HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-78-83i r, t FI Jh KLVUK I ff4 Qw CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTU PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R. DUPUIS, P. ENO., DIRECTOR HAMPTON, ONTARIO TEL. (418) 283.2231 LOB 1.JO 987.5039 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL MEETING OF SEPBEMBER 12, 1983 REPORT NO.: WD -78 -83 SUBJECT: CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE REGION OF DURHAM REQUESTING CONFIRMATION THAT THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE CONCURS WITH UTILIZATION OF O.H.A.P. FUNDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE BOWMANVILLE CREEK TRUNK SEWER RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received; and, 2. That the Region of Durham be provided with a resolution indicating the Town of Newcastle's concurrence with the proposal to utilize O.H.A.P. funds for construction of the Bowmanville Creek Trunk Sewer. REPORT: The Region of Durham has negotiated O.H.A.P. funds for the construction of the Bowmanville Creek Trunk Sewer on the basis that it will open up lands for residential development. Specifically, some eighteen (18) acres of the East Woodbridge Development lands at the northwest corner of baseline Load and Martin. Road in Bowmanville will be opened u04 The attached map >ws the location of these lands as wk'll as the PVOPOs,eu L)oN111(inville Creek Trunk Sewer. 0 Page 2 RLPORT: WD -78 -83 In addition to facilitating the development of the East Woodbridge lands, construction of the trunk sewer has other positive implications with respect to development, as indicated in the attached memo from the Director of Planning. There are at least three other residential proposals totalling about three hundred (300) units which could benefit, as well as Special Purpose Commercial areas in the vicinity. Further to the development benefits, construction of the I�ownlanville Creek Trunk Sewer also has the following positive benefits: I. It will eliminate the sanitary sewer flooding problems presently being experienced on Hunt Street; 2. It will put in place an integral component of the entire Qowmanville Creek Trunk Sanitary Sewer. Considering the positive implications with respect to development potential in Bowmanville, elimination of a sanitary sewer flooding problem, and the fact that the proposed project will have no implications on the Town's Capital Program, full support should be provided to the Region. As indicated in the attached correspondence, the Town's Planning Department concurs with such support. Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupuis, P. Eng., Director of Public Works. RGII: jco Soptember 8, I9` TI 1 1 ' DURHAM 31st August 1983 Gw� T ho IloU,onai �� Municipality of Durham SEA Mayor & Members of the 1`* 605 Hossinnd Noad East y PO,Box623, Council of the Town of Newcastle, whilby, onlano Canada, LIN 6A3 40 Temperance Street, (416)668.7711 BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. L1C 3A6 GARY HERREMA t ReplonalCheirm►n Dear Mayor Rickard and Council Members: 1 1 have recently had discussions with The Honourable Claude Bennett regarding the utilization of O.H.A.P. funds to install sewer lines along the Baseline Road for ser- vicing of the Woodbridge East property. At this time, I would like written confirmation from the Town of Newcastle that you concur with the action that 1 have taken. Yours truly, Gary Herrema, Regional Chairman. i.i1 t47 w i�l ij'� lllr, ,..il� �•h� TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: � l TOWN OF NEWCASTLE R. Dupuis, Director of Public Works T. Edwards, Director of Planning September 7, 1983 Baseline Road OHAP Servicing Proposal Further to our recent discussions in respect to the above, I have now had an opportunity to review this matter further and would offer the following comments. The letter of August 31, 1983 to the Mayor and Members of Council makes specific reference to the East Woodbridge- Developments proposal for seventy -four (74) lots west of Martin Road. I would note however, that this is not the only development proposal which would benefit from the proposed works. In addition to East Woodbridge there are at least three other residential proposals totalling approximately three hundred (300) units which could benefit. It is also my understanding that these works would facilitate development of the Special Purpose Commercial areas in this vicinity. Based on the foregoing and the fact that these works will ultimately facilitate improved services to Bowmanville's Main Central Area, I would recommend that the Region of Durham be encouraged to take advantage of any OHAP funds available. r T. Edw ds *,jip x,41 RU_1 1I � 49 l9 IOSAEI AVIl - vP . -_ -... - -- -._- ".0 " U pRr1A1M nt((Dtn aEJ c.° lr r N - n N w � STl1nROCK a o 4001 S 1� SA UNOEnS A E _ _ � r N II $ m 94015 \ _ C04ClSS'�iti J - -?1 — ',Z7 -_.- .'MILE 94011 POND KING 51 94 A / c 11 g DOREEN J Iw � a �a' 6 0 Y J o 1 2 J - � 1 J w l W Q1, <� Q w J4. OL > > f ffti w a W+ \ 1. N U O fl ..- - -�_ J a t�J w r i �.l r — !grog \ n , l E u g,i ILVQ hG[ w Sf ASNOALE GR. OUINN _..�ORi1l\ o �AN(�S1 E OEf.RPARK >1 �4 0.,, .0 WIC �� �� /�j�� /�� \l �I D I �� ✓ s' *AY DA MORGANOALE / 1 SPLAY AVE �Ar CWf] 1 0 ,EA CARRUTHERS OR. PAKK Y �� a E—� ll Ar CIEL � I ` l LIB- — -- 7 LOSCOMDE OR AA SE L I 141 9400.9 .�-� F�AI 1 0n Al i x,41 RU_1 1I � 49 l9 IOSAEI AVIl - vP . -_ -... - -- -._- ".0 " U pRr1A1M nt((Dtn aEJ c.° lr r N - n N w � STl1nROCK a o 4001 S 1� SA UNOEnS A E _ _ � r N II $ m 94015 \ _ C04ClSS'�iti J - -?1 — ',Z7 -_.- .'MILE 94011 POND KING 51 94 A / c 11 g DOREEN J Iw � a �a' 6 0 Y J o 1 2 J - � 1 J w l W Q1, <� Q w J4. OL > > f ffti w a W+ \ 1. N U O fl ..- - -�_ J a t�J w r i �.l r — !grog \ n , l E u g,i ILVQ hG[ w Sf ASNOALE GR. OUINN _..�ORi1l\ o �AN(�S1 E OEf.RPARK >1 �4 0.,, .0 WIC �� �� /�j�� /�� \l �I D I �� ✓ s' *AY DA MORGANOALE / 1 SPLAY AVE �Ar CWf] 1 0 ,EA CARRUTHERS OR. PAKK Y �� a E—� ll Ar CIEL � I ` l LIB- — -- 7 LOSCOMDE OR AA SE L I 141 9400.9 .�-� F�AI 1 0n Al IjUHHAM Mm of Durham Gus H­--la"d 11 ,ad Cast P O, loon ti_'3, WhilbY, O tan C urad, !AN 6k3 (416) 668.7711 GARY HERHENIA Hcplonal chairn'a.i 31st August 1983 Mayor & Members of the S�Q Council of the Town of Newcastle, 40 Temperance Street, BOWMANVILLE, Ontario. LlC 3A6 Dear Mayor Rickard and Council Members: 1 have recently Had discussions with The Honourable Claude Bennett regarding the utilization of O,H.A.P. funds to install sewer lines along the Baseline Road for ser- vicing of the Woodbridge East property. At this time, I would like written confirmation from the Town of Newcastle that you concur with the action that 1 have taken. Yours truly, Gary fie rrema , Regional Chairman.