HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOD-015-12 Clarington REPORT CORPORATE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: June 11, 2012 Resolution#: By-law#: Report#: COD-015-12 File#: Subject: CL2012-13, PEBBLESTONE ROAD REHABILITATION, COURTICE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report COD-015-12 be received; 2. THAT Coco Paving, Bowmanville, Ontario, with a total bid in the amount of $390,758.40 (net of H.S.T. Rebate), being the lowest responsible bidder meeting all terms, conditions and specifications of Tender CL2012-13 be awarded the contract for Pebblestone Road Rehabilitation, Courtice, as required by the Municipality of Clarington, Engineering Department; 3. THAT the funds required in the amount of$517,000.00 (which includes $390,758.40 for tendering, design, contract administration and contingencies) be drawn from the following Engineering Department Capital Accounts; Pebblestone Road Rehabilitation: 110-32-330-83355-7401 (2012) ..........................................................$517,000.00 4. THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary agreement. Submitted by: Reviewed by: C H.B.Sc., Franklin Wu, C.M.O., Chief Administrative Officer Director of Corporate Services Nancy Taylor, B.B.A., C.A., Director of Finance/Treasurer MM\JDB\km CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T 905-623-3379 REPORT NO.: COD-015-12 PAGE 2 1. BACKGROUND 1.1 Tender specifications were provided by AECOM Canada Ltd. for the Pebblestone Road Rehabilitation, Courtice, Ontario. 1.2 Tender CL2012-13, Pebblestone Road Rehabilitation, Courtice, Ontario was advertised in the Daily Commercial News as well as electronically on the Municipality's website and the Ontario Public Buyer's Association website. Subsequently, tenders were received and tabulated as per "Attachment 1". 2. ANALYSIS 2.1 A total of five (5) submissions were received in response to the tender call. All submissions were deemed compliant. 2.2 After further review and analysis of the compliant bids by AECOM, the Engineering Department and Purchasing, it was mutually agreed that the low bidder, Coco Paving, Bowmanville, Ontario be recommended for the contract for the Pebblestone Road Rehabilitation. A copy of the recommendation memo from the Department of Engineering and AECOM is appended as "Attachment 1". 2.3 The low bidder has provided similar services to the Municipality of Clarington in the past and the level of service has been satisfactory. 2.4 Queries with respect to the department needs, specifications, etc. should be referred to the Director of Engineering. 3. FINANCIAL 3.1 The total project cost is $517,000.00 (net of H.S.T. Rebate) which includes $390,758.40 for tendering, design, contract administration and contingencies. The funding required for the project is outlined in the memo from Engineering Services ("Attachment 1"). 3.2 Funding for this project will be drawn from the following Engineering 2012 Capital account: Pebblestone Road Rehabilitation Courtice Accounts: Account: 110-32-330-83355-7401(2012) ...........................................................$517,000.00 REPORT NO.: COD-015-12 PAGE 3 4. CONCURRENCE This report has been reviewed by Tony Cannella, Director of Engineering Services who concurs with the recommendations. 