HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-12-88.11.11 -.11 w4 4N. ,.. ✓ z TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File #was Res. By -Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: June 20, 1988 REPORT #: CS -12 -88 FILE #: SLB.JECT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1988 -89 PROGRAM FEES AND FACILITY RATES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. That report no. CS -12 -88 be received; and 2. That the proposed 1988 -89 program fees and facility rates be approved (as attached); and 3. That the new rates and fees become effective as of September 1, 1988 for fall and winter rates and November 1, 1988 for summer 1989 rates. BACKGROUND & COMMENTS: The Community Services Department has completed their annual review of the existing user fee structure and compared them to those within the Region of Durham where possible. The Regional average was utilized only as a guideline in most cases since there are variances such as type of service and facility components available to consider. ../2 GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE REPORT NO. CS -12 -88 PAGE 2. To summarize staff is recommending an overall average increase of 5.95% with facility average increases of 9.79% and the program average increase at 4.51%. Highlights of the increases and in some cases no increases are noted below: Facilities a) A "non- resident" fee for prime time ice rentals is proposed at a substantial increase from the standard rate but still within the regional average. b) Proposed ball hockey rental rates show an increase of 8% to bring more in line with the regional average. c) The set -up /take down rate for special events would not be charged for local non - profit fundraising events or to events booked for two days or more. The rate would apply if a group required a second set -up and /or take down day which in turn would require extra staffing hours or for one day events by a non- resident profit organization. d) Park permits have a proposed overall increase of 5.2% which is considered acceptable by major user groups we contacted. Programs a) The major change is a move from a twelve lesson to eleven lesson session in swimming lessons. This change will enable make -up scheduling in the event of facility breakdown or inclement weather. It will also provide some time between sessions for the development of future staff as well as handling the administrative workload. There would be no actual increase in fees but only a reduction in lesson time per session. b) As noted in the attached schedule new facility memberships including a Summer Special, Summer Monthly and 10- ticket passes have been proposed. These new categories are meant to promote use of the squash facilities in the summer months when use is very nominal. Also, the 10- ticket pass has proven very popular with swimmers and may be a stepping stone for those not yet committed to purchasing full membership. ../3 GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE REPORT N0. CS -12 -88 PAGE 3. Staff is recommending that the new fee structure become effective as of September 1, 1988 for fall and winter programs to allow user groups in the arenas to budget at one rate for the complete season. The summer rates would come into effect in 1989. Please note this report does not deal with the fee structure for the new multi purpose facility. Staff is currently evaluating fees for similar facilities throughout the Town and the Region. An additional report is forthcoming and will deal specifically with new rates to be established