HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-03-03Clarftwn Electronic Council Communications Information Package Date: March 3, 2023 Time: 12:00 PM Location: ECCIP is an information package and not a meeting. Description: An ECCIP is an electronic package containing correspondence received by Staff for Council's information. This is not a meeting of Council or Committee. Alternate Format: If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Coordinator, at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131. Members of Council: In accordance with the Procedural By-law, please advise the Municipal Clerk at clerks@clarington.net, if you would like to include one of these items on the next regular agenda of the appropriate Standing Committee, along with the proposed resolution for disposition of the matter. Items will be added to the agenda if the Municipal Clerk is advised by Wednesday at noon the week prior to the appropriate meeting, otherwise the item will be included on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled meeting of the applicable Committee. Members of the Public: can speak to an ECCIP item as a delegation. If you would like to be a delegation at a meeting, please visit the Clarington website. March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) Pages 1. Region of Durham Correspondence 2. Durham Municipalities Correspondence 2.1 Town of Ajax - 2031 Municipal Housing Target Pledge Package - 3 February 28, 2023 3. Other Municipalities Correspondence 3.1 Municipality of Trent Lakes - Oath of Office - February 28, 2023 32 4. Provincial / Federal Government and their Agency Correspondence 5. Miscellaneous Correspondence 5.1 Minutes of the Downtown Orono Business Improvement Area dated 34 February 27, 2023 Page 2 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) Town of A(( ax By the Lake February 28, 2023 Office of the Mayor Tel. 905-683-4550 Fax. 905-683-8207 Hon. Steve Clark Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing 777 Bay Street, 17th Floor Toronto, ON M5G 2E5 TOWN OF AJAX 65 Harwood Avenue South Ajax ON L1S 2H9 Submitted via email to minister.mah(cb-ontario.ca with a copy to wendy.ren(a)ontario.ca Re: ERO No. 019-6171 — 2031 Municipal Housing Targets Town of Ajax Housing Pledge Dear Minister Clark, On October 25, 2022, Town of Ajax staff received a letter from your office regarding the abovementioned ERO Bulletin related to an assigned Municipal Housing Target and the development of a Municipal Housing Pledge. The Town has prepared a Municipal Housing Target Pledge, as outlined in the attached report presented to the Town's Community Affairs and Planning Committee's meeting on February 6, 2023. The Municipal Housing Target Pledge, with conditions, was endorsed by Council on February 27, 2023. The Town is looking for innovative ways to support the Province's goal of addressing the housing crisis and building 1.5 million homes in the next 10 years. This includes finding mutually beneficial ways to streamline approvals and enable municipalities to collect the growth -related charges necessary to deliver infrastructure and meet community needs. While municipalities do not build homes, our pledge showcases how we anticipate reaching the targeted 17,000 new housing units by 2031. It also makes clear our ability to do so through intensification within our urban boundary and without going into any greenbelt lands. A copy of the Municipal Housing Target Pledge and associated staff report have been included as Attachment 1 to this letter. A copy of Council's resolution from the February 27, 2023 Council Page 3 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) meeting has been included as Attachment 2. Should you have any questions please contact Caroline Murphy, Senior Planner (Caroline. Murphy(o)-ajax.ca). ATT 1: February 6, 2023 Town of Ajax Community Affairs and Planning Committee Report: 2031 Municipal Housing Target Pledge ATT 2: Council Resolution from February 27, 2023 Council meeting Sincerely, Shaun Collier Mayor & CEO - Town of Ajax Cc: Mark Holland, MP for Ajax Patrice Barnes, MPP for Ajax Ajax Council Geoff Romanowski, Director, Planning and Development Services, Stev Andis, Manager of Planning, Town of Ajax Sean McCullough, Supervisor, Planning Policy & Research, Town Caroline Murphy, Senior Planner, Town of Ajax Clerks Department, Durham Region Area Municipalities Clerks Department, Region of Durham Town of Ajax of Ajax Page 4 ATT-1: February 6, 2023 T2ecTrocoripia w fMaxmunit Af firsnd�lfirfi2o23 c nci om nica on o ma ion ac age CIP) Committee Re ort: 2031 -Housln gar et ce ep9 9 9 Town of Ajax Report Report To: Community Affairs & Planning Committee Prepared By: Caroline Murphy, MCIP, RPP Senior Planner Report #: PDS-2023-02 Subject: 2031 Municipal Housing Target Pledge Ward(s): All Date of Meeting: February 6, 2023 Recommendations: Town of � ax By the Lake 1. That the report entitled "2031 Municipal Housing Target Pledge" be received for information. 2. That the "Town of Ajax 2031 Municipal Housing Target Pledge", included as ATT-1 to this report, be endorsed to support Council's commitment to accelerating the supply of housing to meet the 2031 Municipal Housing Target of 17,000 new housing units, subject to the following conditions: a. That the Town not be penalized financially or otherwise, for failing to meet the identified housing target; b. That the housing target be recognized as an aspirational target and that the Town be permitted to continue to utilize the applicable population and employment forecasts from the Growth Plan, 2020 and/or municipal growth allocations assigned to and/or developed by the Town, for the purposes of creating development related studies, plans, and by-laws; c. That the Province continue to work with municipalities to provide grant opportunities, such as the Streamline Development Approval Fund, to aid in the rapid delivery of the identified municipal initiatives and growth -related infrastructure; and d. That the Province continue to consult and engage with municipalities on recent and future legislative changes and initiatives to find mutually beneficial ways to streamline approvals and enable municipalities to continue to collect growth -related charges to deliver infrastructure and community needs quickly. 3. That a copy of this report and Council's resolution be sent to Minister Steve Clark, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing by March 1, 2023 and a copy also be sent to the Region and Durham area municipalities. Page 5 March 3, 2023 Subject: 2031 Municipal Housinp'r gprK;quncil Communications Information Pack9qq.94gCCIP) 1.0 Background: On October 25, 2022, the Province released the More Homes Built Faster: Ontario's Housing Supply Action Plan 2022-231, with the stated objective to address the housing supply crisis in the Province by helping to provide more housing, streamline development approvals, remove barriers, accelerate planning, and further protect homebuyers and owners. The Province has committed to facilitating the construction of 1.5 million homes over the next 10 years. To support the Housing Supply Action Plan, the Province also released Bill 23: More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022, which made significant changes to the Planning Act, Development Charges Act, and Conservation Authorities Act, among others, and released a series of bulletins on the Environmental Registry of Ontario related to housing. To achieve the Province's ambitious housing goal, the Province released ERO bulletin No. 019- 6171, which has assigned municipal housing targets to twenty-nine (29) of the largest and fastest growing lower and single -tier municipalities in southern Ontario, including the Town of Ajax. The Town also received a letter from Minister Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, requesting that the Head of Council demonstrate its commitment to accelerating the supply of housing by adopting a housing pledge and submitting it to the Ministry by March 1, 2023. Municipal housing targets are based off the current population and 2011-2021 growth trends within each municipality. As a result, the Town has been assigned a housing target of 17,000 new homes by 2031. The "Municipal Housing Target Pledge", included as ATT-1 to this report, showcases the Town's initiatives and actions to prioritize and accelerate housing in an effort to implement the Province's assigned municipal housing target. This report provides a summary of the Town's initiatives that have recently been completed, are underway, planned, and proposed, which will support the Provincial direction to provide more housing. 