HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-24-86A _f . UI s7d) TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File #/, 1 Res. # By -Law # MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: APRIL 21, 1986 REPORT #: CS-24-86 FILE #: SUB.ECT: BOWMANVILLE MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION HOUSE LEAGUE DIVISION RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. That Report CS -24 -86 be received; and 2. That Council Resolution C- 544 -84 (agreement with the B.M.H.A. to assume Recreational Hockey) be repealed; and 3. That staff be authorized to draft a new agreement for the assumption of Recreational Hockey by the current House League Committee in consultation with the B.M.H.A. Toros, the House League Committee and the N.C.S.P.B.; and 4. That said draft be submitted to G.P.B A for review within one month. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: At the B.M.H.A. House League Annual Meeting March 27, 1986 the house league officially requested the B.M.H.A. to terminate the agreement currently in place with the Town for the B.M.H.A. to run recreational hockey in the Town of Newcastle (see attached letter to Mr. Joe Real B.M.H.A. Toros). Subsequently the B.M.H.A. Toros have submitted the attached letter to request the Town to release the B.M.H.A. Toros from said agreement. This letter also gives a history and some controversial issues that have come to light in the past two years. ../2 General Purpose and Administration Committee Report No. CS -24 -86 Page 2. The B.M.H.A. House League Committee is a well organized and effective committee which has done an excellent job in the past two years managing the House League Division. This committee is prepared to assume complete control of the House League Division. Staff have no hesitation in releasing the B.M.H.A. from its obligations as outlined in the agreement with the Town and turning over said responsibility to the House League Committee currently in place. The intent of the current agreement as per attached and other issues should however, be reviewed and a new agreement drafted for Council approval. It is recommended that staff initiate a meeting with three (3) executive members of the Toros and three (3) executive members of the House League Committee and the current N.C.S.P.B. sub - committee on hockey for the purpose of composing a new agreement for managing house league hockey in the Town of Newcastle and report back to Council within one month. Respectfully submitted, Jan Devantier, R.D.M.R., Director Department of Communityi Sevices JD *sa wr4 anvikkv- N O J, 3 CBOWMaRaRe (-M w n 9406key LA" Mat [OR Jan Devantier, R.D.I1JI.R. Director of Community Services Corporation of the Town of Newcastle 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville, Ontario LIC 3A6 Reference:- Bowmanville Minor Hocke Association Dear Jan, April 10, 1986, As I am sure you are aware the Bowmanville Minor Hockey Association (B.M.H.A.) approached the Town of Newcastle in the spring of 1984 regarding minor hockey in Bowmanville. It was our feelings that a more effective and well rounded program was possible for boys and girls at the house league level of hockey. It was agreed by the Town of Newcastle Council at that time to allow the B.M.H.A. to look after all minor hockey in Bowmanville. the B.M.H.A. was an organization of competitive teams and most of our involved at the house league level we own member's children were not felt it would the housetleague.to l T heseparents form f ed interested frm committee and parents from became known as the B.M.H.A. House League. A Minor Hockey Council was formed comprising itself of members from both the Toro Division (competitive teams) and the House League Division. This was to provide a forum where matters of mutual concern could be discussed and also where we could offer suggestions and direction to this newly formed group. I believe a genuine effort was made by the Toros and most members of the House League to forge an organization that was truly one, whereby all children would be allowed to play organized hockey at a level consistant with their interest and ability. During the past two years however, some major differences and problems have arisen that seriously undermine