for use of the multi purpose component. Respectfully submitted, r, r, f Jose Caruana, Director Depa tment of Community Services JC:sa Recommended for presentation to the Committee Chief Ad4i6istrative Officer .. � _ C01 ', -1, PROPOSED 1988 -89 RATE SCHEDULE PROGRAMS & FACILITY RENTALS 1987 -88 RATE PROPOSED 1988 -89 REGIONAL AVERAGE FACILITIES ARENAS Ice Rentals Prime Time: Mon. -Fri. (4pm - 12 am) 60.00 /hr. 63.00 /hr. 71.33/hr. Sat., Sun., Holidays 60.00 /hr. 63.00 /hr. 71.33/hr. Non - Residents 60.00 /hr. 75.00 /hr. 74.17/hr. Non -Prime Time: Mon.- Fri.(6am - 4pm) 50.00 /hr. 53.00 /hr. 59.60/hr. School Board (after 3 free sessions) 27.00 /hr. 28.00 /hr. - Floor Rentals (Off Season) Special Events (Day Rate 8am - lam) 500.00 /day 525.00 /day 552.00 /day Set -up /Take Down Rate* 35.00 /hr. 100.00 /day No Charge Floor Rental (Ball Hockey /Hourly) 26.00 /hr. 28.00 /hr. 29.08/hr. NEWCASTLE FITNESS CENTRE Pool Rentals Pool Only (includes 1 guard) 40.00 /hr. 41.00 /hr. 39.80/hr. Pool /Sauna /Whirlpool (includes 1 guard 50.00 /hr. 52.00 /hr. - Non -Prime Time: Mon. -Fri. (6am - 6pm) 18.00 /hr. 19.00 /hr. 19.88/hr. Sat., Sun. & Holidays (6am - l0am) Multi- Purpose Room Commercial 13.00 /hr. 14.00 /hr. 26.65/hr. 75.00 /day 75.00 /day - Preferred (Local Non - Profit) 6.00 /hr. 8.00 /hr. - 30.00 /day 32.00 /day - PARK PERMITS (ALL PLAY FIELDS) Per Game 5.00 6.00 - Line Marking (per game) 8.00 9.00 - Lights (per game) 10.00 11.00 - Tournaments - First Day (per diam.) 30.00 32.00 - - Following Days 10.00 11.00 - - 2 - PROGRAMS Public Skating (per person) Picnics (Orono Park) Mon. - Sat. (up to 100 people) Mon. - Sat. (over 100 people) Sun. & Holidays (parking admission) Cars Motor Bikes Buses Pleasure Swims (All Pools) Adults Students Family Seniors Season Swim Pass (Outdoor Pools) Single Family Squash (Pay as you Play) Prime Time Non -Prime Time NFC - Pool Memberships Family Annual Monthly 10 Ticket Student /Sr. Annual Monthly 10 Ticket Adults Annual Monthly 10 Ticket 1987 -88 PROPOSED REGIONAL RATE 1988 -89 AVERAGE 1.50 35.00 50.00 3.00 2.00 20.00 1.50 37.00 55.00 3.00 2.00 20.00 1.50 1.50 1.00 1.00 3.00 3.50 1.00 1.00 29.00 29.00 57.00 57.00 4.50 3.50 150.00 24.00 20.00 50.00 8.00 6.00 75.00 12.00 10.00 5.00 4.00 150.00 24.00 22.00 50.00 8.00 6.50 75.00 13.00 11.00 1.29 1.59 .93 3.41 .50 5.25 4.45 102.00 22.50 22.50 40.33 6.50 6.45 59.00 12.63 12.21 11 - 3 - IFC - Facility Memberships Squash & Poo 'ull Annual Quarterly (any 3 mos) (NEW) Summer Special (May 1 -Sept. 1) (NEW) Summer (Monthly) (NEW) 10 Ticket )aytime Annual Quarterly (any 3 mos) (NEW) 10 Ticket Students /Sr. Annual Quarterly (any 3 mos) (NEW) Summer (May - Sept. 1) (NEW) Summer (Monthly) (NEW) 10 Tickets Family Annual Quarterly (any 3 mos) (NEW) Summer (May- Sept.l) (NEW) Summer (Monthly) Aquatic Program Fees parent & Tot thru White Adult Instruction Aqua Fitness Masters (once per week) (twice per week) (three times per wk) Bronze Medallion Bronze Cross Leaders Semi - Privates - full session (11 Les) 6 lessons (NEW) 5 lessons Privates - full session (11 Les) 6 lessons (NEW) 5 lessons Instructors /NLS (40 hrs.) Mini - Session parent & Tot thru White Adult Instruction Aqua Fitness 1987 -88 RATE ;12 lesson)(ll lesson) 27.00 27.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 40.00 40.00 60.00 60.00 70.00 70.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 45.00 45.00 55.00 55.00 30.00 33.00 - 30.00 85.00 85.00 45.00 48.00 - 43.00 75.00 75.00 VC S () REGIONAL AVERAGE 200.20 70.25 133.00 48.00 32.00 390.00 26.90 30.00 33.00 35.90 35.90 45.10 32.25 52.00 78.00