HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-35-86TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # s- a Res. #. L/'� -.s 5U 4 By-Law, #WW -- > 4;6_ MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: JUNE 2, 1986 REPORT #: CS -35 -86 FILE #: SUB,ECT: BURKETON PARK FENCING RECOMMENDATIONS: (HANDOUT) It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. That report CS -35 -86 be received; and 2. That staff be authorized to install a 6 foot high chain link fence, 650 feet long separating Burketon Park from the CP Railway tracks;and 3. That the cost approximately $5,000.00 less $500.00 contribution from CP Rail be drawn from the 5% park land reserve fund. BACKGROUND & COMMENTS: Back on April 8th, 1986 a CP Rail representative met with Mr. B. Mickelwright of the Burketon Park Board regarding the dangerous situation of improper fencing between the park and the railway tracks. Based on the correspondence attached CP Rail are willing to contribute $500.00 towards Proper fencing. Based on the Railway Act CP Rail is only required to maintain a cattle fence. ../2 GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE REPORT # CS -35 -86 PAGE 2. Due to a potential liability problem for the Town it is urged that council approve replacing the cattle fence along the entire north side of the park separating the park from the tracks with a six foot high chain link fence and that the cost be drawn from the 5% park land reserve. Res ectfully submitted, an Devantier, .D.M.R., Director r Department of Community Services r' / JD:SA TOWN OF NFWCASTIE TO; Mr, Jan Devantier, Director of Community Services FROM; John Winters DATE; May 26th, 1986 SUBJECT: Burketon Park, Blackstock - repairs to fence abutting CP Rail line --------------------------------------------------------------- I enclose herewith correspondence from the Honourable Allan Lawrence, M.P., with respect to fencing at Burketon Park, for your information., yY ntors M yor O Ij Jl! /mr MAY 2 8 1985 Encls. l 1 RE1,1EVED 11AW 2 3 1986 HOUSE O F COMMONS Constituency Office Non. Allan Lawrence, O.C., M.P. 'federal Bldg. Durham. Northumberland CANADA 67 John Street Ottawa, K1A OA6 (613) 992 -8756 Port Hope, Ont. L1A 2Z4 (416) 885 -2044 'from all other constituency areas phone Zenith 9.6130 OTTAWA May 20, 1986 Mayor John Winters Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3A6 Re: Burketon Park, Blackstock - repairs to fence abuttinq CP Rail line Dear John; Further to my letter of April 7, I'm enclosing for your information a copy of another letter just received from Mr. Minto, who is CP Rail's superintendent for our area. From this it would appear that this fencing problem is being resolved in a mutually acceptable manner. However, if I can be of further assistance, please let me know. With my very best personal regards, Your very truly, Allan Lawrence, M.P. Durham - Northumberland Enclosure TORONTO, May 8, 1986 Office of the Superintendent Toronto Division Hon. Allan Lawrence, M.P. Durham - Northumberland House of Commons Ottawa, Ontario K1A OA6 Dear Sir: Our Fite P- 144o -1 Your File MPS � 5 4086 This has reference to your letter of February 24, 1986 concerning fencing between the Railway right -of -way and Burketon Park in Blackstock, Ontario. Unfortunately the previous correspondence (from your office and from Mrs. Micklewright) did not reach my office until copies of same were forwarded by the Smiths Falls Superintendent with copy of his letter to you dated January 20, 1986. I notice that Mrs. Micklewright's letters were addressed to Mr. Leyne's former office. A CP Rail representative met with the President of the Burketon Park Board, Mr. G. Micklewright, on site April 8, 1986. At this meeting CP Rail was informed that the Burketon Park Board was proceeding with plans to construct a section of chain link fence (approximately 250 feet in length) in an effort to inhibit pedestrians from using the Railway right -of -way as a means of access to and from the park. The chain link fence would begin at the east limit of the park and run westward. According to the Railway Act, CP Rail is only required to maintain cattle fence along the right -of -way. Keeping this in mind but recognizing the desire of the Board to have chain link fence in this situation, CP Rail is willing to contribute an amount towards the construction of the new chain link fence equal to the cost of constructing new cattle fence for an equivalent length ($2.00 per foot). This on condition that the new fence be constructed and maintained by the Burketon Park Board. .../2 Page 2 File: P- 1446 -1 Date: May 8, 1986 In addition, the required minor repairs to the remaining cattle fence will be carried out by CP Rail as s6on as possible. I trust that these arrangements are satisfactory to all involved. Yours (tndent C Su cc: Mr. G. Micklewright Burketon Park Board ` . f TOWN OF NNCA E WIORANDUM TO: Mr. J. Caruana, Deputy Director of Community Services FROM: Mrs. Lou Ann Birkett, Purchasing and Supply Agent DATE: May 6, 1986 SUBJECT: FENCING BURKETON PARK The prices you requested on fencing for the above park are as follows: 650 feet 6' high 2 End Posts Material Only $3,333.96 Labour 1,625.00 Total The above prices include all applicable taxes. Delivery would be approximately 10 days. Written confirmation of the above prices will be received within the next couple of days. Yours truly, i '114; W4 � Lou Ann Birkett, Purchasing and Supply Agent. LAB /hjm