that goal. The Bowmanville Minor Hockey Association is directed by and under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (O.M.u.A.). This agency insists that all member groups be insured through an O.M.H.A. group policy to an amount of ten million dollars liability coverage. To obtain this insurance all groups and their subsidiaries must be affiliated with the O.M.H.A. Because the B.M.H.A. is a member of the O.M.H.A. it necessitates the affiliation of our House League with the affiliation of Newcastleandtthe creates a of concerns .....2 Box 191 Bowmanville MM) Ontario - Canada L1 C 3K9 April 10, 1986, As I am sure you are aware the Bowmanville Minor Hockey Association (B.M.H.A.) approached the Town of Newcastle in the spring of 1984 regarding minor hockey in Bowmanville. It was our feelings that a more effective and well rounded program was possible for boys and girls at the house league level of hockey. It was agreed by the Town of Newcastle Council at that time to allow the B.M.H.A. to look after all minor hockey in Bowmanville. the B.M.H.A. was an organization of competitive teams and most of our involved at the house league level we own member's children were not felt it would the housetleague.to l T heseparents form f ed interested frm committee and parents from became known as the B.M.H.A. House League. A Minor Hockey Council was formed comprising itself of members from both the Toro Division (competitive teams) and the House League Division. This was to provide a forum where matters of mutual concern could be discussed and also where we could offer suggestions and direction to this newly formed group. I believe a genuine effort was made by the Toros and most members of the House League to forge an organization that was truly one, whereby all children would be allowed to play organized hockey at a level consistant with their interest and ability. During the past two years however, some major differences and problems have arisen that seriously undermine that goal. The Bowmanville Minor Hockey Association is directed by and under the jurisdiction of the Ontario Minor Hockey Association (O.M.u.A.). This agency insists that all member groups be insured through an O.M.H.A. group policy to an amount of ten million dollars liability coverage. To obtain this insurance all groups and their subsidiaries must be affiliated with the O.M.H.A. Because the B.M.H.A. is a member of the O.M.H.A. it necessitates the affiliation of our House League with the affiliation of Newcastleandtthe creates a of concerns .....2 ,,.1y. CRcWMakUi_ove �ocl�e�ssoc�a�i.c� -2- P Box 19I In the mandate we recciv "A from the K n it was sLcted that House League hockey would be oven to all internste! boys and girls within the Town of Newcastle.. The situation witsin the Zo`+'7n ij rather lr Located within the Town uni_oue as far as minor hoc.LeT is con_.er�ed. are three separate 0.i. .A. centres. These are 3X .7.A., .A., Orono Minor Yockey Association a.rd Newcastle Villave Minor Hockey Association. Competitive teams must be formed from pl.avers drawn out of O.M.Y. A. designated area. The 3A.F.A. draws •-lavers from Bowmanville and i should be ooi.nted out that this former 'Jarli_n�- ton Township only. t _l residency rule does not apply to housa league teams. However the House League provides hockey at a "Select' .level whereby the more proficient players in the house league can try .out, and nlay f Select Teams at their respective age roups. Because .these Select Teams travel to other centres the 0.K. ".A. insists that the rules pertaining to residency ap,,,ly to these teams in the same manner as they do to the competitive teams. This rule would orohibit players livi_n7 in Orono and Newcastle and playing° house league hockey in Sow. ar_ville from takin7 part in the Select pro.ram. No one would be put out of hcckey but they would have to nlay for their home centre if they wished to partake of a slj7htly hi -her caliber of competition (Select Hockey). The O.I'i.N.A. views Select Hockey as an extension of the local house league. It is a program that is not to interfere with the house league teams but is to provide a forum where the more talented player can ne ;-iven more advanced instruction and competition. In light of the O.r.H.A.'s desire