5. CONCLUSION 5.1 To award the contract to Coco Paving, Bowmanville, Ontario for the Pebblestone Road Rehabilitation, Courtice, based on acceptance of the low compliant bid. CONFORMITY WITH STRATEGIC PLAN — The recommendations contained in this report conform to the general intent of the following priorities of the Strategic Plan: Promoting economic development Maintaining financial stability Connecting Clarington Promoting green initiatives X Investing in infrastructure Showcasing our community Not in conformity with Strategic Plan Staff Contact: Marie Marano, Director of Corporate Services Attachments: Attachment 1 — Recommendation Memo from Engineering Services and letter from AECOM Canada Ltd. Attachment 2 — Key Map List of interested parties to be advised of Council's decision: None Attachment 1 • Leadhag ilte�Yay MEMO TO: Jerry Barber, Purchasing Manager FROM: Ron Albright; Manager, Infrastructure and Capital Works DATE: June 4, 2012 RE: Pebblestone Road Rehabilitation, Various Streets CL2012-13 The Engineering Services Department has reviewed the recommendation provided by AECOM Canada Ltd. ("AECOM") and offers the following comments. We concur with AECOM's recommendation to award the contract to Coco Paving Inc. in the amount of $433,920.00, inclusive of HST, or $390,758.40 net HST, for the rehabilitation of Pebblestone Road between Tooley Road and Trulls Road. The work includes full reconstruction between Timberlane Court and the creek crossing to the west. A detailed breakdown of the 'project cost is. provided on the Cost Apportionment provided with AECOM's tender review letter. Due to past experiences on similar projects, a contingency amount of approximately 10% is carried forward. An item for guide rail has been added to the cost apportionment under "Other Costs" in the amount of $20,000. Based on the detailed design estimate, project costs were expected to be very close to the budget amount and as such the guide rail was going to be left out of this work and included with the upcoming roadside protection tender. As the Pebblestone Road tender came in under budget, we have added the guide rail work and will negotiate a price with the contractor upon award of the contract. Coco Paving Inc. is doing similar work as part of contract CL2012-12, Pavement Rehabilitation. Funding for the project will come from the Pebblestone Road Rehabilitation account as shown in the table below. Total Project Value $517,000.00 Budget Amount Pebblestone Road Rehabilitation, 110-32-330-83355-7401 (2012) $525,000.00 Estimated Unexpended Budget $8,000.00 Additional Funding Required $0.00 Pebblestone Road Rehabilitation Reconstruction, CL2012••13 2 June 4, 2092 We recommend the report to Council move forward based on the above apportionment. Attached for your 'files is the recommendation provided by AECOM which 'includes a mor, detailed breakdown of estimated.project costs. Should you have any further questions, pleas, feel free to contact the undersigned. Regards, Ron Albright, P. Eng. Manager, Infrastructure and Capital Works RAJsb Attachment Cc: Will McCrae, P. Eng., Manager, Cobourg Office, AECOM Nancy Taylor, Director of Finance A.S. Cannella, Director of Engineering Services ! i` ;rr,,. ,:('�;nFiial\rVdl�;I..IIi1il1R ' L'aabl::•h�r;e;?c;.1t%,u;;.lac,rul,r;u-',li+b;nwtc!"' rchasBi,� ,Ca.�'0'I'L t." le:n,l+;:;!,:+rtr,<Lr.. c AZCOM 6i Civi"iu I��A I ks-k .9 ri-,I I 14h I raw' r n R n.,i P17i.D n f fi i 11.K!I A Crsl. W"16'11'1(.'