HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-02-13Samuel Wilmot Nature Area Management Advisory Committee MINUTES FEBRUARY 13, 2023 7:00 P.M. Board Room, Dianne Hamre Centre, Newcastle If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. PRESENT: Leo Blindenbach, Brian Reid ( Chair), Carmen Aeillo, Ken Mercer ( Staff), Leah Bourgeois, Samantha Hanson, Leanne Fernandez, Patrick Bothwell, Councillor Margaret Zwart ( Council Liaison ), Tom Hossie, Rod McArthur Regrets: Kate Potter 1. Call to Order - Welcome and introduction of new members: Brian opened the meeting by welcoming new members Samantha Hanson and Leanne Fernandez and new Council Liaison Marg Zwart. Each new member provided a brief overview of her background and interest in the work of the Committee . Previous members introduced themselves. 2. Additions to the Agenda - none 3. Adoption of the Agenda- moved by Patrick Bothwell, seconded by Leo Blindenbach that the agenda be approved. CARRIED 4. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting: moved by Carmen Aeillo, seconded by Leo Blindenbach that the information update of October, 2022 and the minutes of the meeting of November 14, 2022 be approved. CARRIED 5. Completion of Accessibility Training — all members were reminded of the requirement to complete this training asap and submit proof of completion to the municipality. It was noted that two members of the Committee, Samantha Hanson and Rod McArthur, had not received notification of their appointment NOR of the course requirement. Ken will look into this. 6. Election of Officers - Chair, Vice -Chair, Recording Secretary: Brian explained that at the beginning of each new term of council ( and therefore of committees such as ours ) elections are held for the Chair and Vice Chair positions. He noted that he had been a member of the Committee for 19 years and chair for the past 15 years and that he believed it was time to make way for others to assume these roles. Brian called for nominations for the position of Chair, being unable in his own role as current chair to make a nomination himself. Moved by Carmen Aeillo, seconded by Leo Blindenbach, that Kate Potter be nominated for the position of Chair. There were no other nominations. Prior to the vote, Brian reminded everyone that Kate had notified all members and staff member Ken Mercer that she would accept the nomination if such was made. CARRIED Vice —Chair: moved by Patrick Bothwell, seconded by Leah Bourgeois, that Tom Hossie be nominated for the position of Vice -Chair. Tom agreed to accept the nomination. CARRIED Discussion next took place concerning the possibility of creating a position of Recording Secretary for the Committee. This is something Brian has done for the past 2-3 years and that was formerly done by the staff representative. The question was also asked as to whether a staff member could be assigned to this role for meetings. Councillor Zwart offered to look into this. In the interim, Brian offered to continue to take minutes. NOTE/UPDATE: Councillor Zwart has communicated with the Chair and Vice -Chair on this matter since the meeting. The Municipality is NOT prepared to provide a staff member to serve as recording secretary. The Committee will need to discuss how to proceed on this issue at it next meeting. Status Reports/Updates 1. Interpretative Signage/QR Codes Project — Tom, Patrick . It was agreed that we would target for the beginning of May. Tom will send a sample QR code to Ken as a Jpeg File and Ken will source them. Ken will also acquire 4x4posts on which to install them. Locations etc have already been mapped out. 2. NOTE: it was suggested that we incorporate a QR code pertaining to the use of I Naturalist 3. Traffic/Usage Survey — Brian/Kate . In Kate's absence, Brian reminded the group that we agreed to defer this until the spring of this year. New member Samantha offered to work with Kate to implement an on-line version of the survey which would be less labour intensive and which would allow for better compilation of data 4. Visioning Exercise organized by the Waterfront Strategy group — Kate. In Kate's absence, there was no formal report available. However, Brian advised the group that Faye Langmaid, former Project Manager with the Municipality and Amy Burke, Senior Planner and project Lead for the Waterfront Strategy, made a presentation last week to another group with which Brian is involved. He spoke briefly about some of the implications and opportunities for the SWNA that will arise from the strategy and reminded the Committee that the SWNAMAC itself arose from the original waterfront strategy report of 1992. 5. Treatment Plant/ Storm Drainage Pond Project — Brian noted that most of the remedial work was completed late last fall. Some equipment was still present on the site, presumably working on the outfall portion of the sewage treatment plant upgrade. 6. Ideas for events/activities in 2023: Brian reminded the group that 2023 marks the 25th anniversary of the creation of the SWNA. Everyone agreed that we should mark this milestone with a number of activities and events while continuing those that we have been doing on an annual basis' Discussion then ensued and the following events were confirmed or will be investigated further: Confirmed: Wildflower planting — May 27th. Samantha and Leah will work together re the possibility of accessing a grant to acquire the plants. Spring Cleanup — April 22nd — Leo to coordinate Moth Night — week of July 22-30 ( more than one evening session ) Tom to coordinate` Monarch Tagging — September 9th ( September 16th as backup) — Tom to coordinate Note: Ken has already ordered the tags for this year's event. To Investigate Further: Presentation re Native Bees with Dr. Sheila Colla of York University — Brian to follow up with tentative timeframe in late April Presentation/Walkabout re birding photography with local resident Russ Musgrove. Brian has had preliminary discussions with Russ and will continue liaison Note: it is still the wish of the committee to acquire a portable display " banner to use at events. Kate, Brian and Ken to continue working on this 7. Calendar/Chart of Activities — Kate will update as events and activities are identified 8. Meeting dates and location - considerable discussion took place concerning the optimum day for meetings. There was some confusion about how this is addressed in our terms of reference. Councillor Zwart offered to investigate. Note: Councillor Zwart has communicated with the Chair and Vice -Chair following discussions with the Clerk's office. In simplest terms, we are free to set our own schedule At this point, we hold meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. 7. Items " on hold ": Butternut Tree Planting — no developments 2. Parking along Toronto Street/ gating to hydro corridor - there has been no action on this item for an extended period and will be dropped from the agenda 3. Hybernaculem — Ken will schedule maintenance over the next few months 8. Other Business: size of committee: considerable discussion took place concerning the size of our committee and the possibility of reinstating former member Meg Vandenbrink. It was noted that the terms of reference only specify a minimum of 8 members with no maximum. Motion: moved by Patrick Bothwell, seconded by Leo Blindenbach, that the SWNAMAC request council to increase the composition of the committee by one member. CARRIED The Chair will prepare a letter to be submitted to Council in supplement this motion. Round Table —All Members: Patrick — noted the significant number of large trees damaged during the last windstorm Rod — pointed out that there is a piece of metal protruding from the south end of the Pooh bridge — Ken is aware and will schedule repair Leo — noted that signage advising of the slippery surface of the bridge has not yet been posted- Ken will review Tom — advised that he had found evidence of a great horned owl residing in the old growth forest portion of the nature area Brian — advised that a resident had told him of seeing a stoat ( ermine ) in the nature area Carmen — had observed several nuthatches in one spot on the Cobbledick side Ken — advised that the old culvert from below the memorial forest entry point to the southbound trail will be replaced. This will perhaps result in the trail being closed for a day or two 9. Next Meeting — tentatively scheduled for Tuesday March 21st at 7:00 p.m.. Ken will endeavor to book the Hamre Centre Boardroom again 10. Adjournment motion by Patrick Bothwell. 11. The meeting adjourned at 840 p.m.