not to have Select Hockey in any way detract from the house league they have a rule l.imitin:; these Select 'Teams • ,- ,�P Within the to two games per month plus two tournaments per year. Bowmanv_i�lle House League-the Select prooram is looked at as something more tear what is perceived by the OZ7,4.A. Because of this the House League have not been able to see their way clear to affiliate with the O.K.P.A. ould force affiliation on the House Lea7ue but As you are aware we c it has not beer our desire in the past nor. is it our desire now to do snythin r other Char create a healthy at iosnhere t0ovOh which the c'n.ildren can enjoy this " ne sport of Hockey. Because of our concern revardi.nv third party liability problems arisin7 out of non affi liaui.on of the house Lea ,ue a3 well as residency problems penai.ning to the Select pro Pram we a?to this l. time Must regretfully ask to r. el.i. the, opera, -o> of and return it to the 'Town of Newcastle, 0..0.3 "'th anvi1"' N 0 TowmaRVIRe ,ARon �oekeq (_AssoctatioN -3- If the Town of Newcastle allows us to return the house league hockey to them we would be recommending it be turned over to the House League Committee that is now in place. We are of the opinion they are operating a program that satisfies our reasons for first approaching the Town regarding house league hockey. If the Town of Newcastle allows the two groups to run separately several considerations must be considered. Firstly our organization is legally incorporated as the Bowmanville Minor Hockey Association therefore the new House League would have to find an,,ialternate name to operate under. Secondl$r, as a competitive organization our teams are selected through a system of try -outs. This presents two concerns. The first is a desire to ensure that all players not successfully being picked for one of our teams still have a place to play hockey. We would suggest that any agreement the Town might enter into with the new House League Executive would include a condition whereby any player dropped from a B.M.H.A. team up to and including November first of each year be guaranteed a position in the House League. The second concern involves the Select Program. As both our program and the Select program are based on try -out systems we feel it is imperative they do not conflict. Ice is not available to us as a rule until approximately the third weekend of September each year. To give each prospective player a fair opportunity to make one of our teams our coaches need ample time to chose their players.. Players not making our teams should in our opinion be given the opportunity to try out for one of the Select teams in the house league. If Select hockey try -outs commence before ours are finished a player could miss the chance of trying out for a Select team if he has been unsuccessful with the B.M.H.A. team. Not wanting to have a player penalized for desiring to play for a competitive team and our views that Select hockey is only an extension of the House League we would make the following suggestion. Since November first of each year has been historically the date whereby our unsuccessful candidates are guaranteed a position in the House League we would suggest that same date be used by the House League as a start time for their Select try -outs. It is our views that not only would this date better facilitate our program but it would also give the Select coaches an opportunity to view prospective players in the House League which starts the first Saturday of October each year. These Select coaches would also be more than welcome to view our try -outs as well. We feel it is imperative that these concerns be reflected in any agreement between the Town and the new House League organization. aoao4 i Box 191 Bowmanville ,Ano{, 94ockeg uAgoetatio� Ontario Canada Iit tl. IiY�G IIJJ �`J t� l/� DC 3K9 N O -4- a w "I an -,iOe As mentioned before it is with regret that we must ask to relinquish the House League. However we are more than willing to provide whatever assistance possible to the Town or to whomever the Town entrusts with House League Hockey. If any concerns or questions arise out of this matter please do not hesitate to contact us. Your tru� //, D.J. Baumhauer Vice President Bowmanville Minor Hockey Association B.M.H.A. - H.L. 17 Loscombe Drive, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3S8 March 27, 1986. Mr. J. Real B.M.H.A. - Toros 16 Vanstone Crescent, Bowmanville, Ontario L1C 3B5 Res Affiliation with O.M.H.A. = Dear Joe: During our annual meeting held March 23, 1986 a motion was made and passed to not affiliate;B.M.H.A.