HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-04-89.�•�" TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 9(c) REPORT File Res. By -Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE ]ATE: February 20, 1989 REPORT #: CS -04 -89 FILE #: ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. That Report No. CS -04 -89 be received; and 2. That the NCSAB report directly to the Community Services Department and indirectly to Council; and 3. That the revised role and responsibilities of the NCSAB as outlined in report CS -04 -89 ( "A -F ") be approved. 4. That a copy of Report CS -04 -89 be forwarded to the NCSAB for information and that the Board be advised of action taken. BACKGROUND & COMMENTS: During the past number of months the Director of Community Services and the C.A.O. met with members of the NCSAB to discuss and review the role and responsibilities of the Board. At the February 1, 1989 meeting of the Board, staff presented report CSAB -01 -89 (Schedule 1) dealing with the issue of the Board's role and responsibilities, recommending the specific role for the ../2 GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE REPORT NO. CS-04-89 PAGE 2. Board being one of Liason to various community groups in dealing with recreational and leisure needs of our community and specifically reporting directly to the Community Services Department and indirectly to Council, the Board will: (a) Assist in the priorization and development of training opportunities for our volunteer organizations. (b) Assist in obtaining community/neighbourhood input related to the development of recreational facilities and programs. (c) Assist the Community Services Department through constant recommendation with the various organizations and boards on matters as they relate to policy formation, services and facilities which are within the scope of the Community Services Department. (d) Review and recommend grants as they relate to the Municipal Grants Policy. (e) Seek information and serve as a resource to the Community Services Department in providing comments and assessing program development related to the municipal leisure delivery system. (f) Serve as a source of information (as supplied by the Community Services Department) to various groups and organizations as it relates to the provisions of recrea- tional opportunities within the municipality. Subsequent to discussion, the report was endorsed unanimously by members of the NCSAB. GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE PAGE 3. REPORT NO. CS-04-89 COMMENT The intent of reviewing the role and responsibilities of the Board is to streamline and more clearly define the direction and primary function of the Board in how it operates and what service it offers. Assuming the parameters recommended are acceptable to Council, staff will in conjunction with the NCSAB work towards detailing the procedures and responsibilities within the parameters as previously outlined. Respectfully submitted, J0 h P. Caruana, Director Department of Community Services Recommended for presentation to the Committee Lawrence otseff Chief Ad i i trative officer bert W. Allen, chairman Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board JC:dm .�II.Y Fuv..111V 4y� Ib . _ SCHEDULE 1 TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # By -Law # MEETING: NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD (SPECIAL MEETING) DATE: February 1, 1989 6:00 p.m. COURT ROOM #2 (FIRE BUILDING) REPORT #: CSAB -01 -89 FILE #: SUBJECT: RECOMMENDATIONS: ROLE & RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD It is respectfully recommended that the Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board adopt the following: - l. That Report No. CSAB -01 -89 be received; and 2. That the Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board endorse the recommendations of the Community Services Department as they relate to the roles and responsibilities of the Board. BACKGROUND & COMMENTS: Through the evolution of the Newcastle Community Services Advisory Board it has become apparent that a review of the Board's Role and Responsibilities take place. During the past year Board members and staff alike have expressed a need for clarification of the Board's role. ../2 NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD REPORT NO.: CSAB -01 -89 PAGE 2. As a general comment it is staff's position that the N.C.S.A.B. can be very important to the community's overall leisure delivery system. It should be noted however as evidenced by the Board's Proposal (Attachment #1) that in the opinion of staff the Board wishes to assume responsibilities which have historically been entrusted as a function of the Community Services Department. With this in mind, it appears that the board wishes to move towards an individual committee system of Council, whereby the Department will report to a standing committee in turn reporting to Council on the operations of the Department of Community Services. For the most part, staff is concerned in that the Board will in fact be duplicating many of the department's current functions and further, questions arise as to the ability of members to deal effectively with items requiring professional expertise and of a confidential matter. Attachment #2 is