HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-11-21Cbr• ngton If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Council Minutes Minutes of the first meeting of Council held on November 21, 2022, at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Date: November 21, 2022 Time: 6:30 p.m. Location: Council Chambers, 2nd Floor Municipal Administrative Centre 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario Members Present: Mayor A. Foster, Councillor G. Anderson, Councillor S. Elhajjeh, Councillor L. Rang, Councillor C. Traill, Councillor W. Woo, Councillor M. Zwart Staff Present: M. Dempster, G. Acorn, S. Brake, M. Machacek, R. Maciver, M. Perini, T. Pinn, C. Salazar, J. Gallagher, M. Chambers 1. Flag Party Procession - Royal Canadian Air Cadets Squadron 172 The Royal Canadian Air Cadets Squadron 172 led the 2022-2026 Municipality of Clarington Council -Elect into the Council Chambers with the Flag Party Procession. 2. O'Canada - Lindsay Dickson Lindsay Dickson sang O'Canada. 3. Call to Order June Gallagher, Municipal Clerk, called the meeting to order and extended congratulations to Members of Council -Elect. 4. Moment of Reflection Councillor -Elect Woo led the meeting in a moment of reflection. 5. Land Acknowledgement Statement Councillor -Elect Anderson recited the Land Acknowledgement Statement. 6. Smudge Ceremony and Honour Song - Kim Wheatley, Anishinaabe Cultural Consultant and Traditional Knowledge Keeper Kim Wheatley, Anishinaabe Cultural Consultant and Traditional Knowledge Keeper, performed a Smudge Ceremony and Honour Song. Irl November 21, 2022 ,.ZaringtonCouncil Minutes 7. Swearing -In Ceremony - June Gallagher, Municipal Clerk The Municipal Clerk administered the Oath of Office to Mayor -Elect Adrian Foster. The Municipal Clerk then administered the Oath of Office to the following: Granville Anderson - Regional Councillor Ward 1 & 2 Sami Elhajjeh - Local Councillor Ward 1 Lloyd Rang - Local Councillor Ward 2 Corinna Traill - Local Councillor Ward 3 Willie Woo - Regional Councillor Ward 3 & 4 Margaret Zwart - Local Councillor Ward 4 The Municipal Clerk declared the Council of the Municipality of Clarington for the term 2022 to 2026 to be organized. 8. Presentation of the Chain of Office Ron Hooper, Former Councillor Ward 2, came forward to bestow the Chain of Office upon Mayor Foster. Mayor Foster presented Ron and Joan Hooper with a token of appreciation for Ron Hooper's many years of service to the community. June Gallagher turned the meeting over to Mayor Foster. 9. Remarks 9.1 MPP David Piccini, Recorded Greetings MPP David Piccini provided recorded greetings and congratulations to the Members of Council. 9.2 Regional Chair -Elect, John Henry Regional Chair -Elect, John Henry, welcomed everyone and congratulated the new Members of Council. Chair Henry is looking forward to working with both Staff and the Members of Council. Chair Henry provided an update on some of the key programs and initiatives that will impact Region of Durham and Municipality of Clarington including Lakeshore East GO, Leaf Program, Low Carbon Fleet, Transit Improvements and Sustainability Initiatives. Chair Henry noted that the Region of Durham to continue to work with Municipality and Clarington and community partners on these key initiatives. Chair Henry concluded by reminding the Members of Council of the importance of family and focusing on the future of the community in Clarington and the Region of Durham. Chair Henry added that this is an exciting time for the Municipality of Clarington and wished everyone a wonderful evening. 2 Irl November 21, 2022 ,.ZaringtonCouncil Minutes 10. Inaugural Address - His Worship Mayor Adrian Foster Mayor Adrian Foster thanked and congratulated the new Members of Council. Mayor Foster echoed Chair Henry's remarks on the importance of family and thanked all of the families and Staff for the last four years. Mayor Foster noted that there are great things to come in this next term of Council and is looking forward to both Staff and the Members of Council working together. Mayor Foster concluded by acknowledging Kathleen Flynn, School Board Trustee and former Mayor John Mutton who were present this evening. 11. Declarations of Interest There were no declarations of interest stated at the meeting. 12. Communications 13. Staff Reports 13.1 Report LGS-016-22 -Appointment of Deputy Mayor and the Designation of Members of Council as Department Liaisons Resolution # C-203-22 Moved by Councillor Woo Seconded by Councillor Zwart That Report LGS-016-22, and any related communication items, be received; That the following Members of Council be designated as the Department Liaisons for the term ending November 14, 2026: Planning and Infrastructure Services Councillor Anderson Public Works Department Councillor Zwart Emergency and Fire Services Department Councillor Elhajjeh Community Services Department Councillor Woo Legislative Services Department Councillor Traill Financial Services Department Councillor Rang That all interested parties listed in Report LGS-016-22, and any delegations, be advised of Council's decision. Carried 3 Clarington Resolution # C-204-22 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Rang November 21, 2022 Council Minutes That, in accordance with Section 226 of the Municipal Act, 2001, c.25, and Section 3.2 of the Procedural By-law, during the four-year term of Council (2023-2026), Region Councillor Wards 1 and 2 and Regional Councillor Wards 3 and 4 be appointed as the Deputy Mayor for the Municipality of Clarington on an alternating year about schedule beginning with Councillor Woo, Regional Councillor Wards 3 and 4. Carried 14. Confirming By -Law Resolution # C-205-22 Moved by Councillor Elhajjeh Seconded by Councillor Rang That leave be granted to introduce By-law 2022-053, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Municipality of Clarington at a regular meeting held on the 21 st day of November 2022; and That the said by-law be approved. Carried 15. Adjournment Resolution # C-206-22 Moved by Councillor Anderson Seconded by Councillor Zwart That the meeting adjourn at 7.48 p.m. Carried 10