HomeMy WebLinkAboutPD-261-89 "" ` -- TOWN OF NEWCASTLE N: NORAItM REPORT F i l e #6o..46, Res. # By-Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: Monday, October 23, 19 89 REPORT #: PD-261-89 FILE #: 18T 88071 (X-REF DEV 88-76) SLBJECT: APPLICATIONS FOR SUBDIVISION AND ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENT NOR-ARM DEVELOPMENTS, PART LOT 9, CONCESSION 11 BOWMANVILLE FILE: 18T-88071 (X-REF DEV 88-76) RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PD-261-89 be received; 2 . THAT the proposed Plan of Subdivision 18T-88071 as revised dated August, 1989 as per Attachment No. 1, be APPROVED subject to the conditions contained in this Report; r _ 3. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized, by by-law, to execute a Subdivision Agreement between the applicant/owner and the Corporation of the TOwn of Newcaslte at such time as an agreement has been finalized to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works and Director of Planning; 4 . ` THAT the attached amendment to By-law 84-63 be APPROVED and that the "Holding (H) " symbol be removed by By-law upon execution of a Subdivision Agreement; and 5. THAT a copy of Report PD-261-89 and Committee and Council's recommendations be forwarded to the Region of Durham Planning Department and interested parties attached hereto. 1. BACKGROUND 1. 1 On July 17, 1989, Staff presented a report for Committee and Council's consideration recommending the above noted rezoning application and the proposed Plan of Subdivision be Denied. On July 24, 1989, Council by resolution approved the following recommendation: "THAT Report PD-187-89 be tabled until September 5, 1989 . . . .2 582 REPORT PD-261-89 PAGE 2 1.2 Commencing with a meeting July 28, 1989 and throughout the month of August, Staff discussed with the applicant and his agent the shortcomings of the subject application. It was resolved that the applicant would undertake an "Environmental Impact Analysis" on the subject lands as well as attempt to acquire additional lands from neighbouring properties . 1. 3 Gartner Lee was commissioned to undertake the study which was to review among other matters: sedimentation; Fisheries in the main branch; entent of eradication of vegetation; determine top of bank; and calculate both flows and siltation levels related to the site. The intent of the study from Ministry of Natural Resources perspective was to determine how water quality for Soper Creek could be protected while allowing the development to proceed. 1.4 On August 29, 1989, Staff received copies of the revised Proposed Plan of Subdivision. The revised plan proposes seventy-four (74) , 6 . 0 m minimum frontage street townhouses eight (8) , 18 m minimum frontage semi-detached/link lots and a block for 500 m2 of commercial floor space. This constitutes a reduction of five (5) townhouses from the previous submission. In addition, the application proposed to shift the location of the lots and road 4 .0 metres ( 13. 12 feet) to the west, in effect relocating the road allowance 4 metres on to the adjacent properties owned by Public School Board and Combo Homes. Also on August 29, 1989, Staff received a copy of preliminary Environmental Impact Analysis and Top-of-Bank Report, prepared by Gartner Lee Limited. 1.5 On September 5, 1989, in accordance with the Council Resolution of July, the General Purpose and Administration Committee dealt with the application and made the following recommendations: "THAT Report PD-187-89 be referred back to Staff for review and report on the updated comments as soon as possible. " The applicant has since been negotiating with . . . 3 58 REPORT NO PD-261-89 PAGE 3 the Northumberland and Newcastle Public School Board and Combo Homes to acquire the necessary 4 . 0 m strip of land required to allow the development to proceed above the top- of-bank as delineated in the Gartner Lee Report. 1.5 In August, the applicant submitted an Official Plan Amendment application to allow the development of 1350 sq. m of commercial floor space on the commercial block. The application is being circulated separately and is independent of the subject applications . 2 . OFFICIAL PLAN CONFORMITY 2 . 1 As previously noted in Report PD-187-89, the subject property designated "Residential" with indications of "Hazard Lands" and "Environmentally Sensitive Areas" in the Durham Region Official Plan. The proposed residential and convenience commercial uses appear to be permitted. I 2 .2 The Durham Plan notes that the extent and the exact location of such environmentally sensitive areas shall be determined at the time of development application. It further notes that i Council shall endeavour to retain in a natural state, wherever possible, the areas identified as environmentally sensitive. Provisions within the Durham Plan allow development in environmentally sensitive areas, to the extent that the type and magnitude is compatible with environmental conditions . Section 1. 