HomeMy WebLinkAboutPSD-028-12 1 n Leadin the Way _ REPORT PLANNING SERVICES Meeting: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE Date: May 28, 2012 Resolution#: (0100-3629-1-2 By-law #: N/A Report #: PSD-028-12 File #: PLN 7.17 Subject: PERIODIC REPORT ON PLANNING ACTIVITIES FOR 1ST PERIOD JANUARY— APRIL 2012 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: 1. THAT Report PSD-028-12 be received for information. Submitted by: Reviewed by: vi . Crome, MCIP, RPP Franklin Wu, Director of Planning Services Chief Administrative Office NG/CP/df/av May 22 2012 CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF CLARINGTON 40 TEMPERANCE STREET, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1C 3A6 T (905)623-3379 F (905)623-0830 REPORT NO.: PSD-028-12 PAGE 2 1. PURPOSE 1.1 This report summarizes Planning Act application activity within the Municipality of Clarington for the period of January 1 st to April 30th of 2012 year. This is the first report prepared three times a year to inform Council on Planning Act application activity. The Planning Services Department monitors activities to assess the effectiveness of the Municipality's Official Plan policies and other regulatory documents. Monitoring also assists in identifying emerging issues and trends. For the purposes of this report, the information on the following planning activities has been reviewed: • Subdivision • Condominium • Official Plan Amendments • Zoning Amendments • Site Plan • Minor Variance • Consent • Part Lot Control • Sign Permit • Apartment In-House • Pre-Consultation Meeting 2. SUBDIVISIONS 2.1 Approval of Draft Plans of Subdivision is delegated to the Director of Planning Services. However, the Planning Services Department reports to Council on applications for subdivision approval at the public meeting stage and when draft approval is recommended for an application for proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision. The following chart identifies activity related to the subdivision application process. Specifically the chart identifies; how many new applications were received during the first period of 2012; how many applications were issued Draft Approval; how many previously Draft Approved applications were resubmitted with a revised proposal; how many previously Draft Approved proposals were approved with a revised concept and conditions and how many registrations took place. REPORT NO.: PSD-028-12 PAGE 3 Subdivision Application Activity Geographic Area Actions Taken :1st Period 2012 Year to date New Applications Received 1 1 Draft Approval Issued Courtice Revisions Received 1 1 Revisions Issued Registered New Applications Received Draft Approval Issued Bowmanville Revisions Received 3 3 Revisions Issued Registered 1 1 New Applications Received Draft Approval Issued Newcastle Revisions Received Revisions Issued Registered The above table is a summary of subdivision activity by geographic area for the first four months of 2012. See Attachment 1 for a more detailed description of each application. For the first period of 2012, the Bowmanville Urban Area saw three (3) revised applications totaling 334 units (this includes two blocks that are intended to accommodate 120 townhouse units) and one plan became registered (47 units). The following chart shows the distribution of housing types by geographic area for proposed subdivision activity in 2012. Bowmanville and Courtice are the only geographic areas within Clarington that had any subdivision activity for the first period of 2012. New Applications & Revisions`Received Distribution of Proposed Housing Types by Geographic Area Total # Units By Type Single Semi Townhouse Apartment 1St Period YDateo Courtice 118 42 340 500 500 Bowmanville 20 194 120 334 334 Newcastle Hamlet/Rural Total # Units 138 42 194 460 834 834 REPORT NO.: PSD-028-12 PAGE 4 The applications received this period are not reflective of most subdivision applications currently being processed in terms of the number of apartment units. Final plan approval was issued for one subdivision in Bowmanville comprising 53 single detached units and 14 street townhouse units. 