HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-24-891� TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE June 19, 1989 REPORT #: CS -24 -89 FILE #: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT 1989 -90 PROGRAM FEES AND FACILITY RATES RECOMMENDATIONS: File #6 °" Res. # By -Law # It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. That Report No. CS -24 -89 be received; 2. That the proposed 1989 -90 program fees and facility rates be approved (Schedule 1) ; 3. That the new rates and fees become effective as of September 1, 1989 for Fall and Winter rates and January 1, 1990 for rates affecting summer users; and 4. That a reduction or waiver of rates and fees may be considered by Senior Staff in cases where individuals, families and /or special needs groups would be unable to partake in an opportunity due to costs. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 The Community Services Department has completed their annual review of the existing user fee structure and compared them to those within the Region of Durham where possible. The Regional average was utilized only as a guide- line in most cases,since there are variances such as type of service and facility components available to consider. ../2 0 16 REPORT CS -24 -89 - 2 - June 19, 1989 2.0 OVERVIEW: 2.1 To summarize staff is recommending an overall increase of approximately 6 %. The attached Schedule 1 outlines all fees associated with recreational programs and facilities. The highlights of rate adjustments are noted below and reflect the Department's proposed adjustments to providing fees which are consistent and fair between facilities. Special consideration has also been given to youths and seniors, in many cases, in response to fixed and /or limited incomes. 3.0 PROGRAMS: 3.1 Public skating fees have been broken out into two rates to provide a fairer rate for youth and seniors. Overall adjustment in fees is neutralized with the adult rate compensating for the reduced youth and seniors fee. 3.2 Picnics will be handled strictly through parking admissions on Saturdays and Sundays. This will assist in reducing time- consuming, and as a result, costly paperwork from full -time staff. Staff believe that the revenue collected does not justify the cost of paperwork and staff time alloted to the process. Services will not be reduced since permitting will be provided for groups with over fifty people. Revenue will not be collected weekdays but most traffic currently happens on the weekends. 3.3 Pleasure Swim fees reflect again the need to recognize Seniors and their fixed income. The reduced fee is compensated by an increase in adult fees. 3.4 No increase is recommended to Season Passes at Outdoor pools since the rate remains competitive with Fitness Centre rates. 3.5 Pay As You Play Squash Rates show a gradual increase to reflect increasing maintenance costs yet still remain in line with regional averages. A new non -prime rate for Youths and Seniors has been proposed to encourage more use by these individuals and /or schools at times when the facility is presently under - utilized. ../3 REPORT CS-24-89 - 3 - June 19, 1989 3.6 Facility and Pool Memberships at the Fitness Centre are suggested to remain status quo since they are still quite high compared to Regional averages. A new Seniors Pool Membership category is suggested again to recognize fixed incomes and to encourage this user group into the facility during non-prime hours. 3.7 Rather than increasing aquatic program fees staff are recommending a decrease in lessons per program from eleven to ten lessons. This will allow staff more flexibility in scheduling and setting up sessions. Further, staff costs will be reduced due to reduced instruction time. Aquatic programs will not deteriorate due to decreased lesson time since we would still be within time frames established by Red Cross. 