` H.L. with the,O.M.H.A. This decision came about due to the following: 1) the impact that affiliation would have on children living outside of Darlington Township wanting to playhouse league hockey. 2) the impact on house league teams plaving exhibition games and tournaments in the surrounding area. 3) the impact on house league select teams plaving in names and tournaments. 4) the inability to get clarificati.on,`in writing of O.M.H.A. rules anti. how, they would affect the house; league. Due to the above, we `£eel that it �uld be. in the best interest of hockey,and,,both organizations too rate aseparate, bodies Af T)pweastl'e - ,(=fib\ r: A. Raby V President. r?4 } c,c.- J. Devantier Director - Community services' AGItL1MI-Nf MADE 1111: DAY OF 1984 BETWEEN: THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE hereinafter called the "TOWN" 01= THE FIRST PART - and - THE BOWMANVILLE MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION hereinafter called the "ASSOCIATION" OF THE SECOND PART WHEREAS The-Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and The Bowmanville Minor Hockey Association have agreed to the transfer of the "Recreation Hockey League" from the Town to the Association the parties agree as follows: 1. The Town through its Community Services Department agrees to: (a) Provide staff assistance in the administering of the initial phase of the program amalgamation. That is, for the 1984 -1985 season; (b) Transfer its stock of hockey equipment to the Association for i use in the Recreation Hockey League. Such equipment shall include team sweaters and goal tending equipment, in addition to the equipment listed in Schedule "A" appended hereto. 2. The Association agrees to: (i) Administer a Recreation or House League Hockey program for Bowmanville and the surrounding area in conjunction with the Department of Community Services Staff for the 1984 -85 season, and assume total responsibility for the Recreation House League subsequent to the initial year of amalgamation. (ii) Administer the Recreation Hockey League Rules and Regulations in accordance with the Rules and Regulations appended hereto as Schedule "B "; (iii) Offer a separate registration fee for recreation players aside from that of B.M.H.A, representative teams. This fee may be adjusted annually, and reflect increases in expenditures, while maintaining the costs of hockey at an affordable level; (iv) Permit all players to select the level they wish to play at (i.e.) House League or All Star; (v) Permit girls to register and play for House League teams.; (vi) Maintain the hours of ice time at a level consistent with previous seasons for the Recreation House League and according to registration requirements; (vii) Provide staffing for all House League games including such personnel as referees, timekeepers, supervisors, etc.; (viii) Produce a schedule of games and practices for all recreation teams; Pass'66 by Council Resolution NC- 544 -84. file I;uy__ /...''' . -- U-1 - �f- N (ix) Maintain the throe minute huz/er system of changing lines in the House League, as detailed in the Rules and Regulations appended hereto as Schedule "B "; (x) Permit the Kinsmen Club of Bowmanville to operate the Squirt Hockey League; (xi) Assume all expenditures, collect revenues and produce a financial report for the Town of Newcastle, detailing all expenses and revenues for the Recreation Division of the B.M.H.A., commencing in 1984/85 and annually for each successive season; 3. (a) The Association agrees to replace all of the equipment transferred to it by the Town as necessary and at its own cost. (b) The Association further agrees that in the event it is unable to fulfil its role and wishes to transfer the Hockey Program back to the Town, it shall return all of the hockey equipment in its possession to the Town, or, in the alternative, shall compensate the Town for the full cost of such replacement equipment at current replacement cost. