HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-17-88MEETING: COUNCIL MEETING DATE: July 25, 1988 REPORT #: CS -17 -88 SUBJECT: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE FILE #: REPORT #3 REPORT File #16, Res. # By -Law # NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD REQUEST FOR FINANCING RECOMMENDATIONS: It is,respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: - 1. That Report No. CS -17 -88 be received; and 2. That the request of the Newcastle Community Hall Board be approved; and 3. That the necessary funds be drawn from the Working Capital Reserve Account 2900 -00001 -0000; and 4. That the necessary work be administered by the Newcastle Community Hall Board in conjunction with the Town of Newcastle; and 5. That the Newcastle Community Hall Board be advised of Council's decision. BACKGROUND & COMMENTS: Communication was received by the Community Services Department from the Newcastle Community Hall Board requesting financial assistance for the replacement of twelve windows in the Newcastle Community Hall (attached). ../2 COUNCIL MEETING REPORT NO. CS -17 -88 PAGE 2. During a meeting with Community Services staff and representatives of the Newcastle Community Hall Board it was noted that the existing windows are the oringinal units installed in 1922. They are wooden framed, single pane windows which are leaking and very drafty creating an excessive impact on energy consumption of the building. Costs for fuel to heat the building in 1987 were approximately $5,122.00. It is suggested that new window units would substantially reduce the energy consumption each year by 10% to 25 %. The financial assistance is being suggested to be in the form of a $10,000. interest free loan from the municipality to be paid back in two installments over a period of two years commencing in 1989. However, it should be noted that a transaction of this nature would require Ontario Municipal Board approval as any agreement would exceed this Council's term of office. It is however, staff's opinion that the municipality is the ultimate owner of the building and as such could assume responsibility for any capital improvements to the building. As a result it is respectfully recommended that if it is Council's desire to assist the Hall Board in their request, that the request be approved as a grant and the necessary funds be drawn from the Working Capital Reserve Account 2900 -00001 -0000. Respectfully submitted, JC:JB:sa Recommended for presentation to the Committee Newcastle Community Hall Board NEWCASTLE, ONTARIO LOA 1HO Jun ,e �9 , to c ` . I r • J • :.aruana , Community : ervices , Gorporation of" the '-o,vn of Neacastle, 40 Temperance treet, ,_;c ' IV IA V I LJ *, h, O nt ar i o LlG 3A6 Lear iv=r • Garuana : The I,ewcastle Gor,munity H :11 :i c• n_-xve cecicec th t new ,vindovrs should be installed in the mail: %uditori air, of .-he i;ewcastle To :,n Yall • These windows which we h�.ve are very drafty and leaks snow and water. pith the hik -,h cost of fuel, vie reel tii -t this project shoulc be done �s soon 1.s possible. This 'aas one of -,.he projects we had in our five year plan for improvement of the Co r.I:iu2ity riall• The costs of the windows is apvro i ; teliY ;;1,00.00 and torvard:- this, we have set asi.o.e ")5,000.00 in term. deposit, and. have about .;7,000.00 in the "ontaE;ue Trust fu. d • ,tie will be to okin�. to borrow about : 10,000-00- 4e are wor_d erinE , if we could borro,v this amount from the ;?o :.n anc. pay it back in two installen-ent of 05,000.00 per year beEirnin� i-n 19 9• Goulca you ple:�se Cive this your i.incest con iteration let I:r• r'rec "ouch iiro�:r your intentions- `r ours truly, ;..8. 1;.icl�aro., Ghairlcan, ner /b Pe- roe (L, `,'v _ h _ E Ccmrrvi Dept.