HomeMy WebLinkAboutWD-83-83re"j 10k '0 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT HAMPTON, ONTARIO LOB 1JO R. DUPUIS, P. ENG., DIRECTOR TEL. (416) 263.2231 987.5039 REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF OCTOBER 3, 1983. REPORT NO.: WD-83-83 SUBJECT: REVERSION TO THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE OF A PORTION OF OLD DURHAM REGIONAL ROAD 20 RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received; and, 2. That a by-law be passed to accept the following portions of Old Durham Regional Road 20 as part of the Town's road system. a) The 10th Concession Road of the former Township of Darlington from the east limit of Durham Road 20, easterly to the east limit of the former Clarke /Darlington Townline Road; and, b) The former Clarke /Darlington Townline Road from the north limit of Durham Road 20 northerly to the south limit of the former Darlington /Manvers Townline Road; and, 3. That a copy of the said by-law be forwarded to the Region of Durham and the Ministry of Transportation and Communications for information. ...2 �� 3 Page 2 REPORT: WD -83 -83 In 1982, the Region of Durham reconstructed Durham Road 20 where it formerly jogged at the Clarke /Darlington Townline. The Region reconstructed and realigned Road 20 to eliminate two dangerous 90° turns at the Townline. Construction has been completed and it is now appropriate for the Region to eliminate the sections of the former Road 20 which no longer serve a Regional function. These road sections provide connections to the Town's road system and should therefore become part of that system. Although the reversion was discussed with Town staff, the Region neglected to secure the concurrence of Council. Being now cognizant of this fact, the Region wishes to ensure that the Town is satisfied with the reversions. The road sections to be reverted have been reviewed and it was found that minor surface repairs are required. Staff at the Region have agreed to perform such repairs. Having made these arrangements, and considering the other facts in this matter, it is staff's opinion that the reversions are acceptable. As pointed out previously, the sections of road involved serve a Town, more than a Regional, function. Furthermore, they will be recognized in the Road Needs Study and the Town will receive subsidy for their maintenance. It is, therefore, recommended that a by -law accepting these roads be passed by Council. Respectfully submitted, R.G. Dupui , P. Eng., Director of Public Works. RGD:jco Sep er 27, 1983. The Regional Municipality of Durham Clerks Department September 20, 1983 605 Rossland Road East P.0 Box 623, Whitby, Ontario Canada, L1 N 6A3 (416) 668 -7711 C W. LUNDY, A.M.C.T. Mr. D.W. Oakes Regional Clerk Clerk Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 V Q) __P 12 n 5,13 i CLERK DEPUI MENT Re: Reversion of a portion of Old Regional Road 20 to the Town of Newcastle Mr. Oakes, the Works Committee of Regional Council consideped the above matter and at a meeting held on September 14, 1983, Council adopted the following recommendations of the Committee: "a) THAT a by -law in the form attached to Report #169 -83 of the Commissioner of Works be passed for the reversion of a portion of Regional Road 20 to the Town of Newcastle b) THAT a copy of Report #169 -83 of the Commissioner of Works be forwarded to the Town of Newcastle." Enclosed as directed by Council, is a copy of Report #169 -83 of W.A. Twelvetrees, Commissioner of Works. _ L I ACK. BY ............... ORIGINA1. T0:......... . C.W. Lundy, ^,A.M.C.T. Regional Clerk CWL:sk cc. W.A. Twelvetrees, Commissioner of Works Encl. j COPIES T&. rS v�� 6 J LI Regional Municipality of Durham Works Department Commissioner's Report to Works Committee Report 169 -83 Ua,te September 6, 1933 Subject REVERSION OF A PORTION OF "OLD" REGIONAL ROAD 20 TO TIME TOWN OF NEWCASTLE Recommendation A. THAT a by -law in the form attached hereto be passed by Regional Council for the reversion of a, portion of Regional Road 20 to the Town of Newcastle. B. THAT a copy of this report be forwarded to the Town of Newcastle, Report Attachment #1 - Area Map Attachment 42 - Proposed Reversion By -Law Because of structural and operational deficiencies, Regional Road 20, from Regional Road 14 easterly for 2.6 km was reconstructed