provided for discussion purposes only and is intended to express staff's position in response to the Board's proposal (attachment #1). With this in mind it is the unanimous consensus of Community Services Administrative Staff that the main thrust of the Board be that of Liaison to various community groups (Notwithstanding that this is and shall continue to be an important function of the Community Services Department) in dealing with recreational and leisure needs of our community. More specifically, reporting directly to the Community Services Department and indirectly to Council: the Board will a) Assist in the priorization and development of training opportunities for our volunteer organizations. b) Assist in obtaining community /neighborhood input related to the development of recreational facilities and programs. /I NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD REPORT NO. : CSAB -01 -89 PAGE 3. c) Assist the department through constant communication with the various organizations and boards on matters as they relate to policy formation, services and facilities which are within . the scope of the Community Services Department. d) Review and recommend grants as they relate to the Municipal Grant Policy. e) Seek information and serve as a resource to the Community Services Department in providing comments and assessing pro- gram development related to the municipal leisure delivery system. Q Serve as a source of information (as supplied by the Community Services Department) to various groups and organizations as it relates to the provision of recreational opportunities within the municipality. COMMENT: It is hoped that this overview will assist the Board and explain the department's position as it relates to the N.C.S.A.B.'s Role and Responsibilities. If these general parameters are acceptable, staff will review and prepare in conjunction with the Board a more detailed list of roles and responsibilities addressing in detail anticipated procedures and responsibilities. Respectfully submitted, Joseph P. Caruana, Director Department of Community Services JC:sa l t.. ATTACHMENT #1 CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE September 26, 1988 OE PAR TMENTOF COMMUNITY SERVICES ADV[SORY BOARD TO: Mr. kawrynre E. Kotseff Chief Administrative Of?ic:er Mr. •Joscph P. Caruana Director. Community Services Department FROM: Milt, D;skin, Chairman Newcastle Community Services Advisory Boa& SUBJECT: BOARD ANNUAL REVIEW PROPOSED DUTIES & RESPONSIBILrTIES ' <hI.GWFFvHr �.nr: 10 TEMPERANCE Si @E HOWMANV ILLE.ON T 1, 1 L I C )Ap Gentlemen, further to earlier meetings, your corresponc +once of ..July 25, 1986 and as required by our mandate from the Master Plan, please note the following. Our Board has communicated with numerous municipalities in Ontario requesting information on their role, and received considerable information (attached). Our Subcommittee: has met several times to review this material. The full Board has now reviewed this report and has directed me to submit this report to you for review prior to discussion. Upon rcceipt, of this information, would you ncrangc to m"et with, at Your convenience, either: (in Board priority) a) The full Board -- this would require an even ina meet i ngr which we prefer to be Wednesday, October 5, 1988 Prior to our regular agenda, or b) The Subcommittee - this could he arranged on on, a : required basis, however, must: be towards the ;gind of the day tO accommodate all members' schc duln,,; The Board has re(pit,f ;t od this meeting occur ms goon as possible so we may review future actions as part: of our regular agenda at the October 5, 1988 meeting. It is proposed we complete staff discussions early in October so we may attend Council at'their first meeting in October, if required. Our secretary will be contacting your office in the near future to confirm a mutually agreeable date for this meeting. Sincerely, Milt Dakin NCSAB Chairman MY jm cc: Mr. F. Stapleton, Councillor September 26, 1.9£30 NEWCASTIJ-, COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD PROPOSED DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. THAT Council representation on this Board should be increased to include the local Councillor from each ward and be given full voting privileges, thus replacing the present X- officio position of a single Council Liaison Officer. This will expand Council awareness of the importance of the Community Services Department as it is felt the parks and recreational needs within the municipality are expanding at a degree where the service level will have increased Pressure in meeting the needs of the changing population in our Municipality and further, THAT the Board and the Community Services Department more actively solicit the support of Council and encourage their involvement through increased Public Relations and advertisement of our joint role and service. 