HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-19-891' L TOWN OF NEWCASTLE GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITI.'EE June 5, 1989 REPORT #: CS -19 -89 FILE #: EXEMPTION TO BY -LAW 79 -104 BOWMANVILLE CEMETERY (CROUGH FAMILY) File #f,'j /0th Res. # By -Law # It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council the following:- 1. That Report No. CS -19 -89 be received; 2. That Council endorse forthwith an exemption to By -Law 79 -104, section 11, subsection III, paragraph 3 as it relates to the Crough Family request; and 3. That Mr. Doug Crough be informed of Council's decision. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 A request was received by Mr. Doug Crough of Bowmanville for an exemption to the Cemetery By -Law dealing with regulations pertaining to the size of a monument located on a family plot. 1.2 The existing by -law states that "No monument shall exceed four feet in height, including base or footing, above.the level of the adjoining ground, and when located on a plot, the base shall not exceed 312" x 112" (Attachment #1)." The monument in question is within the dimensions required for height, however the base is 4 feet wide, exceeding the by -law by 10 inches. ../2 905 REPORT CS-19-89 - 2 - June 5, 1989 2.0 Staff Review: 2.1 In reviewing this request, it should be noted that the monument in question has been moved from a site in Peterborough, to be placed on the family plot in Bowmanville. Further, the monument was purchased in 1967, and has been at the Peterborough location since that time. 2.2 In most cases, staff would suggest that the base of any monument exceeding the by-law be cut down to conform to regulations, however in this particular case this is not possible, without drastically altering the stone. 3.0 Staff Comment: 3.1 Staff recognizes that this request is reasonable as it involves a disinterment of a burial which took place 22 years ago and further, that the plot in question involves five individual lots belonging to the same family. As a result, endorsing this exemption will not cause encroachment onto abutting sites and as such, staff would recommend that an exemption to the by-law be approved. Respectfully submitted, X" Jos P. Caruana, Director Dep rtment of Community Services JC: sa Recommended for presentation to the Committee awrence E. Kotse ff Chief Administrative officer W - 8 - ATTACHMENT #1 8) Behaviour of Workmen The demeanour and behaviour of all worl<men.employed by others shall be subject to the direction of the Superintendent; and every such workman 'shall leave the cemetery when so ordered by the Superintendent. 9) Removal of Litter The Superintendent may remove any material, and any litter or debris left contrary to the provisions of this section. ii) Markers 1) Location Every marker shall be placed only by employees of the Corporation and the surface shall be level and without projections, and shall be flush with the ground. Not more than one marker allowed on one grave, and no marker at the same end as a. monument. 2) Size Every marker for a single grave shall be of a size as nearly as practicable, of 18 inches by 24 inches, with a thickness of from 3 to 8 inches. iii) Monuments 1) Materials Every monument shall be of granite or other as durable stone with no vertical joint and no ornament of stone, metal or other material shall be attached thereto. All monuments shall be mounted only on a stone or concrete base or footing and shall be constructed by the Corporation and set flush with the level of the adjoining ground. 2) Location A monument shall be located at the head of a lot or plot and not more than one monument shall be allowed on one lot or on one plot save and excepting that Council may, at their dis- cretion and from time to time, upon application, permit more than one monument on a plot. 3) Size No monument shall exceed four feet in height, including base or footing, above the level of the adjoining ground, and (1) when located on a lot shall not exceed 10% of the lot area, (2) when located on a plot, the base shall not exceed 3'2" x 1'2 ". 907