2.0 Discussion: 2.1 Municipal Housing Target The Town will strive to meet the assigned municipal housing target of 17,000 new homes by 2031 while recognizing that components of its implementation are beyond the municipality's control. Housing construction is primarily driven by the market, private landowners and businesses. The Town's focus will be committed to improving matters within its control, such as streamlining development approvals and undertaking studies or initiatives that update the land - use planning framework in the Town to deliver more housing options and/or 'as -of -right' zoning permissions. It should also be noted that servicing infrastructure is under the jurisdiction of the Region of Durham and can have a major impact on the Town's ability to meet the housing target if capital projects related to servicing capacity are delayed. More Homes Built Faster: Ontario's Housing Supply Action Plan 2022-23 Page 6 March 3, 2023 Subject: 2031 Municipal Housinp'r gprK;quncil Communications Information Pack9qq.94gCCIP) 2.1.1 Historical Average Growth Rates in Ajax The 17,000 housing unit target assigned to the Town is ambitious. Between 2006 and 2021, housing unit growth in the Town has averaged 730 dwelling units annually. The average annual growth rate has been incrementally slowing in Ajax from a high of 4.1 % between 2006 and 2011, 1.4% between 2011 and 2016, and 1.0% between 2016 and 2021. This is largely driven by the dwindling supply of available greenfield land within the Town. Meeting the ambitious housing target over the next nine (9) years requires the construction of an average of 1,888 dwelling units per year in Ajax. This is almost 2.5 times the average annual number of units constructed each year between 2006 and 2021. Only in 2006 has the Town come close to the projected annual average units needed to meet the target, with 1,844 dwelling units constructed in that year. Since 2013, the Town has seen a shift in the type of building permits being issued, with more permits for apartment dwellings. The number of building permits for accessory dwelling units has also been increasing exponentially and has represented a significant number of new units within the Town each year, with 178 permits issued in 2022 alone. Growth within the Town is expected to shift from predominantly low-rise, low -density development to medium and high - density intensification and infill development. This shift is reflected in Durham Region's draft Area Municipal Growth Allocations and Land Needs, 20512 report completed by Watson and Associates as part of the Municipal Comprehensive Review. The Region's growth allocations assign an intensification target to the Town of 86%. However, it should be noted that the Region's analysis anticipates that the Town will average approximately 1,070 dwelling units annually to 2051, representing an average annual growth rate of 1.4%, which is significantly lower than the housing target. While the Town will strive to create a land -use framework that will help meet the assigned municipal housing target, the housing market and ability for the private sector to construct the units may be limited. 2.2 Municipal Initiatives Staff have identified municipal initiatives that will help facilitate an increase in the supply and diversity of housing. It is important to note that some of these initiatives are reliant on our Regional and Provincial partners moving various initiatives forward and are highlighted to identify areas where partners can work together. Below is a summary of the initiatives that have recently been completed, are underway, planned and proposed. Further details are provided in ATT-1 (Town of Ajax Municipal Housing Target Pledge). 2 Durham Region Growth Management StudV — Phase 2 — Area Municipal Growth Allocations and Land Needs, 2051 Page 7 March 3, 2023 Subject: 2031 Municipal Housin�'r A��ruYle uncil Communications Information Pack9aR9J4CCIP) 2.2.1 Recently Completed The "recently completed" category identifies initiatives that are intended to help advance approvals and support housing growth. The municipal initiatives in this category are: • Central Ajax Intensification, Servicing and Transportation (CAIST) Strategy; and • Team/POD Restructuring for Development Application Review. In 2022, the Town completed the CAIST Strategy, which was a strategic initiative to help unlock the growth potential in Downtown Ajax and the Ajax GO Station, by identifying and planning servicing and transportation infrastructure improvements needed to accommodate future growth. The Team/POD is a two (2) year pilot project that was launched in September 2022 with the goal of streamlining and improving the development application review process by creating interdisciplinary teams to identify and resolve potential issues faster. 2.2.2 Underway The "underway" category identifies initiatives that are in various stages of implementation, but have not reached completion, that would help to deliver housing. The municipal initiatives in this category are: • Region of Durham Municipal Comprehensive Review — Envision Durham; o Completion of the Municipal Comprehensive Review o Town of Ajax Council Support of Employment Area Conversion Requests o Regional Official Plan Amendment No. 186 — Protected Major Transit Station Areas Ajax Housing Strategy; and Development Approvals Process Improvements o Municipal Development Approval Timelines o Application Processing Software o Pre -consultation Process Updates o Terms of Reference Document Creation and Review o Delegation of Authority By-law Update. Achievement of some initiatives identified in the "planned" and "proposed" categories of this pledge are contingent on completion of the Municipal Comprehensive Review and Provincial approval of Durham Regional Official Plan Amendment No. 186, which is needed to delineate the boundaries of the Ajax GO Station Protected Major Transit Station Area. The Town has and will continue to work closely with the Region of Durham to finish the Municipal Comprehensive Review. The Ajax Housing Strategy will identify actions to help the Town create a more balanced housing portfolio to meet the needs of current and future Ajax residents. A key initiative of the Town's Planning and Development Services department has been to update the development approvals process to streamline approvals and provide guidance to applicants earlier in the process. Implementation of these new processes will result in faster planning approvals, the applicant reaching the building permit stage sooner, and ultimately providing more housing sooner. 2.2.3 Planned The "planned" category identifies initiatives to help deliver housing that are in departmental work plans, have approved budget, are identified in the Town's Long Range Capital Budget Forecast and/or are legislatively required. The municipal initiatives in this category are: • Ajax Official Plan Review; am: March 3, 2023 Subject: 2031 Municipal Housinp'r gprK;quncil Communications Information Packqqqq�§CCIP) o Ajax GO Station Mixed Use Area Specific Study o Uptown Regional Centre Area Specific Study o Midtown Corridor Area Specific Study o North Harwood Area Specific Study • Hunt Street Extension and addendum to the approved Environmental Assessment; and • Architectural Guidelines for Medium -Density and High -Density Development. The Ajax Official Plan Review is a key project that will help deliver housing faster by creating a framework to enable medium -density and high -density mixed -use development in strategic locations. Though the Official Plan Review, the Town will prepare area specific studies to examine and recommend appropriate heights and densities. The Hunt Street Extension is a strategic infrastructure project that needs to be constructed by 2031 to support growth in the Downtown Regional Centre and was a key recommendation in the Central Ajax Intensification, Servicing and Transportation Strategy. Preparation of architectural guidelines for medium - density and high -density development will help provide guidance to applicants to help address technical issues faster, such as preferred servicing and infrastructure design, parking and site access design, or tower orientation in their development concepts. 2.2.4 Proposed The "proposed" category identifies new initiatives that would help deliver housing. These initiatives have not yet been approved, but will be proposed in the Town's future Long Range Capital Budget Forecasts and/or departmental work plans. The municipal initiatives in this category are: • Surplus and Underutilized Lands Inventory; • Inclusionary Zoning Housing Assessment Report; • Protected Major Transit Station Area Zoning By-law Amendment; and • Affordable and Supportive Housing Liaison. A surplus and underutilized lands inventory could help deliver housing faster by identifying public lands that can accommodate residential uses. A Housing Assessment Report would enable the Town to utilize the inclusionary zoning regulatory tool to require and provide needed affordable housing units in the Ajax GO Station. Establishing `as -of -right' zoning permissions within the Major Transit Station Area (i.e. Ajax GO Transit Station Mixed Use Area) can speed up approval timelines and enable projects to go directly for site plan approval. The draft Ajax Housing Strategy has proposed to establish an affordable and supportive housing liaison who can assist in guiding both non-profit and for -profit housing providers through the development process from planning approvals to building permit. 2.3 Barriers and Potential Mitigation Strategies The Town is faced with several barriers as it relates to the implementation and/or completion of the identified municipal initiatives. This includes frequent and significant changes in legislation which requires reallocation of staff resources away from day-to-day development approvals, and creates other barriers such as the lack of staff resources to align work plans and implement process changes in a timely manner. There are also barriers in relation to delivery of these initiatives as the Town is reliant on Regional and Provincial partners to assist by way of funding, servicing capacity allocation, and approvals. As an example, the Region and Town are awaiting approval of Regional Official Plan Amendment No. 186 by the Province, to proceed with subsequent planning related to Protected Major Transit Station Areas. It will be challenging to meet various timelines associated with the Page 9 March 3, 2023 Subject: 2031 Municipal Housinp'r gprK;quncil Communications Information Packqqq.94FCCIP) implementation of some initiatives particularly when there are a lot of unknowns resulting from Bill 23 (i.e. status of Regional planning). The Town will continue to look for opportunities to support completion of strategic projects to assist in the delivery of housing. Financial resources are also needed to implement the initiatives, especially given that municipalities may be limited in their ability to collect development charges for growth related infrastructure. Grant opportunities, such as the Streamline Development Approval Fund, are needed to help advance study related initiatives by hiring consultants, and to assist in the construction of major infrastructure needed to support growth. There is also an opportunity for the Province to work with the Town by opening up underutilized land surrounding the Ajax GO Station to help deliver housing and create a new transit -oriented community. 