HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-12-85fs HAf•!D -OUT OFFICE TELEPHONE 623 -3114 TOLL FREE 987.5039 • • • • • • Hazomm DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT TO COUNCIL MEETING HELD MAY 27, 1985 REPORT NO. CS -12 -85 SUBLECT: MUNICIPAL ENERGY AUDIT PROJECT 40TEMPERANCESTREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council the following: 1. That Report CS -12 -85 be received; and 2. That Council authorize participation in the Municipal Energy Audit Program including authorizing staff to: a) submit a detailed proposal for funding to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for the MEAP program b) tender for an independent auditor pending grant approval using the terms of reference attached; and 3. That Council authorize funds from account 7007 -X -298 -9 to a maximum of $5,000. to cover the Town's portion of the project subject to Ministry approval. BACKGROUND & COMMENT: After staff researched possible approaches to Energy Conservation matters, the Energy Conservation Committee had its intial meeting Thursday, May 9th in the Bell Building committee room. The following items were discussed: I Options available re: acquiring an energy auditor. Two options are possible: engaging a consulting firm or hiring an independent auditor on a limited contract. The committee favoured hiring an independent auditor sighting: a) the cost of the project would be less, b) committee could better control time spent by auditor on the project, c) there are a number of well qualified auditors available, d) the ministry prefers the hiring of an independent auditor. d �` Report No. CS -12 -85 Page 2. II Funding available: The Municipal Energy Audit Program (MEAP) will fund a one year energy audit program 80% up to a maximum of $20,000. In order to qualify for funding a detailed proposal using the following guidelines are necessary: 1) A description of any energy conservation activities or programs undertaken to date in the Town of Newcastle. This will assist the Ministry in evaluating the progress of the program by serving as a bench mark. 2) A description or inventory of the Town's buildings and vehicle fleet. 3) A preliminary work program, i.e., what will be undertaken. It is understood that there may be a need to alter the work program based on actual experience. 4) A description of how the auditor will fit into the Town's organizational structure and how he or she will carry out their duties, i.e., how they implement the program and how they will report. 5) A stated willingness to fulfill the reporting requirements of the Ministry and to attend any training sessions sponsored by the ministry Training session costs are fully covered by the Ministry. 6) A resolution from council authorizing participation in the Municipal Energy Audit Program. III The intent of the program: Terms of reference outlining the tasks to be completed and general job description of the auditor is attached. IV Auditor accommodation: Suggestions were made that office space could be made available at the Bowmanville Fire Station in the basement. ../3 Report No. CS -12 -85 Page 3. The committee is of the opinion that this is a cost effective and worth while project and respectfully recommends that the project proceed as soon as possible. The results of the study can be incorporated into the 5 year capital forecast as that the Town will have a comprehensive approach to energy conservation. Respectfully submitted, Jan Devantier, R.D.M.R. Director of Community Services JD *sa Prepared by, { Joseph P. Caruana, Energy Conservation Coordinator Terms of Reference re: Technical Assistance Grant The energy auditor will be required to perform the following tasks: 1. Base Year Evaluation: This will involve the review of previous energy consumption data for all Municipally owned buildings and facilities (as specified) in order to establish as "Base Year" for future energy audits and in order to prepare a priority list for high energy consuming buildings and facilities. 2. Energy Conservation Analysis: aT Conversions - An evaluation of all present heating systems will be conducted to determine the cost effectiveness of converting to a more cost efficient fuel. b) Thermal Analysis - An evaluation of the thermal characteristics of Municipally owned facilities /buildings shall be conducted to identify potential cost effective energy saving opportunities i.e., additional insulation, air sealing etc. c) Lighting Analysis - An evaluation of all present lighting systems will be conducted to provide relamping recommendations based on maintaining lighting qualities and potential energy savings. d) Products - An evaluation of the various energy conserving products will be conducted to identify potential applications. e) Vehicle Fleet - The auditor will examine information related to the Municipalities Vehicle Fleet and prepare a report with recommendations on the possibilities of converting to an alternate fuel i.e., propane. f) Billing Practice - The auditor will establish a monitoring system to check billings for energy use i.e., street lighting, fuel bills etc. 3. Reports: The auditor will prepare and submit quarterly reports which will contain detailed calculations and proposal costs of #2 Energy Conservation Analysis. A year end report will also be prepared and submitted containing a detailed list of recommendations to achieve energy efficiency. The year end report will also priorize suggested improvements to maximize energy conservation. 4. Government Grants: The auditor will insure that all potential grant programs are recognized and that where applicable all grant forms will be completed and submitted to the Town for input and eventual submission to the Ministry. ../2 Terms of Reference re: Technical Assistance Grant Continued... Page 2. 5. M.E.A.P. Guidelines: The auditor will ensure that all required grant audit reports are completed and submitted to the Town for input and eventual submission to the M.E.A.P. coordinator upon request and in compliance with the grant guidelines. Municipal Buildings and Facilities to be considered for Ministry Energy Auitor Program Managed by the Town WARD #1 Hampton Municipal Office Courtice Fire Station Darlington Sports Centre Hampton Works.Dept. Building WARD #2 Bowmanville Memorial Arena Newcastle Fitness Centre Bowmanville Town Hall Visual Arts Centre Bowmanville Branch Library Bowmanville Museum Bowmanville Works Dept. Building Animal Control Building Fire & Police Building WARD #3 Newcastle Fire Hall Orono Fire Hall Orono Public Works Building Clark Public Library Kirby School House Museum Orono Hydro Building Administered by Private Boards Tyrone Community Centre Enniskillen Community Hall Haydon Hall Solina Hall Hemorial Park Clubhouse Newcastle Community Hall Newcastle Memorial Arena Mewtonville Community Hall Orono Arena & Community Centre Orono Town Hall Brownsdale Community Centre