HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-02-17 Minutes Clarington Older adult Association Board of Directors Minutes of the Meeting Of Friday February 17th 2012 Voting members present: Steve Coles, Josie Roberts, Irene Gourlay, Linda Duffie, Peggy Milliken, Malcolm McCombe and Ron Hooper Non voting members: Angie Darlison, Skip Crosby and Angela Adams Special Guests: Joe Caruana Director of Community Services Municipality of Clarington Tony Canella Director of Engineering Municipality of Clarington Municipality of Clarington Staff: Ron Albright, Sharon Meredith, Wendy Gorniak 1.0 Call to Order Vice President Steve Coles called the meeting to order 2.0 Approval of the agenda Motion to approve the agenda as presented Moved by Linda Duffie Seconded by Josie Roberts Carried 3.0 Community Services Department Presentation Joe Caruana explained that those present needed some information to add to their report to Council. They explained that they had met with the Tennis Club and would meet next week with the Old Bowmanville Neighbourhood He requested answers to a number of questions to assist with the writing of their report to Council slated for April 2nd 2012. Questions Included: 1 . Noting that the atmosphere at the Beech Centre is good and appreciated by the members, do we have the necessary space to carry on our programs, or is it necessary to use satellite locations? 2. What is our long term view of how we will function? 3. How many extra parking spaces do we currently need? 4. If there are to be more spaces, where are they to go? 5. If parking is not fixed, what? 6. What about on street parking? 7. How is our relationship with the Tennis Club? 8. Other than parking, what is our maximum capacity at the Centre? 9. How many staff/volunteer do you require to host an event for 220 people? 10. What if the Munucipality provided additional money so that we could stop rentals altogether? 11. Are there any other suggestions that will help to solve the problem? This ended the question and answer section. 4.0 Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting of Friday January 20th, 2012 & January 26th 2012 Motion to approve the meeting minutes from January 20th and 26th 2012 Moved by Ron Hooper Seconded by Josie Roberts Carried 5.0 Business Arising 5.1 Computer Lab upgrade approvals. Motion to purchase 2 Acer Computers from Future Shop and 3 Lenovao Computers from PC Computer Shop Moved by Linda Duffie Seconded by Irene Gourlay Carried 5.2 Banking Update Angie has approached all the Banks in Bowmanville and the Credit Union and will provide details at our next meeting. 6.0 Correspondence. There was nothing to report. 7.0 Committee Reports 7.1 Presidents Report. There was nothing to report. 7.2 Staff Report There was nothing to report. 7.3 Fundraising Report Angie thanked the committee for the $8000 that they have already raised in 2012. Many events are being organized for 2012 and we will be looking to the board for support in selling tickets, and attending as many as possible. In January we hosted out largest Euchre Event everwith 56 tables. It was also mentioned that we are now able to issue our own Tax Receipts directly from the centre. 7.4 Nomination Committee Report (circulated by email) Motion to approve the following slate of officers to run for the 2012/13 Board of Directors of the Clarington Older Adult Centre Board James Boate Gary Bray Linda Duffie Heather Griffin John Hutchings Elaine Spicer Cathie Ward Robert Windsor Moved by Steve Coles Seconded by Josie Roberts CARRIED Motion to have the approved slate of officers invited to attend a brief training session with the Executive Director as soon possible. Moved by Steve Coles Seconded by Linda Duffie CARRIED 7.5 Treasurers Report A copy of the report has been circulated. We have not yet received our grant from the Municipality but it should arrive in the near future. Also we have not yet received a Federal Grant. Motion to approve all reports as presented Moved by Irene Gourlay Seconded by Ron Hooper CARRIED 8.0 Other Business 8.1 It was suggested that visitors should be required to register there presence in the Centre during all visits. Angie will speak to the front desk in regards to this topic. 8.2 Staging: Our stage has been ordered and should arrive by the end of the month. The Orono Town Hall Board will be picking up our old units to use at there facility. 9.0 Adjournment Motion to adjourn the meeting by Linda Duffie