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE IN THE PRESENCE OF r ,e/ / "Mayor er THE..BOWMANVILLE MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION W1INES�) H. T3ruce Lush, resi e8— i,�'t.�r,( W11NESS ee`ral dine —McArt ur, Treasurer C'i�lnl SCHEDULE "A" Equipment on Hand Leg Pads 6 Large 4 Medium 9 Small 11 Chest Pads 11 Arm Pads 11 Catching Gloves 19 Blockers 50 Pucks SCHEDULE "0" t/ C1,I „oral lit,, or Lhe TOwn of Nowcii-�t It' Ut•1,Jivtnit•nL 0 cunuuunity St rule(': Fl te: ip$.•S Q4 It1:CHEA'1'ION MINION IIOCKI:y I,FAGLII: RULES AND REGULATIONS 1 . TEAM." u) 'Chu nullihoI• of tUUm:, alluwud to cmmpULe in ally ~arias shall be detUrmint:tl I,y IbU du: ;IguaIU(l uuthuriLy. T110 number Of teums In ;Illy out• :,t:r,t:, :.lull I btu deLer'IIILne(1 by Lilt,' number of boys or guts wilt) rt:l;l,lt1 fur that. series, b) 1'eanls will be t:butitrn at a muclilig prim- to the start of the Iwckey stasun, I'ht• dU�i6nuLud :utlhmrity will :;UL the ditto of the met -t ing. 'felolll:; will be chosun by nlcuns of u Iteverse Draft, Guuilender- w1II it dialled first, then all setun(l year players, Lholl first yc;,1, playt'rs it 1'II,uI y new players to Lhe 1eu6ue. C) 11,M.II.A. Ltam:, arty 1)1(:k up i,lityer:; I'ruat the Ik;Creution 'Ceums up to Nuvutnbt•I d) AfLur the tiald cal (off (lute, U.M.II.,1, lt•anls lacy pick up playt•r:; ()It loan I rural tit(- ItUC•ruut tun I'val;ul: fur it period of two ('L) b:uut•ri. Al. that Lime, Lbe parLICUlar player ualsL return to Ilia buust• It,tl;ur• Mull lhlce it playtut' hn:; bt•Un brow` {ht up fur Lilt! lwu (; , lt to a 1'.M.H.A. team al;uill fur' L,IIJ I't.•IIi;l I I,tlt•1' of tile bl.'it:iUll. ;. AU Ii CATIJ ;(MY: 'A UIIIT `, yI,., and 1 f you have nut bud your 7th IIirtbday by Dec. 31. NOV IC1; 7 It I-. and 11 you have nut bud your 9th Hirtbduy by Dec. 31. ATOM U y :,. ;t11(t If you ,love not had your 11th isirit llday by Dec. 31. 1I'1 {1•: WI•:I: 11 yr:;, anti 1f you havr uoL bud your 1'1 L11 Ilirtbday by Doc. 31. HANTAM la yr:;. and II' you hove noL had your 15Lh itirt lid ay by Dec. 31. M I IA; II' 1:, Y t f you ha vi; nut 11 ;t(I your 17t.1t Ui rthdity by Dec. 31. a . It1•:G I STRAT ION a) E;ICl1 playt•I• wilt, wIsu!7; to cunlpelU in the LUu9UV alusL complete u :'luyt r Ih•1;I:,lraL loin Feral, ,'his form mu :;L bt• :;It;nud by the pureul, ur t;uartll;ln and Yilud with the dUslgnatud authority prim. lit b,•I1111 lo :•:,ll;ncd to a team, b) IlLrlb Ccrl I-I halt•:; (0r proof of ul;e u1usL be produced when registered. C) Tllie upl,rul,rlalt• rt•t 1,1:;Lr:tLlun fUt• I:; Lt) ;tcCu:up:uly the players' rt•t l:,l r;it Ion I"I.M. l) Wb,•n :.11 ;u1nI; Ilit• rty ;1:,11'ai Ion form, p;trt•nl:; du :;u with the undtur:;l aloof lnl; anti krluwledgc Lit;, 1, Lbt Lt ;tl ;uv, It .,i ufI'leer•s, or the 'fuwn of Newv a:,L It- I:; it) nu way rUSponsible or 1 iablC for any tn,lurIc.i Iiivurrt•d. e) The luht 11 ;11 1 nl; dale wi 1 1 dupelld un when each ,ierics has reached (hair tluotu ul' rellst,,,LIOn and well bt' t:losed, However, If Lbert: it 1',' opUnlnt ;ti iIt some CaLt•goriesl rel ;i: LI'aLions will close un .i:ulunry 1:;l. s(o Iluckey I(uics & It., i;ulal tun:; ('ont In•led... Inge, 2. 4. Ell IGIif1111'I'Y: a) Any toam found guilty or knowingly using an ineligible Mayer Shall for feIL ail games in which the ineligi1)1c player was used, b) A Inlayer w It. not. be el igible to I,Iay in nn,y' murc t hnn one age caLegury it it t.ime. (Example) flaying Atom A11 Star, cannot. Islay in the ALom League unless he is released. 5, EQU 1 I'M ENT st) Players playing gunl will he provided with proper goaltending equipuu:nt.. Players playing goal must supply their own helmet and fare nr.t:;k and 1 be i r own goa 1 ::t Ick . b) Jersey:; and :toy ,- qurputcnl. provided remains th,' properly of the League, Al I equipment provided umsl be returned upon call. c) Face protector-, and helmots must, he worn ;urd properly I'astened by all players wlirre on the ice, on the player.,; henches or in the penally bench box. d) A doposi t 1', t, will Ire paid by the coaches, player:; or parents who wish to u:,u Community Services Ilepartment goaltending; equipment Iur pr:tr.t ice, games or tuurnarni-nts, uutsidc of the liowmanvillu Ill, vnorial Arena. The fec is (o he set. it $20.00 