2.4 Housing Unit Projections Staff are only able to project unit counts and housing types for some of the initiatives in ATT-1. Projections are primarily based on estimates within completed studies and/or based on historical building permit data. It should be noted that most studies utilize a time horizon of 2051 to align with the Growth Plan, 2020, which have contributed to the creation of this pledge. However, all the initiatives discussed in this report will contribute to the delivery of housing and work towards the assigned municipal housing target. The Municipal Comprehensive Review Growth Management Study completed by the Region identified that there was potential to accommodate approximately 32,000 dwelling units through intensification in Ajax by 2051. However, when taking into consideration additional unit potential identified in the Central Ajax Intensification, Servicing and Transportation Strategy, Employment Area Conversion Request submissions endorsed by Ajax Council, and active development applications in the midtown corridor, there is potential to accommodate approximately 44,000 dwelling units by 2051. As a result, there is sufficient opportunity for 17,000 units by 2031, and the Town will continue to work towards the target by implementing the policy and zoning framework to position the Town for success. 2.5 Conditions of Pledge While the Town pledges to meet the assigned municipal housing target of 17,000 new units by 2031, it is acknowledged that housing is inherently driven by market forces and there are significant factors outside the Town's control that may impede success. This includes servicing infrastructure capacity needed to support growth which is under the Region of Durham's jurisdiction. The housing target represents a significant increase in the annual growth rate historically observed in the Town and meeting the target will rely on the market and private sector's ability to physically construct the units fast enough to meet the average annual target. This will especially be important as the Town shifts from greenfield development to intensification and higher -density development. Therefore, the Town's pledge is subject to the following conditions: a) That the Town not be penalized financially or otherwise, for failing to meet the identified housing target; b) That the housing target be recognized as an aspirational target and that the Town be permitted to continue to utilize the applicable population and employment forecasts from the Growth Plan, 2020 and/or municipal growth allocations assigned to and/or developed by the Town, for the purposes of creating development related studies, plans, and by- laws; Page 10 March 3, 2023 Subject: 2031 Municipal Housinp'r gprK;quncil Communications Information Packqqq.94FCCIP) c) That the Province continue to work with municipalities to provide grant opportunities, such as the Streamline Development Approval Fund, to aid in the rapid delivery of the identified municipal objectives and growth -related infrastructure; and d) That the Province continue to consult and engage with municipalities on recent and future legislative changes and initiatives to find mutually beneficial ways to streamline approvals and enable municipalities to continue to collect growth -related charges to deliver infrastructure and community needs quickly. 3.0 Financial Implications: There are no direct financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report. Some of the initiatives in the 2031 Municipal Housing Target Pledge will need to be incorporated into the Town's Long Range Capital Budget Forecast. Implementation of any initiatives with a financial impact will be considered through future budget deliberations and/or decisions of Council. Opportunities for grant funding for any of the initiatives will also be sought as they become available. 4.0 Communication Issues: There are no communication issues associated with this report. 5.0 Relationship to the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan: Although a new Strategic Plan is in preparation, the previous Council's 2018-2022 Strategic Plan captures the following actions that are still relevant: Focus Area: Investing in our Community Goal 1. Growing and diversifying the local economy Action 1.4: Facilitate opportunities for mixed use intensification projects along regional corridors and major transit routes. Goal 2. Encouraging and supporting strategic land use development. Action 2.3: Complete the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Review ("Zoning Our Future") to include new development standards addressing intensification, urban design, active transportation, and environmental protection. Action 2.6: Develop a Housing Strategy to identify housing and affordable needs, and propose recommendations to support our community. Focus Area: Leading in our Community Goal 1: Advocating for intergovernmental matters important to our community. Action 1.2: Actively participate in the Region of Durham's Municipal Comprehensive Review. Action 1.4: Work with Region of Durham to prioritize servicing investments in Downtown Ajax to facilitate growth and development. These actions demonstrate historical commitments made by the Town to deliver housing quickly. Page 11 March 3, 2023 Subject: 2031 Municipal Housinp'r gprK;quncil Communications Information Packqqqg4WCCIP) 6.0 Conclusion: The Town has been assigned an ambitious target of 17,000 housing units by 2031 which greatly exceeds the Town's historical growth rates. The Town is committed to making every effort within its control and will work with our Regional and Provincial partners to implement initiatives that will help to increase the housing supply in our community. However, it is recognized that housing is ultimately market -driven and there are many factors outside the Town's control which may impede the Town's success in achieving this goal. This 2031 Municipal Housing Target Pledge will help the Town move forward on strategic initiatives to support growth. Attachment: ATT-1: Town of Ajax 2031 Municipal Housing Target Pledge Prepared by: Caroline Murphy, MCIP, RPP — Senior Planner Submitted by: Geoff Romanowski, MCIP, RPP, CPT — Director, Planning and Development Services Approved by: Shane Baker — Chief Administrative Officer Page 12 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) ATT-1 - Town of Ajax 2031 Municipal Housing Target Pledge Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing assigned Municipal Housing Target (Town of Ajax) — 17,000 new homes by 2031 ❑ PROPOSED — New initiatives that have not yet been approved, but will be proposed in the Town's future Long Range Capital Budget Forecast and/or departmental work plans ❑ PLANNED — Initiatives that are in departmental work plans, have approved budget, are identified in the Towns Long Range Capital Budget Forecast and/or are legislatively required ❑ UNDERWAY —(As. of January 2023) ❑ RECENTLY COMPLETED — (As of January 2023) MUNICIPAL INITIATIVES INITIATIVE OWNER & ADDITIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONTEXT & DESCRIPTION OF HOW INITIATIVE ACCELERATES HOUSING NUMBER OF UNITS & HOUSING TYPE* CONSIDERATIONS (BARRIERS, IMPLEMENTATION, RISKS, ETC.) POTENTIAL MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND PROPOSAL TO ACCELERATE HOUSING POTENTIAL REPORTING & MONITORING MEASURES Comprehensive Town of Ajax The Town is currently undertaking a • Lack of Staff resources • Update Accessory Dwelling • Final Zoning By-law Zoning By-law comprehensive review of the Town has been a significant Unit Building Permit to be approved by Review of Ajax Zoning By-law. Completing barrier to the project. information package to Council. the Comprehensive Zoning By-law . Frequent and reflect updated permissions. • Ongoing monitoring Review will implement `as -of -right' significant changes in and regular reporting zoning permissions and would legislation have also of the Town's housing enable new housing development delayed the project. inventory. projects to proceed straight to site • Undertake plan approval. comprehensive reviews as Technical reports are underway and prescribed. have been categorized by theme, the following of which will help the Town deliver housing units faster: • Intensification Areas • Stable Neighbourhoods • Transportation * Note: Housing units estimates are based on previously completed studies and/or based on historical data to create estimates. The delivery of housing units is ultimately market driven and may be impacted by external factors such as Regional servicing infrastructure capacity. Housing units identified above may overlap across municipal initiatives. Page 13 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) MUNICIPAL INITIATIVES INITIATIVE OWNER & ADDITIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONTEXT & DESCRIPTION OF HOW INITIATIVE ACCELERATES HOUSING NUMBER OF UNITS & HOUSING TYPE* CONSIDERATIONS (BARRIERS, IMPLEMENTATION, RISKS, ETC.) POTENTIAL MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND PROPOSAL TO ACCELERATE HOUSING POTENTIAL REPORTING & MONITORING MEASURES The Intensification Areas technical Specific unit • Sanitary sewer report would update zoning within count cannot be capacity is needed to four (4) intensification areas in Ajax: assigned to this accommodate growth the Downtown Regional Centre, initiative. in the Downtown. Uptown Regional Centre, Midtown Corridor, and GO Transit Station Mixed Use Area. The technical report will also update zoning along corridors. The update would align permitted residential uses with the Town's Official Plan and implement as -of -right medium -density and high -density mixed use zoning permissions in these areas. The Transportation technical report Specific unit will update applicable parking count cannot be standards within all intensification assigned to this areas, including areas along initiative. corridors. Updating parking standards to ensure that parking spaces are utilized more efficiently will ultimately result in reduced parking