HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-14-86TOWN OF NEWCASTLE MEETING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: MARCH 3, 1986 T 4S-14-86 FILE #: 13.4•$6 SUB,ECT : ENNISKILLEN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION CAPITAL GRANT REQUEST FOR A COMMUNITY PARK RECOMMENDATIONS: U1 5( <) It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. That report CS -14 -86 be received; and 2. That staff along with the Enniskillen Community Association negotiate with the School Board to resolve existing park facility problems; and 3. That staff report back to G.P. &A. within two months. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: During budget deliberations January 27th, 1986 the following motion was passed: "THAT the Enniskillen Community Association proposed Grant be removed from page 117 and referred to staff for a report to be considered at a future budget meeting." The grant request was addressed by the Community Services Planning Board at their January 8th meeting. Board members visited the proposed new site for a community park and reported the following: Recommend - purchase and development of said parkland per their proposal "It is expected the community will double its' size in the next few years. This will cause the School to expand, reducing their only recreation land which is already inadequate. Site chosen for development is located centrally in the community. The property is land locked, accessed to and joining Town owned land. The park area has at present 6 acres plus, with a possible 15 -18 additional acres for purchase in future. The park site has a wonderful view. Grading to parkland will be necessary before site can be used for sports. Primary sport is baseball with youth soccer field being secondary." /2 General Purpose and Administration Committee Report No. CS -14 -86 Page 2. The NCSPB subsequently approved the following:Resolution CSB- 252 -86 "THAT the NCSPB recommend purchase and development of said parkland per Enniskillen Community Association proposal Phase 1 (21,000 grant)." The official hamlet plan for Enniskillen as per attached identifies a future neighborhood park adjoining the present school property. The present school has 3.25 acres and the proposed park would have over 3 acres. Combined there would be sufficient land for this hamlet and surrounding servicing area. It is staff's opinion that the school site should be re- examined and the issues addressed by the association dated November 13, 1985 (attached) be reviewed with the School Board in an effort to retain this site as the community park. Should a solution at this site not be feasible the proposed new park and land acquisition should be address in 1987. espectfully submitted, t Jan Devantier, R.D.M.R., Director Department of Community Services JD *sa November 13, 1985 R.R.1- .Enniskillen, Ont. LOB 1HO To: Newcastle Community Services Planning Board; 1,7e the concerned residents of' the Village of Enniskillen and surrounding area, have formed a group known as the Enniskillen Community Athletic Group . The following are the executive of that group; Chairperson-- -Nayne Beckett Vice - Chairperson -- -Eldon MacIray Director -- Jim MacKenzie Treasurer -- -Bev Stainton Director - -- Maurice Pollard Director -- -Gary Groeneveld Director - - -Joe Tobias Director -- -Lynn Henderson Due to the fact that we have one men's baseball team, two women's baseball teams, and maybe someday a soccer team for kids and also a kids baseball team, 1,._ are quite concerned with upgrading our facilities for sports. The number one objective would be to have a park of our own, separate from the school. Listed below are what is felt would be necessary to upgrade our facilities for sports at their present locations at the Enniskillen Public School grounds: 1- Removal of nineteen (19) trees presently dividing the centre of the playing field and will replace them with new trees in other locatoons. 2 -( gating a gradual slope of playing field, from the baseball backstop at the rth -east to a point south, a distance of approximately 300 feet, and from t the east to a. point test, a distance of an proximately 180 feet, b�, grading and the addition of some fill. 3- Level and cover the baseball infield with a stone dust material, similar to that at Hampton M.J. Hobbs and Solina ball diamonds . The existing surface on the infield trashes with each rain. 4- The construction of a nee,,, backstop and top ;.ith north and east side fences. 5- Movement of the old test backstop, to a 1 )oint further west. 6- The purchase and placing of two steel bleechers, one on each side of the new backstop. Each of these could be a two row bleacher. The above points are those we feel would make a good facility. We are trilling however to be satisfied vith the following changes: 1- Removal of twelve (12) trees, replacing them with new trees in other locations 2- The same grading of land as in the previous list. 3- The same material on the infield as in the previous list. 4- A new backstop and top without the north and east side fences. 5- Complete removal of the old Crest backstop, as it is seldom used. 6- Some other form of seats if less expensive. By having this gradual slope of land, existing soccer goal posts could be moved playing field. We would be willing to do what manual the facilities. All these requests rauld not only ben but -Zso provide better ground facilities veal north and south and east to west, the north, leaving a smoother and level, help we could to the upgrading og afit those interested in summer sports, for the children during the school UI.SCc) 121 Since %-ie have started using what sports facilities .,,,e have at the school, ,,ie feel that the groundd have been ke�)t clean by us, and that the amount of vandalism witi-, our presence at the school yard has been non- existent. Roping, this letter ,,iill aid in your decision and an.-proval for the upgrading of the Enniskillen sport facilities as soon as possible, preferably C, by the spring of 1986. Below are signatures of those concerned and interested individual6. lue,;� Lk CA— pit L12A uls() Yours Truly, Chairperson Enniskillen"-'ommunity Athletic Group. 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