and wi 11 Ins r,- turned when equipment i:i returned to Lho Su pervisor on duly, G. DEFAOLT.13: a) Any team Ihat Cannot. ice a team by five mihutes after the regular slart.tng time shall lose by Lie fault, only six (G) plsty(•r:< are needed, one must be :t goalt.ender. b) Two del';tull:; :;I1u11 aulontalically (Iisqualil'y it team from further play. c) I•layers on tho defaulting team who appear for play will be absorbed by ol.her teams in the league it the descretion of the League dc•pond ing if they are under• the 15 player l unit. 7. imurl .'s•rs : a) All pr•ut(-:,L:; :;Irrll be filed wttIt Lhe (Icsignated authority and the oppnsinW I,nnl wiLhin Oil hours of the time of the game being protcstud along wiL1� a $10.00 I'oc. If the prol,st rs upheld, the deposit will be returned, if protvsL is lost., the deposit will be forfeited to the designated authority, The protesL ::hall be in wr•itsfig and shall set out Lhc Rules and ItegulaLiun:; supported by evidence and :;hall be signed by the coach and manager (if' the protesting team. The lienring shall be at the call of the designated authoriLy, ../3 liar kt: y Ru lo:; & Rel;u 1A 1 I art:, t'Un t i W- d ... Page 3, 7, u) IfUleree'S b. :.rlalun -A prUlUSt Uu a I•ULUrue' decision will not I,U c011:.11lt'1'ell till ; it. Cuncet•n:: it thrust Ion of IntUrpretttLion tit' the rulUN td ll!u gune. The duclsiun ul tilt! Protest, ComullitteU shall bu final and I'UCi,rd(-d W t h t ho I.UaguU. THE I'ROTIa•I' 0).Nihill "I'I'I:: The prulesl comumittUU Shall consist of (3) Lhruc lu•r::on:; not actively connected with the learns tnvolvud and duStgnalud by Liu deshgnutud autl•(rily. 8. a) At games will begin at tit(, scheduled time and the clock will not be Stopped t•xr.el,L at the cnd of each period and the last three munutos of Life third I>el•iud. 1,) Coaches have tilt' right to suspend it player on his Luanh for the game and practicuo-; if he is playing at the tivie, for not doing what his cuarh lots instructed him Lo do and report it to the designated authority_ for further action. I., ) If a pJuyor has buun penulited, than he must return directly to Lilt! Itlayer . In'urh if' Lit! tine:; have Iwcn clvtnged during his I,Unaily and nuL take part in the play• If the poaalized players Unto hits 1'eturncd lit Llhe Ice,the penalized pl :hyet• clay also take part In Lilt: It lay. d) All players must use the dressing rooru:; to change into their Utlu I plliclit . u) Attund;ulcu wlll bu Lhe rUSpuuSihiliLy U Lhe Coaches and any prublem:. Lit In- reported to the designated auLhortty (injuries and sickness tit) not count). 9. 1'1•.NA LT 11:5 : a) All penaILIe :, will be governed by the C.A.II.A. Mules unless fil-hu•wltw ,it :II ed Ill, low. b) MINOR PE'NAI:i'll•.5: 2 minutes SLraighL time a the time the puck lS dt•upped Lit 1•cSU1110 play. C) MAJUII I'b:NAl:I IVN: , minutes Straight Lime lit the time the puck 1s dropped Lu ru:.umu play. d) il1:;CON000T.N: The player receiving u Major or Misconduct penalty tS suspt:nded !rung further play to th :tL game. llis time penalties will be Ser•v l ced by someone who was on the Ice at Lite Lillie of Lite inl'raCtlun. L) Any player wlrtt 1:: assussed a t'ive (5) minute Major Penalty In Lt)(-- Itec ru :t l i un hockey Le :hguu Shalt bU ussevscd in addition a gualte M 12iCerlthlt• L penally. Any player who received u game MISCUndurl. Penally arLer the start, of life third period shall auluniatically In• Nu :;pentlud 1'ur Ill(., ncxl. scheduled gango played by Ills tuam. Thin dues not mean un exhibition game played or practcu L Imm•. /n li'I �;Ihl iitukc•y I(uIus & I(c•t;ula( il,u:, Continued... - Page 4. J. 1•) The resin)nn11)10 ul'I'icer Of the team Shull Sul, thaL LIf IS rule i s on I orced n l Lhout. fUI'Chel• nut icu' i n C Lhur case Lhe tcamS I nvuI Ved nl,al l It lay Shunt h;umlud 1'01* 1'ivu (5) uunuLCS with LIr1: punaity I „•int; nerved by a playur dc:;igmuted by thu couch. g) MATCH I'1•:NAI,TlI*.S: 'WL -end, spuuring, kicking, spitting. Any I)I ;rye) will, 1-1- cclVcd it Malrh I'enirlt.y nlutl l h0 abluntatically suspundud unt it dua1L with by 1110 (LIe::rl;naLed aLlLhority. it SI'EAltING: Any player, coach, manager or trainer who swears (ir otherwise u: >uS I•oul w• abusive language or makes obscene or lnnulting t;u:,lures at or aboill