standards, especially in transit -oriented communities and walkable neighbourhoods. This will help deliver housing units by ensuring that parking standards reflect best practices and market demand, and could reduce development costs. * Note: Housing units estimates are based on previously completed studies and/or based on historical data to create estimates. The delivery of housing units is ultimately market driven and may be impacted by external factors such as Regional servicing infrastructure capacity. Housing units identified above may overlap across municipal initiatives. Page 14 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) MUNICIPAL INITIATIVES INITIATIVE OWNER & ADDITIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONTEXT & DESCRIPTION OF HOW INITIATIVE ACCELERATES HOUSING NUMBER OF UNITS & HOUSING TYPE* CONSIDERATIONS (BARRIERS, IMPLEMENTATION, RISKS, ETC.) POTENTIAL MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND PROPOSAL TO ACCELERATE HOUSING POTENTIAL REPORTING & MONITORING MEASURES The Stable Neighbourhoods Accessory technical report will be updated to Apartment units: extend permissions for accessory —150-250/year dwelling units to accessory buildings (i.e. garden suite, laneway house). While this item has been addressed through Bill 23, the Town remains committed to encouraging accessory dwelling units as it has contributed substantially to the number of new units within the Town over the past 10 years. Region of Durham Region of Durham The Envision Durham Municipal . Population and • Work with the Region of • Approval of this Municipal Comprehensive Review started in employment allocation Durham and the Province to project will be by the Comprehensive Additional 2018 to update the Region's Official changes in the Growth complete the Municipal Province and status Review — Envision Stakeholders: Plan and allocate population and Plan delayed the Comprehensive Review in a of the approval will be Durham Area Municipalities employment growth to 2051. The project. timely manner. provided to Ajax including the Town of draft Growth Management Study . The status of the Council. Ajax has identified that there is potential Regional Official Plan to accommodate 32,140 dwelling review is uncertain units through intensification and following Bill 23: More within the remaining Designated Homes Built Faster Act Greenfield Area within the Town of receiving Royal Assent. Ajax. Completion of this project will enable the Town to start the Ajax Official Plan Review. Town of Ajax Council In 2021, Ajax Council endorsed —4,100 units . The Employment Area • Work with the Region of • Approval of this Support of nine (9) Employment Area (3,873 apartment Conversion Requests Durham and the Province to project will be by the Employment Area Conversion Requests throughout dwellings and need to be approved by complete the Municipal Province and status Conversion Requests the Town and within the expanded 227 townhouse the Province and Comprehensive Review in a of the approval will be MTSA. Three (3) of the requests dwellings) adopted in the new timely manner. were specific to the MTSA * Note: Housing units estimates are based on previously completed studies and/or based on historical data to create estimates. The delivery of housing units is ultimately market driven and may be impacted by external factors such as Regional servicing infrastructure capacity. Housing units identified above may overlap across municipal initiatives. Page 15 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) MUNICIPAL INITIATIVES INITIATIVE OWNER & ADDITIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONTEXT & DESCRIPTION OF HOW INITIATIVE ACCELERATES HOUSING NUMBER OF UNITS & HOUSING TYPE* CONSIDERATIONS (BARRIERS, IMPLEMENTATION, RISKS, ETC.) POTENTIAL MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND PROPOSAL TO ACCELERATE HOUSING POTENTIAL REPORTING & MONITORING MEASURES (locations included in ROPA 186), Region of Durham . That the Province approve provided to Ajax one (1) for an expanded retail store Official Plan before the the MZO requests adopted Council. use, and the five (5) remaining Town can proceed with by Ajax Council. conversion requests cover a total subsequent approvals. area of 17.4 hectares proposed for residential and/or mixed -use development. The requests were ultimately endorsed by Regional Council and direction was provided to include the conversions in the Growth Management Study. Regional Council supported ten (10) conversion requests and added two (2) additional land areas for a total of approximately 106 hectares. As of the date of preparation of this pledge, the conversions have continued to be presented in documents and the Town will review the draft Regional Official Plan Amendment to confirm that the lands have been converted to Community Area (to permit residential uses). If approved, these conversion requests will facilitate the delivery of more housing in Ajax. Ajax Council passed a motion on January 23, 2023 requesting five (5) Minister's Zoning Orders (MZO) for the above -mentioned five (5) remaining conversion requests. In * Note: Housing units estimates are based on previously completed studies and/or based on historical data to create estimates. The delivery of housing units is ultimately market driven and may be impacted by external factors such as Regional servicing infrastructure capacity. Housing units identified above may overlap across municipal initiatives. Page 16 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) MUNICIPAL INITIATIVES INITIATIVE OWNER & ADDITIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONTEXT & DESCRIPTION OF HOW INITIATIVE ACCELERATES HOUSING NUMBER OF UNITS & HOUSING TYPE* CONSIDERATIONS (BARRIERS, IMPLEMENTATION, RISKS, ETC.) POTENTIAL MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND PROPOSAL TO ACCELERATE HOUSING POTENTIAL REPORTING & MONITORING MEASURES Regional Official Plan The Town has supported —6,000 to 7,455 ROPA 186 is with the • Work with the Region of • Approval of this Amendment 186 preparation of Regional Official Plan high density Province for approval Durham and the Province to project will be by the Amendment (ROPA) No. 186 which dwelling units and no decision has complete the Municipal Province and status delineates and establishes a been made as of the Comprehensive Review in a of the approval will be regional policy framework for the date of preparation of timely manner. provided to Ajax Protected Major Transit Station this Pledge. There is Council. Areas in Durham, including the Ajax risk of the boundaries GO Station. ROPA 186 would and/or policy expand the boundaries of the framework not being existing Ajax GO Station Major approved as adopted Transit Station Area boundaries to by the Region. permit high density mixed use development. Once approved, the Town can start work on updating the Town's Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit high -density mixed -use development. Ajax Official Plan Town of Ajax The Town is scheduled to initiate Overall unit • Awaiting completion of • Town to budget for the • Final Town of Ajax Review the review of the Ajax Official Plan potential to be the Municipal Official Plan Review and Official Plan to be in 2024. This project is important to determined Comprehensive Review advance work on Terms of approved by Region update the Town's Official Plan to through Official prior to advancing Reference for the project. of Durham (or the reflect updated Provincial and Plan Review. project. • Identify grant opportunities, Province of Ontario). Regional policy; implement . Bill 23 may delay such as the Streamline • Ongoing monitoring population and employment growth funding for this Development Approval Fund, and regular reporting allocations; and complete area initiative. to hire external consultants to of the Town's housing specific studies for existing, new assist with the project. inventory once Official and expanded intensification areas • Work with the Region of Plan Review within the Town. Durham and the Province to complete. complete the Municipal Comprehensive Review in a timely manner. * Note: Housing units estimates are based on previously completed studies and/or based on historical data to create estimates. The delivery of housing units is ultimately market driven and may be impacted by external factors such as Regional servicing infrastructure capacity. Housing units identified above may overlap across municipal initiatives. Page 17 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) MUNICIPAL INITIATIVES INITIATIVE OWNER & ADDITIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONTEXT & DESCRIPTION OF HOW INITIATIVE ACCELERATES HOUSING NUMBER OF UNITS & HOUSING TYPE* CONSIDERATIONS (BARRIERS, IMPLEMENTATION, RISKS, ETC.) POTENTIAL MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND PROPOSAL TO ACCELERATE HOUSING POTENTIAL REPORTING & MONITORING MEASURES Ajax GO Station Additional As part of the Official Plan Review, --6,000 to 7,455 • ROPA 186 is with the • Encourage the Province to Mixed Use Area Stakeholders: an area specific study to update high density Province for approval approve Regional Official Specific Study Metrolinx, Private and expand the Ajax GO Station dwelling units and no decision has Plan Amendment 186. landowners Mixed Use Area designation to been made as of the • Hire external consultant to include the expanded boundaries of date of preparation of assist in the preparation of the Protected Major Transit Station this Pledge. There is the area specific study. Area (PMTSA) will be completed. risk of the boundaries Updating the policy framework will and/or policy enable high -density mixed -use framework not being development within the PMTSA and approved as adopted set the basis for updating the by the Region. Zoning By-law to permit the uses • Additional Staff and establish associated resources need to performance standards that complete the work. represent good urban design and meet the minimum population and employment density targets. Uptown