3.9 of the Region's Plan requires a study be undertaken by the local Council prior to approving any development applications within the environmental sensitive area. The study, in co-operation with the Conservation authority, should satisfy Council and the Region with regards to the following issues: a) the type and degree of sensitivity of the environmental conditions; b) the compatibility of the proposed development with the environmentally sensitive area(s) ; . . .4 ,54 REPORT PD-261-89 PAGE 4 c) the need for and the definition of mitigating measures to cope with the sensitivity of the environmental conditions; d) the location, amount and type of development; and e) the location and extent of those sensitive area(s) which should be preserved. 2 . 3 In the Town of Newcastle Official Plan (Bowmanville Major Urban Area) , the subject property is designated "Main Central Area" and "Low Density Residential" with indications of "Hazard Lands" (Schedule 7-1) . The lands within the "Main Central Area" designation are further defined as "Medium and High Density Residential" predominant use area on Schedule 7- 2 . Development within the "Medium and High Density Residential" designation shall exceed 30 units per ha. The "Low Density" designation allows for a maximum of 30 units per net ha. Schedule 7-3 identifies a small portion of the subject site as being environmentally sensitive. The Town's Plan requires any development proposal within lands identified as being environmentally sensitive be examined through th;e preparation of an Environmental Impact Analysis, to be conducted by or under the direction of the Town. The analysis shall be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 .2 .4 .2 (ii) and shall be to the satisfaction of the Town, the Region, the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Ministry of Natural Resources . 2 .4 The Town of Newcastle Official Plan allows for development of redevelopment of "Hazard Lands" subject to the regulations of Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority and the Durham Region Official Plan. (It should be noted that the Conservtion Authority's regulations for 'cut and fill' does not apply to the subject lands) . However, the Plan further states that "Hazard lands" shall be primarily for the preservation and conservation of the natural land and/or environment. It also notes that the extent and exact location . . .5 585 REPORT PD-261-89 PAGE 5 of such lands shall be identified in Zoning By-law in consultation with Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. 2 .5 The division of designations on the subject property between the "Main Central Area" and the "Low Density Residential" with "Hazard Land" indications has made density difficult to distinguish and calculate. As the "Hazard Land" indications of the "Low Density Residential" designation appears to form the boundary between the two designations, Staff have suggested applying the top-of-bank, as providing the physical division. The Gartner Lee study would indicate the top-of- bank as following roughly the rear lot line of the proposed lots . In consideration of this it would appear the proposed 90 units would be in the 'medium and high density residential' designations. The revised application as submitted proposes j a net residential density of 40. 18 units per net residential i hectare. This would appear to be in conformity with the Town's Official Plan policies . 3 . COMMENTS FROM CIRCULATED AGENCIES 3 . 1 The application was circulated by Regional Planning Staff to various agencies and departments for comments. Town Planning Staff in turn undertook an internal circulation to departments within the Town. The following departments and agencies have noted no objection to the proposal: Ministry of Transportation, Peterborough Victoria Northumberland Newcastle Seperate School Board, Northumberland Newcastle Public School Board, Newcastle Hydro, Regional Health Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Food and Ministry of Environment. 3 .2 The Town of Newcastle Public Works Department Staff noted no objection in principle to the applicaiton, subject to various conditions of approval . The applicant is required to conform to any storm water management requirements imposed by the Public Works Dapartment; that the proposed Court 'B' right- . . .6 8 REPORT PD-261-89 PAGE 6 of-way be located completely outside of the established flood plain; and that all standard requirements apply. 