HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-03-85DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY SERVICES r v 5�b) OFFICE TELEPHONE 623 -3114 TOLL FREE 987 -5039 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L 1 C 3A6 REPORT TO GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING OF MARCH 18, 1985 REPORT NO. CS -03 -85 SUBJECT: "NEWCASTLE FITNESS CENTRE ACTIVITIES" RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended: 1. That this report be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENT: Please find attached a general report on the Newcastle Fitness Centre pertaining to the operation of programs, user fees, revenue and the involvement of Schools, Y.U.C.A., Public and Separate Schools and the Hospital. I trust this information will be informative. Respectfully submitted, c homas A. Fanning, R.D.M.R.(F)� Director of Community Services TAF /sda Encl. 1 r�� NEWCASTLE FITNESS CENTRE ACTIVITIES INTRODUCTION v J - 5,(b) This report looks at the programs, staff and other activities happening at the Fitness Centre from September 1984 to February 1985. This time period has been covered since many activities commencing in the fall continue to run throughout the winter. The following topic areas are covered in this report: Instructional Swim Programs Memberships - Pool and Facility Pleasure Swims School Programs Y.W.C.A. Programs Other Private Rentals and Staff. In some instances, comparison of revenue figures from the previous year have been used in order to consider significant increases or decreases in revenue over the past year. INSTRUCTIONAL SWIM PROGRAM The instructional program for children and adults continues to be the major activity happening in the pool area. This large program books approximately twenty -seven hours of pool time per week which accounts for the largest rental revenue for the Fitness Centre. Besides the traditional Red Cross learn -to -swim programs for all ages, more specialized and leadership training courses are now being offered. Synchronized swimming, Esso competitive skills program, Leaders, Instructors, National Lifeguard Service, aqua- fitness, Masters (adult fitness swim) and Adult Bronze are some of the courses that have really started to develop in the past year. Listed below are the number of participants and corresponding revenue of the youth and adult programs for the last three sessions. Instructional Swim Program -- Participation & Revenue Fall 1984 -- - - - - -- -Youth Adult Mini - Session 1985 - -Youth Adult Winter.1985 -------- Youth Adult #Participants Revenue 705 $19,953.00 138 4,113.50 48 713.25 12 158.00 514 15,539.98 158 5,589.00 TOTAL 1,575 $46,066.73 Newcastle Fitness Centre Activities Page 2. Although the winter's session is down from the fall registration, this is typical since many people prefer to keep their children out of swimming during the winter months to avoid colds and poor driving condi- tions. Of the participants presently taking classes, 93% are living in the Town of Newcastle. Although the majority of these Town residents are located in Ward Two, the other two Wards are also represented. Specific figures are listed below: Location of Swim Program Participants T.nnn+i nn Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Outside Town TOTAL MEMBERSHIPS #Participants 56 ( 8 %) 452 (67 %) 117 (18 %v) 47 ( 7 %) 672 The majority of people buying memberships as seen below are buying "facility" memberships which entitles them to use the squash courts and pool areas. Pool Membership Revenue Sept.1984 $75.00 Sept.1983 $231.00 Oct. 1984 39.00 Oct. 1983 352.50 Nov. 1984 468.00 Nov. 1983 94.50 Dec. 1984 430.00 Dec. 1983 336.00 Jan. 1985 350.00 Jan. 1984 209.00 TOTAL *$1,362.00* TOTAL $1,223.00 Facilitv AlembershiD Revenue Sept.1984 $2,556.35 Sept.1983 $2,446.00 Oc.t 1984 3,292.00 Oct.. 1983 1,539.25 Nov. 1984 2,133.00 Nov. 1983 1,422.75 Dec. 1984 2,193.00 Dec. 1983 2,101.00 Jan. 1985 2,994.00 Jan. 1984 3,359.00 *$13,168.35* $10,868.00 * (Note: 5% increase on 1984 -85 rates from 1983 -84) /3 Newcastle Fitness Centre Activities Page 3. As may be noted in the above listings, the revenue has increased in both pool and facility memberships which, besides the 50 on fees, indicates an increased number of members. This month we had 165 active squash members. Squash Ontario suggests that 75 members per court is the most traffic courts can handle. The decrease in memberships bought the last two months (December 1984 and January 1985) is perhaps indicative of the fact that because courts are becoming difficult to book in prime time, people are not renewing their