HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-17-86_ _1-e �nll1L" aye 1 t>l. Cb TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File #�r° Res. #C,,. a. By -Law # METING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: MARCH 17, 1986 REPORT #: CS i7 8o FILE #: 13.49$86 SUBJECT: THE AMENDED - ROLE OF THE NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY SERVICES PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. That Report CS -17 -86 be received; and 2. That Report CS -17 -86 be referred to the joint N.C.S.P.B. and Council meeting of April 2nd, 7:30 p.m. at Haydon Hall for discussion and possible further refinement; and 3. That thereafter, staff present the revised Role in report form to Council for approval. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: At the General Purpose and Administration Committee March 3, 1986 CS -12 -86 was discussed and the following resolutions were approved: THAT Report CS -12 -86 be received; and THAT Report CS -12 -86 be referred to the N.C.S.P.B. for comments; and THAT CS -12 -86 and subsequent comments from the N.C.S.P.B. be dealt with at the next earliest General Purpose and Administration Committee Meeting; and THAT Item #4, Recommendation #4, be amended by deleting the word "recommending" and substitute the word "advisory." ../2 �f General Purpose and Administration Committee Report No. CS -17 -86 Page 2. THAT Item #2, Recommendation #4, be amended by deleting the phrase "with the goal of eliminating existing feelings of 'parochial favoritism'" and substitute the phrase "with 'the goals of ameliorating 'parochial interests'." THAT Item #6 of Recommendation #4 be amended by deleting the word "dissipation" and substitute the word "dissemination." THAT Item #5, Recommendation #5 be referred to Councillor Stapleton and the Director of Community Services, Jan Devantier, for suitable rewording taking into account the discussions. THAT Item #3, Recommendation #6 be referred back to staff for amendment. Report CS -12 -86 in its amended form will be sent to the N.C.S.P.B. prior to their April Board meeting to form the basis for the joint Board /Council discussions on the Role of the N.C.S.P.B. Item #5, Recommendation #5 was referred back for rewording. The proposed rewording is as follows: "organize, in conjunction with staff and /or consultants, public meetings for the purpose of obtaining community input for major leisure projects." Item #3, Recommendation #6 was also referred back to staff for amendment. The proposed amendment is as follows: "That the Director of Community Services, or his designate in his absence, be appointed for an indefinite term as a non voting ex- officio member of the Board, to act as an advisor to the Board drawing upon past experiences and professional training. Other Town of Newcastle Department Heads including the Chief Administrative Officer may be called upon to advise the Board on matters pertaining to their expertise." The amended Recommendations 3 to 10 are attached for reference. espectfully submitted, Jan Devantier, R.D.M.R., Director ggpqartment of Community Services Recommendation #3 That the Town of Newcastle formally incorporate a body to be known as the Newcastle Community Services Planning Board (N.C.S.P.B.). Recommendation #4 That the N.C.S.P.B. adhere to the following six principles as an operational mandate: 1. to make a strong commitment to community -wide leisure resources planning; 2. to serve as a forum for the exchange of ideas and the discussion of problems with the goal of eliminating existing feelings of "parochial favoritism "; 3. to develop an understanding of hierarchical servicing structures related to both local and Town -wide leisure needs; 4. to serve as the principal strategic decision making body related to the provision and development of future recreation resources and to make recommendations to Town Council in this regard where necessary; 5. to develop an understanding of municipal budgeting procedures and an appreciation of the finite nature of Town finances; 6. to act as a liaison between the first and third tiers of the local leisure delivery system and to assist in the dissipation of knowledge and information related to the recreational planning process. Change "N.C.S.P.B." to "Leisure Advisory Board" throughout document change N.C.S.P.B. to L.A.B. 1. No change proposed. The N.C.S.P.B. is being confused with the planning department or the old planning committee. 2. To serve as a forum for the 2. Not necessarily true and denotes exchange of ideas and discussion I negetive feelings. of problems with the goal of ameliorating 'parochial interests'. I 3. No change proposed. 4. To serve as the advisory body to Council, regarding policies and long term planning on leisure resources for the community. I 5. No change proposed. 6. Change "dissipation" to "dissemination ". I 3. - 4. Current statement confuses roles of L.A.B. with Council and Staff. 5. - 6urrentiiy Hpprovea Kecommenaations Recommendation #5 That the NCSPB be entrusted with the following responsibilities: 1. the achievement of the principles, goals, objectives, and recommendations I of the Town of Newcastle Culture and Recreation Master Plan; 2. continual liaison with both local and Town -wide tier one groups, clubs and associations in order that their needs) and interests may be incorporated in the planning process; 3. providing information to the Town Planning Department and /or Council related to the selection of developer land dedications or the cash in lieu I option for future subdivision development within the Town; 4. providing assistance to the municipality in the planning and acquisition of lands for park and open space purposes within the Town; 5. providing information and analysis upon which future recreation programs and resources will be based; the identification of capital needs and the submission of development I proposals to the Town Council in regards to major projects, detailing project: -need and intent; - location and features; - potential funding sources and cost sharing; -the role of the Town in the I project. 1. the achievement of the I. Many of the goals and objectives Recommendations of the Town of I of the Master Plan as listed in Newcastle Culture and Recreation I table 1 are the responsibility of Master Plan I staff and should be reviewed for 2. No change proposed. I current relevance. 2. - 3. co- ordinate with staff the 3. LAB should not be involved with development of policies to Council ( the administration of policies as relating to active parkland I currently implied. development, open space planning and leisure facility development 4. Delete 4. LAB should not be involved with the administration of policies as currently implied. 