HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-03-87TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # 4;m 3/4, i, Res. # By -Law # METING: General Purpose and Administration Committee DATE: JANUARY 19, 1987 REPORT #: CS -03 -87 FILE #: SUBJECT: MINOR HOUSE LEAGUE HOCKEY DEVELOPMENTS AND DRAFT AGREEMENT NEWCASTLE VILLAGE MINOR HOCKEY RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose and Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. That Report CS -03 -87 be received; and 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the agreement attached for the Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association to assume responsibility for youth hockey in the Village of Newcastle. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: HOUSE LEAGUE HOCKEY Back in May 1986 the undersigned reported to Committee a desire for the B.R.H.L. and staff to meet with the Orono House League and Newcastle Village House League to explore the possibility of a coordinated Town of Newcastle Hockey House League. Initial contact with the Newcastle Village and Orono Associations indicated that there was a desire from all parties to investigate the possibility of a coordinated House League. Out of these discussions the following questions surfaced: ../2 General Purpose and Administration Committee REPORT NO. CS -03 -87 Page 2. a) Would Orono and Newcastle Village retain their own identified teams? b) Would the three minute buzzer system be used? c) How would the organization operate? - as one association or would Orono and Newcastle Village run their own associations? d) What will happen to Orono and Newcastle Village O.M.H.A. teams? No concensus was reached on the above issues. However all groups were willing to continue to explore the feasibility. Orono and Newcastle had been committed to the Tri & United Country Hockey League for the 1986/87 season and would need substantial lead time to change their program. Staff will continue to keep Council informed of developments with Minor hockey in the Town of Newcastle. NEWCASTLE VILLAGE MINOR HOCKEY PROGRAM As part of the review of minor hockey meetings have been taking place with the Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association to negotiate the transfer of the operation of minor hockey in the Village of Newcastle from the Town to the Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association, herein referred to as N.V.M.H.A. The N.V.M.H.A. has unofficially operated the Minor Hockey program in the Village for the first half of the 1986/87 season in consultation with the Community Services Department. The funds made available through the Town's 1986 budget for the 1986/87 season ($3,000) has been used to pay for ice time for the Newcastle Village Minor Hockey program. All registration fees have been collected and retained by the N.V.M.H.A. Based on the meetings, the attached letter and staff's evaluation of their financial position it is felt that the Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association have shown the leadership and committment to effectively manage and operate Minor Hockey in the Village of Newcastle. To this end an agreement has been drafted to transfer the Newcastle Village Minor ../3 General Purpose and Administration Committee REPORT NO. CS -03 -87 Page 3. Hockey program to said Association. Please note as per the attached letter that the N.V.M.H.A. is NOT seeking grants from the Town at this time. Staff will continue to work closely with this Association and keep Council informed of further developments. At this time we wish to compliment the Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association on the efficient way they are operating the present program and look forward to a continued positive working relationship in the future. Respectfully submitted, Jan Devantier, R.D.M.R. Director of Community Services JD:wf Recommended for presentation to the Committee 11 Lawrence /E/. lKotseff Chief Admifiistrative Officer September 16, 1986 Mr. J. Devantler, Director of Community Services, 152 Church St., Bowmanville, Ontario Dear Sir: Further to our meeting with the Town of Newcastle Recreational Board on July 7, 1986, we confirm our verbal advices that effective with the 1986-87 Minor Hockey season, the Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association will be entering into self-sufficiency status. Wile we note and appreciate the Boards recommendations for financial grants, it is our Executive's decision not to make application at this time. We understand that existing goal-tender equipment and the like, presently being used by our Association, is the property of the Town of Newcastle and we will approach Mr. J. Kennett to resolve the distribution of same® Trusting this to Pin/ja Cc: Mra F. Stapleton Mr. A Kennett be satisfactory, we remain, - (Js truly, C_- C_ <­ � &.(PeveP)Beec:oft . Sl, Chairman A Newcastle Village Minor E Ark 24 W )y it` MR1 Oi NEW& ME Coannunly SwOns Dept. Agreement made the day of 1987 BETWEEN The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle hereinafter called the "Town" of the first part AND The Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association hereinafter called the "Association" of the second part WHEREAS The Corporation of the Town of Newcastle and the Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association have agreed to the transfer of the "Newcastle Village Minor Hockey program" from the Town to the Association the parties agree as follows: 1. The Town through its Community Services Department agree: a) To transfer all its stock of hockey equipment to the Association. 2. The Association agrees: a) To administer and assume responsibility for Minor Hockey in the Village of Newcastle. b) To administer Minor Hockey according to their constitution, rules and regulations. c) To provide all personnel required to operate the Association ie. coaches, referees, time keepers. d) To assume responsibility for all financial transactions of the Association. e) To incorporate the Association and provide adequate insurance for all personnel involved with the Association. Signed sealed and delivered For the Corporation of in the presence of the Town of Newcastle Mayor Cl er For the Newcastle Village Minor Hockey Association Press ent Treasurer