Regional Additional As part of the Official Plan Review, —11,900 dwelling • Additional Staff • Hire external consultant to Centre Area Stakeholders: Private an area specific study will be units resources needed to assist in the preparation of Specific Study landowners completed for the Uptown Regional complete work. the area specific study. Centre (URC). The URC represents • Majority of land is held • Work with major landowner the greatest opportunity to provide by one landowner. on Area Specific Study and housing in the Town. An area Delivery of housing will find opportunities to advance specific study, in consultation with be dependent on housing construction. major landowners, would establish landowner moving a clear vision to deliver a high- forward on housing density mixed -use community along projects. the future Durham -Scarborough Bus Rapid Transit corridor. Establishing the policy vision will help create a zoning framework to aid in the delivery of housing. * Note: Housing units estimates are based on previously completed studies and/or based on historical data to create estimates. The delivery of housing units is ultimately market driven and may be impacted by external factors such as Regional servicing infrastructure capacity. Housing units identified above may overlap across municipal initiatives. Page 18 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) MUNICIPAL INITIATIVES INITIATIVE OWNER & ADDITIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONTEXT & DESCRIPTION OF HOW INITIATIVE ACCELERATES HOUSING NUMBER OF UNITS & HOUSING TYPE* CONSIDERATIONS (BARRIERS, IMPLEMENTATION, RISKS, ETC.) POTENTIAL MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND PROPOSAL TO ACCELERATE HOUSING POTENTIAL REPORTING & MONITORING MEASURES Midtown Corridor Additional As part of the Official Plan Review, 292 high -density • Additional Staff • Continue to process Area Specific Stakeholders: Private an area specific study for the dwelling units resources needed to development applications Study landowners Midtown Corridor will be completed. and 34 medium- complete work. within the Midtown Corridor. The Midtown Corridor is a strategic density dwelling • Hire external consultant to intensification area that links the units have been assist in the preparation of Uptown Regional Centre with the proposed by way the area specific study. Downtown Regional Centre. The of development corridor is envisioned to applications accommodate mid -rise submitted to - development. The Town has date. received several development applications along the corridor that have required Official Plan Amendments. Updating the policy framework to reflect the growth potential of the corridor will assist in delivering housing more quickly. The corridor could also be a candidate to establish a Community Planning Permit System. North Harwood Additional North Harwood includes lands that Unit potential to • Additional Staff • Hire external consultant to Area Specific Stakeholders: Private were formerly within the northern be determined resources needed to assist in the preparation of Study landowners portion of the Carruthers Creek through area complete work. the area specific study. Business Park Employment Area. specific study • Complete the Harwood Approximately 50 hectares of land (Estimated to be Avenue North Environmental within this area are proposed to be between 1,500 Assessment and the converted from Employment Area to to 6,500 dwelling Rossland Road Community Area to permit units). Environmental Assessment; residential uses. proceed to detailed design and construction for both projects. * Note: Housing units estimates are based on previously completed studies and/or based on historical data to create estimates. The delivery of housing units is ultimately market driven and may be impacted by external factors such as Regional servicing infrastructure capacity. Housing units identified above may overlap across municipal initiatives. Page 19 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) MUNICIPAL INITIATIVES INITIATIVE OWNER & ADDITIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONTEXT & DESCRIPTION OF HOW INITIATIVE ACCELERATES HOUSING NUMBER OF UNITS & HOUSING TYPE* CONSIDERATIONS (BARRIERS, IMPLEMENTATION, RISKS, ETC.) POTENTIAL MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND PROPOSAL TO ACCELERATE HOUSING POTENTIAL REPORTING & MONITORING MEASURES Ajax Housing Town of Ajax The Ajax Housing Strategy is to Specific unit • Additional Staff and • Align and coordinate actions • Draft Action #15: Strategy help the Town ensure that an count and type financial resources with other workplan projects Monitor and track the appropriate range and mix of cannot be required to implement to implement as quickly as Town's housing housing types and tenures are assigned to this actions. possible. inventory by dwelling provided in Ajax to meet the initiative. • Draft Actions are type and tenure. demographic and economic needs impacted by Bill 23 and • Reporting on the of current and future residents. The will be reviewed and implementation of the strategy identifies goals and actions further amended to Housing Action Plan to address housing gaps and needs reflect changes. will also be completed identified within the Town. Thirty regularly. (30) draft actions are proposed to help the Town move towards meeting the housing needs of residents across the housing continuum. Work on the project is nearing completion and a draft Action Plan has been presented to Ajax Council. Examples of actions include updating the Town's Official Plan and Zoning By-law, introducing a rental housing demolition and conversion by-law, examining publicly owned surplus land suitable for housing, consider establishing a affordable and supportive housing development liaison. P., * Note: Housing units estimates are based on previously completed studies and/or based on historical data to create estimates. The delivery of housing units is ultimately market driven and may be impacted by external factors such as Regional servicing infrastructure capacity. Housing units identified above may overlap across municipal initiatives. Page 20 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) MUNICIPAL INITIATIVES INITIATIVE OWNER & ADDITIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONTEXT & DESCRIPTION OF HOW INITIATIVE ACCELERATES HOUSING NUMBER OF UNITS & HOUSING TYPE* CONSIDERATIONS (BARRIERS, IMPLEMENTATION, RISKS, ETC.) POTENTIAL MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND PROPOSAL TO ACCELERATE HOUSING POTENTIAL REPORTING & MONITORING MEASURES Central Ajax Town of Ajax The Central Ajax Intensification, Phase 1 • Significant cost for • Implementation of the Hunt • Ongoing monitoring Intensification, Servicing and Transportation (approved infrastructure Street Extension was and regular reporting Servicing and Additional Strategy was a three phase study dwelling units): improvement may identified as a preferred of the Town's housing Transportation Stakeholders: Region planning for future growth in the 2,468 dwelling delay delivery of option to deliver growth to inventory. (CAIST) Strategy of Durham Downtown Regional Centre and GO units and 544 housing units if 2031 and would open Transit Station Mixed Use Area to Long Term Care infrastructure cannot be sanitary and transportation 2051. The Strategy examined Beds constructed. capacity for residential units transportation and servicing • Region of Durham is in Downtown Ajax. (sanitary, water and stormwater) Phase 2 responsible for Therefore, this infrastructure infrastructure requirements to (Ambitious implementing sanitary improvement has been accommodate envisioned growth to Growth to 2031): and water servicing; identified as a separate 2051. 3,605 dwelling and transportation initiative under this Housing units and 282 infrastructure Pledge. The Strategy identified a number of retirement units improvements on • The Town will move to infrastructure improvements needed Regional roads. incorporate infrastructure to support growth including, the Phase 3 improvements within the next need for the Hunt Street Extension; (Envisioned Development Charge several water and sanitary system Growth to 2051): Background Study and future upgrades; road widening, road 14,384 dwelling Long Range Capital Budget network, and signalization units Forecasts to implement the improvements; and active infrastructure improvements transportation improvements. as soon as possible. The Town will also work to identify other grant opportunities to implement the infrastructure improvements earlier. * Note: Housing units estimates are based on previously completed studies and/or based on historical data to create estimates. The delivery of housing units is ultimately market driven and may be impacted by external factors such as Regional servicing infrastructure capacity. Housing units identified above may overlap across municipal initiatives. Page 21 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) MUNICIPAL INITIATIVES INITIATIVE OWNER & ADDITIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONTEXT & DESCRIPTION OF HOW INITIATIVE ACCELERATES HOUSING NUMBER OF UNITS & HOUSING TYPE* CONSIDERATIONS (BARRIERS, IMPLEMENTATION, RISKS, ETC.) POTENTIAL MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND PROPOSAL TO ACCELERATE HOUSING POTENTIAL REPORTING & MONITORING MEASURES Hunt Street Town of Ajax This initiative would extend Hunt --6,400 dwelling • Project construction • Town has completed a • Town to monitor Extension Street from the current terminus at units in costs are estimated Feasibility Assessment to housing unit Mackenzie Avenue westward to Downtown Ajax between $17.7 to $25.5 explore other alternatives construction within Westney Road South. The Million (excluding land and will complete an Downtown Ajax. extension would create a new two- purchase costs) and addendum to the approved lane municipal road with cycling and increased construction Environmental Assessment. pedestrian infrastructure. The costs are a barrier to • Seek Provincial funding for connection would become a primary construction. the Hunt Street Extension to route to move people between the • High land acquisition help open servicing and Downtown Regional Centre costs are a barrier to transportation capacity in intensification area and the Ajax GO construction. Downtown Ajax. Station. It would also provide . If Bill 23 prohibits the transportation network capacity to Town from collecting vehicles and buses entering and Development Charges exiting the Ajax GO Station. The for land acquisition project was also identified as the related to road projects, preferred alternative to provide the Town will need to sanitary servicing capacity for the re-evaluate options and Downtown Regional Centre, which this project is likely to is currently constrained. be further delayed. In 2016, the Town completed an Environmental Assessment to identify that an underpass as the preferred alternative to providing the connection. Since then, the Town has been exploring other more cost-effective options. 