HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-31-86.,,, -. ' 1�4 -.,.,. TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # g F O Res. k, By -Law # MEETING :General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: MAY 20, 1986 REPORT # CS -31 -86 FILE #: SMUT: NEGOTIATIONS WITH PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD AND THE TOWN RE: JOINT USE OF PROPERTIES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. That Report CS -31 -86 be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: At the January 20, 1986 G.P. & A. meeting the following resolution was passed: "That staff prepare and submit a status report on negotiations with the School Board and areas of concern relative to school properties." At a meeting with the executive committee an update was submitted on the NCSPB's two meetings with the board staff. Subsequently staff had a meeting with the board staff May 8th, 1986. The following issues were discussed: 1) Review of Joint use Agreement: It was mutually agreed that the 1975 agreement was still applicable and working well. Mr. Fred Pascoe and Mr. Nick VanSeggelen will continue to work harmoniously to ensure that maintenance is to the standard of both parties. 2) School Board Long Term Plans: Board staff will be meeting with Town staff on a regular basis to coordinate parkland development with the school board for existing, expanded and new school facilities. ../2 GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE REPORT NO. CS -31 -86 Page 2. 3) Specific Projects: Plans for the development of Courtice West School facility and the coordinated park development were reviewed and agreed that the school will provide the space for a soccer field and the Town will develop a ball diamond on their land. The Courtice North School development of a new ball diamond was discussed. This project is now complete to the satisfaction of both parties. A meeting with the Enniskillen Community Association the School Board and Community Services Department staff has been arranged for Thursday, May 15th to discuss possible re- development of the school park facilities and possible expansion of this park. The new Bowmanville Arena site at the High School was also discussed. Generally the Board Staff seemed receptive to the proposal but required some investigation as to possible expansion of the school in future,some servicing concerns and what benefits the school may receive. This meeting was very positive and demonstrated a renewed willingness to cooperate. Respectfully submi d l Devantier, R. ctor Department of Community Services JD:sa AG NT made in quadruplicate this,/ day Of July, 1975, DB' WEE NJ � yrue+Osr.,�,,, AND MMIMSTLE BOARD OF 1240M UM nerelnafter ca ed i"� oT""""'"' *��ard• OF T11M FIRST PART and THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE., re na r oa e e wn o Newcast e" OF THE SEC011D PART. WHEREAS is the interest of co- operation and the sharing of raoreaticaal facilities within the Town of Newcastle, the p+u tie, hereto .wish ., to antei: into - thr following agzeementt NOW WITNFSS$Tti 'TEAT 'iDl' CONSIDERATION OF T113 PREMISEiS AIJD OTHER GOOD :AND VALUABLE C0ISID14RATIOH,.THE PARTIBs HERETO AGREE AS FOLWWS a 1. The Board of EducatiOn agrees that all school athletic tracks within the Town of Newcastle shall be and will remain available for public use when not in use by the Board of Education. Z.:The Board of Education!Orants permission to the Town of Newcastle to repair the ball diamonds at all schools within the Corporation of the Town Of Newcastle and that they are for the general use by the publip,whan not required for the une of the Board. 3. The'Board of Education hereby grants to the Town of Newcastle the right b use all outdoor athletic facilities on all school Properties within the boundauies of the Corporation of the Town of Newcastle when not required for use by the Board of Education. 4. The Town of Newcastle grants to the Board of Education the right and permission.to use. all outdoor athletic facilities within the Town of Newcastle under the s►anagament of the said Town of Newcastle for the use and enjoyment of the students of various schools within the Tom of Newcastle) and that this in no way abridges the use which the general public may make of.such facilities. 5. The parties hereto agree that this agreement will remain in force from year to year but may be terminated by either party _ Z _ on six nnnthal, notice to the other party to thin Agreement. 6. Both parties to this Agreement hereby covenant, promise and agree to indemnify and'save harmless the other party for any claim arising out of the use and enjoyment of the premises of the other party during the currency of this agreement. It is incumbent on the using party to provide adequate supervision. 7. The parties hereto agree that the sharing of recreational facilities as herein provided pertains solely to outside recreational facilities and "a not confer any use with respect to inside recriailonai facilities. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THR NORTHUMBERLAND AND NEWCASTLE BOARD OF EDUCATION has caused to be affixed its Corporate seal attested by the hands of its officers duly qualified in that behalf. THE NOR't'HUHIDERi+AND D r&CWW��f8kl�9�QtDN wwft Ur tuu�0;4 FTAVi IN WITNESS WHEREOF THg CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE has caused to be affixed its corporate seal attested by the hands of its officers duly qualified in that behalf. C Report to N.C.S.P.B. November 6, 1985 Re: Recommendation 54 Master Plan The sub - committee met with Mr. Glen Holmes (Supt. of Plant N/N Bd of Ed.) and Joe Caruana on October 3rd. Mr. Holmes advised us that he had been unaware of Recommendation 54 until he received notice of the above meeting. He further advised that discussions for the 1986 budget for the N/N Bd. of Ed. have gone past the stage where any further monies can be requested. There was no money allocated for the above recommendation. It was agreed by all present that we need to take another look at what needs to be done at each of the schools mentioned in the recommendation. The information we have is no longer accurate. Mr. Holmes also agreed to talk to the Board as well. No further meeting date was set at this time. Respectfully submitted, Francine Newton