HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-186-88 DN: 186-88 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE ° r =' REPORT File # Res. --S91 --- �. By-Law # SING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, September 19, 1988 REPORT #: PD-186-88 FILE #: OPA 88-47/D and DEV 88-64 SLBJFCT: OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION APPLICANT: BADJA HOLDINGS INC. PART LOTS 23/24, CONCESSION 1, FORMER TWP. OF DARLINGTON FILES: OPA 88-47/D AND DEV 88-64 RECOMMENDATION$: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-186-88 be received; and 2. THAT the Official Plan Amendment and Rezoning applications submitted by Joseph Victor, Q.C. on behalf of Badja Holdings Inc. to permit the construction of an industrial condominium be referred back to Staff for a subsequent report pending Staff's receipt of the outstanding comments from the departments/agencies. 3. THAT the applicant and the applicant's agent be so advised. 1. BACKGROUND: 1.1 On June 15, 1988 the Planning Department received a rezoning application from Joseph Victor, Q.C. , submitted on behalf of Badja Holdings Inc. Subsequently, on June 21, 1988 the Town was advised by the Regional Planning Department of an application submitted by Joseph Victor, Q.C. to amend the Durham Regional Official Plan. . . .2 BDP0BT 0O. : PD-I86-88 PAGE 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ 1.2 The Official Plan Amendment application would seek to amend the designation from nMu 'oc Open Space" to "Industrial" and the rezoning application involves rezoning the existing "Agricultural (&)x zone of m 36.57 hectare parcel of laud to permit the construction of an Industrial Condominium for occupancy by various small industries. 2. LOCATION: 2.1 The subject property comprising approximately 26.5 hectares of land, is located on the north aide of Baseline Road, east of 3oliva Road, , West of Rundle Road, being Pact Lots 23 and 24, C000eooiuu lr former ' Township of Darlington. 3. SURROUNDING LAND USES: 3.1 The general land oaeo surrounding the subject lands are primarily agricultural in nature. The subject property itself is generally flat with a woodlot located to the rear of the property, being the north eod. Directly to the east and west of the subject property are pastures for grazing livestock. Staff would note that approval has been given to m gypsum manufacturing plant directly to the south of the oob '-eot property. / 4. PUBLIC NOTICE 4.1 Staff would note for the Comittee'o information that pursuant to Council's resolution of July 26, 1982 and the requirements of the Planning Act, the appropriate aiguage acknowledging the application was installed on the subject lands. 5. CIRCULATION 5.1 In accordance with departmental procedures, the application was circulated to obtain comments from other departments and agencies. REPORT 0O. : PD-186-88 PAGE 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ Staff would note the following departments/agencies in providing comments, offered no objections to the application as filed: - Ministry of the Environment - Town of Newcastle Community Services 5.2 The Town of Newcastle Fire Department offered no objection, however, noted that the applicant moat comply with all the appropriate sections of the Ontario Building Code and Ontario Fire Code. In addition, the Department noted that adequate water supply most be in place and since . municipal water is not available, a reservoir may be considered to ( provide adequate protection to the building. 5.3 The Region of Durham Health Services Department requires further information from the applicant prior to finalizing its comments. It is noted that the Durham Region official Plan requires the submission of a detailed Engineering and Soil Report for industrial development proceeding on private services. 5.4 The Ministry of Agriculture and Food noted that the site contains Class I-4 agricultural land and that application must be assessed in terms of the Foodlaod Guidelines. The Ministry requires the documentation outlined in Section 3.14 of the Guidelines to assist its review and evaluation of the proposal. DutiIv Ministry Staff have reviewed the requested information, they will not be in favour of changing the present Official Plan designation. 5.5 Staff would note for the Committee's information that comments are still outstanding from the following departments/agencies: - Town of Newcastle Public Works - Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority - BegiuooI Works Department - ministry of Natural Resources - Ministry of the Environment - CP Rail T���/ J-� ` ' REPORT 00. : PD-186-88 PAGE 4 6. COMMENTS: 6.1 In consideration of the comments from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, it is noted for the Committee's information that when an expansion of any urban area is proposed onto farmland, the use must be justified as outlined in Section 3.14 of the FoodIaod Guidelines. Accordingly, Section 3.14 requires that the need for oaeo other than agricultural be addressed as follows: the necessity for the land use; the amount of land needed; the reasons for the choice of location; and the consideration given to alternate lnoetloua on lower capability ' agricultural lands. The relevant provisions of Section 3.I4 goes on to / further expand the relevant criteria to be considered. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food has indicated that upon receipt of this information, a more detailed response would be provided. 7. I003: 7.1 Given the above, Staff would respectfully recommend that the application be referred back to Staff for a subsequent report pending Staff's receipt of the outstanding comments. In addition, the applicant's agent is required to provide additional information to the various agencies for the proper evaluation of the proposal. / Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee -- ------------------ Franklin Wu Lawrenc BVtoeff Director of DIauuiog 6 Development Chief m uimtrative Officer CIVmFW» 'ip *Attach. August 30, 1988 CC: See Attached List . , REPORT 0O. : PD-I86-88 PAGE 5 _______________________________________________________________________________ CC: Mr. Joseph C. Victor, Q.C. Barrister & Solicitor P.O. Box XOl 235 King Street East O8BADA' Ontario LIB 7Ll Bmd 'a Holding Inc. 2667 Lakeshore Boulevard Unit IO TORONTO, Ontario M8V IG6 Messrs. Ludwig, Stanley and Walter Fraoz R.R. #2 ( B[WMANVILLQ' Ontario LIC 3K3 ® SUBJECT SITE = 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 BLOOR STREET 0 ° ' ° Q p Q � A � U i U 1 Q 1 � J ,' 0 J Z A W j .1w `W" 1 V EP 1� ac I. P O 2 M � v BASELINE ROAD 1 � H j�M2 ' M2 rG Z Ic��M, HwAY�� p 1 ' EP (H)m O= 1 V . A , Yf m 1 A, �- A � o H 2 Z 0 A LL < - - - - E_ - - - i W 0^1 4- 1plo a O 0 m Soo ,000m KEY MAP 500M. loo Dev. - 88-64