3.0 CONDOMINIUMS Condominium applications are for a type of housing tenure where a specific part of land or building is individually owned while use of, and access to, common facilities and operations is controlled by the association of owners that jointly represent ownership of the whole piece. Condominiums typically consist of townhouses and apartment buildings. Condominium applications are usually considered following site plan approval of a development. The following table shows the condominium activity for the first period of 2012 by geographic area. See Attachment 2 for more details on the condominium applications. Summary of Condominium Activity Actions Applications Draft Final Year to Date Taken Received Approval Approval Draft Final Issued Issued Received Approved Approval Courtice Bowmanville 1 1 1 1 Newcastle Hamlet/Rural Total 1 1 1 1 In the first period of 2012, an application was submitted for the Towns of Scugog, a 120 unit proposal at the south east corner of Scugog Street and Longworth Avenue and a plan of condominium was draft approved for 8 townhouses in the Bowmanville urban area. 4. OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS 4.1 The Planning Service Department reviews Official Plan Amendments for conformity with the Durham Regional Official Plan and Provincial plans and policies. The main purpose is to provide a comprehensive development framework for gradual economic growth, social interaction, and protection of the natural environment. For the first period of 2012, there was a total of one (1) Regional Official Plan Amendment application for Mosport Ventures Ltd. and four (4) Clarington Official Plan Amendment applications received. Two (2) Official Plan Amendment applications were approved by Council for the RBC Bank (680 Longworth Avenue) in Bowmanville and for an outdoor recreational vehicle storage area at 3424 Courtice Road. REPORT NO.: PSD-028-12 PAGE 5 During the first period of 2012, the Ontario Municipal Board also made a decision to approve the Official Plan Amendment for the No Frills grocery store in Newcastle. 5. ZONING BY-LAW AMENDMENTS 5.1 Zoning By-law Amendment applications are reported to Council at the public meeting stage and are typically circulated to other interested agencies and departments before a recommendation is made. There are two main types of Zoning By-law Amendment applications: Removal of Holding symbol and Rezoning. The table below summarizes the number of received and approved Zoning By-law Amendments for these three types of applications. Zoning By-Law Amendment Activity: Type of Zoning By- Received Approved By Year to Date Law Amendment Applications Council Received Approved Removal of Holding 2 2 Rezoning 6 3 6 3 Total 6 5 6 5 For the first period of 2012, a total of six (6) rezoning amendment applications were received and a total of five (5) applications were approved by Council, two (2) of which were for the removal of holding. 6. SITE PLANS 6.1 The Clarington Site Plan Control By-law requires that plans and drawings for the majority of buildings or structures proposed in the Municipality receive site plan approval prior to issuance of a building permit. Site plan approval is generally required for a proposed development to ensure a comprehensive design review of the location of buildings, landscaping, access locations, servicing and grading, stormwater management, etc., by all regulatory authorities. A total of nine (9) Site Plan applications were received and one (1) 2011 application was resubmitted during the first four months of 2012. Five (5) applications have been approved. Details of the site plan applications submitted and approved are described in Attachment 3 and Attachment 4 respectively. The following table provides an overview of the site plan applications received and approved based on land use type. REPORT NO.: PSD-028-12 PAGE 6 Site Plan Activity Land Use Type Received Site Plans Year to Date Applications Approved Received Approved Major Residential+ 1 1 Minor Residential++ Commercial 5 5 Industrial 2 1 2 1 Government/Institutional 3 1 3 1 Telecommunication 2 2 Towers Total 10 5 1=1 0 5— ] +Major residential uses are residential units consisting of more than three units ++Minor residential uses are residential units consisting of three or less units The table above shows a total of five (5) commercial, two (2) industrial and three (3) government/institutional applications were received during the first period, totaling 24,851.4 m2 of renovated or proposed gross floor area. The geographic distributions of all received applications were mostly found within the Bowmanville Urban Area, which is similar to the activity in 2011. Site Plan applications that were approved included: a three-storey apartment building containing 64 dwellings in Newcastle; a propane tank handling and refurbishment facility; the `Gift of Art' art gallery in Newcastle Village; and two telecommunication towers. 