5. organize, in conjunction with staff 5. As in the case of the Arena and /or consultants, public meetings I Feasibility Study community input for the purpose of obtaining I should be required. However, community input for major leisure I staff and /or the consultants projects I should be involved. ons recommendation #5 Continued.... 5. the submission and discussion of budgets for all operating and capital items in co- operation with the local Hall Boards, local Athletic Boards, Arena Boards, and Park Associations; the identification of sources of funding assistance; and the submission of funding applications either autonomously or with the Town. 7. The institution of the NCSPB is a major undertaking which will require considerable patience and co- operation from existing Community Services Department Staff, Town Council and especially from the prospective Board Members. The operational mandate and responsibilities of the NCSPB outlined in Recommendations 5 and 6 should be viewed as long term goals or aspirations for the Board. Complete co- operation and a new, effective level of service should not be expected in the first year of operation. Rather, the success of the Board should be measured after a period equal to the planning period associated with this Master Plan (1983- 1987). As with any new public body, growing pains and adjustments will be evident at the outset. 6. Review and recommend to Council all operating and capital grant request ( 6. Wording change to more accurately submitted by all leisure ( reflect this responsibility. organizations prior to yearly budget deliberations. 7. Delete and ADD. In co- ordination with staff organize and conduct workshops on topics relevant to leisure organizations in our community. (ADD) in relation to the above responsibilities the following procedures shall apply: 8. That general municipal rules of procedure apply to the NCSPB decision making process regarding recommendations to Town Council and any other legislative body or government ministry and that a quorum of the Board shall be constituted by a majority of voting members. 7. This general comment does not belong under "responsibilities" and is included elsewhere in the Master Plan. The items 8 - 14 are added procedures that should assist the Board to carry out its responsibilities. v ons Recommendation #5 Continued.... 9. The Board shall address only items or issues directed by Council or identified in the Master Plan. 10. Board meetings shall be held on the first Wednesday of every month unless otherwise specified by the Chairman. 11. Board meetings shall rotate among various Halls in the Community and shall be open to the general public. 12. The Board shall allow delegations to be heard at any board meeting. 13. All action items from the Board minutes shall be formally reported to Council by the Board Chairman. 14. Previous minutes and the agenda I shall be mailed to board members and Council one week prior to the meeting date by the Community Services Department. Recommendation #6 1. hat the Newcastle Community Services Planning Board be represented by four (4) people from each ward (to be rotated on a three year term) and 3 ex officio members of staff. 2. The composition of the NCSPB has been designed such that all geographic areas of the municipality contribute. This concept of representation by area should also contribute to improved co- operation and dialogue among local boards and associations. The selection of any representatives other than the three from Town staff may be by appointment or election at the discretion of Council. 3. The three (3) representatives from Town Staff, Director of Community Services; Deputy Director of Community Services and the Director of Planning (or their designates) would be appointed for indefinite terms and would be non - voting ex officio members of the Board. It is anticipated that the role of these three members would be advisory in nature, drawing upon past experiences and professional training to provide assistance as required to the 12 voting members of the NCSPB. 1. No change proposed. 2. No change proposed. 2. - 3. That the Director of Community I 3. - Services, or his designate in his absence, be appointed for an indefinite term as a non voting ex- officio member of the Board, to act as an advisor to the Board drawing upon past experiences and professional training. Other Town of Newcastle Department Heads including the Chief Administrative Officer may be called upon to advise the Board on matters pertaining to their expertise. :ecommendation #7 At the discretion of Council, the selection of Board Members shall be based upon a slate of nominees, submitted by various associations, boards and the public at large at the first meeting of every calendar year. ;ecommendation #8 That general municipal rules of procedure apply to the NCSPB decision making process regarding recommendations to Town Council and any other legislative body or government ministry and that a quorum of the Board shall be constituted by a majority of voting members. ecommendation #9 That the NCSPB meet, at the call of the Chairman, a minimum of six times per year and that minutes of all meetings be duly recorded and made readily available for scrutiny by the general public and Town Council. ecommendation #10 That Council give consideration to some form of remuneration to each Board Member consistent with that provided to members of other Boards or Committees in the town. The organization, composition and function of the NCSPB has been designed in order to establish a serious attempt at improving communication, co- ordination and planning of future leisure services in the Town of Newcastle. Proposed Amendments Comments 1. No change proposed. 1. - I I 1. To be included under Procedure. I. Previously in Recommendation #5. I 1. To be included under Procedure. I I. Previously in Recommendation #5. 1. That the LAB members be I 1. Remuneration of LAB should be remunerated similar to other I consistent with other boards and Council appointed boards according I may change from year to year at to Town policy. I the discretion of Council. j2. Delete remainder of Rec. 10. I Recommendation #10 Continued... 2. Successful initiation and operation of the NCSPB will eventually eliminate fragmentation of leisure services in the Town and should in the short term, undermine existing perceptions of fragmented services. 3. It is also intended that the operation of the NCSPB will eliminate the need for frequent, problem - solving sessions between various local boards and Community Services Department staff. This scenario would ultimately reinforce local autonomy in the leisure services sector, as well as providing a more universal set of opportunities for participation in community leisure services planning. This process in itself will be educational for most participants, thereby contributing to a more efficient delivery system throughout the wider community. Cs�,