HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-28-88TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. E By -Law 8 }If 7 ,7 MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: October 17, 1988 REPORT .. SKATEBOARD ISSUE RECOMMENDATIONS: FILE #: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council the following:- 1. That Report No. CS -28 -88 be received; and 2. That a copy of Report No. CS -28 -88 be forwarded to the Northumberland and Newcastle Board of Education and the Durham Regional Police for comment. BACKGROUND & COMMENTS: At a meeting held on June 13, 1988 the Skateboard Committee and Community Services Staff met to review the skateboarding issue as requested by Council. Since that meeting it was discovered that the City of Oshawa offered a program for skateboarding at their Donevan Recreation Complex. Community Services Staff has prepared communication outlining that program (Attachment #1). ../2 GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE PAGE 2. Subsequent to the conclusion of Oshawa's program, staff again met with a representative of Oshawa's Community Services Department to evaluate the program and make recommendations, related to the application of a similar program in the Town of Newcastle (Attachment #2). Further to the attached informationpCommunity Services Staff investigated possible locations to offer a skateboarding program. Conclusions were such that a suitable location does not exist at any of our existing facilities. A skateboard park requires a hard surface, either asphalt or concrete with fencing around the perimeter. The only sites compatible would be to utilize one of the existing tennis courts within the Municipality. Staff is not recommending using our tennis facilities because of the damage which would inevitably be caused to the surface and the anticipated opposition arising from the resident tennis players. In conclusion, staff and committee members note that the geographic size of our Municipality will restrict participation as the age group involved for the most part is too young to drive to such a facility making accessibility without public transit difficult. As a result it is generally felt that if a facility was provided the existing problem of skateboarders using streets, parking lots, and sidewalk would persist. ../3 GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE PAGE 3. It was mutually agreed that education of children as to safe skateboarding practices be handled within our public school program. Staff will continue to monitor the situation and are prepared to consider providing temporary facilities for demonstrations and /or safety clinics as a special event in the future if the sport is still popular. Respec ully submitted, Jose P. Caruana, Director Department of Community Services JC:RL:sa ichard Lange, Chairman N.C.S.A.B. Skateboard Committee TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 1' ► II (ATTACHMENT #1 TO REPORT CS- 28 -88) CS88344 TO: Joseph P. Caruana, Director of Community Services FROM: John Milton, Program /Community Relations Supervisor (Temporary) LATE: July 18, 1988 SUBJECT: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RE: SKATEBOARDING ISSUE Following a meeting with Mr. Frank Pietri, Manager of Donevan Recreation Centre in Oshawa, additional information on a pilot skateboarding programme has been obtained. The City of Oshawa Department of Community Services has decided to operate, in conjunction with Rick Davies Promotions, a nine week trial Skateboarding Park. The skateboard park is 32 feet wide and contains a mini half pipe, a freestyle area and a street area. The park is more commonly recognized as Donevan's enclosed outdoor ice rink. The park is open Monday to Thursday 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Also, Friday's 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The admittance price is $3.00 per session and there are two sessions per day; a.m. and p.m. While speaking with Mr. Pietri, it became evident that Oshawa's Department of Community Services is attempting to obtain a grant from the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation for 50% of the operating cost of Donevan's Skateboard Park. The majority of the costs involved has been incurred through the services of Rick Davies Promotions. The City of Oshawa Department of Community Services has obtained the services of Rick Davies Promotions in the actual set -up, design, staffing, and promotion of the Donevan Skateboard Park. Please find attached a copy of the flyer advertising the skateboarding programme and the ad distributed to local newspapers. The cost of these two forms of promotion was completely covered by Rick Davies Promotions. The set -up and design of the actual ramps, half -pipe and skateboarding area has cost the City of Oshawa a rental fee of $5,100.00 for the nine week trial period. At any time throughout the pilot project, however, either of the two parties involved can back -out for any reason what -so -ever! In addition, Rick Davies Promotions is to receive 75% of all revenue