10 * Note: Housing units estimates are based on previously completed studies and/or based on historical data to create estimates. The delivery of housing units is ultimately market driven and may be impacted by external factors such as Regional servicing infrastructure capacity. Housing units identified above may overlap across municipal initiatives. Page 22 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) MUNICIPAL INITIATIVES INITIATIVE OWNER & ADDITIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONTEXT & DESCRIPTION OF HOW INITIATIVE ACCELERATES HOUSING NUMBER OF UNITS & HOUSING TYPE* CONSIDERATIONS (BARRIERS, IMPLEMENTATION, RISKS, ETC.) POTENTIAL MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND PROPOSAL TO ACCELERATE HOUSING POTENTIAL REPORTING & MONITORING MEASURES Surplus and Town of Ajax As per the Town's Housing Strategy Total unit count • Co-operation between • Work with other public • As land is identified, Underutilized Lands Draft Action Plan, the Town hopes unknown at this stakeholders, including bodies to identify the lands ongoing monitoring of Inventory Additional to "work with other public bodies, time as land Metrolinx, Region of and engage them early in implementation and Stakeholders: Public such as Durham Region, Metrolinx needs to be Durham and other other planning studies where construction will be bodies such as the and the school boards, to identify identified. public bodies and land may be available. required. Province (Metrolinx), surplus land or underutilized However, willingness to open Region of Durham, properties in their inventories that analysis through land for housing. and School Boards may be suitable for affordable the CAIST . Timing of release of housing". Strategy surplus lands for identified that development purposes Metrolinx owns approximately 11.2 --1,750 units is unknown. hectares of land surrounding the could be Ajax GO Station that has been accommodated designated in the Ajax Official Plan on lands owned for high density mixed -use by Metrolinx. development since 2014. The land is underutilized and primarily accommodates surface parking spaces. Opening up the Metrolinx lands for redevelopment will provide additional housing opportunities in the Town and could accelerate housing in the Ajax GO Station Mixed -use Area. Inclusionary Zoning Town of Ajax The Town has proposed to As per proposed . Province has not • Encourage the Province to • Once Inclusionary Housing complete an Inclusionary Zoning amendments to approved ROPA 186 eliminate the requirement for Zoning implemented, Assessment Report Housing Assessment Report to O.Reg. 232/18: which delineates the a Housing Assessment number of units and permit Inclusionary Zoning in the Inclusionary boundaries of the Report as regulations will agreements to be Protected Major Transit Station Zoning, 5% of PMTSA and must be establish Inclusionary Zoning monitored. Area (PMTSA), which would enable new dwelling completed prior to parameters, such as the the Town to require a minimum units in the 11 * Note: Housing units estimates are based on previously completed studies and/or based on historical data to create estimates. The delivery of housing units is ultimately market driven and may be impacted by external factors such as Regional servicing infrastructure capacity. Housing units identified above may overlap across municipal initiatives. Page 23 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) MUNICIPAL INITIATIVES INITIATIVE OWNER & ADDITIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONTEXT & DESCRIPTION OF HOW INITIATIVE ACCELERATES HOUSING NUMBER OF UNITS & HOUSING TYPE* CONSIDERATIONS (BARRIERS, IMPLEMENTATION, RISKS, ETC.) POTENTIAL MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND PROPOSAL TO ACCELERATE HOUSING POTENTIAL REPORTING & MONITORING MEASURES percentage of affordable housing PMTSA could be requiring Inclusionary maximum number of units units to be provided in new required to be Zoning units. (5%) and affordability rate. development. provided at an • Rapidly changing affordable rate. Provincial Legislation makes it difficult to align workplan and implement changes. • Additional Staff resources needed to complete project earlier. • Decision on proposed amendments to O.Reg. 232/18: Inclusionary Zoning has yet to be released as of the date of preparation of this pledge. Architectural Town of Ajax The Town proposes to prepare Specific unit . Additional Staff • Hire external consultants to Guidelines for Architectural Guidelines for medium count cannot be resources needed to assist with the project. Medium -density and and high -density development assigned to this complete project. High -density projects. These guidelines are item. Development intended to assist property owners in addressing technical matters and Facilitates clearly illustrate best practices. This medium and may include, but not be limited to, high -density best practices for building/tower housing types. placement, parking location/parkin 12 * Note: Housing units estimates are based on previously completed studies and/or based on historical data to create estimates. The delivery of housing units is ultimately market driven and may be impacted by external factors such as Regional servicing infrastructure capacity. Housing units identified above may overlap across municipal initiatives. Page 24 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) MUNICIPAL INITIATIVES INITIATIVE OWNER & ADDITIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONTEXT & DESCRIPTION OF HOW INITIATIVE ACCELERATES HOUSING NUMBER OF UNITS & HOUSING TYPE* CONSIDERATIONS (BARRIERS, IMPLEMENTATION, RISKS, ETC.) POTENTIAL MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND PROPOSAL TO ACCELERATE HOUSING POTENTIAL REPORTING & MONITORING MEASURES lot design, servicing and infrastructure design. This document will provide further guidance to applicants as they prepare their development concepts. Example concepts within the guidelines may be directly transferrable to other similar sites. Protected Major Town of Ajax To implement the Ajax GO Station 6,000 to 7,455 • Bill 23 requires the • Identify grant opportunities, • Housing unit Transit Station Area Mixed -use Area Specific Study, a high density Zoning By-law to be such as the Streamline construction within Zoning By-law Additional Zoning By-law Amendment to dwelling units updated within one (1) Development Approval the Ajax GO Station Amendment Stakeholders: implement associated zoning year following approval Fund, to hire external to be monitored and Metrolinx, Private standards will be required to be of associated Official consultants to assist with reported. landowners completed. Plan policy. the project. • Additional Staff • Align the project to be Updating the Zoning By-law will resources to complete completed concurrently reduce approval timelines by work required. with the Ajax GO Station providing `as -of -right' zoning • Impact to Town's Mixed -use Area Specific permissions for high -density mixed- Capital Budget to Study. use development that aligns with a complete unbudgeted comprehensive plan for an project. emerging transit oriented . ROPA 186 is with the community. Province for approval and no decision has been made as of the date of preparation of this Pledge. 13 * Note: Housing units estimates are based on previously completed studies and/or based on historical data to create estimates. The delivery of housing units is ultimately market driven and may be impacted by external factors such as Regional servicing infrastructure capacity. Housing units identified above may overlap across municipal initiatives. Page 25 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) MUNICIPAL INITIATIVES INITIATIVE OWNER & ADDITIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONTEXT & DESCRIPTION OF HOW INITIATIVE ACCELERATES HOUSING NUMBER OF UNITS & HOUSING TYPE* CONSIDERATIONS (BARRIERS, IMPLEMENTATION, RISKS, ETC.) POTENTIAL MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND PROPOSAL TO ACCELERATE HOUSING POTENTIAL REPORTING & MONITORING MEASURES Planning Town of Ajax • Frequent and • Staff have implemented a • Monitor application Application Process significant changes in series of changes and will approval timelines to Improvements legislation divert Staff continue to monitor success track success. time and resources and adapt to continuously Municipal Town Staff are facing lengthier Specific unit away from improve. Development review and approval timelines as a count and type development . That the Province continues Approval Timelines result of the reduced quality of cannot be application review. to work with municipalities to application submissions received, assigned to this . Lack of Staff resources provide grant opportunities, the volume of such submissions initiative. to review and process such as the Streamline and lack of staff resources to development Development Approval Fund. process applications. This, and applications. proposed legislative changes, prompted Planning and Development Services (P&D) Staff to update their development application review process to help expedite approvals. Application P&D Staff are also in the process of Specific unit • Costs associated with • External consultant has been • Ability to run various Processing Software implementing application count and type software updates. hired to provide application reports within the processing software to simplify and cannot be • Potential system processing software utilizing software. expedite the submission of assigned to this failures and/or internet the Streamline Development applications to the Town. This initiative. outages. Approval Fund. software will provide a convenient platform for applicants to submit and track application progress electronically. It will also streamline the review of applications for internal Staff and external agencies since they will be able to access and provide comments more quickly in one convenient location. 