3. 3 The Community Services Department review of the application also received no objection subject to conditions . The applicant will be required to extend the Open Space (Block 84) to include as a minimum the area from the top of the bank to top of bank; that Block 84 as adjusted be dedicated to the Town gratuitously as Open Space; that the portion of Block 84 between lots 67 and 68 be developed to provide a safe and usable access point for vehicles to enter the ravine; and that the 5 percent land dedication requirement be accepted as cash-in-lieu. 3.4 The Town of Newcastle Fire Department noted the application represents an approximate increase in population of 285 persons and although the site falls within the recognized response area of Station #1, Bowmanville, it should be noted that this site along with the continued growth in the Bowmanville area will, in time, have an effect on the level of service this station is able to maintain. They further noted compliance to the Fire and Building Codes should be adhered to prior to any building permit being issued. 3.5 Regional Planning Staff's comments on the rezoning applicatiuon noted the subject property is designated "Residential" in the Durham Regional Official Plan which permits residential and convenience commercial uses. They also noted there exists indications of "Environmentally Sensitive Areas" and "Hazard lands" on the subject site, and noted Section 1. 3.9 requires the preparation of a study prior to the approval of development applications in "Environmentally Sensitive Areas" .The Comments further noted the designations of the site in terms of the Town's Official Plan, that being "Low Density Residential" and "Main Central Area - Medium and High Density Residential" . Again there are p . . .7 REPORT PD-261-89 PAGE 7 indications of "Hazard Lands" and "Environmental Sensitivity. " Further reference was made to the requirements of an environmental impact analysis. 3.7 Regional Public Works Staff's review of the application noted no objection in principle, noting full municipal services are available. Conditions of approval include the granting of a 12 metre easement between Street "A" and Royal Pines Court ( 18T-88076) . The applicant has allowed for a services easement between lots 39 and 40 although it is 7 .5 m as opposed to 12 . 0 m as requested by Regional Public Works Staff. I 3 . 7 The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority Staff have provided comments on the revisions and note the plan is acceptable subject to conditions of approval. The comments review the changes which have been proposed noting some lots may still intrude bvelow the regional storm flood line. They note that it may be possible to raise these levels by filling to an elevation above that of the flood line. However, it should be noted that the existing flood line abuts several proposed lots, across the valley, in 18T-88076 . Therefore, any filling would be permitted to create only negligible increases in flood depths through this section of the valley. 3 .8 Ministry of Natural Resources Staff have reviewed the most recent modifications and noted that the resource concerns expressed in previous correspondence remain essentially the same. However, the Ministry no longer has an objection subject to a number of conditions . This includes prior to any grading, vegetation removal or construction, the owner shall prepare drainage and erosion control plans acceptable to the Ministry; That detailed plans be submitted regarding any alteration to the watercourse; That prior to vegetation removal, grading or construction, the applicant construct a permanent 1. 2 m chain link fence along the rear of lots 25 to 77 inclusive; That in addition a snowfence and geotextile . . .8 588 REPORT PD-261-89 PAGE 8 fabric be located in the rear of lots 25 to 77 inclusive for erosion control purposed. 3 . 9 The Public School Board Staff provided no objection to the application, however have requested access to their lands through Street 'A' , provisions for street lighting and tree planting along the school frontage, a pedestrian walkway in the vicinity of Lot 39 and 40 through Block 84 to access the residential developments on the east side of the creek (ie: foot brdige over creek) , a 1.8 m high chain link fence along the common property line and a sidewalk along Street W . All the above conditions would have to be met should the land transaction take place. The School Board's finance Committee has recommended approval of the transaction subject to various conditions . As of the date of writing this report the School Board's Committee as a whole had not met to finalize the transaction. 