generated by the project, with the remaining 25% going. to the Donevan Recreation Centre. f' - 2 - <r' Mr. Pietri expressed great optimism for the new programme and fully expects the project to be renewed at a later date. The question of liability did not appear to be a main concern for either Frank or Mr. Glen Welch, the Deputy Director of Recreation for the Oshawa Community Services Department. In Frank and Glen's opinion, "skateboarding should not be treated any differently than a gymnastics or swimming programme, where the potential of risk is just as prominent ". It is with this point of view that Oshawa has approached /or notified their respective Insurance Company. Skateboarding is therefore, covered under the Departments 'blanket' coverage with regards to liability. A follow -up phone call with Mr. John Gallow a gentleman that deals with insurance coverage for the City of Oshawa did not receive the same type of feedback as expressed by the Community Services Department. Mr. Gallow's opinion was quite candid and revealed a great deal of apprehension with regard to leaving the City of Oshawa open for litigation. Mr. Gallow did indicate that Frank Cowan Company Limited was the insurance company which provided coverage for the City of Oshawa. Please find attached a copy of the registration form and waiver /release of liability contract which all participants at Donevan's Skateboard Park must complete prior to being admitted into the facility. (Parental consent is required for anyone under the age of eighteen). In addition, established park rules must be read and abided by all skateboarders - failure to do so will result in expulsion from the programme. I hope this is the information you require. Sincerely, c JM/dm attachments ity of Oshawa / Rick Davis Promotions 04 • 32 ft. wide Mini Half Pipe • • Street Area • Freestyle • Open Monday to Thursday 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Friday 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Lessons available upon request MUSIC, FRIENDS, CONTESTS Elbow & Kneepads are Mandatory Helmet Mandatory on Half Pipe Safety Equipment available for rent CALL 725 -3536 FOR INFORMATION Donevan Recreation Centre - Harmony Rd., North of the 401 The City of Oshawa /Rick Davis Promotions "D EVAN SKATEBOARD PARK" Location: Donevan Recreation Complex 171 Harmony Road ' Mini Half Pipe -with beginner section Streetstyie area- Freestyle area ' Monday to Thursday 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Friday 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Special Introductory Prices: $2.00 per session Prices go up July .18 to: $3.00 per session Elbow pads, plus knee pads, helmets must be worn on half pipe (rentals available) ON SITE SERVICE BY THE WINDWARD MARK FOR INFORMATION CALF.: 725 -3536 Dooevan )?sate .-board Park RUIIE 1. Elbow Pc16.4, I:nee Paris ana I•Ielmet mandatory. Helmet— is 110t) if participant will not be. skating on half pipe. 2. All sinters and or participants must be out of facility at: enri of 3 hoilr sessio n. 3. 9katebo:,rc1inG allowed only on c?esir;n t—ed. equipTrejlt anc? ill Qr- ]�ta.in rrens. No skateboarding in front of cox�pler. 4. Music mvy be requested, but selection will remain final decision of Sicateboa.rd Park Mana; er. 5. Skater:, vauit obide by flow in streetstyle area and unc. ersta tha ctbere is to be one and only one skater on the half pipe at a time. 6. No one t:i.l.l be permitted into the ctLc, of n ( iii ne) . ors 1'Jit }! uils,,O:ls.f:ictory, or faull-v a)L -•s.• c-o ':o leave '-)ie facility and not return? ecyui1,�n��i�I., :is ]:•�'1)lttcerl. 3. Doilcvnv F)i;;jteI)oslrCi Park retierves the ri_f�ht to clE,ny ,;rlrlissio7?1 by ;,tly for reasons deemed unsafe to the other Participants. Skateboarders may also be ejected from the facilityy fo1• reasons of safety and fairness to tlif, otl,Ier, THE CITY OF OSHAWA /RICK DAVIS PROMOTIONS DONEVAN SKATEBOARD P RK F AMILY t AMC FINSi IJAM£ OF REGISTRANT -��� with i UA1[ M F GE: M i) YiI FOSIAL C(A)EE MUIEICITS t) - 1,K). S 1 F LEI'11UIJL IJU. O.H.I.P. POLICY NO. T11£Ilt TLLEPEIOPJ£ - rluM�lz _ 2. PARTICIPANT TO BRING SIGNED WAIVER AND REGISTRATION FORM TO "OONEVAN SKATEBOARD PARK 3. SIGNATURE DATE t.Ulh(C55 ► K)ME TCi CP1KNJl Nc). L -- VA I f NEl i s L%js" k' ICLfPiK*k IJU. —- J FAMILY !wC T OR's DOC 104 A'S NAMF: �— _ _ - 1 LL[III KNJE 140. —J I lAM[ OF AL IFRNA I L I tAERGU CY COIJ I AC I -��� with i UA1[ M F GE: M i) YiI FOSIAL C(A)EE MUIEICITS t) - 1,K). S 1 F LEI'11UIJL IJU. O.H.I.P. POLICY NO. T11£Ilt TLLEPEIOPJ£ - rluM�lz _ 2. PARTICIPANT TO BRING SIGNED WAIVER AND REGISTRATION FORM TO "OONEVAN SKATEBOARD PARK 3. SIGNATURE DATE (X= THE CITY OF OSHAWA - COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT AND RICK DAVIS PROMOTIONS - TORONTO WAIVER AND RELEASE OF LIABILITY "DONEVAN SKATEBOARD PARK" culiswerarnon of being allowed to participate in any way in skateboarding activities at the Donevan Recreation Complex ( "the Complex "), and related events and activities, the undersigned: I, Agree that the parent(s) or legal guardians) will instruct the minor participant that prior to participating lie or she should inspect the facilities and equipment to be used, and if the participant believes anything is unsafe, he or she should immediately advise the person supervising the Complex of such condition(s) and refuse to participate. 