HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-29-87�r.A.11 W w,,b... MEETING: Council Meeting (ATE: JULY 27, 1987 REPORT #: CS -29 -87 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # %�.Z �, Res. # 27191" By -Law # FILE #: a&ECT: STRUCTURAL REPORT - BOWMANVILLE MEMORIAL ARENA RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that Council approve the following: 1. That Report CS -29 -87 be received; and 2. That Totten Sims and Hubickii Associates be authorized to prepare tender documents for the remedial repairs required to the Bowmanville Arena; and 3. That staff be authorized to proceed with the tendering process for said repairs; and i Associates be retained as Technical 4. That Totten Sims and Hubick Consultants to supervise required repair work; and 5. That costs associated with the remedial repairs and consulting fees be drawn from the contingency account. BACKGROUND AND COMMENTS: there is a Under the provisions of the Occupational Heal�ur�nthatfthe work place complies with responsibility on the owner of an arena to en Ministry of Labour regulations. An inspection program has been in place since 1971 when all arenas b c aseveralsubject to the provisions of the Industrial Safety Act, following the collapse claiming human life and injuring numerous young children. ../2 Council Meeting REPORT NO. CS -29 -87 Page 2. Each year since 1976, the Bowmanville Arena has been subject to a structural analysis to determine the building's structural adequacy. This year's report as submitted by Totten Sims and Hubicki Associates has identified minimal structural repair reinforcement work to be completed prior to the arena receiving Ministry approval for our 1987 -88 operating season. These repairs are of structural nature, involving repair and replacement of deteriorated concrete blocks, banding of bowstring trusses and minor patchwork to the roof. The total preliminary estimated cost to carry out the necessary repairs is $10,000.00. It has been recommended by the Treasurer, that the necessary funds be drawn from the contingency account-. Respectfully submitted, r ios ph P. Caruana Acting Director of Community Services Recommended for presentation to the Committee r Lawrence /F/. Kotseff Chief A4 inistrative Officer