4 . STAFF COMENTS 4 . 1 The Gartner Lee "Environmental Impact Analysis" and Preliminary Top-of Bank Study as submitted identified the location of "well defined slopes" as opposed to the "poorly defined slopes" . The report in summary provided a conclusive location for the top-of-bank as it effects the subject property. In consideration of Staff's interpretation of the Zoning By-law, this represents a refinement of the "Environmental Protection (EP) " zone as delineated in the Town's Comprehensive Zoning By-law. A complete assessment of environmental conditions was to be provided in a final report, which was expected to be completed in mid-September. 4 .2 The study reviewed the existing conditions, potential impacts and mitigative measures related to the development. The report details stormwater discharge, sediment loading of . . .9 589 REPORT PD-261-89 PAGE 9 watercourse, construction in or near watercourses and post construction disturbances . In conslusion the study that the protection of Soper Creek should be of primary concern during the development of this property. 4 . 3 The Ministry of Natural Resources Staff have requested the applicant to survey the rear lot lines as proposed in the most recent revision in order to determine the acceptability of the Plan. This approach to determining the extent of encroachment into the perceived sensitive lands, has allowed Resources Staff to satisfy themselves the proposal may proceed subject to stringent conditions of approval. 4 .4 Concerns had previously been noted that the proposed Street 'A' is a long cul-de-sac, in excess of 450 m ( 1475 ft. ) , having approximately seventy-eight (78) units accessing it and with no provision for an emergency access. Staff at G. M. Sernas and Associates have indicated that Combo Homes, who own lands immediately west of the subject site are proposing to submit a new development applications . This application proposes a connection from Street 'A' to King Street. This revised proposal would alter the existing site plan agreement which dates back to September 1974 . It is also noted that the transaction between Combo Homes and Nor Arm Developments for a 4 .0 m strip of land would in itself alter the 1974 Site Plan Agreement. The approved townhouses would then have only a 3.5 m rear yard which does not comply with the Town's Zoning By- law, nor the Registered Site Plan Agreement. 4 .5 In order to ensure school children will have quick and easy access to Vincent Massey School, Staff have included in the conditions of approval requiring the owner of this subdivision to construct pedestrian foot bridge(s) over the open space block to connect to the existing and proposed walkways east of the proposed subdivision. . . .10 590 REPORT PD-261-89 PAGE 10 4 .5 The applicant is also seeking approval for a commercial component at the intersection of King Street (Highway #2) and Street W . The Official Plan policies for the Medium and High Density predominant use area of the "Main Central Area" designation have been reviewed, and it would appear the commercial component is permitted. The applicant will be required to submit an application for Site Plan Approval in order to develop the commercial block. 5. CONCLUSION 5 . 1 In consideration of the above comments, the latest revised plan of subdivision has resolved the concerns cited earlier in Report PD-187-89 . In this regard, Staff would recommend that the subdivision application for 90 residential units be approved with Block 83 retained by the applicant for future development. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee i L Franklin Wu, M.C. I .P. wrenc `E. Kotseff DIrector of Planning Chief 'nistrative and Development Officer FW*cc *Attach i 16 October 1989 i . . . 11 91 REPORT PD-261-89 PAGE 11 Interested parties to be notified of Council and Committee's decision: Nor Arm Developments R. Bourke 1110 Sheppard Ave. E. 21 Orchard Park Drive Suite 500 Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3K8 Willowdale, Ont. M2K 2W2 Mrs. Sophie Pirdie Hendry Investments 19 Orchard Park Drive 32 King St. E. ',-/'Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 3S8 Apt. 601 Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 1R1 Mr. M. Nimigon 280 King Street East _/Joane Draper Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 1P9 15 Peachtree Cres . Z&an a+t s Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 4K9 Mrs . J-e,a-n a s Administration Linda and Barry Draper Strathaven Nursing Home 23 Orchard Park Drive 264 King Street East Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 4B1 Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 