memberships. This also means courts will continue to be almost inaccessible to non - members which, in turn, will affect our pay- as -you- play revenue as well as potential new members. PLEASURE SWIMS Attendance at pleasure swims was quite low in September and October possibly due to the nice weather experienced these months. However, as indicated below, revenue has increased the past three months from last year's figures which means a corresponding increase in participa- tion. These revenue figures include "pay -as -you- swim" tickets as well as "Ticket of Ten Passes ". Pleasure Swim Revenue Sept.1984 $2,303.75 Sept.1983 $2,793.00 Oct. 1984 2,487.25 Oct. 1983 2,739.75 Nov. 1984 3,190.75 Nov. 1983 2,888.25 Dec. 1984 3,138.50 Dec. 1983 1,946.00 Jan. 1985 4,060.75 Jan. 1984 3,469.75 TOTAL $15,181.00 $13,836.75 Y.W.C.A. The Y.W.C.A. has developed a larger number and greater variety of programs at the Fitness Centre this year. Besides continuing fitness classes for all ages upstairs, they have added a children's crafts program on Wednes- day morning. Also, we have discussed coordinating; their children programs upstairs with our adult programs in the pool to attract mothers at home with young children to daytime programs. It is hoped this type of cooperative scheduling will be starting in the fall of this year. SCHOOL PROGRAMS Some individual schools have been taking; advantage of daytime pool hours. However, the lack of a transportation grant for this program has certainly limited the number of schools involved. For the present school year (September 1984 - June 1985) the following schools have booked pool time: . /4 Newcastle Fitness Centre Activities Page 4. Vincent Massey (15 hours) Lord Elgin (15 hours) North Courtice (12 hours each Hampton ) Combined rental week) South Courtice) (15 hours) St, Stephens (8 hours) St. Josephs (8 hours) It is unfortunate that all daytime pool hours are not being used, especially when the high school is located so close to us. Perhaps we should review our present daytime pool rates and consider a "non - prime tiriie rate" to attract these potential users. OTHER PRIVATE RENTALS The Bowmanville Memorial Hospital (Physiotherapy Dept.) and the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital continue to rent the pool, sauna and whirlpool one hour every Friday (summers excluded). The Bowmanville Hospital is considering expanding their rental to 12 hours since it is becoming so popular. The pool is also rented on an occasional basis by birthday parties, local clubs (i.e. brownies, Beta Sigma Phi Society), and church groups. STAFF Due to new Ministry of Health regulations, the aquatic staff have been put through several upgrading courses recently. One of the new regulations require that all staff be informed of emergency procedures related to the facility. Staff are kept informed by monthly training sessions where emergency procedures are practiced and staff concerns are voiced. Many of our staff also took advantage of the National Lifeguard Service (NLS) Course offered at the Fitness Centre this past month. This upgrading now makes 17 of our 25 staff qualified National Lifeguards. Also, all of our adult aquatic staff and two of the four cashiers are now certified in St. John's Standard First Aid. This upgrades staff to more than is required by the Ministry of Health and the public may be assured they will have excellent professional supervision and care. There will also be two weeks pre- summer training in June for all summer staff to maintain this high standard. With this training it is intended that there be at least two guards on with NLS, first aid, and cardio- pulmonary resuscitation at all Town Pools this summer. SUMMARY The Fitness Centre as seen in the previous pages appears to be well used by the people in the Town of Newcastle. Both squash courts are alive with people every 40 minutes after 4:00 p.m. and the daytime hours are becoming almost as busy. The pool is scheduled solid during the week with the exception of the occasional non -prime hours (3:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.). The weekend pool hours are V,) - Newcastle Fitness Centre Activities Page 5. just as busy except for Sunday mornings which we only program once a month for staff trainings. Upstairs the multi - purpose room is busy Monday to Thursday evening with parents viewing their children's lessons or with Y fitness classes. In conclusion, the Fitness Centre is being well used by the community as indicated, not only by revenue figures, but by walking through the facility some evening and seeing the people involved.