HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-11-85�. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT TO THE GENERAL PURPOISE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MAY 21, 1985 REPORT NO. CS -11 -85 E, .. C. HAND -OUT I, '' OFFICE TELEPHONE 623.3114 TOLL F RE E 987.5039 SUBJECT: BOWMANUILLE ARENA FEASIBILITY STUDY UPDATE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended to Council: 1. That CS -11 -85 be received for information. BACKGROUND AND C0',RIENT: 40TEMPERANCESTREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 This report is intended to update Council on the progress of the Bowmanville Arena Feasibility Study. Our Consultant, Rethink Inc., has provided a progress report attached for information. It essentially outlines the tasks which have been accomplished to date and future tasks still to be undertaken to complete the study. As part of the study team meeting May 16, 1985, Claudius Carnegie of A.J. Graham Engineering Consultants Ltd. presented a document entitled "Investigation and Evaluation of the Bowmanville Arena for the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle''. The report gives a detailed evaluation of our current facility from a structural and technical point of view. Attached please also find a copy of the "Executive Summary" of this report. This report is available from the consultant or the study team. ../2 REPORT NO. CS -11 -85 Page 2. The study process chart indicating the stage of the planning process is also attached. It is important to note that the figure of $2,300,000—for a new arena reflects the cost of a modern facility comparable in size and functional use to tale existing arena structure. No land costs or ancillary facilities such as meeting halls, paved parking, landscaping etc. are included in the $2.3 million figure. Respectfully submitted, Jan Devantier, R.D.M.R. Director of Community Services JD /sa Encl. OVdo ink IINCORPORATED BOWMANVILLE ARENA FEASIBILITY STUDY - TOWN OF NEWCASTLE PROGRESS REPORT - MAY 16, 1985 1. Initial meetings with Community Services Department staff and the Feasibility Study Committee. 2. Completed an overview of the Community, including a site visit to most relevant facilities, and discussions about the way leisure services are provided in Newcastle. 3. Evaluated and analyzed most of the existing data base that has been made available to us. 4. Held a press conference (March 12, 1985) - newspaper articles. 5. Sent questionnaires to many community recreation groups, service clubs and major facility operators (private and volunteer). 6. Examined much of the demographic and other community profile and trends data supplied by the Planning Department and contained in the Master Plan and other documents. 7. Completed the investigation and evaluation of the Bowmanville Arena (except for user group perceptions). 8. Have begun to examine the facility base in the Newcastle area (relevant to the types of facilities under study). i 9. Collected a good deal of the available data on facility use and related program participation. 10. Preparation is almost complete for a series of resident workshops to be completed on May 22 and 23, 1985. 11. Conducted a session with Newcastle Town Council (March 29, 1985). 12. Conducted a session with the Newcastle Comunity services Planning Board (April 25, 1985). 13. Conducted a session with key staff from the Board of Education and Newcastle High School (March 27, 1985). ....cont'd 1206 Goviriaught Drive, VIR #1, Ennisrnore, Ontario KOL I TO 706 - 292 -5331 - 2 - 14. Interviewed Sue Stickley (March 27, 1985). 15. Interviewed Gail Willoughby and Janice Griffith from the "Y" (March 27, 1985). 16. Begun the preliminary investigation of potential sites. NEXT STEPS 1. Tour of potential sites (May 16, 1985). 2. Workshop.;with seniors (May 22, 1985). 3. General Interest Workshop (May 22, 1985). 4. Workshop with arena users (May 23, 1985). 5. Analyze returned questionnaires. 6. Notify Town Council of the upcoming workshops and our recommendations re: the Bowmanville Arena (May 16, 1985). 7. Complete the visits to major facilities and developments. 8. Once all of the data is in and workshops completed, the assessment of the facility adequacy and facility requirements (market) can be completed. 9. We can then determine all feasible facility and site options to meet known facility requirements. 