('.4T%10111 Jurie 4,2012 Mr A S. Cannella,C.F T. Director, Engineering Services Tice.Mum7.ipalrty of(larington 40 Temp ran(,ii Nltp,el 110'00AANWI-1-F, Ontmku LIC 9AG Dear Sir: Project No; 60239651 -05 Regarding: Pebblestone Road Rehabilitation,CourtIre Contract No.CL2012-13(the"Contract'-) Municipality(if Clarington Tandars for tho abo-�e project wore opened at the Muntipzil Officeri un Friday, May 2h, 201 J al 2-11 bp.m A list of tree;bids re ivied is provided in the table balow. BIDDER TOTAL DID TOTAL 810 TOTAL BID JEW.MST) (Incl.13%HST) JIncL Not HST Rebate) 'I I'M Coco Paying Inn Eownanvi►le,ON 5,184,mm,rmt $433,920.cu 39V58.40 81acksione Paving&Constawfion Ltd. S406,f 7a,00 $468,975,49 $413,3)1,64 Siouffviflp ON Eflrp3 Construct on & Materials 1-W $436,15G.M- $403,52LI.34' co444,437.55' Hard-Co Consifuelion Lid. $437,571,75* $494,455.081 5445,273.011 Whil.by,ON Miller Pavirg Ltd $482J'?U.B0 $544,85 , 3.00 �490657.01 M arkham,ON 'Ca kwhiiinn F rmr,,; Purchasing Deparlmeni")revievox-d all brds to contum corl"ipliance,wilh tho Clarington Purchasing By-Law, All bids YmTedteemed complianI by ilia Purchastrip Dopartment. AEC-M a-mada Ltd. (WCOM')has re.vlp%v,-(]the tvm'U,%Vesii bids &nd minfi(md tho bid valuffs noted above. Calculation Prrort,weip, votpd on the bidq slibri-illted by Uirpa Constructron& Materials Ltd. and Hard-Ci7j Con5lrurlian Lid. The-,p errors in no way affect the mrmZCOM *m"4.m,z Wdnme^, Gooi- Pavn0|nnkathe 1,orkvest hWdec |Its submkk*dk»mum/ naa been rov4ywoOond{o [ovnd0ooeam|hmetrcmUycorrect. AsdireCted by th&PUrchasing DopadmmLfoferoncosviusfw not roquhed to bochockod for the lowest bidder, G=o Fmving Inc. has been a long-standing CuoimocJoruma number uyN|unidpm lily of {)|oring1un projects and has omnsis"ondyCumplute"dvnu/k|ulhmya@0atUonof the KHuo&u|pa|ihy. 'Wr1h the knw bid from Coco Pavin 0 |nc.. and other associated project costs uotudon the aUachodcost oppn,homm*nk the project iowi$hinbudget. Should funding De available,and based oo0ork)onanou on prmviuvn pnllacis aearm not aware of any reason why the Municipality would not bamn,UUmd. in, its sole discretion, tvmNva,d the Contract hvCoco Paving[nc in One arm.-tint of MOWN(exclusive of H5T)sut4ed10 all pmvioionsnf the C|arin0honPomhaoing Bylaw being met. Hill a/ Bid 8mxdssI'taU Ile.rei*inedf0,(,anoP$v)mj |nc. and H)acknIone Paving& Consi,tic|m,n L[mked. Ne kni tilddFT, unU| the Gonirant has beer oxecuWool. Shou|d you have aoyqueyUona/e0a/d|mQXhmmo(hcI p|g:'lamyconliad%ncu ni-d Oincony|y. AECOM Canada Ltd. VN|| MoC/at,. PEoO. AGa ,J,alo VICe P/usid m, East 0��� Water will.moonaC'@aamm=m == Mi.mm`xlj,/smK.P.om,mm,use,mxww^-nuvlvremou Capital vw^xu.mv,�vam'ao/u.^�l." Mr.Sean 8agamaw.rEm«-tap8o/vvo1sEnnnmmrNIomc|vy|ityvfC|mnnrgm .. 1 rZrEy 9 1i L? 91 fl1 It a3 ' Y 1 tiff Zi q y :l1 It-1 +r fi 1f 2 1-s rs gt r. P 11"> s 1 eAk IC ,7 1 m G7 n C gp 1.. t`y 1 t ii5 u Il} 1•.. O v fy yy La ry a m m I- u, m rl M M C ID R +al. av tai sae In- rn .1F L-] rat W ama eit ;4' rl sa trA cs Ln {.,•1; m ca .a m W1 0 rA ca rv. t 0 0 f G Ci t5 ; Itl r. tYk tF tti. �6 ,PJ Q _ 49 R KT' w r: ei rl t y w IR Iaa w VI w c Ya vi Lit L,1 44 bh dA CL L ai .0 12 qq� 6L. C Ll C 1 Al ta1 C= n c ri �$1 (� L C atl ep da 3 C �r b u ". •3 L} U ay j 4� ' �} PI. _ C! eb Lit cz • �a tai v S U- �. CUM § 'ai ATTACHMENT #2 Contract#CL2012-13 PEBBLESTONE ROAD PAVEMENT REHABILIATION KEY MAP SITE' _ r ICI G ST. s r COURTICE B400RS� d� da �� a