2. Agree that the participant is to wear approved elbow pads and knee pads at all times while engaging in any skateboarding activity and a helmet while using the half pipe ramp, 3, Acknowledge and fully understand that each participant will be engaging in activities that involve risk of serious injury, including permanent disability and death, and severe social and economic losses which might result not only from their own actions, inactions or negligence but the action, inaction or negligence of others, the rules of play, or the condition of the premises or of any equipment used. Further, that there may be other risks not known to us or not reasonably foreseeable at this time. 4. Assume all the foregoing risk and accept personal responsibility for the damages following such injury, permanent disability of death. 5. Release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue the Donevan Regreation Complex, The Corporation of the City of Oshawa, Rick Davis Promotions, Co- 'sponsors their respective administrators, directors, agents and other employees, all of which are hereinafter referred to as "releasees ", from any and all liability to each of the undersigned, his or her heirs and next of kin for any and all claims, demands, losses or damages on account of injury, including death or damage to property, caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the neyligence of the releasees or otherwise. I /WE• HAVE READ THE ABOVE WAIVER AND RELEASE, UNDERSTAND THAT I /WE GIVE UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT AND SIGN IT VOLUNTARILY. PARTICIPANT (signature only i'fl 8 years or over) DATE PARENT OR GUARDIAN (Signature /Relationship) DATE PARENT OR GUARDIAN (Signature /Relationship) DATE Printed Name of Parent or Guardian: Address of Parent or Guardian: Printed Name of Participant: Address of Participant: Age of Participant: 0/.5 0) TOWN OF NEWCASTLE (ATTACHMENT #2 TO REPORT CS- 28 -88) RANDUM CS88420 TOE Joseph P. Caruana, Director of Community Services FROM; John Milton, Program /Community Relations Supervisor (Temporary) DATE; September 27, 1988 SUBJECT: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RE: SKATEBOARDING AT DONEVAN RECREATION COMPLEX In review, the City of Oshawa, Department of Community Services decided in conjunction with Rick Davis Promotions (Appendix #1), to operate a nine -week trial Skateboard Park at Donevan's outdoor ice pad this summer. The Skateboard Park contained a 32 feet wide mini -half -pipe, a street area, and a freestyle area. The program ran Monday to Thursday 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Also, Friday's 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Admittance price was $3.00 per session and there were two sessions per day; a.m. and p.m. (excluding Friday). A meeting was held with Mr. Mark Egan, Community Programs Co- ordinator for the City of Oshawa, to discuss the success of Donevan's Skateboard Park. This report will attempt to categorize Mr. Egan's comments regarding the Skateboard Park into either 'strengths' or 'weaknesses' of the overal project. STRENGTHS OF THE PROGRAM 1. A total number of 2,123 participants utilized the skateboard park for a gross revenue of $6,369.00 2. The City of Oshawa, Community Services Department did receive a grant from the Ministry of Tourism and Recreation for 500 of the operating cost. 3. The location of the skateboard park at Donevan Recreation Complex proved to be ideal. The outdoor ice pad, with its enclosed viewing area attracted a great deal of spec- tators and curious passers -by. ...2 - 2 - 4. The addresses of daily participants illustrated that people were utilizing the skateboard park from all over Oshawa. The location did not appear to attract simply local residents. It did have, to some degree, a 'pulling power' to attract skateboarders from surrounding municipalities. 5. During the conversation with Mr. Egan he expressed one of the major strengths of the program was that Oshawa is offering a program which is specific to the needs of youth. The skateboarding issue is one issue which has decreased the availability of locations for youth to skateboard in a supervised setting. 6. The program in general received a great deal of positive feedback from parents who observed the skateboard park from outside the enclosed area. WEAKNESSES OF THE PROGRAM 1. The City of Oshawa, Community Services Department became responsible for the 'administrative side' of operating the skateboard park. This responsibility was not one of the expected tasks, but rather as a lack of skill on behalf of Rick Davis Promotions. 2. Repair to Donevan's outdoor ice pad will be required prior to this upcoming winter. Repair is required due to equipment (i.e. ramps, blocks, etc.) and skateboard damage on the asphalt surface in the form of chipping and scraping on the surface. 