ally 01)1)011011( or url•icial sha11 bu unnu:;sud a Mu•Iur MiscunducL p,.nalt.y. Such punalty shall re:;u 1 L ill exl,n I:; i un from I.h(,' 9a110 and SUSI)Ons i un f0l' Lhe next gana: nc:hadull•11 I'm, his team. 1) HIGH :;TICKIN(;: The carrying of any (tart of till, huckuy stick abuvu Lilt' nuruull h1•ight of Lill.! :,huulder i.; prohibitud. Should Cu11LU1'L talk,• place: with the stick um any 11111.1, of the face, he ;ul ur ne,•k of un oliposing player while being; carried in the almv1• mann,•r ,1 Ma•lor 1'elutlty ~ball be u:;su:;nld. Should tiny rn•IUry ru:.uII b,•raune of Lill.; ael.iull it Major 1'4--naILy plus u (hunt. M 1 nrumllu, I :.ha I I be ussussl d. •)) Thu 1•l,ach 4,1' ally hecruat. ion Iluckey League Le ;uu whus0 Leam aet:UIlllllllla LeH ;1 total of penalty Illinutus greatur than the it l Il,w ;111 It' ;eu,nlllL 111 ally Ivague ill* 1)1 ;1yu1'f game will be auLunulL)cully :;unliended for Lhe next- leugue or play -ul'f gume. NOLO: All 111•null.ies to count: NOV ICN Ili minutus per gamo ATOM -20 minutcs put• game 11ai WEE 21 minutes per gaale BANTAM -30 minutes per game M I i)GET - :l(; u,) nu t 1'11 per g;u110 Thu runi)l,n:;1111,: officer of Life teufil shall sue L.hat this rule is enfurcud with „ul. I'urther native. Failure to abservu this rule will rusulI )m ;111 auLOnuttic TWO GAME SUSPEMSION. IU. Thu pill I ing of a gu ;%][lender for an extra oil' player Shall only tuku 1)1acu during; till, last thrcu (3) minute:; of the game. 11. Cl,mche:; 01111) kk1::b to play in Iuurn:lnm•ntS and rellutro players Prom Lit,- Rccr,•i111,-n I.,.11;uu team:. mu:,l fIr:,l cull: ;ill the I,layers' rugul;lr c11:1•1, and ,lot ain puralts:ilon from that euuch. The coach has Lill-- rlgbl to I;r:u11. or refuse the participaLion of his Oil)'” in a i „urn:ununL 01nuwhet'e if it will interfere with schuduled g;um•s ur tealrl pt•uctlees. 12, I'huru will 1,• no : u11sLILULtun ill' players bel.wuun buzzers except in Lilt- caNk- 1)i in•Inry or wh1•n the gualkeepur is replaced by un addit.)un;11 alLuckur in List! 1'lnal mtnules of Lilo game. ../5 Pi) ckey I s ,. Ih g ;u l; g inn:, ('oni. intied, .. I'ugc 5, 13. A 1 1 Iluus:c I,eng;uc M I sconduc t Pcna i t i :: sh:t 1 1 nu-an i null(,([ i ate expulsion 1'1*o111 Ilse trams with t.hc 0xccplion of a goalkeeper who wi11 fin 1:41 Lhc g:une and be ;fit Lonlatic•aIIy suspended. The Leant niu:;L ti-,c i l:: own players for r-eplacement. of the suspended goalkeeper. Any third period Mi: ;conduct„ will result in it one ( 1) gums: su::pcns 1 off . 14. Any house Leal;uc 1) layer receiving a LhIrd penalty in any game sha11 he (,,IveIed I'or tho rerialrider of tho frame and a player off his team shall ,.0rve the ojvc.tod players penalty. 'I'ho player to serve Lh1:, penally must have been on Llae ice a the lime or the p0nailc". 1'5 Players ton fill d:unaging Are11 it Property 0 4!cl11 i - anent wi1l be suspended from the league. 1G. No over Lime will he played during league games, 17. The 1:t:cl. three ( 3 ) minutes of play In Lhe thirst period will be STOP TIMI: I Lifill. petmiLS coach may 1)1:ay hi:; players in any position he wlsh0s. Ii' a team is ahead by five (5) goals or more Lill! .1;'1'01' 'TIME will not be in effuct. 18. Game Nbuct:;:trc to be completed Lon (10) minutes before the gamo and no addltions will be pc-•mil.led without the Supervisors perm i ss i oil 19. A player having the puck with only the goaltender to beat, and Lhe puck mull he :across the opposing team's blue line. The buri0r ,diotild mil. be sounded until the player with thr. puck has completed his play. This does riot mean at the end of the period. 9110 hIIVZ0r• will be sounded to end the period. 