10. At that point, Stages 1 and 2 will be complete. :� 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY As part of the Bowmanville* Arena Feasibility Study process, this facility has been inspected, analysed, evaluated and the following conclusions and recommendations are provided. The entire complex is currently in a state of dis- repair. This current state threatens the medium to long term durability and serviceability of the complex. In order to ensure adequate long term durability and serviceability, a capital expenditure of about $301,500.00 must be made within the next nine months for appropriate repairs, and after that, an annualized maintenance cost of about $23,000.00 would be required to maintain a reasonable level of service. Should these repairs be undertaken, then another detailed inspection /evaluation of the entire complex would be required in about five years time. At that time, further major renovations may be required, notwithstanding functional obsolescence. To put this into perspective then, a five year life cycle cost of about $420,000.00 is a minimum to maintain this complex in a serviceable state and with no guarantee of functional adequacy. A modern facility, that is functionally adequate can be built with 1985 dollars, for about $2,300,000.0o:** Year-round optimum use can be made of this facility, with substantial increase in revenue to the Town, and a service life of the building of 50 years minimum with nominal annualized maintenance cost. Using salvageable components of the existing facility will lower this cost. It is recommended that use of this complex be phased out over a period of less than two years and that a new facility be constructed within that time, to meet current and forecasted needs. It is further recommended that while the complex is in service, that at least two inspections per year be carried out by a registered Professional Structural Engineer from the Province of Ontario, until the recommended repairs are undertaken. However, stop -gap repairs with an estimated cost of $65000.00 can be undertaken in the next two years, only if the Town can decide to phase out use of the existing facility in that time frame, and if these prescribed inspections are carried out. It is advised that the Town shall be cognizant of their duties, pursuant to the Occupational Health and Safety Act (1978) and Regulations for Industrial Establishments Section 14 - (1); (a) to (e) inclusive. * *Cost of comparable arena excluding land purchase or ancillary facilities not part of the existinn arena. PROGRESS TO DATE (.'1AY 16, 1985) SUMMARY OF PLANNING PROCESS -- BOWMANVILLE ARENA FEASIBILITY STUDY -- TOWN OF NEWCASTLE f nmpi PTFF1 *PART _ /C.nmP1 FTFn W O R K P R O G R A M FIGURE 1 STAGE I PRELIMINARY WORK hh� STAGE 2 RESEARCH & ANALYSIS • PRESS RELEASE STAGE 3 EVALUATE & SELECT PREFERRED FACILITY OPTION • OTHER AN40UNCERE4TS F 4 LED 4.ENDAT I ONS • CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS STAGE 5 DOCUI.ENTAT I ON & PRESENTATION • INITIAL MEETING • NEEDS ASSESSMENT • ASSESS WHICH ALTERNA- pp' • FACILITY CONCEPT • PREPARE DRAFT REPORT WITH STUDY TEAM * - COMMUNITY BACK- FST TIVE MOST MEETS RE- & SPECIFICATIONS • REVIEW DRAFT REPORT • EVALUATE EXISTING GROUND QUIREMENTS OF EACH OF • USES & PROGRAMS WITH STUDY TEAM, MiR, DATA BASE - PRESENT & FUTURE THE PRIMARY USER • CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION COUNCIL • OVERVIEW OF DEMAND & EXPECTA- GROUPS COSTS • PREPARE FINAL REPORT COMMUNITY TIONS • EVALUATE OPTIONS/ • CAPITAL FINANCING • PRSENT FINAL REPORT - UPDATE INVENTORY CONCEPTS COSTS - STUDY SOCIAL IMPACT - EXAMINE IMPACT ON • CAPITAL FINANCING • DETERMINE FACILITY OTHER FACILITIES • OPERATING PL/NI REQUIREMENTS /OPTIONS/ - PRELIMINARY FINAN- • IMPLEMENTATION CONCEPTS /SOLUTIONS CIAL ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE - DETERMINE FACILITY - EXAMINE IMPACT ON • ONTARIO HYDRO IMPACT REQUI REMEMS EXISTING & PLAZ04ED *- EVALUATE ADEQUACY MUNICIPAL SERVICES OF EXISTING & • SELECT & REFINE PRE- PLANNED FACILITIES FERRED FACILITY CON- & PROGRAMS CEPT /SOLUTION *- PRELIMINARY EXAMINA- - FURTHER EVALUATE TION OF OTHER SITES- PREFERRED SOLUTION *. DETERMINE ALL FEASIBLE - REVISE AS REQUIRED FACILITY & SITE OPTIONS • GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGA- TION I,UF "II'LLI LU F'IHY GG & -Ij /00 R E 1 • PRESS RELEASE s N • OTHER AN40UNCERE4TS I P • CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS D U AND BRIEFS E T N T FST I SESSION • INTERVIEWS WITH KEY INDIVIDUALS & GROUPS • GENERAL INTEREST GROUP WORKSHOP • FOCUS GROUP WORKSHOPS 2 SESSIONS • COMMUNITY FORUM I SESSION I SESSION T 1 M MARCH APRIL -JUNE JUNE -JULY AUGUST I N • PUBLIC PRESENTATION I SESSION AUGUST- SEPTEMBER FST - FEASIBILITY STUDY TEAM VMMMENOMMMIPINCORPORAr(O 1206 Connaught Drive. RR M7. Ennismore. Ontario KOL 1TO