-77-83 SUBJECT: REPORT ON CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED FROM THE EAST BEACH COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION PETITIONING CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN THEIR AREA. RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received for information; and, 2. That a copy of this report be forwarded to the spokesman for the East Beach Community Association, Mr. R. Brown, 60 Smart Street, East Beach, Bowmanville, Ontario, L1C 30. REPORT: The attached correspondence from the East Beach Community Association makes three requests as follows: speed limit in the area o 1. That the spe f First and Smart Streets be reduced from 50 km /h to 35 km /h; 2. That three-way stop signs be erected at the intersection of First and Smart Streets; .,.2 Page 2 REPORT: WD -77 -83 3. That visibility at the corner of Simpson Avenue and Second Street be improved by grading back the embankment beside the road. With respect to the request for reduced speed limits, it should be pointed out that the Town does not make a practice of having speed limits reduced to below 50 km /h in selected areas. Even in school and playground areas throughout the Town, the speed limits are 50 km /h. It is not desirable to have certain areas designated with lower speed limits as it creates confusion for drivers and a false sense of security for pedestrians. The petitioners should, therefore, be advised that the Town does not feel it desirable or wise to create a reduced speed zone in the subject area. The request for three -way stop signs at the First /Smart Street intersection has also been considered. In recent years many municipalities have been attempting to reduce the number of stop signs in an effort to reduce energy consumption. Acceleration and deceleration increase the amount of fuel used by automobiles dramatically. To this end, the Town has actively participated in a stop sign reduction program promoted by the Region of Durham. It would, therefore, not seem prudent to increase the number of stop signs at the aforementioned intersection. A review of the Town's Stop Sign By -law is proposed for sometime during the next year at which time the intersection in question will be given due consideration. ...3 Page 3 REPORT: WD -77 -83 With respect to improving the visibility at Simpson Avenue and Second Street, the Works Department hopes to undertake such improvements as part of the development of a site plan for Wiggers Yachts. The information in this report should be provided to the petitioners in response to their request. Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. RGI : j co August 24, 1983. Director of Public Works r4ECE1 VFD JUL 2 0 1983 Ea s t Bea c h Community As so i a t i o n Ron Dupuis 40 Temperance St. mn Boanville, Ont. MC 6A3 WITHOUT PREJUDICE July 19, 1983. Further to our phone conversation on Thursday, July, 14/83 @ which time you suggested that a letter be drafted and forwarded to your department. Please Note the following: [1] a) Keeping in mind the safety of our children and the people in the community, we would request the speed limit on both First and Smart Streets be lowered at least to 35K.P.H. The existing speed lemit is 50K.P.H. and we find thes speed limit to be far too high for the area in which we live. b) We would also request that stop signs be erected (3 -way) on the corners of First and Smart St. Also on the corner of the beach area leading north- ward. (Please note diagram) We find that both the new speed limit signs and the stop signs will help to prevent any further accidents and possibly save our children harm. -. pan' t East Community we A s s o c i at io n [2] Once again keeping safety in mind, we would request the "S" bend corner on Second St. be graded back, to allow proper visability for motorists as well as pedestrians and at the same time possibly extending the culvert slight- ly to allow for a wider corner. We realize however, there is not alot of room to work with, due to the Bell Telephone feeder line, running close to the edge of the ditch, but we are confident that something can be done to allow proper visibility at-this location. We Respectfully Submit This To Your Attention. SPEAKING FOR THE COMMUNITY SCW a CAL 4 vd N r 14 East B e a c h Community Associ at ion Op Co '162f �y ll-",� POWAY1,114