14 * Note: Housing units estimates are based on previously completed studies and/or based on historical data to create estimates. The delivery of housing units is ultimately market driven and may be impacted by external factors such as Regional servicing infrastructure capacity. Housing units identified above may overlap across municipal initiatives. Page 26 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) MUNICIPAL INITIATIVES INITIATIVE OWNER & ADDITIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONTEXT & DESCRIPTION OF HOW INITIATIVE ACCELERATES HOUSING NUMBER OF UNITS & HOUSING TYPE* CONSIDERATIONS (BARRIERS, IMPLEMENTATION, RISKS, ETC.) POTENTIAL MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND PROPOSAL TO ACCELERATE HOUSING POTENTIAL REPORTING & MONITORING MEASURES Pre -consultation As part of this process update, Specific unit Process Updates Planning Staff are implementing an count and type enhanced pre -consultation process cannot be to encourage dialogue between the assigned to this Town, applicants, and their initiative. consultants to better respond to potential issues and find mutually agreeable solutions early in the process. This is a two-phase process which will require more detailed information from the applicant prior to a formal application submission. This will result in more detailed comments back to the applicant, and enable issues to be resolved earlier. Terms of Reference Terms of Reference guidance Specific unit Document Creation & documents for all reports and count and type Review studies that may be required to cannot be support a development application assigned to this are being developed. initiative. Having a complete set of Terms of Reference documents will enhance transparency and streamline preparation of supporting documents. 15 * Note: Housing units estimates are based on previously completed studies and/or based on historical data to create estimates. The delivery of housing units is ultimately market driven and may be impacted by external factors such as Regional servicing infrastructure capacity. Housing units identified above may overlap across municipal initiatives. Page 27 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) MUNICIPAL INITIATIVES INITIATIVE OWNER & ADDITIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONTEXT & DESCRIPTION OF HOW INITIATIVE ACCELERATES HOUSING NUMBER OF UNITS & HOUSING TYPE* CONSIDERATIONS (BARRIERS, IMPLEMENTATION, RISKS, ETC.) POTENTIAL MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND PROPOSAL TO ACCELERATE HOUSING POTENTIAL REPORTING & MONITORING MEASURES Delegation of The Town passed an Official Plan Specific unit Authority By-law Amendment and updated the count and type Update Town's Delegation of Authority By- cannot be (By-law 81-2022) law to delegate the removal of assigned to this holding provisions and approval or initiative. extension of a temporary use by- law to Staff. Delegation to the Staff level allows for a quicker decision on applications of that nature since Council meeting timing does not need to be accommodated. Therefore, planning approvals can be obtained more quickly resulting in the applicant reaching the building permit stage sooner. Team/POD Town of Ajax In 2021, the Town implemented a Specific unit . Lack of Staff resources • Application approval Restructuring for Development Team/POD structure count and type to review and process timelines to be Development to review and process development cannot be development tracked to monitor Application Review applications. Five interdisciplinary assigned to this applications. success of structure teams with representatives from item. and staffing levels. Planning, Engineering, • Forthcoming online Transportation, Design Services, Potential for all interactive mapping and Planning Administration were housing types with application status created to improve service delivery (depends on and details to be and expedite the development applications released online. application review process. submitted). Team/PODs are assigned during the pre -consultation stage and move the applications to permit stages. 16 * Note: Housing units estimates are based on previously completed studies and/or based on historical data to create estimates. The delivery of housing units is ultimately market driven and may be impacted by external factors such as Regional servicing infrastructure capacity. Housing units identified above may overlap across municipal initiatives. Page 28 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) MUNICIPAL INITIATIVES INITIATIVE OWNER & ADDITIONAL STAKEHOLDERS CONTEXT & DESCRIPTION OF HOW INITIATIVE ACCELERATES HOUSING NUMBER OF UNITS & HOUSING TYPE* CONSIDERATIONS (BARRIERS, IMPLEMENTATION, RISKS, ETC.) POTENTIAL MITIGATION STRATEGIES AND PROPOSAL TO ACCELERATE HOUSING POTENTIAL REPORTING & MONITORING MEASURES The members of each interdisciplinary Team/POD work collaboratively to deliver a unified and consistent streamlined approach to development review which will result in the applicant reaching the building permit stage sooner. Affordable and Town of Ajax Action #21 in the draft Ajax Housing Specific unit • Additional Staff • Identify grant opportunities, • Monitor success of Supportive Housing Action Plan directs the Town to count and type resources needed to such as the Streamline position by tracking Liaison consider establishing an affordable cannot be implement action. Development Approval Fund, housing units and supportive housing liaison. assigned to this to hire external consultants to constructed with Responsibilities associated with this item. assist with the project. assistance of position position would provide application . Provide the liaison detailed and satisfaction of guidance and help facilitate training on the land use and applicant. partnership opportunities between housing development non-profit community housing process. providers and for -profit developers to deliver special needs housing, community housing and housing projects with affordable dwelling units. 17 * Note: Housing units estimates are based on previously completed studies and/or based on historical data to create estimates. The delivery of housing units is ultimately market driven and may be impacted by external factors such as Regional servicing infrastructure capacity. Housing units identified above may overlap across municipal initiatives. Page 29 ATT-2: Council Resolution from February 27, 2023 Council meetwch 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications InDgmetionPackage (ECCIP) The Corporation of the Town of Ajax !�X p � By the Lake February 27, 2023 Council Resolution Extract The following resolution pertaining to the business of the Community Affairs & Planning Committee Meeting of February 6, 2023 was adopted by Council of the Corporation of the Town of Ajax at its meeting held on February 27, 2023: 5. Presentations / Reports 5.1 PDS-2023-02: 2031 Municipal Housing Target Pledge Main Motion as Amended Moved by: L. Bower Seconded by: J. Dies That the report entitled "2031 Municipal Housing Target Pledge" be received for information. 2. That the "Town of Ajax 2031 Municipal Housing Target Pledge", included as ATT-1 to this report, be endorsed to support Council's commitment to accelerating the supply of housing to meet the 2031 Municipal Housing Target of 17,000 new housing units, subject to the following conditions: a) That the Town not be penalized financially or otherwise, for failing to meet the identified housing target; b) That the housing target be recognized as an aspirational target and that the Town be permitted to continue to utilize the applicable population and employment forecasts from the Growth Plan, 2020 and/or municipal growth allocations assigned to and/or developed by the Town, for the purposes of creating development related studies, plans, and by-laws; c) That the Province continue to work with municipalities to provide grant opportunities, such as the Streamline Development Approval Fund, to aid in the rapid delivery of the identified municipal initiatives and growth -related infrastructure; and d) That the Province continue to consult and engage with municipalities on recent and future legislative changes and initiatives to find mutually beneficial ways to streamline approvals and enable municipalities to continue to collect growth - related charges to deliver infrastructure and community needs quickly. 3. That the Municipal Comprehensive Review Growth Management Study completed by the Region identified that there was potential to accommodate approximately 32,000 dwelling units through intensification in Ajax by 2051 demonstrating that Ajax already has enough land available within its urban boundary to nearly double the housing target as set out by the province so any greenbelt lands are not required. Page 30 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications InDgmetionPackage (ECCIP) The Corporation of the Town of Ajax !