1P9 G. M. Sernas & Associates Wayne Holroyd 110 Scotia Court, Unit 41 11 Peachtree Cres . Whitby, Ont. L1N 8Y7 Bowmanville, Ont. L1C 4K8 X92 DN: NORARM CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION PLAN IDENTIFICATION 1. That this approval applies to draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-88071, prepared by G. M. Sernas and Associates Ltd®, dated (revised) August 1989 (and further revised in red as per the attached plan) showing eight (8) lots for semi-detached or linked dwellings, seventy-four (74) lots for townhouse dwellings, Block 84 for Open Space, and various blocks for reserve, road widening, site triangle etc. FINAL PLAN REQUIREMENTS 2. That all streets within the Plan of Subdivision shall be dedicated as public highway and shown as such on the final plan. 3. That all streets shall be named to the satisfaction of the Town of Newcastle and shown on the final plan. REQUIREMENTS TO BE SATISFIED PRIOR TO SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT 4. That the Owner shall retain a qualified landscape architect to prepare and submit a Landscaping Plan to the Director of Public Works and the Director of Planning and Development for review and approval. The Landscaping Plan shall reflect the design criteria of the Town as amended from time to time. 5® That the Owner shall retain a professional engineer to prepare and submit a Master Drainage and Lot Grading Plan to the Director of Public Works for review and approval. All plans and drawings must conform to the Town's Design Criteria as amended from time to time. 6. That the Owner shall retain a qualified consultant to prepare and submit a Tree Preservation Plan to the Director of Planning and Development for review and approval. . ®.2 193 - 2 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT 7. That the Owner shall enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the Town and agree to abide by all terms and conditions of the Town's standard subdivision agreement, including, but not limited to, the requirements that follow. 8. That all easements, road widening, and reserves as required by the Town shall be granted to the Town free and clear of all encumbrances. 9. That the Owner shall pay to the Town at the time of execution of the subdivision agreement, five percent (5%) cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication for residential development and two percent (2%) cash-in-lieu of parkland for comercial development. 10. That the Owner shall pay to the Town, at the time of execution of the Subdivision Agreement, development charge levy and any other charges in effect at the time of execution and further agrees to abide by the Town's payment schedule as amended from time to time. 11. That the Owner shall provide and install sidewalks, street lights, temporary turning circles etc. as per the Town's standards and criteria. 12. That the Owner shall cause all utilities, including, hydro, telephone, Cable TV, etc. to be buried underground. 13. That the Owner shall provide the Town, at the time of execution of the subdivision agreement, Letters of Credit acceptable to the Town's Treasurer, with respect to Performance Guarantee, Maintenance Guarantee, Occupancy Deposit and other guarantees or deposit as may be required by the Town. . . .3 _ 3 _ CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT (CONY D) 14. That prior to the issuance of building permits, access routes to the subdivision must be provided to meet Subsection of the j Ontario Building Code and; that all watermains and hydrants are fully serviced and the Owner agrees that during construction, fire access routes be maintained according to Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code, storage of combustible waste be maintained as per Subsection and open burning as per Subsection of the Ontario Fire Code. i 15. The Owner agrees that where the well or private water supply of any person is interfered with as a result of construction or the development of the subdivision, the Owner shall at his expense, either connect the affected party to municipal water supply system or provide a new well or private water system so that water supplied to the affected party shall be of quality and quantity at least equal to the quality and quantity of water enjoyed by the affected party prior to the intereference. 16. That the applicant conform to any storm water management requirements as imposed by the Public Works Department. 17. That the Court "B" right-of-way be located completely out of the established flood plain. 