3.8 A new rate has been established for special programs such as ESSO Swim and Snorkel Canada since instructor wages, and award costs are higher for these programs. Increases in leadership courses such as Bronze and Leaders are due to increased Aquatic Society registration and exam fees which will be covered by the Department. 4.0 FACILITIES: 4.1 Rental fees for ice time have been suggested to place the burden of payment more on adults then minor sport users. To this end an 11% increase is recommended for adult user groups while keeping minor sports at the present hourly rate. As the regional averages show this is common practice across the Region and Province which ultimately assists in the opportunities available to youth. 4.2 Further to Ice Rentals it is suggested that -- the -- free - -ice sessions for schools be eliminated and a special preferred rate be in effect for both School Boards and youth groups. These free sessions were established at a time when the municipality was utilizing school facilities extensively for programming purposes. Since this is no longer the case, free time for schools cannot be justified. Also, the free time is inconsistent when fees are currently charged for pool facilities. 918 REPORT CS -24 -89 - 4 - June 19, 1989 4.3 Rental of pool time shows a gradual increase in most cases. However, the School Board rate is increased by 16% to bring it more in line with ice rental fees as well as regional averages. The rate which included the sauna and whirlpool has been eliminated since the layout of the facility prevents us from providing the exclusive right of this facility to the group during their rental time. 4.4 Park fees for playing fields show gradual increases across the categories. Staff are suggesting a new charge to minor sport groups for the service of marking the fields. Although most municipalities do not charge minor groups, they also do not provide services such as marking of fields. Last year our Department marked fields approximately 371 times at a cost of $5,045.00 (direct labour and material costs only). In order to recover some of the costs it is believed that a cost of $5.00 per field requested to be marked is reasonable and will then cover one -third of actual costs to the Department. 4.5 Rate increases are not recommended to the Bowmanville Recreation Complex Hall since we have not completed a full year of operation. However, in response to groups requiring the space on an hourly basis for meetings and /or programs an hourly rate has been suggested from Monday through Thursday only. It is suggested this rate only be used for functions of a non - profit nature only (ie. banquets and meetings). 5.0 COMMUNITY GROUP COMMENTS: 5.1 A number of groups were contacted on fees because of their potential impact on their operating costs. 5.2 Adult Ice Teams - The -- Newcastle -- Mens -- Non - Contact League --- (Ron __Shackleton) the Mens Town League Hockey (Dave Wright) and the Christian Mens League (Peter VanHartingsveld) generally had no problems with the proposed ice fee increases to adult users. Ron Shackleton was concerned about the substantial increase to taxes in general and suggested the fee be held for two to four years. Peter VanHartingsveld felt if fees were to increase there should be continual upgrading to existing facilities as well as new facilities. 919 ../5 REPORT CS -24 -89 - 5 - June 19, 1989 5.3 School Users - Harvey Webster of M. J. Hobbs School and Don Welsh of Lord Elgin Public School agreed the schools should be paying their way since the Town does not utilize school facilities to any great extent. 