7. MINOR VARIANCES 7.1 The Committee of Adjustment is appointed by Council to make decisions on minor variances to the Municipality's Zoning By-law. For the first four months, three (3) Committee of Adjustment meetings were held and a total of 10 applications were heard (three applications were withdrawn). One (1) application was tabled mainly because staff and the applicant were in disagreement about a particular issue and further investigation was required. A total of 10 applications were approved, one of which was approved with conditions. No appeals were registered against the Committee's decision. Details of the minor variance applications are described in Attachment 5. Minor Variance Applications 1 st Period Year to Date Total # of Applications Approved 10 10 Total # of Applications Denied 0 0 Total # of Applications Appealed 0 0 Total # of Applications Withdrawn 3 3 Total 13 13 REPORT NO.: PSD-028-12 PAGE 7 8. LAND DIVISION 8.1 The Planning Services Department provides comments to the Durham Region Land Division Committee on consent applications. The Planning Department provides coordinated comments for all Clarington departments. The comments in support of an application detail conditions of approval to be satisfied. After an application has been approved, applicants have one year to fulfill conditions. During that time applicants continue to work with staff to fulfill the conditions. Once all conditions are met, a clearance letter is provided to the Region of Durham. During the first period of 2012, Planning Staff provided comments to the Durham Regional Land Division Committee on 10 new Land Division applications. Details of the land division applications are described in Attachment 6. Comments to Land Division Committee by Type Land use Proposed Boundary Easements Total Year to New Lots Adjustments Date Urban 6 6 6 Residential Rural 1 1 1 Residential Commercial 2 2 2 Agriculture Institutional Industrial 1 1 1 Total 7 1 2 10 10 Year to Date 7 1 2 The table above summarizes the types of consent applications received in relation to the type of land uses. The majority of the applications that were made during the first period of 2012 were to sever a residential lot in an urban residential area. 9. PART LOT CONTROL 9.1 A total of three (3) Part Lot Control applications were received during the first four months of 2012. All three applications were considered and approved by Council within the 4 month period 10. SIGN PERMIT APPLICATIONS 10.1 Sign permits are required for most signs within the Municipality of Clarington. Sign permits are divided into two categories: Permanent and Temporary. Permanent signs include but are not limited to, storefront signs, ground signs, REPORT NO.: PSD-028-12 PAGE 8 menu board signs, and permanent advertising signs on private property. Temporary signs mainly include mobile signs and temporary promotional signs. Sign By-law 2009-0123 regulates the type, size, number and location of signs permitted on a property based on the use of the property. Sign Permit Activity by Geographic Area Number of Applications Year to Date Permanent Temporary Permanent Temporary Courtice 1 10 1 10 Bowmanville 3 21 3 21 Newcastle 3 3 Orono Darlington 7 7 Clarke Total 4 41 4 41 The table above shows the sign permit activity for the first period of 2012 based on geographic area. A total of 45 sign permit applications were received between January 1 st to April 30th, 24 of the applications were for signs within the Bowmanville urban area (53%). Temporary signs make up 91% of the sign permit applications issued. Additionally, one Sign By-law Amendment application was received and approved for an increase in area of a pylon sign for a multi-tenant retail plaza in Bowmanville. 11. APARTMENT-IN-HOUSE 11.1 The Municipality requires that all residents who request to convert a portion of their home to an apartment must apply for an apartment-in-house certificate in addition to a building permit application. An apartment-in-house application provides the Emergency Services Department with an opportunity to ensure the residential unit complies with the Fire Code and is on their data base, as well as ensuring apartments are zoned appropriately and that sufficient parking is provided on the lot. Second suite apartments are not permitted in Orono or in rural and hamlet areas due to servicing constraints. The table below shows apartment-in-house activity by geographic area. For the four months of 2012, three (3) apartment-in-house applications were received and two (2) apartment-in-house applications became registered. Apartments can only become registered once construction has finished and final occupancy has been granted from the building department. All of the applications received and registered were for new basement apartments. REPORT NO.: PSD-028-12 PAGE 9 Apartment-in-House Activity Applications Applications Year to Date Received Registered Received Registered Bowmanville 1 1 Courtice 1 1 1 1 Newcastle 1 1 1 1 Total 3 2 3 2 12. PRE-CONSULTATION MEETINGS 12.1 Pre-consultation meetings are held before a development application is submitted. Prospective development applicants consult with municipal and agency staff prior to their formal