18. That the owner be responsible for the erection of a 1.8 m chain link j fence, street lighting and tree planting along the common boundary of the school and the subject site, with allowance made for access j to the School Board's satisfaction. I 19. That a sidewalk be constructed along Street "A". I ...4 595 - 4 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT (CONT'D) 20. That the owner be responsible for the construction of a pedestrian access through the open space in the form of a walkway over the creek to provide a link with existing and proposed developments on the east side of the creek, and said walkway to be build to the satisfaction of the Director of Community Services and the Public School Board. 21. That the applicant acquire a 4 m strip of land along the west boundary of the subject site prior to entering into a Subdivision Agreement. 22. That prior to any grading or construction on site, including vegetation removal, the owner shall prepare drainage and erosion control plans. These plans must be acceptable to the Ministry and will describe the intended means of conveying stormwater flow, the anticipated impact of the development on water quality, the means whereby erosion and sedimentation and their effects will be minimized on the site both during and after construction, site soil conditions and site grading plans. 23. That detailed plans be submitted regarding any alteration to the watercourse - including new spillways, culverts, sanitary or storm sewers. Any proposed alterations require approval under the Lakes and Rivers Improvement Act. 24. That prior to any vegetation removal, grading or construction on site, the owner shall erect a permanent, unbroken six foot high wood privacy fence along the rear of the following lots: (a) 25-39 (inclusive) (b) 40-67 (inclusive) (c) 68-77 (inclusive) In addition, this same fence should be extended along the north lot line of lot 25, the south lot line of Lot 39, the north lot line of lot 40, the east lot line of lot 67 and the west lot line of lot 68. 596 .. .5 - 5 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT (CONT'D) 25. That in addition to the above, the owner shall erect a snow fence with geotextile fabric in the locations identified in 24 above. This barrier shall remain in place until all grading, construction and landscaping is complete. This snow fence with geotextile fabric should also be placed along the entire outer edge of "Court B" from the eastern limit of Lot 77 to the North eastern limit of Lot 78. 26. That the subdivider's agreement between the owner and the municipality contain the following provisions in wording acceptable to this Ministry: (a) that the owner agreees to implement the works described in Condition 22; (b) that the owner agrees to erect and maintain both the permanent chain link fence and the temporary snow fence as outlined in Conditions 24 and 25; (c) that the owner agrees to maintain all stormwater management, erosion and sedimentation control structures operating and in good repair throughout the construction period to the satisfaction of the Ministry of Natural Resources (MR) ; and (d) that the owner agrees to notify the Lindsay MR office at least 48 hours prior to undertaking any site development works. 27. No grading, filling, construction or alteration to watercourses shall occur on the site without the written approval of the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. 28. Prior to the comnnencement of site preparation, including the rough grading of roads, the owner shall obtain C.L.O.C.A. approval of sedimentation control and grading plans for the subject lands. ...6 597 - 6 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF FINAL PLAN REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS TO BE INCLUDED IN SUBDIVISION AGREEMENT (CONT'D) 29. Prior to the commencement of site preparation, the owner shall obtain C.L.O.C.A. approval of minor and major flow routing for the plan. A report is to be submitted which addresses flow routing for the site, the manner in which flows will be directed to the Soper Creek tributary south of Concession Street, the creek channel erosion within the plan. 30. Prior to the commencement of site preparation, the owner shall delineate the rear limits of lots abutting the Soper Creek tributary in the field and shall submit engineering and environmental information to the satisfaction of the Authority addressing the means through which the lots can be removed from the floodplain and addressing the impact of the intrusion of the lots into the environmentally sensitive valley area. 31. Block 84 shall be dedicated to the Town of Newcastle and zoned to prohibit buildings and structures other than those needed for flood or erosion control. 