in 1982. As part of this project, the jog at the former Townships of Clarke and Darlington boundary line was eliminated. Portions of the old Regional Road 20 alignment should be kept open to provide connections to the Town of Newcastle roads in the area and these roads now function as extensions to the Town roads. Since these portions of the old Regional Road 20 do not now fulfill a Regional Road function, it is necessary to revert them to the Town of Newcastle. It is noted that the realignment of Regional Road 20 is being by -lawad through the Road Consolidation By -Law recommended in Commissioner's Report No.170 -83, included in this agenda. Those portions of old Road 20 which are not being reverted to the Town of Newcastle are not included in the Road Consolidation By -law and a subsequent report is being prepared for the Works Committee dealing with their closure and conveyance. The road reversions as outlined in this report have been discussed with staff of the Town of Newcastle who have indicated their concurrence. D3 Recommended for Presentation to Committee D.R. Evans, P.Eng., C.A.O. 1''''� itDURHAM ROAD 20 _EGEND ROADS DELETED ....... ROADS TO UE ,REVERTED T-� LOCATION JO N; LOCATION PLAN COUNTY OF VICTORIA 34 3 REGION OF DURHA,111 I TO REP,,"q-T tdo. IWOSPORT PA Rd U) 0 00 _j -IN, ATTACHMENT AREA PLA' .i;)�1 c,Y -LAW NO. OF THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM ,rracHreEnr Nei, � Ar�nr.;irur, ,ill, z - - - - -- 1.0 E RT No, to q ?, 3 being a by -law to modify the Regional Road System by removing roads tnerefrom. WHEREAS Subsection 1 of Section 30 of the Regional Municipality of Durham Act provides that: "On and after the lst day of January, 1974, all roads on the 31st day of December, 1973, under the ,Iurisair,tico and control of the County of Ontario and the United COUn�ies of Northumoer•lanu and Durham, within the Regional Ared, snall constitute the Regional Road System." Chat; AND 'WHEREAS Subsection 2 of $eCCion 30 Of the said Act provides in part "The Regional Council may by by -law from time to time and roads to or, remove roads from the Regional Road System." NOW, THEREFORE, 6E IT ENACTED AND IT IS HEREBY ENACTED Ls a By -law of the Regional Municipality of Durnam by the Council thereof as follows; 1. That the roads designated and described in Schedule 'A' attached hereto are HEREBY removed from the Regional Road System. 2. Schedule 'A' attached hereto forms part of this By -taw, 3. This By -law snail come into force Upon and to the extent Of the approval thereof by the Lieutenant - Governor in Council and snail ta;.e effect on and after the date named by the Lieutenant- Governor in Council, BY -LAW read a first time this BY -LAW read a second time this BY -LAW read a third time and passed this Gary Herrema, Chairman day of 1.933. day of 1533. day of 1933. C.W. Lundy, Clerk .a ATTACHmENr No, 3 10 SCHEDULE "A" TO 0 -LAW NO. KPCRT No, Ic9 83 Oesi, nation Description A. BEING that portion of road or the deviations thereof in the Township of Newcastle (formerly the Townships of Clarke and Darlington in the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham); CO- MENCING in the former Township of Darlington on the road between Concessions 11111 and 1;( at the southern limit of the civersion of Regional Road 20 as constructed by the Region of Ournam in 1982; THENCE easterly on the road between Concessions VIII and iX to the eastern limit of the road comprising the boundary between the former Townships of Clarke and Darlington. A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 0.17 kin. B. BEING that portion of road or the deviations thereof in the Town of Newcastle (formerly the Townships of Clarke and Darlington in the United Counties of Northumoerland and Durham) and the Township of Manvers in the County of Victoria; COMMENCING in the Town of Newcastle (formerly the Towns.lips of Clarke and Darlington) on the road comprising the boundary oet,Yeen the two said former municipalities at the northern limit or the diversion of Regional Road 20 as constructed by the Region of 3urham in 1932; THENCE northerly on the said boundary line road to the northern limit of the road comprising the boundary between the former Township of Clarke and the Township of Manvers in the County of vic.oria. A TOTAL DISTANCE of approximately 0.23 km.