HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-11-30November 30th Executive meeting In attendance Scott Story, Shelly Rivers, Gavin Crab, Heather Maitland, Frank Maitland, Diana Stephenson Karen Lowery 1 - Santa Claus Parade report - Money available 5300.... raised? Discussed possible use of parade funds to enhance the downtown re new decorations and/or installation costs. Some of the excess parade money could be used to pay for Dan, who installs the wreaths and for christmas light installations (re Ian — cherry picker) Santa Clause parade could be renamed "Orono Winter Festival" to allow for a broader scope of fund useage. Some of the excess funds from Parade donations, Button sales, and Pancake Breakfast could be gifted to a local charity of choice each year. This would also also for a larger event than just a parade. 2 — 1 Bank account instead of two — advantages and disadvantages — to be discussed at next meeting. - 1 bank account as long as there is a proper accounting of different event committees - OCC moneys approx. - $4000.00 Still could go to support of Orono sign that has been Qs ordered and is enroute. Proper install space still needed and electrical hook - Also, neede to ask for Big Box Money to support sign install Antique festival - $3340 Car show/Chili cookoff etc - $1000.00 Total available re events committee group roughly $10,700. 3 — OCC at the moment is on hold — Other avenues for existing money — Requested previously — Bike repair stations 4 — How can we move on from the OCC. Needs to be part of the BIA. Again requires clarification. 5 — Future volunteers welcome at all BIA meetings through requests — needs to be discussed 6 — Diana of Buttercup Hollow Bakery has agreed to be our new secretary. Heather is stepping down. Diana Stephenson - Nominated by Karen Lowery - seconded Frank Maitand, Scott Story, All in agreement 7 — Request for a quote & style for winter flags — Still could come out of Santa fund or Big Box funds Also needing a reimbursement for flags for Canada Day to Gavin. 8 - Sam Kent laison for the farmers market — Have the market possibly at the end of Centreview Street. Visible from the highway. Also, possibly have the Orono sign at the same place $8200 cost of Orono sign - $4000 for installation 9 — Other site location would be to have the municipality purchase the old Mercer property. Pave it And put in washrooms, information centre, and previously requested EV stations. This also has access to the trails. Have a weekly farmers market 10 — Try to have our financial/bank statements every month Next meeting January 2023