3. Even though participants utilized the skateboard park from surrounding areas, this did not appear to eliminate use of other city owned facilities and /or property. One may never eliminate skateboarding from the streets, due to the instantaneous and creative nature of the sport! 4. In Mark Egan's opinion, the program is not extensive or comprehensive enough. The program ran nine weeks and would need to operate for a longer period of time to eliminate the problem of skateboarding on city streets or property! 5. The skateboarding program at Donevan tended to focus on more talented individuals. Future clinics would be needed to allow instruction for beginner type skateboarders. The program through no intension of their own started to become very specialized! 6. The program should not operate in the evenings because it became a 'hang -out' location for youth. The addition of music (not controlled by Community Services) and garbage to the surrounding area also proved to be one of the sources of complaints. ...3 - 3 - 7. A drawback to this program was illustrated when skateboard equipment (ramps in particular) were stolen from the outdoor skateboard park at the beginning of the season. Greater policing of the area is required for future endeavours, as well as constructing equipment which cannot easily be removed (as was the case in Oshawa). CONCLUSION The City of Oshawa, Department of Community Services has operated a nine -week pilot project which has allowed skateboarding in this respective city. Mr. Egan has stated, "On one hand, it does not seem wise to outlaw the activity: skateboarding isn't a crime! On the other hand, it doesn't seem wise to provide programs and supervisors for skate- boarders as an official municipal function." This particular statement from Mr. Egan appears to best reflect the City of Oshawa's direction with regards to skateboarding in their City. The City of Oshawa has therefore, incorporated the services of Rick Davis Promotions to provide a leisure service to the residents of the City of Oshawa. At the same time, I personally believe Oshawa has directed a portion of the potential liability of the activity to a second party (Rick Davis Promotions). The Town of Newcastle is presently faced with a situation very similar to the City of Oshawa. Complaints have been received with regards to skateboarding on public property and destruction of that same property has taken place. The true nature of skateboarding is only recently being addressed by the Town of Newcastle. A decision or policy has to be made taking into account all the available information accumulated to date. Only then may an educated decision be formulated with regards to skateboarding in our municipality. Personally, I believe even after all available data has been compiled and examined, a definite solution cannot be easily obtained. Examination of the facts leads me to understand the very sensitive nature of skateboarding in our municipality and other regions combined. There are arguable points of view for both sides. To quote a phrase "six of one - half -a dozen of the other ". However, taking all this into account I believe that skateboarding is a fad which may or may not die out quickly. To provide a skateboard park is arguably beyond the scope of municipal recreation and will create potential legal actions which may haunt us well into the future. Not only would the expense of building a skateboard facility (approx. $20,000) be extravigant based on cost, but the construction of such ...4 - 4 - a facility will not guarantee the use of the facility by all skateboarding youth within our community. Skateboarding by its very nature is not confined to one location. The activity is instantaneous and creative in nature. It is therefore my recommendation that the skateboarding problem faced by the Town of Newcastle be "tabled" and reviewed on an annual basis. Revision of the issue on an annual basis will establish whether or not skateboarding is a "fad" and whether or not it is still a relevant complaint by Town officials and /or participants of the activity. JM /dm 01 5 AGREEMENT BETWEEN° THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA - COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT AND RICK DAVIS PROMOTIONS - TORONTO 13REAMBLE: Rick Davis Promotions has entered into an agreement with the City of Oshawa - Community Services Department to co- sponsor a "Pilot" Outdoor Skateboard Park at Donevan Recreation Complex. The terms and conditions of this agreement areas follow: I. The Name of the project will be: The City of Oshawa /Rick Davis Promotions " Donevan Skateboard Park" 2. The location will beat the Donevan Recreation Complex Outdoor Pad. 3. The project will commence on Monday July 4th, 1988 and conclude on Friday September 2nd, 1988, for a period of nine weeks. NOTE: (i) Duration of project may be shortened pending need and demand demonstrated by user. (ii) The dates and times will be flexible pending weather factors, supervision and equipment maintenance. 