32. Prior to final approval, the C.L.O.C.A. is to be satisfied: (a) that no lots will be prone to flooding under the greater of regional or 100-year sotrm conditions; and (b) that the requirements of the Soper Creek Tributary Master Drainage Plan pertaining to the site will be carried out to the Authority's satisfaction. 33. The owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement with the Town of Newcastle to carry-out or cause to be carried-out to the satisfaction of the C.L.O.C.A. : (a) site grading, sedimentation control and minor and major flow routing; and (b) the requirements of the Soper Creek Tributary Master Drainage Plan as they pertain to this site. aD98 NORA I THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 89- being a By-law to authorize the entering into an Agreement with `;or-arm Developments Inc. and the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle _`.r the development of Plan of subdivision 18T-88071. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereby enacts as follows: 1. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to execut_ on behalf of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle, and seal with the Corooration's seal, an Agreement between Nor-arm Developments Inc. and the said Corporation dated the day of , 1989, in the form attached hereto as Schedule "A". 2. THAT the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized to accept, on behalf of the Town, the said conveyances of lands required pursuant to the aforesaid Agreement. 3. THAT Schedule "A" attached hereto forms part of this By-law. BY-LAW read a first time this day of 1989 BY-LAW read a second time this day of 1989 BY-LAM read a third time and finally passed this cal of 1989. MAYOR CLERK D DN: NORARM THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEti4CASTLE BY-LAW NUMBER 89- being a By-law to amend By-law 84-63, the Comprehensive Zoning By-law of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle. WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle recommends to the Region of Durham for approval of draft Plan of Subdivision 18T-88071; and WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle deems it advisable to amend By-law 84-63, as amended, of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle to implement the draft Plan of Subdivision; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle enacts as follows: 1. Schedule "3" to By-law 84-63, as amended, is hereby further amended by changing the zone designation from: "Environmental Protection (EP)" to "Holding - Urban Residential type Three ((H)R3)"; "Environmental Protection (EP)" to "Holding - Urban Residential type One ((H)Rl) "Holding - Urban Residential Type Three ((H) R3) to "Holding - Urban Residential Type One ((H)Rl)"; "Holding - Urban Residential Type Three ((H) R3) to "Holding - Neighbourhood Commercial ((H) C2)11. as shown on the attached Schedule "A" hereto. 2. Schedule "A" attached hereto shall form part of this By-law. 3. This By-law shall come into effect on the date of passing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 34 of the Planning Act. BY-LAW read a first time this day of 1989 BY-LAW read a second time this day of 1989 BY-LAW read a third time and finally passed this day of 1988. MAYOR CLERK 599 01 This is Schedule "A" to By-law 89- , passed this —. day of , 1989 A.D. 78041'2 " E 106.340 J. _ o mgr a rld�, •�4 ZON ING CHANGE FROM'EP'TO'(H)R3' R R ZONING CHANGE FROM'EP'TO'(H)RI' Z ®ZONING CHANGE FROM(H)R3'TO'(H)R1' J _ Q ZONING CHANGE FROM'(H)R3'TO'C2' z •4Jk. 3 PORTION TO REMAIN'EP' ` LOT 9 , CONCESSION I I I N>>o6jr "I "W N72°08'00"E 31.527 4d � • W j NM1 p41f� Iy5� z 86.980 0 N 73041'00"E ~ z 3 N73°58330"W co Z H Mayor KING STREE Clerk LOT 10 LOT 9 LOT 8 ? CONCESSION STREW S 1 02 EP R R1 R1 W c Z W Y Q I z EP a � W R3 r. Eg _j P Z CI C1 R4 RI-3 RI 0 ��•��Y��•�rklN• �� T•��� IA t CI g C, ING STREET cl MCI a C1-3 I P U �• ` A I.5 R1.5 Z E l k R3-7, V 0 60 100 200 300m BOWMANVILLE �6mo :� J99 0L This is Schedule "A" to By-law 89- , passed this day of , 1989 A.D. N79'41'2 z � E 106.380 OI/ m ZONING CHANGE FROM'EP'TO'(H)R3' ZONING CHANGE FROM EP TO (H)R1 ZONING CHANGE FROM'(H)R3'TO'(H)R1' Q ZONING CHANGE FROM'(H)R3'TO'(H) W I PORTION TO REMAIN'EP' T m W ? N> LOT 9 , CONCESSION I J N72°08'00"E x31.527 1� .q q 0 N N W N(� q � 66.980 O o N 73,41 1. 00 E N 1= z T 96.730 7p$$� p; N73o58'30"W O .. ., o 2' • H•56.020 H Mayor KING STREET Clerk LOT 10 LOT 9 LOT 8 k ? C NCESSION STREE 1 T 1 � I C2 EP ' R �I R1 R1 z W W W c > F al (n( a z EP } Zi a� W W R3 _j I � P Z CI Cl R4 RI-3 RI I O ----- ---°q� ---T• I -- (n CI ; CI KING STREE � N y cl "Cl 0 Cl-3 I �� W q EP eau 1.5 Rt•5 S z q R3-7, / O 0 50 100 200 300m BOWMANVILLE 60.0