HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-05-18 Minutes Clarinaton Older Adult Centre Board of Directors Minutes of the Meeting of Friday May 18th 2012 Voting Members present: Steve Coles, John Hutchings, Norma Evans, Jim Boate, Don Welsh, Elaine Spicer, Irene Gourlay, Linda Duffie, Josie Roberts, Cathie Ward, Ron Hooper, Malcolm McCombe, Gary Bray NonVoting Members: Angie Darlison, Skip Crosby Guest: Willie Woo 1.0 Call to Order President Steve Coles called the meeting to order. He also proposed a vote of thanks to Angie Darlison and the staff of the COAA for their devoted service and appreciation of all the hard work that was put into our most recent volunteer appreciation event. 2.0 Approval of the Agenda Motion to approve the agenda as presented Moved by Norma Evans Seconded by Josie Roberts Carried 3.0 Approval of the previous minutes from Friday April 20th 2012 and Tuesday May 1 st 2012. Motion to approve the minutes of the two meetings as presented Moved by Linda Duffie Seconded by Josie Roberts Carried 4.0 Business Arising from Previous Meetings 4.1 Irene Gourlay had written a letter which was distributed that she suggested we send to the Municipality of Clarington Council. Motion to move in Camera Moved by Don Welsh Seconded Josie Roberts Carried Motion to move out of Camera Moved by Cathie Ward Seconded John Hutchings Carried Motion that the Board of the COAA reaffirms that the President together with the Executive Director continue to be the correct contact persons with the council Moved by Linda Duffie Seconded Gary Bray Carried 4.2 Report CSD-006-12. Sub Committee (Jim Boate & Norma Evans) A copy of the presentation was circulated to all Board members. Jim stated that as the meeting progressed, it became apparent that the Tennis Club and the Neighbours were not prepared to move on any additional "on site" parking. They pointed out that 103 spaces are available for on street parking within 100 meters of the Centre. It was clear that COAA was the only participant that was prepared to compromise. While this position is not necessarily representative of all of our neighbours, one of them was filming staff parking on the green area adjacent to the building and became very aggressive with the spouse of one of the staff. After great discussion some Board members felt that there was a need for a new facility because of the overall opposition that we are facing, the Heritage Designation and the potential for growth in the future. Some members felt that we should keep the Beech Centre for the younger older adult members and Willie Woo stated that Oshawa had three sites. However Angie stated that she thought that just one site made more sense in our case. Even if we agree to move, it will take two or three years before it will take place. Steve Coles stated that it is important that the Beech Centre be made more accessible in the meantime. Norma Evans said that Council had stated that COAA is doing a great job for seniors and agreed that we should make the Centre more accessible. Cathie Ward said that when we move we must find a place where our members can feel comfortable and asked how Council will feel about us leaving the Beech Centre. At this point Steve Coles asked "what is the correct process for us to follow. Should we first go to our members for their input?" Board members decided this was likely unwise. Skip Crosby recommended that Jim Boate and Norma Welsh report back to the Committee so all information can be included in the Community Services report to Council. After more discussion it became apparent that all Board members were in favour of a move. Motion that in the best interest of our membership of the COAA the Board plan to move from the Beech Centre facility. A new location would have to address the major problem of on-site parking and allow for the inevitable growth of our membership in the future. Moved by Malcolm McCombe Seconded John Hutchings Carried 4.3 Communication to the membership Cathie Ward will revise the newsletter to reflect the previous motion. It will be emailed to those where possible and mailed to the remainder. Copies should also be given to the Liaison Committee members for their information. 5.0 Correspondence. 5.1 The Ministry of Citizenship is looking for suggestions for people RE:Medal of Citizenship. Names must be in before 17th July 2012. 5.2 Clarington Heritage Building Committee RE: Heritage Week. It was agreed that Angie Darlison should sit on this committee. 5.3 Orono Town Hall RE: Thank you The receipt of thanks was acknowledged. 5.4 Fred Tippins RE:Fred thanked the Board for his gift on retiring from the Board. 6.0 Reports 6.1 Fundraising Committee The Committee will be selling $60 Gift Cards to Class Act Dinner Theatre this year. Gift Cards cost $60 and the centre will keep $15 from each card There is a meeting of the Committee coming up and new ideas will be reported shortly. 6.3Treasurers Report This was circulated in advance of the meeting and it was agreed that we are doing well financially. Motion to accept the Treasurers report Moved by Linda Duffie Seconded by Gary Bray Carried 7.0 Other Business. 7.1 Angie D mentioned that the chairs for the lobby had arrived and had been appreciated. Motion to approve that the Lobby Chairs be paid out of Capital Funds Moved by Linda Duffie Seconded by Cathie Ward Carried 7.2 Petition: A petition had been received from Newcastle that we back a proposal for to build an apartment complex in Newcastle. Motion that the COOA does not endorse any petition whatsoever Moved by Don Welsh Seconded by Josie Roberts Carried 7.3 Skip Crosby Re: the Mayors Golf Tournament Skip Crosby stated that the Mayors Golf Tournament is being held on 12th July 2012 and that the proceeds of the event will be given to the COAA. It was felt that we should have input into this event. It was agreed that Steve Coles and Malcolm McCombe should be our representatives. 8.0 Date of the next meeting. The next meeting will be 15th June 2012. 9.0 Adjournment Motion to adjourn the meeting proposed Cathie Ward