HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-27-87TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT hEEfING: Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board (N.C.S.A.B.) DATE: JULY 8, 1987 REPORT #: CS -77 -87 FILE #: a&JECT: Fundraising Workshop for Town Volunteers RECOMMENDATIONS: File # Res. # By -Law # It is respectfully recommended to the Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board; 1. That Report CS -27 -86 be received for information. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: The following action items have been handled since the June 3rd. meeting. (1) Greg Burns has been retained as the facilitator for this three hour workshop on Wednesday, October 7, 1987. (see Mr. Burns letter of June 16th. attached) (2) Courtroom #1 has been definitely confimed on October 7, 1987 from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. as the location for the workshop. (3) A proposed budget has been outlined for this Workshop which may be used for Wintario application purposes. (see Schedule A) (4) A critical path has been outlined to accomplish other tasks required prior to October 7, 1987. (see Schedule B) At this point the brochure will not be mailed out until after the September NCSAB meeting unless the Board agrees that it can go out without their direct approval. Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board (N.S.C.A.B.) PAGE 2 CS -27 -87 (5) A proposed agenda as outlined by Greg Burns earlier; is suggested unless the Board has any concerns. (see Schedule C) Respectfully submitted, Jane M. Lunn Program Director (Coordinator) Department of Community Services JML /dm attachments GREG BURNS AND ASSOCIATES 29 West Cove, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada N1S 3R6 June 16, 1987. Jane M. Lunn, Program Director ( Coordinator ), Newcastle Community Services Department, 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanvi l le, Ontario. L 1C 3A6 Dear Jane, 1- 519 -623 -7019 mon.. J UN TOWN Ur 4""YCAS TAE COnllnln�Y Services Doo This letter will confirm my involvement in the presentation of a fundraising workshop for the Town of Newcastle Community Services Department. The following is my understanding of our agreement: Topic- Boosting Your Bucks the Creative Wayt Date- Wednesday, October 7, 1987. Time- 7:00- 10. oop. m. Fee- $250.00 Mileage- 350 Km( return ) x .27 ° /Km= $94.50 I will forward to you at least two weeks prior to the workshop the originals to the handouts that I distribute during the session. In answer to your inquiry about the preferred number of participants, I have no problem with speaking to a group of 80 people. I would only ask that the room in which this is being conducted is spacious enough so that chairs are not crammed together. As well, it is helpful if we could have a break about half -way through the evening( stretch and refreshments) . I would also appreciate if you could forward to me a copy of the outline that I sent you, as I failed to keep a copy on file. Each of my workshops are customed designed for the client, and I cannot remember what topics I indicated that I would include in yours. I will require an overhead projector, screen, flipchart, and two tables for the front of the room. zank you for your confidence in asking me to conduct this workshop to ,ur volunteers. Yours truly, SCHEDULE A Fundraising Workshop For Volunteers "Boosting Your Bucks The Creative Way" ITEM Greg Burns Fee Greg Burns Mileage Photocopying Handouts Brochures Mailing Proposed Budget (for 80 people) (80 x 5 handouts x 1 W sheet) Name Tags, Marlars, Flipchart Paper Refreshments COST $250.00 $ 94.50 $ 60.00 $ 30.00 $ 35.00 $ 15.00 $ 45.00 TOTAL $529.50 CRITICAL PATH TASK ACTION PERSON DEADLINE DATE I. Wintario Grant NCSAB A.S.A.P. Application Complete & Sent 2. Brochure - set up Jane. Sept. 2 Meeting and approved by NCSAB 3. Brochure mailed out C.S.'Department Sept. 3, 1987 to Volunteer Groups 4. Cheque recquisition C.S. Department Sept. 5, 1987 completed for Mr. Burns (Jane) 5. Mechanics set up Jane October 1, 1987 and ordered (i.e. All equipment, name tags, re- freshments) 6. Room set up /Mechanics Jane October 7, 1987 completed 6:30 p.m. crNFnro F r WORKSHOP OUTLINE 1. WHY PEOPLE GIVE 2. CHARACTERISTICS OF GIVERS 3. SOURCES OF FUNDING 4. TEN RULES FOR SUCCESSFUL FUNDRAISING 5. FUNDRAISING EVENTS 6. PROMOTIONAL GIMMICKS FOR YOUR CAMPAIGN