�X {� � By the Lake February 27, 2023 Council Resolution Extract 4. That a copy of this report and Council's resolution be sent to Minister Steve Clark, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing by March 1, 2023 and a copy also be sent to the Region and Durham area municipalities. CARRIED Questions regarding the contents of this extract may be directed to the undersigned. Jason McWilliam Manager of Legislative Services / Deputy Clerk Town of Ajax T: 905-619-2529 x 3342 E: Jason. McWilliam(a),aiax.ca Page 31 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) AL Mnni74VG7y01, Trent Lakes 760 Peterborough County Road 36, Trent Lakes, ON KOM 1AO Tel 705-738-3800 Fax 705-738-3801 February 28, 2023 To: The Honourable Steve Clark, minister.mah(a)_ontario.ca The Honourable Doug Ford, doug.fordco _pc.ola.org The Honourable Dave Smith, Via email only Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Premier of Ontario MPP Peterborough-Kawartha dave. smithco(a_pc. oIa. org The Honourable Michelle Ferreri, MP Peterborough-Kawartha michelle.ferreri(o�parl.gc.ca Curve Lake First Nation audreyp(c)_curvelake.ca The Association of Municipalities Ontario amo amo.on.ca Re: Oath of Office Please be advised that during their Regular Council meeting held February 21, 2023, Council passed the following resolution: IZmelmf[ me s ►r.Z:*Z1Y*51F*1 Moved by Councillor Franzen Seconded by Deputy Mayor Armstrong Whereas most municipalities in Ontario have a native land acknowledgement in their opening ceremony; and Whereas a clear reference to the rights of Indigenous people is the aim of advancing Truth and Reconciliation; and Whereas Call to Action 94 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada called upon the Government of Canada to replace the wording of the Oath of Citizenship to include the recognition of the laws of Canada including Treaties with Indigenous Peoples; and Whereas on June 21, 2021 an Act to amend The Citizenship Act received royal assent to include clear reference to the rights of Indigenous peoples aimed at advancing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action within the broader reconciliation framework; and Page 32 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) Whereas the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada outlines specific calls to action for municipal governments in Canada to act on, including education and collaboration; Therefore be it resolved that Council request to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing that the following changes be made to the municipal oath of office: I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to His Majesty King Charles III and that I will faithfully observe the laws of Canada including the Constitution, which recognizes and affirms the Aboriginal and treaty rights of First Nations, Inuit and Metis peoples; and further That this resolution be forwarded to the Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), all Ontario municipalities, MPP Dave Smith, MP Michelle Ferreri, Premier Doug Ford and Curve Lake First Nation. Sincerely, Mayor and Council of the Municipality of Trent Lakes Cc: All Ontario municipalities Carried. 2 Page 33 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) Orono DBIA Meeting 2023 Monday February 27, 2023 Orono Town Hall Attendance: Gavi Crabb, Rick Ravary, Karen Lowery, Margaret Zwart, Lori Williams, Heather Maitland, Perry Kirkbride, Diana Stephenson, Julie Cashin-Oster, Scott Story, Yvonne Maitland, Frank Maitland Minutes of previous meeting Motion to accept — Seconded — Lisa Roy of the Durham County Seniors Lodge was unable to attend to address the meeting Previous Business The final report for Santa Claus Parade deferred to next meeting Bank account? Winter Flags Mock up of winter time pole banners from James Publishing distributed and discussed Sub committee formed to finalize the details and appearance. The sub committee consists of Heather Maitland, Frank Maitland, Yvonne Maitland. Anyone wishing to be a part of the sub committee can contact Yvonne for more information on meeting time. Farmers Market At this time it has been reported by Sam Kent (not in attendance) that they may be moving ahead with plans for a farmers' market on Saturday mornings. Location to be secured and more details to follow. Possible locations include Library parking lot and Arena parking lot. Orono Community Collective Laurie Williams reported to the DBIA that there is interest in reviving the OCC. There will be a public meeting in the near future when details are confirmed. The OCC will be looking for new members and ideas. At this time there isn't interest in organizing a large event like Oronofest but providing help to other community events which would be a great asset. More details to come. Page 34 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) Media Due to the amount of work that is required to handle the social media and advertising of the DBIA interests it was suggested that Timothy Jackson be given an increase in funds. Motion to increase Timothy Jackson's honorarium to $2000 for the year 2023. 1. Gavin Crabb 2. Diana Stephenson 3. All in favour. Motion carried Parking Parking concerns are at an all time high as post Covid life has seen a return to normal activity plus more businesses have set up shop and more rental units have been created but both lack parking facilities to accommodate the new employees and tenants. Heather Maitland put forward an estimate of 35 — 40 spots are required for employees alone. DBIA members discussed possible solutions including shorter time limits on Main St. , increased by-law presence, employers requiring employees to park out of the downtown core. Diana Stephenson notified the DBIA that she was speaking to Kirby McAllister the real estate agent for the vendor of the vacant lot at 5460 Main St about renting parking on the lot. Due to potential liability for damages and injuries the vendor is not open to renting spots. While the vendor is interested in selling the property, they would possibly be open to a lease agreement for the entire lot with the DBIA/Municipality. On this matter the following action is required: Diana Stephenson will create a proposal for lease. Gavin Crabb and Frank Maitland to collaborate. Marg Zwart will enquire regarding Municipal insurance coverage for lot if leased by the DBIA. Letter of Revitalization Letter sent to the Municipality of Clarington regarding concerns over decaying infrastructure, emphasizing the aging water pipes and the damage they are causing residents, the dangerous condition of multiple areas of the street that are crumbling, heaving and cracked. Lyndsey Patenaude from the Municipality acknowledged receipt of letter and it will be presented at the February 27, 2023 Council meeting. NPU/ Ri icinacc New planters for the street. Design ideas submitted. Quotes required. Further discussion deferred to next meeting. Page 35 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) Events upcoming — Scott Story is organizing an Easter Egg Hunt for Saturday April 81h. More details to come. A few outstanding issues with the Antique Festival 2022 were discussed as more invoices were given to Scott Story needing to be paid. Of concern was an invoice submitted by Alister Macrae the organizer of the festival for an administration fee of $500. As no organizer has ever been paid and it would set a bad precedent because it was never approved in the past budget or voted on by the DBIA. Motion to not pay the administration fee submitted by Alister Macrae. 1. Gavin Crabb 2. Karen Lowery 3. All in favour. Motion carried. Orono Town Hall is hosting an International Women's Day event on March 8. All welcome. Discussion of potential ideas for upcoming events to be considered. - Car show - Chili cook off - Sidewalk sale Budget for 2023 deferred to next meeting. Next meeting Monday March 20 at Sam. Location Buttercup Hollow Pantry 5340 Main St. Meeting adjourned at 9:29am Page 36 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) Orono Downtown Business Improvement Association Main St. Orono PO Box 210 Orono, ON LOB 1M0 Main Street Revitalization Plan To the Municipality of Clarington, As the infrastructure of Orono continues to age there are a number of issues that the Orono DBIA would like the Municipality to address in the future planning and development of budgets to address needed repairs and refurbishment of the Orono streetscape. In particular we would like to see a 3 year plan that would see the Municipality take ownership of the Main Street and replace the crumbling and heaving sidewalks and roadway that have become increasingly dangerous for pedestrians which is compounded at night as lighting is another issue that will need to be taken into account. We wish to see a plan to create a streetscape that is welcoming and easily negotiable, for people with varying degrees of abilities. Partnering with the Region of Durham to address the infrastructure under the road namely the water main. There have been a number of water main ruptures over the past years that have resulted in more damage to the sidewalks and roadway, loss of business as water is shut off to those businesses for substantial amounts of time and that also affects the residents living over those businesses and affected areas. The antiquated cast pipes cause the water to be extremely hard, eroding interior plumbing of buildings in Orono creating expenses to Orono residents that other Clarington residents do not have to endure. As business owners we have a legal 'duty of care' to our customers and residents to ensure our products and establishments are safe and maintained to standards expected of by governing bodies and the public. Page 37 March 3, 2023 Electronic Council Communications Information Package (ECCIP) We are asking the Municipality for the same consideration. We would like to see that the amount of passion that Orono businesses have and the incredible community spirit possessed by the residents are reflected in the aesthetics, infrastructure and maintenance of our village. Yours sincerely, Orono DBIA Orono Town Hall Board Orono Community Collective Page 38