HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-02-07Historic Downtown Bowmanville Business Centre (BIA) Board of Management Meeting Minutes Tuesday February 7, 2023; 6:30pm Virtual Meeting In Attendance: Ron Hooper, Chair Laura Holmes, Secretary Gerri Lucas, Treasurer Cathy Holmes Edgar Lucas Lloyd Rang, Council Liaison (departed at 7:OOpm) Amber Ross (owner of Pink Lemon Decor) Regrets: Erin Kemp Bonnie Wrightman, CBOT representative Delegations Present: Eileen Kennedy, Film/TV Specialist Region of Durham (departed 7:06pm) 1. Presentation by Delegations Eileen Kennedy shared a presentation about the film and tv industry in Durham Region on -screen. Proximity to Toronto makes Durham a desirable location for filming. There are several locations throughout the region that resemble USA regions or cultural assets. Studios and soundstages have recently been developed in Pickering — opened May 2022. There is also a backlot in Pickering that can be converted to a variety of street/landscapes. In Ontario 2021, there was $2.9 billion in production — estimated Durham production activity was $45.7M. Values for 2022 are not available yet, but are expected to be record -breaking. Major studios and distribution companies have done work in Durham, including Disney, Paramount, Netflix, etc. Results in direct and indirect spending including support of local business and workers. FILM DURHAM is the Durham Region Film Commission and Municipal Film Office, which is housed in Invest Durham —the economic development and tourism arm of Region of Durham. There are opportunities for local businesses — examples; parking, studio space, accommodations, electricity tie-in, wardrobes, animal handlers, catering, etc. Tourists also visit locations that have been used in productions which can help support communities beyond the time of filming. Durham Region works with Municipal liaisons to determine potential locations. Discussions with business owners, BIAS, etc will occur if a filming Director indicates desire to use a certain location. There will be negotiations if there are any potential negative impacts to businesses. Any businesses wishing to put their business on the film location library can contact Eileen. There are approximately 400 locations in Durham in the library and they are seeking more. February 23, 2-5pm there is a session for business partners to learn more about the film industry in Durham and how to get involved. Information about this session has already been shared with BIA members. The Chair thanked Ms. Kennedy for attending. 2. Updates from Community Partners None Historic Downtown Bowmanville 2 FEBRUARY 2023 Business Centre (BIA) 3. Adoption of Minutes Moved by G. Lucas, seconded by C. Holmes THAT the minutes of the meeting of January 10, 2023 be approved as circulated. CARRIED 4. Business Arisine from Previous Minutes (a) Legion Banners See Correspondence 5.iii & 5.iv Legion representatives have made several suggestions, recommendations, and requests regarding the placement of banners downtown. This includes installation of new banner standoffs, doubling up on poles. Due to passing traffic, including double-decker buses and large transport trucks, banners cannot be placed overhanging the roadway. Many years ago, poles overhanging the road were removed after several collisions. Additional standoffs cannot be placed overhanging the sidewalk as they will interfere with hanging planters and pedestrian traffic. There appears to be some confusion on the part of Legion representatives with respect to responsibility of banner standoffs and role of the BIA versus Municipality which needs to be clarified. Legion representatives also questioned the installation process and if there was any change on the part of the BIA. The Legion should continue to contract installation and removal of Remembrance banners. E. Lucas will communicate with Legion representatives. 5. Correspondence Correspondence was received from i. Deputy Clerk regarding appointment of Councillor Rang to the Bowmanville BIA board of management (via email) ii. Clerks department providing policy document on committee election process (via email) iii. (sent by email to E. Lucas) Doug MacCheyne regarding Remembrance Day banners iv. (sent by email to E. Lucas) Doug MacCheyne regarding installation process for banners V. Planning department regarding Notice of Public Meeting for Clarington Official Plan (via email) Moved by L. Holmes, seconded by E. Lucas THAT the correspondence be received for information. THAT E. Lucas will send a response email for items 5. iii & iv CARRIED 6. Treasurer's Report The Treasurer presented the following: i. $59880.06 in current account (some outstanding payments from 2022) ii. Audit is ongoing Moved by E. Lucas, seconded by L. Holmes THAT the Treasurer's Report be adopted as presented. Historic Downtown Bowmanville 3 Business Centre (BIA) CARRIED 7. Directors' Reports (a) Council Liaison — L. Rang: Not available for report. (b) Events — C. Holmes: FEBRUARY 2023 Reported that dates for 2023 events have been set. Twilight Tuesday was successful last summer and will be planned again for this July. Planning for Meet The Easter Bunny and Maplefest is underway. A new window wrap at BMO will be installed in the spring. (c) Membership Relations — G. Lucas: No report. (d) Streetscape — E. Lucas: Reported that the summer watering vendor is confirmed. GFI repairs are ongoing. The streetlamp at Abernethys is repaired. Pricing for new LED lit winter garland is $440 each with early discount if ordered before end of month. Length is 25 ft, and repair of lights can be done in sections. Storage and maintenance will need to be discussed. There are options available for bows. Options for how to use silver garland will be explored. The Chair mentioned that snow removal in downtown has occurred. Moved by E. Lucas, seconded by L. Holmes THAT the new LED lit winter garland be purchased while early discount applies. (e) Communications— L. Holmes reported that the film session information has been shared with members. Confirmed event dates will be shared with members. (f) Website & Social Media — L. Holmes: Reported that social media accounts continue to grow in followers. Vendor applications for Maplefest are set to open on the website. Applefest applications will be withheld until Maplefest registration is complete. 8. New Business None. 9. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Board of Management is scheduled to be held on Tuesday March 14, 2023 commencing at 6:30pm, virtually. Historic Downtown Bowmanville 4 Business Centre (BIA) 10. Adjournment Moved by L. Holmes, seconded by E. Lucas THAT the meeting adjourn. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 8:23pm. FEBRUARY 2023