2. EXPANDED Public Relations and Publicity role - this would be accomplished through an active subcommittee with assistance provided through the Community Services Department_ a) Thzs would involve more direct liaison with community groups b) Effective Press Releases regarding Department activities and programmes c) Active, comprehensive workshops for community groups to assist strengthening their role with local interest groups (this may involve discussion with M.T_R. and outside activities) d) More active role in presenting information to Council, the public, community groups and client groups e) Re- establish an active Community Appreciation Programme to ensure Council expresses their thanks to the many volunteers and groups who assist the Municipality in providing services to the residents of our Municipality f) Be involved in Public Meetings jointly with the Department of Community Services in the assimilation of data from Community Groups and the presentation of plans involving; the Department in providing parks and r(- ;creat: ion services and programs rra3ira.;r;d Uii t, i - :an(I He:sprinr, if) i I it. i Patr(: :3. REVIEW and !(uclomm"nd Grants Uh i w wru; Id W:r;r M& 1 shed through n sLrong"r r•r: l at; t onsh i.p with V i.nance, either d i rect:ly or throutfh ':he: Di roctor of Community Servi_cus. 4. THE BOARD Cholrmon must be involved in the hiring of the Board Secretary (including interviewing and appointing). 5. THE BOARD shall review, evaluate and recommend to Council, in conjunction with the Community Servics Department, policies, rules, regulations which effect the programs and the operations of programmes of the Community. 6. THE BOARD shall receive a monthly written and verbal report from the Director of Community Services on the activities of the Department. We. This should provide information such as development in progress, completed program registration dates, registration numbers, etc.). This information will assist the Board in its liaison role with Community Groups. . THE BOARD will prepare in co- operation with the Community Services Department, an annual report for publication to (; the Municipality and Council. B. THE BOARD shall receive and submit minutes of all other Boards, Committees, Interests Groups, Associations, etc., under the auspices of the Community Services Department, and further REPRESEN'T'A'T'ION on a Ward basis - attend meetings of these Groups to expand our knowledge and role in this area, and further THESE representatives in conjunction with the Community Services Department report at each Board meeting, as to their activities over the past month, and further THIS become a monthly agenda item. 9. THE BOARD shall provide regular input to the Community Services Department for comment on future development of leisure activities within the Municipality, and further IN conjunction with the Community Services Department, establish an active Leisure Service Subcommittee to receive, review and encourage through increased awareness, the upt {rad intr caf leisure activities in thy.: Parka, Recruat,ion, Sr!niors, Harbour, L.akeshora, land other rare._: wht rr t.li near rl C'rar l eisuro scrvi ces has haven idcnt, i f i "I by this Department, or jointlY by the ! "ant and Dapnctment. 1 16 3 W. 1'[1[s BOARD ; >hr+ I I he! i nvo 1 v,_ :() : +:•; + c:ommenti.ri gro+at), on the annua ) operrj t. i rc;! rand cat, i 1,a ) budge t, �jnd furthr,r THIS BOARD i rj r:rjn .junc: t; i on w) ty Sery ices Department, steal. ) prepar-(. :-j long range forecast for capital development, and further THE BOARD in con,junctiorj with the Community Servi.es Department, receive information on the Content of the annual operating budget and how it serves the needs- of the many varied community client, groups, aril fur-thc;r THE BUDGET when present(-'d to Council, be presented as having the endorsement of the Board, and further- THE BOARD be apprised regularly as to the status of the operating budget. 11. THE BOARD shall continue to operate with a separate budget, established annually by the Chairperson and /or I their designate, and further ( THE BOARD receive regular reports as to the status of their budget. 12. THE AOARD shall monitor, through information provided by the Director of Community Services, on the success Of programmes and wi.thi.n the Muni.c;itiality, and further MONITOR this activity through regular reports received by the Board as part of our agenda or as at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Board and further, THIS material be received for information purposes and not necessarily action. 13. THE BOARD, through its Subcommittee, in conjunction with the Community Services Department, encourage the expansion of leisure activit;ics within our Municipality (such as the Festival. Committee) to broaden the awareness of our Community, both loc<jl.ly, regularly and provincially. 14. THE BOARD shall, in core junction with the Community Services Department, review on the lF!vel of service the Department. is providing and comment; as to expansion of facilities, and further Proposed Du t; i c1 ; ;j rid Respons i h i. 1 i t ie:; Septc:mh<;r Page 4 REVIEW the need For fees for Community activities within Municipal facilities and jointly recommend these fees to Council through the Di rcr_tor of Finance anri Community Services. 