HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-02-09Newcastle BIA MINUTES February 9th, 2023 www. vi l lao,eof n ewcastle. ca Attendance: Janeen Calder, Marni Lewis, Jane Black, Angela Booth, Valentine Lovekin, Jim Norwood, Ann Harley, Brodie, Doug Sirrs Regrets: Greg Lewis, Theresa Vanhaverbeke, Tracy Yates 1. Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. 2. Approval of December 2022 Minutes Motion by: Ann Harley Seconded by: Janeen Calder 3. Business Arising from Minutes: Include non-BIA businesses to the email list. 4. President's Report: Thank you to everyone that came out to the AGM, its was a great night with great food and service from Da Taste. 5. Treasurer's Report: The current bank balance is $75,893. The 2022 audit documents have been submitted to the Municipality. 6. Council Report: n/a 7. Committee Reports: Safety >t Decor: As a reminder, the sidewalks will be initially cleared BUT it is the business owner's responsibility to maintain the sidewalks and surrounding area of their property. You are liable for anyone slipping and falling on your property. Please remember to shovel and salt regularly. The holiday snowflakes will be coming down February 24th. Advertisinp.: Angela will be leaving the Social Media coordinator position as of March 10th to pursue a new opportunity. The hiring committee will meet to discuss next steps. Facebook Dec 8 - Jan 8 TOP POSTS and Reach 16-Dec Congrats to Home Hardware 3566 16-Dec Newcastle Sweatshirts (JC's) 2319 25-Dec Merry Christmas (gazebo pic) 1990 02-Feb Skating at Parkette 1582 31-Jan Hotel California (Hall share) 1131 07-Feb Massey House back from vacay 1049 25-Jan BIAAGM (DaTaste) 921 Last 28 days Total Reach 2623 Engagement 482 Page likes +6 Page follows +16 Audience 80.9 W/19.1 M Instagram Dec 8 - Jan 8 Followers 1446 11 increase Last 28 days 14 posts Accounts reached 1234 6 stories Accounts engaged 130 Top Posts and Reach 25-Jan AGM/Da Taste 797 16-Dec Home Hardware winner 469 16-Dec Sweatshirts (JCs) 428 20-Dec Snug food at Foodland 417 20-Jan Refinery Hiring Share 413 01-Feb Old Newcastle House room rental 349 Special Events: The Gift of Art is hosting "Winter in Newcastle" activities from now until the end of March. Watch for advertising in the Globe and Mail, Toronto Star and Metro Land Media. Activities include, a short story contest, a photography contest, Snowcastle building competition and meet the authors event. They will also be running the annual Easter Scavenger Hunt, watch for details on how to get your business involved in this family fun event on Saturday, April 8th. Canada day plans are under way with Family activities at the Library park during the day and fireworks, music and food at the Diane Hamre Centre in the evening. 8. CBOT. n/a 9. Chamber News: They are having a Marketing competition for 90 Durham College Business students, with 5-6 local judges. The Chambers 50th anniversary is September 23rd with a celebration at the Community Hall, all funds raised will go to the Hospice. 10. CIP: n/a 11. New Business: A motion to spend no more than $300 to purchase a BIA promotional sign to use at events. by Ann Harley seconded by Janeen Calder The BIA would like a purchase an electronic payment terminal to use at various events. The cost is approximately $400, with no monthly fees and a minimal fee per transaction. You just need a wifi connection and program the BIA bank account to it. Motion to approve the purchase of a payment terminal by Doug Sirrs seconded by Janeen Calder The Hall Board is organizing the Concerts in the Park this year. Would the BIA like to sponsor this event again this year? Motion to sponsor a tribute band for an evening by Janeen Calder seconded by Doug Sirrs Our BIA bylaws are from 1994. Can Councillor Woo confirm for our March meeting, what the BIA boundaries are and that everyone in the BIA area are paying the tax levy. Eileen Kennedy, Film/TV Specialist from Durham Region will be attending our March meeting to discuss the BIA benefits of working with the film industry. They are having an event on February 23rd if you are interested in hearing more. Please see the flyer at the end of the minutes. 12. Next meeting, Thursday, March 9th, 2023, at the Community Hall 13. Motion to adjourn meeting by Janeen Calder seconded by Jane BlackFacebookFacebook Join Durham Region's film offices and industry professionals and engage in panel discussions, networking, and delicious food. Durham Region offers a wealth of unique filming locations and is quickly growing as a preferred destination for the film and television industry. Production companies purchase a wide variety of goods and services from across the Greater Toronto Area, including equipment, accommodations, transportation, food, personal services, post -production, costumes, construction, florists and much more! Most of these are available in Durham Region so let's keep that spending here. Register for this event at investdiurhamfilm.eventbrite.com W i In►aest """ 0 Durham �x „�^ �„ flararp"tfNl o ' PICKERING "OSrUg66 uxeR r� Whitt