20. All playor•c•hangcs must he handled by the de:;ignated authority and tiny nc•w 1-1aycr:; corning; into 11c league will he placed on teams by the L�•:cgue. "1. Meetings :arc In he art•angud through Lit(! I,eaguc Supervisors on duty. 22. BOARDING AND la)DY CHECKING: a) A Minor• or Mijor• Penalty, tit the (I iscrcl ion of the referee, based upon the degree of violence of the impart. with the boards, shall he ;o;:;c:.,:cd :1 fly player who holy check:;, cross checks, elbows, chitrgc•s or trips an opponernt in such it mnnner that. causes the opponent fo he tlit-, wn viol ent.ly info the boards. . / fi I Hockey Mules & Rogulatkills Continual... Pago G• 22 • b) I n a l l c -a I cgOr i eN a Mi nor 1'e1`14 1 I. ,v Nha 1 1 be assessed any player who in Lhe Opiniun Of the referee, Inteniional.,i pally checks, humps, shoves or pushes any opposing player. c) When Lhe at Lac ItIng pl aye r• i:; shut int; 'towards I. he clafending player, Lhe DEFENDING PLAVEV IIAN ' VE. HICI1.1' 1110 MAINTAIN IIIS POS I T I ON . IN TII I S CAS),.' TI11: ATTACKING PLAYER MOST AVI -AIT BODY CONTACT. d) Hiding (.)fl* a play(!r is permitted as long is no body contact Occurs bot.wovii tilt- two players. c) !there, in Ihl• oppinion of the referee, accidenLal Contact has Laken place, nO pt•n;llly shall he 23. FIGHTING AND RctUGH I N_r : n) A Major I'eltally plus a (inns• Misconduct. and three. (3) qunles suslWils i on slut I I he assessed any player who fights. h) A player who is identified by the referee is boing the I nst. i gnLOr cif or the agr(tssor in it f 1, >•ht , she 1 1 he ussessed an addiLionaI Millor Ponulty and it three (3) gume suspension. c) A Minor Penal Iy Nh;c11 he assessed any player who having been st ruck ::ha l l rel a l t;ttc with it blow ot• attenlpLed plow• should such a pl;tycr continue to retaliate, he shall he assessed a Major Ponnity pills a game Alisconduct and three• (;{) games suspcnslun. 24. CHANGING OF I• I N_I_:_: - 'I'll IS IS THE '9AY IT 1F TO III-.' CARRIED OUT AND NO OTIIF:R WAY First offend• id' this infraction in a g ;tine will result in a Minor PoimIty. Second offont•t• Of Lhis infraction in the same game will result in the gamt• lt'• fnl•f•eited• 18 Players: (1) I;ttalie, (3) forward lines, (4) del'ence lines who• sha l i a l t t rn;i I t in rol.nt i on and receive an equal : ;hary of ice time, 17 Ill aye s: (1) null {e, ( :1) forward lines, (7) Ile fencemon who shall ultc rim te in rO1;tl.i(in and receive an equal sh;lre of icc time, 16 Players: (1) goalie, (3) forward lines (3) defence lines who NhaI I ;II L4 rim t• Iit rot it hill and recut Vl` It 11 c'q 11111 :din re of ICe time• 15 Players: (1) i;tt;tl ill, GI) forward 1Ines and (tt) defuncemen who shall alternate in rotation and receive an equal share of lee t l lrte. A Hockey flu 1 es & Rcgu 1 :11 ions Cont i nucd ... Page %, 24, 14 Player ;: (I ) l;-,al it-, (:1) I'or•war•d I ines and (2) defence lines who sha ( 1 a I I ,•rnal e 1 it rot at loll and recei ve an eilua I shore of ice tirn(! la 1'►nycrs: (I) l;o;t I ie, (2) forward 1 ine:;, (2) dr•nl'once 1 Ines. The coach will have tilt: option of playing the extra two players on defence or forward, The Supervisor must he told befort• the gauze as to who they art: Lo he playing. 12 Players: (1) goalie, (2) forward lines and (5) defencernen who shall allcrnaLe in rotation and receive an equal share of ice t tna•, ll 11 Iayer:.: (1) g„alic, (2) forward lines, (2) del'once lines who shat l ;II1,•1-11alt' in rotation and receive an etlual :.;hare of ice t inn•. 10 I'Iltyorr ;: ( I) gua I ie, ('21) I'orward l Ines, ( :1) (11',•11 (:emen who shall alternal,• in I'll tal ion and receive an etlual s.11:1 re of Ice t ime, !1 a •ers: (1) t: .;i 11c. 1'Iavcrs ma l' he I11 ayod un fut•waI'd 1 incs and d,'I'ence I iiws and shall :tIternaLe in ,sot.atiuI and receive an e,lua 1 :.ha rc of rte t. iaa'. 2 Goal 'render:; nett. [it, dressed nntl must split, tilt' playing time in ha I f . The goal I cutler who plays the last 11,11 1' of the gnnu' must play the last :1 minutes of the game. Goaltenders must be declared or fin:tliied al'Icr tilt: exhibition games. 25, 'Teams which are 1tcd I'or positions in the standings will he decidod as fol lute: In the event of ;t t it; I.o (lecitle a position in the final standings the goal averal'o of a team is determined by dividing the goals for anti against Into the goals for, for ail group g;unes. The team . having the Ittgh 1—i'ventago winnin!, the position. When I ine change:, (ill I,ing It penalty, the player in the same position MS Lhc penalircd Inlayer will sit ot'I' Teams finishing It glte;t in standings will he home team in `play -offs. 26. IN THE CANE OF A 1'I.A "lilt ARRIVING LATE 0''. ONE 11FING SERIOUSLY INJURED' DURING 'rill{ GAME, SI' I F" I' TC 'flit' APPROPRIATE F0IIMUI,A Dolt TIIF NO. OF PLAYRRS . All coaches or p;trenl.s helping on the players henry roust sign game sheets, r,