HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-04-20 Minutes Clarington Older Adult Association Board of Directors Minutes of the Meeting Friday April 20th 2012 Voting Members Present: Linda Duffie, Irene Gourlay, Elaine Spicer, Jim Boate, Gary Bray, Don Welsh, Malcolm McCombe, John Hutchings, Cathie Ward, Norma Evans, Ron Hooper, Adrian Foster Non Voting Members Present: Angie Darlison & Skip Crosby 1.0 Call to Order. 1st Vice President Norma Evans called the meeting to order 2.0 Approval of the Agenda. Motion to approve the Agenda as presented Moved Irene Gourlay Seconded Linda Duffie Carried 3.0 Approval of the previous meeting minutes from Wednesday April 4th 2012 & Wednesday April 1 1 th 2012 Mayor Foster stated that the words "private meeting" between him and President Steve Coles was misleading. They had met and in an endeavor to move matters forward and had an open discussion. He said that he frequently met with Board Chairs/Presidents as he felt that this was a useful tool. Motion to remove the `word' private as it relates to the minutes Moved Jim Boate Seconded Gary Bray Carried Mayor Foster Adrian stated that the $5000 that had been removed from the COAA reserve fund to pay for the Strategic Plan review completed by Peter Spratt.This was the recommendation made by the Municipality of Clarington Finance Director since the Municipality of Clarington has been adding $3000 annually to this reserve in the past. Irene Gourlay suggested that in future the COAA be informed when these funds are used Motion to approve the minutes as amended. Moved John Hutchings Seconded Linda Duffie Carried 4.0 Business Arising from the previous minutes. 4.1 Report CSD-006-12 Malcolm McCombe said that after the Council Meeting, the Tennis Club had been granted a further 5 year extension to their lease. Mayor Foster pointed out that Option 1 of this report it still on the table and he is not convinced that the proposed committee will have any effect. He also mentioned that the Spratt report had stated that the Beech Avenue location for COAA was of a temporary nature. He therefore suggested that we should look for another location using the Beech Avenue site as our prime location. . Mayor Foster said that despite the neighbours being not too happy, we should move forward with the committee idea. Angie Darlison asked if the COAA left the Beech Centre would this property be sole, Mayor Foster replied that it would very likely been taken over and used as office space for the Municipality of Clarington. Angie Darlison pointed out to the members present that if they plan to further implement satellite programs that increased staffing would be required immediately. Angie Darlison also reminded the board that during all of these discussions we must not forget the welfare of our members. They should always remain our top priority. Don Welsh asked Adrian Foster if the neighbours had been asked if they would welcome the COAA before the Municipality of Clarington purchased this site. No answerwas received. Don Welsh also reiterated that the planning committee back in the 1980's and 1990's had pointed out even before we had moved in that parking would become a problem. Municipality of Clarington staff and Council members then reassured them that when the need arose they would be taken care of. Angie Darlison asked Skip Crosby who the Municipality of Clarington representatives would be. Skip Crosby replied that this had not yet been decided. Don Welsh asked if the Municipality will agree to improve the accessibility from Beech Avenue for those members who are able to park on the street or nearby. Mayor Foster's recommendation was for us to wait for the committee to be formed and running to see how these matters could be remedied. 5.0 Correspondence. 5.1 An e mail had been received RE: Clarington Older Adult Association-Parking Concerns/Strategic Plan File NOAOI Clarington Older Adult Association L04 Bowmanville Tennis Club. This was felt to be premature as we are not yet aware of who is to be on this new committee. 6.0 Reports. 6.1 Fundraising Committee. The target for this year is well within reach and the committee is working hard to organize and implement many new ideas. Motion to accept the Fundraising report Moved John Hutchings Seconded Jim Boate Carried 6.2 Treasurers Report Linda Duffie presented the Treasurers report, a copy of which was included with the Agenda. Ron Hooper asked if the COAAZY Cafe was running at a loss. Angie Darlison explained that this was not the case. At this time some maintenance items from the Kitchen have been billed to this account and that she would correct the information and resend to all members. Motion to accept the Treasurers Report Moved Linda Duffie Seconded Irene Gourlay Carried 7.0 Other Business. 7.1 Event Tickets and Volunteer Schedules. Angie Darlison apologized for making any members of the board feel uncomfortable at the last meeting by centering them out and asking them to volunteer to assist. To ensure this does not happen in the future the board of directors was directed to check the volunteer registration sheets located near the water cooler if in fact there were interested in assisting. Mayor Adrian Foster asked for advance notice of any events where their presence would be welcome, because of their very tight schedules. 7.2 Member Communication. It was agreed that the Newsletter was a good idea however many members of the group felt it should be rewritten. Motion that Cathy Ward reworks the proposed newsletter and returns it to Angie Darlison for distribution to the membership Moved Linda Duffie Seconded Jim Boate Carried 8.0 Date of the next meeting. Friday May 18th , 2012 at 9am Elaine Spicer is responsible for the morning snack 9.0 Adjournment. Elaine Spicer proposed the meeting be adjourned