15. THAT the Board receive for comment and for information data on the providion of parklands and cash in lieu, through the Planning Act as an agenda item at their monthly meetings, and further THE Directors of Planning, Community Service and Finance, apprise the Board as to the status of funds available to this Departmnt through the Planning Act. MD /jm September 26, 1988 file: mandate RESPONSE TO: NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY SERVICES ADVISORY BOARD'S PROPOSED DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES INCREASING COUNCIL REPRESENTATION 1 a) Staff does not recommend increased representation from Council. Board was originally formed as a citizens group. Adding additional members from Council will create a political forum. It is the responsibility of the Community Services Department to inform Council as to the importance of parks and recreational needs and in general the Community Services Department. SOLICIT SUPPORT OF COUNCIL b) At this point in time the Department's position is such that Council is well aware of the needs of the Community Services Department in its goals to provide better recreational and leisure opportunities for the future and has demonstrated a willingness to meet those needs. EXPANDED PUBLIC RELATIONS & PUBLICITY 2 a) The Department would encourage board members to initiate direct liaison with Community Groups. At present the Board does not make an effort to liaise with the various groups on a regular basis. b) Preparing press releases on department activities and programs is a function of the Community Services Department Program Division. C) A number of workshops have been conducted by the department in conjunction with the Board. Additional workshops are planned each year. d) An avenue for presenting information to the various groups listed does exist at this particular time. The department does have concerns, that issues are reported on or opinions expressed via the press, where the department has not officially had an opportunity for input and secondly issues reported on that are a duplication recent example - Building Maintenance and the Visual Arts Centre. e) Excellent suggestions, perhaps the Board would accept responsibility to conduct the programs and be prepared to make recornnendations where recognition for services can be expressed. ../2 - 2 - f) This is specifically a role of the Community Services Department however, if the Board wishes attendance at any public meeting conducted by the Town for the purpose of providing parks and other recreation services attendance of the Board Members as observers would be welcomed. The department will assimilate all data include any information or comments submitted by the Board, deal with public concerns related to planning matters and report to Council as required. 3. This is currently being done. 4. The committee secretary is considered an employee of the Town, as such all personnel should be hired by Town staff in conjunction with the Town's hiring policy. 5. This is a function of the Community Services Department. However, the Board may wish to review department policies and regulations for presentation to the Director of Community Services. 6. In 1989 the department will be preparing quarterly reports to Council with pertinent information related to both divisions. These reports may be forwarded to the Board for information, with Council direction. 7. This is a department staff function. Staff has identified a need for an annual report as being policy and is prepared to incorporate any necessary funds through the 1989 budget. 8. (i) This will I'm sure increase the amount of paper work for the department, inadvertently have a financial impact, and put additional strain on clerical staff. (ii) Excellent suggestion, this was an original role of the Board which has yet to be implemented. Reporting should be done by Board members to the Board for recommendation to the Community Services Department. 9. Input from the Board to the Community Services Department is always welcomed however, establishing another sub- committee dealing with planning matters as they relate to programs and facilities is a duplication of the responsibility of the Community Services Department. 10. BUDGETING This would involve a drastic change to the municipal budget process, changes recomended would substantially lengthen the whole budget process and further would put Council and staff at a disadvantage where members of the public (Board Members) would have knowledge of capital operations and staffing requests prior to Council presentation. 11. The Board in conjunction with the Community Services Department establish the Boards budget. Treasury Department may wish to comment on the request for a monthly report. ../3 - 3 - 12. Information is always made available by the Community Services Department to any member of the public. Information provided through the quarterly reports will be current and an excellent source of information. 13. This is currently being done. 14.(i) The department would welcome and take under advisement any comments related to a review of our delivery system and the expansion of facilities. (ii) Fee structures are addressed. annually by a department report to Council. If the Board wishes input to be taken under advisement, the department would encourage this function. 15.(i) This is a very specific departmental function, however the Planning Department may wish to respond to the Boards' wish to become a commenting agency. This is viewed as a duplication of services, as the department is currently commenting on all applications.