5.4 Minor Ball and Soccer Leagues - Wolf Geiger, representing the Darlington Soccer Association had no problem with fees associated with marking of fields as long as the service is good. The Town of Newcastle Baseball Association (Terry Donohue) had no problem with paying for the field marking service. The Newcastle Girls Slow Pitch League also had no problem and felt this fee may even improve service to their league. The Orono Athletic Association (Peter Maartense) is against the marking fees since the burden of cost would be too much. He anticipated the cost for his group (which involves eight teams) would be $35.00 per week for the service. Staff suggest that marking of fields is an optional service and teams do not have to purchase the service but can go without marking the fields or mark them with their own volunteers in order to keep their costs down. 5.5 Adult Ball Teams - The Newcastle Mens Slow Pitch League (Dave Wright) have no problem with the increases proposed. The Ladies Slow Pitch League (Lorraine Gray) was unavailable for comment at the time of writing this report. 6.0 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: 6.1 Staff recognize that even with special rates for certain user groups,_ circumstances may arise where an individual or family cannot afford to pay for recreational opportunities. It is anticipated that in these cases, where the financial situation may be verified in confidence by a social or government agency the fee may be reduced or waived at the discretion of Senior Departmental Staff. ../6 92 REPORT CS-24-89 - 6 - June 19, 1989 6.2 Traditionally special needs youth groups such as the Courtice North Special Education class have been given free use of the arena. Staff are suggesting that special needs groups be recognized and that fees may be reduced or waived depending on the circumstances. Respectfully submitted, do-s —ep Director Depar Vent of Community Services JML:JPC:sa Recommended for presentation to the Committee Lawrence E. Kotseff hief Administrative Officer W PROGRAMS Public Skating (per person) Adults 1.50 Youth /Seniors 1.50 Picnics (Orono Park) Mon. - Sat. (up to 100 people) Mon. - Sat. (over 100 people) Sat. /Sun. & Hol.(parking admission) Cars Motor Bikes Buses Pleasure Swims (All Pools) Adults Students Family Seniors Season Swim Pass (Outdoor Pools) Single Family S wash (Pay as you Play /person) Prime Time Non -Prime Time - Adult Non -Prime Time - Youth /Senior (new) NFC - Pool Memberships Family Annual Monthly 10 Ticket Student Annual Monthly 10 Ticket Adults Annual Monthly 10 Ticket Seniors Annual Monthly 10 Ticket •;• •� 1.75 1.25 37.00 OMIT 55.00 OMIT 3.00 3.50 2.00 2.50 20.00 22.00 1.50 1.75 1.00 1.00 3.50 3.75 1.00 .75 29.00 29.00 57.00 57.00 4.75 5.00 3.75 4.00 3.00 SCHEDULE I 1.56 1.03 1.59 .98 3.56 .45 5.93 5.08 150.00 150.00 104.00 24.00 25.00 35.67 20.00 22.00 15.00 50.00 50.00 41.25 8. 00_ 9.00_ 11.67 6.50 7.00 8.04 75.00 75.00 57.75 13.00 14.00 17.83 11.00 12.00 11.73 was in 45.00 40.67 youth 8.00 11.50 rate 6.00 5.94 2_Y - 2 - uatic Program Fees Parent & Tot tbruWbite Adult Instruction Aqua Fitness Masters (once per week) (twice per week) (three times per wk) 8cnuze Medallion Bronze Cross Leaders Semi-Privates - full aeaoimo /10 Les) 5 lessons Privates - full oesobmo (10 Lea) 5 lessons Iuatructoro/NLG (40 hrs.) Special Programs (ie^Soozkel/EGS0 Canada) Mini-Session Parent G Tot tbcuWbite Adult Instruction Aqua Fitness | 2I0-O0 78.00 50.00 15.00 40.00 105.00 42.00 30.00 105.00 42.00 25.00 10.00 40.00 420.00 130.00 100.00 30.00 /lI lesson,' 27^UO � 33~0O � � 33.00 40.00 � 60.00 � 70.00 � 40.00 � 40.00 45^U0 � 55~UO � 30.00 85.00 43.00 75.00 � (5 Iesouo)� l5^0O l8^00 18°OU 210.00 78.00 50.00 15.00 40.00 105.00 42^0O 38.00 105.00 42°0O 25.00 10.00 40.00 420.00 130.00 100.00 30^OO (IU lesson) 27.00 33.00 33.00 40.00 60.00 70.00 | 55.00>iuoI. 57.0O>exam 48.00 55.00 30^00 85.00 | REGIONAL AVERAGE 200.20 70.25 _ _ _ 133.00 48^0O _ _ 32°UO - - - 390.00 _ _ 26.90 35.60 35.00 _ - - 43.00 43.83 48.00 _ 4D. VU - 80.00 83°50 30^0O - (5 lesson) 15.00 - l8^O0 - I8"0O | - (Squash & Pool) Full Annual Quarterly (any 3 moo) Summer Special (May l -Sept. I) Summer (y@outblv) 10 Ticket Daytime Annual Quarterly (any 3 nmo) IO Ticket Students/Sr. Annual Quarterly (any 3 nmo) Gonumac (May - Sept. l) 800mnez (Monthly) IO Tickets Family Annual Quarterly (any 3 moa) Summer (May-Sapt.I) Summer (monthly) uatic Program Fees Parent & Tot tbruWbite Adult Instruction Aqua Fitness Masters (once per week) (twice per week) (three times per wk) 8cnuze Medallion Bronze Cross Leaders Semi-Privates - full aeaoimo /10 Les) 5 lessons Privates - full oesobmo (10 Lea) 5 lessons Iuatructoro/NLG (40 hrs.) Special Programs (ie^Soozkel/EGS0 Canada) Mini-Session Parent G Tot tbcuWbite Adult Instruction Aqua Fitness | 2I0-O0 78.00 50.00 15.00 40.00 105.00 42.00 30.00 105.00 42.00 25.00 10.00 40.00 420.00 130.00 100.00 30.00 /lI lesson,' 27^UO � 33~0O � � 33.00 40.00 � 60.00 � 70.00 � 40.00 � 40.00 45^U0 � 55~UO � 30.00 85.00 43.00 75.00 � (5 Iesouo)� l5^0O l8^00 18°OU 210.00 78.00 50.00 15.00 40.00 105.00 42^0O 38.00 105.00 42°0O 25.00 10.00 40.00 420.00 130.00 100.00 30^OO (IU lesson) 27.00 33.00 33.00 40.00 60.00 70.00 | 55.00>iuoI. 57.0O>exam 48.00 55.00 30^00 85.00 | REGIONAL AVERAGE 200.20 70.25 _ _ _ 133.00 48^0O _ _ 32°UO - - - 390.00 _ _ 26.90 35.60 35.00 _ - - 43.00 43.83 48.00 _ 4D. VU - 80.00 83°50 30^0O - (5 lesson) 15.00 - l8^O0 - I8"0O | - - 3 - FACILITIES Ice Rentals Prime Time: Adults Minor Sports (NEW) Non -Prime Time: Adults Minor Sports /School Board Non - Residents Floor Rentals (Off Season) Special Events (Day Rate 8am - lam) Set -up /Take Down Rate Floor Rental (Ball Hockey /Hourly) NEWCASTLE FITNESS CENTRE Pool Rentals Pool Only (includes 1 guard) Pool /Sauna /Whirlpool (includes 1 guard Non -Prime Time: Mon. -Fri. (6am - 6pm) Sat., Sun. & Holidays (6am - 10am) Aquatic Club School Board /Other Multi-Purpose Room Commercial Preferred (Local Non- Profit) PARK PERMITS (ALL PLAY FIELDS) Per Game - Adults Line Marking (per game) - Adult - Minor Groups(NEW) Lights (per game) - Adults Tournaments - First Day (per diam.) - Following Days i i 1988 -89 RATE PROPOSED 1989 -90 REGIONAL AVERAGE 63.00 /hr. 70.00 /hr. 72.80/hr. 63.00 /hr. 63.00 /hr. 57.00 /hr. 53.00 /hr. 55.00 /hr. 63.40/hr. 53.00 /hr. 28.00 /hr. 32.20/hr. 3 free ses no free then $28. sessions 75.00 /hr. 80.00 /hr. - 525.00 /day 550.00 /day 552.00 /day 100.00 /hr. 100.00 /day No Charge 28.00 /hr. 30.00 /hr. 29.08/hr. 41.00 /hr. 42.00 /hr. 39.80/hr. 52.00 /hr. OMIT - 19.00 /hr. 20.00 /hr. 21.29/hr. 19.00 /hr. 22.00 /hr. 28.02/hr. 14.00 /hr. 16.00 /hr. 26.65/hr. 75.00 /day 80.00 /day - 8.00 /hr. 10.00 /hr. - 32.00 /day 40.00 /day - 6.00 7.00 - 9.00 10.00 - - 5.00 - 11.00 12.00 - 32.00 34.00 - 11.00 12.00 - 9 2.4 Banquet Hall (Full Area) Friday and Saturday Sunday thru Thursday Statutory Holidays New Year's Eve Mon. -Fri. - Non Profit (NEW) Functions Only Banquet Hall Room "A" Friday and Saturday Sunday thru Thursday Statutory Holidays Mon. -Fri. - Non Profit (NEW) Functions Only Banquet Hall Room "B" or "C" Friday and Saturday Sunday thru Thursday Statutory Holidays Mon. -Fri. - Non Profit (NEW) Functions Only Meeting Room Bar Keeper - First One Second & Following Bar Keeper Statutory Holidays and New Year's Eve Bar Supplies Glass, Ice, Soft Drinks & Mix - 4 - 375 375 375 375 135 135 135 120 120 120 $425.00 $300.00 $450.00 $900.00 $165.00 $145.00 $175.00 $150.00 $130.00 $160.00 $15.00 /hr $15.00 /hr (min.5hrs) $11.00 /hr $25.00 /hr (min.5hrs) $1.50/ person ., PROPOSED • 1989-90 DENTS $475.00 $350.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $190.00 $170.00 $200.00 $175.00 $145.00 $185.00 No Change No Change No Change No Change $35.00 /hr. No Change No Change No Change $18.00 /hr. No Change No Change No Change $18.00 /hr. No Change No Change No Change No Change No Change