4. The initial hours of operation will be Ps follows: Monday to Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Friday 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 P.M. 5. The admission charges will be $2.00 per person per 3 -hour session forages 9 and over. NOTE: (i) Children 8 years of age and under will pay the regular admission fee but must be directly supervised by a parent or guardian. (ii) Rick Davis Promotions will be responsible to provide required tickets and control for all admissions into the "Park ". o. Rick Davis Promotions will be allowed to obtain the services of one local co- sponsor to assist in the development and promotion of the "Park ". Co- sponsor's name and terms of agreement must be. approved by the Community Services Department. 7. Rick Davis Promotions is to make mandatory the use of the following participant equipment: (a) Elbow pads and knee pads required by all participants for any use in "Park" (b) Helmet required for participants using the half pipe ramp. Any user not in compliance with these rules will not be admitted into the "Park ". 8. All skateboarding equipment owned by Rick Davis Promotions is to be structurally and aesthetically acceptable and must be inspected by Rick Davis Promotions before the start of each 3 -hour daily session to maintain the highest user safety standards. Said equipment will be covered by tarps, secured, chained and locked when not in use. The City of Oshawa is not responsible for any damage, theft or security of equipment. ...../2 -2- 9. Rick Davis Promotions will be responsible for the issuance and collection of mandatory "Waiver and Release of Liability Forms" to be signed by participants 18 years of age and over or by a parent or guardian of the skateboarder under 18 years of age. Said forms are to be filed in the Administrative office at Donevan Recreation Complex on a daily basis. No skateboarder will be allowed into the "Park" until Rick Davis Promotions is in receipt of said form. Rick Davis Promotions will be responsible to establish a system where regular users can be admitted into the "Park" without having to demonstrate a new waiver form at the commencement of each session. 10. flick Davis Promotions agrees to provide light maintenance in the "Park" on a daily basis. I I. Skateboarders carelessly damaging or defacing the building will be charged with replacement and /or repair costs. 12. Rick Davis Promotions will be responsible to advertise and promote the "Park" and absorb all costs associated with same. 13. The Community Services Department will approve all advertising and promotions related to the "Park" prior to some being circulated to the general public. 14. Rick Davis Promotions will provide, train, pay and supervise all support staff of which at least one employee must be trained in First Aid and be on duty during all operational hours. Rick.Davis Promotions to supply all necessary First Aid equipment and supplies. IS. Rick Davis Promotions to provide adequate trained and gualified supervision and instruction as noted on job descriptions supplied by (lick Davis Promotions on a daily basis and co- ordinate Demonstrations, Clinics and Special Events, as the need dictates. 16. The Community Services Department will provide interior building. supervision, access to washrooms, first aid room, concession machines, P.A. system and dressing room # I during all hours of "Park" operation. (Note: No Skateboards will be allowed for use inside the building.) 17. The Community Services Department will compensate Rick Davis Promotions for the complete rental of specified equipment for a weekly sum of $277.00 which includes $111.00 for equipment repair and maintenance and $4,035.00 to be paid in two installments for transportation, assembling, dismantling and security of equipment. 18. Rick Davis Promotions and the Community Services Department will split all revenues from admissions and any co- sponsorships 75%/25% respectively. The Community Services Department's share of revenues will be paid to the Donevan Recreation Complex at the conclusion of each week's programme. 19. Rick Davis Promotions will provide the Community Services Department with a complete breakdown of all revenues and expenditures incurred along with a program evaluation report including usage statistics within 30 days of agreement expiration. 20. Rick Davis Promotions will determine maximum participation numbers as to avoid overcrowding in the "Park" which could result in unsafe operating conditions. 21. Rick Davis Promotions is responsible to establish, post and strictly enforce rules of conduct and safety. 22. Rick Davis Promotions will adhere to accepted standards of operation at all times as set out by the Community Services Department and will abide by any further conditions of usage set forth, as deemed necessary. 23. The Community Services Department may terminate this agreement immediately if the best interests of the Corporation are beina violaterL DATE ' AT GW /ss 1988 06 24 Signed RICK DAVIS PROMOTIONS Signed /,-����� DIRECTOR OF RECREATION �Y