application submission. Council adopted a by- law requiring a pre-consultation meeting must be held for all Official Plan Amendments, Zoning By-law Amendments, Draft Plans of Subdivision, Draft Plans of Condominium and Site Plan applications. During the pre-consultation meeting the applicant is made aware of the process for the specific application(s) proposed. Through this meeting, the requirements of all municipal departments and agencies includes detailing the number and type of studies, technical reports and drawings that will be required, as well as the appropriate fees involved. Pre-Consultation,,Meetings Based on Type and by Geographic Area Hamlet & Year to Bowmanville Courtice Newcastle Rural Date Major Residential+ 3 2 5 Minor residential++ 1 3 4 Commercial 3 3 Industrial 2 2 4 Government/ 1 1 2 Institutional Recreational Telecom Towers Year to Date 9 4 1 4 18 +Major residential uses are residential units consisting of more than three units ++Minor residential uses are residential units consisting of three or less units The table above shows that 18 pre-consultation meetings were held during the first four months of 2012. Of the 18 pre-consultation meetings held, a total of 2 planning applications were submitted. Some proponents may never submit an application following a preconsultation meeting as a result of costs or other factors. Often applicants do not submit their application for a number of months while technical studies are completed and plans are revised based on the comments received at the meeting. REPORT NO.: PSD-028-12 PAGE 10 Proposed major residential developments represent the highest number of meetings. Industrial and commercial proposals combined, comprise 38.9% of the meetings. In terms of geographic area, 50% of all pre-consultation meetings held during the first period were for development proposals within the Bowmanville Urban Area. Pre-consultation meetings provide a good indication of future proposals within the Municipality of Clarington. 13. CONCURRENCE - Not applicable 14. CONCLUSION 14.1 The Planning Services Department continues to see a strong interest in development applications, indicating a strong growth potential in the coming years. As the periodic report progresses, it will become easier to compare and determine the future growth for Clarington, as well as provide an opportunity to recognize improvements that can be made in the planning and processing stages. This report does not capture the many other applications currently in process from previous years. Staff Contact: Nicole Granzotto Attachments: Attachment 1 — Subdivision Activity Attachment 2 — Condominium Activity Attachment 3 — Site Plan Applications Submitted Attachment 4 — Site Plans Approved Attachment 5 — Committee of Adjustment Activity Attachment 6 — Land Division Activity Attachment 7 —Apartment-In-House Activity Attachment 1 To Report PSD-028-12 O_.._ i w Q Q N co .' .. w 0 } L J O Q N pp �Z N d] N N,o,N VM CN 'N Y�f .O a.w : F• �� (pp O �Q N z z Z O O R r..N O Q N - I- 0 I' W W 4" I w w 0 tOp O (Op y O M:r N z OW W N SLf, O V t0 N O W N N O O - //��// Li. Q is i 00 ..O' N N' .N O `Q > N' Z 'y ;o O c' o �,p'.p W ( W y. 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N • O Q N E 00 0 r F O µ N N N (0 l0 ^^� N N 1.1• LL O N N 3 3 r a M N OD _Z N O O O O OO O N N Z U U O U U V ' N H W 2 U V 0 rr o — _ Q � N L U N 1� 2 b O Q C d 0 _ V a O j a) O N U) CL a) O Q m m c f a ri Q Attachment 3 To Report PSD-028-12 Ci C' O O M D7 Z N Q C J c c c m � c p N p 2 C p @ N O 2 O.C N 2 � 0 2 L c m o a 3 pp Y O N fn O O V m d l0 U O � -cO R m N > N O m O O m O c °O N N co N Imo o) o u o _m o f a m a c m r. m y n S cLi co a m O �. m •p VJ m C C m N U c0 L a R oa5 o c 3 d o .3 Q o `02 mo Slu ° 2 U n� d 3 m o fl:; d Z a Lu @ a aai c Q a N rn o @ O a y. a m me `Q c� o o. aL a � mN E� m lo m � 0. ~ ° m o c:o m c o L 'a o F c t o L a u t °o m °o m o •�w Q c m ° a m m ° o L o O o m (/� ° 3 c `m (� o c L 2 ° to n n c r W me m c �-o mU coi Z� > ' c. toa F (6 c c y O a C c 0 y a c c d N L U v.m 5. )'° a 0 cu m E o Li m m m U m 'C x c a aL O) Y c N N m - -N `m 2 C d c ;o in•� 3 E c E m m vi EE to c E c•in E o-o c� O LY O c O Y ` N C Z O m p) N = U V CMC . 0 d> a6 Y�y 2 JL:s NO o f m ° c'O ° m m 2 R s - •o c w v c°i n' 3 .a o v c >'S Z v+ N'm o Y m Li o c Q c° o U �o J O a ~ Q a c A c m c m m m W H N 2 m 2 u m 2 N 2 2 V N E E E E E E E J _ v > E > E > E E E 0. j C7 U C9 U c (6 U c U U e; n. � a z ui m N G m o E E E E E m 3 3 ° y EE U U V o U m m m Z m m m Z ° y w Q N N 0) L O � C 2 H O O O O O Q N N N d' N N Q v E y m C T O o N o (Tp O)� O o C a c 3 0 rn U �' L3 Y � me m rn o c c U Y O ° O 0 = = m m = J = o 'c .c J co 0 V M m O C C o N O O O V' M M E ° V o d. 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