HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-34-89TOWN OF NEWCASTLE d' 44, =� ` at, rK'¢ REPORT File #/o.Z..02.. 7 }l,�` Res. # By-Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE & ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE DATE: October 2, 1989 REPORT CS -34 -89 FILE #: SUB,JECT: BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 100TH BIRTHDAY RESOLUTION #C- 544 -89 RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council the following: - 1. That Report No. CS -34 -89 be received; 2. That Council direct staff in conjunction with Mr. Doug Jackman to proceed with a Bowmanville High School Centennial Trade Dollar Project as endorsed by the Bowmanville High School Centennial Committee; 3. That staff be authorized to withdraw funds from the unallocated Administration Contingency Account Number 7007 - 00000 -0298 to an upset limit of $10,000 for the purchase of commemorative coins, promotion and related costs; 4. That any coins which are not sold be retained by the 'Town for promotion of the Municipality; 5. That the Town be reimbursed for any expenses incurred from the project and that any profits realized be used to develop an honorarium or plaque for the Bowmanville High School if applicable; 6. That Mr. Doug Jackman and the Bowmanville High School Centennial Committee receive a copy of this Report and be advised of action taken by Council. 91 1 ../2 REPORT CS -34 -89 - 2 - October 2, 1989 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 At a regular meeting of Council on July 24, 1989 Council requested the Community Services Department staff to coordinate liaison between the Town, Mr. Jackman and the Bowmanville High School Centennial Committee in reference to the Town advancing sufficient monies for a commemorative medallion in recognition of Bowmanville High School's 100th Birthday. 1.2 Staff have followed up this matter with both Mr. Jackman and the Bowmanville High School Centennial Committee to encourage communication between these two parties as well as to solicit their input into the design, quantity and type of medallion that should be considered. 2.0 COIN PROPOSAL BY MR. JACKMAN: 2.1 The initial proposal by Mr. Jackman is laid out in detail in Schedule I of this report. To summarize, Mr. Jackman is suggesting a $2.00 Trade Dollar to be purchased from Press - Metals in the form of a Brass Coin. The cost of purchasing 5,000 coins of this quality including design, die - casting, promotion and miscellaneous would be approximately $10,000. 2.2 If Council chose to pursue this type of coin the anticipated end result would be a break -even budget (if coins were sold at $2.00 each and all coins were sold). The intent of the coin in this case, would be to promote the Bowmanville High School Centennial as well as show the Town's support and recognition of 100 years of education in the Municipality. 3.0 BOWMAWILLE HIGH SCHOOL CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE: 3.1 Mr. Jackman's proposal was reviewed by the Bowmanville High School Centennial Committee which endorses the concept of a Centennial Coin. However, Bowmanville High School Centennial Committee have made it clear they endorse this Centennial Coin with the following understandings: a) this Committee will have no financial responsibility for the project; ../3 REPORT CS -34 -89 - 3 - October 2, 1989 b) this Committee will not be involved in the work of promoting or selling these coins (however, they will assist in terms of providing access to their alumni mailing list and making space available for a booth for selling coins at their Reunion Events); and c) this Committee want to ensure this project will not endanger the possibility of their Committee requesting a Municipal Grant, if required, through the normal grant application process. 3.2 In review of Mr. Jackman's initial proposal the Centennial Committee concurs with proceeding with the Trade Dollar instead of a medallion. They also are in agreement with the general design of the coin, although they suggest using the former High School Building only on the back and some wording relating to the Bowmanville High School Centennial (see Schedule II for general design concept) . They would like the opportunity for further input and endorsement as the coin design is finalized. 4.0 PROCESS FOR IMPLEMENTATION: 4.1 Should Council choose to proceed with a Centennial Coin project, staff recommend that the administration of expenses as well as control of the inventory of coins should be controlled by Town staff in order to protect the Town's investment. The Treasury Department has been consulted and concurs with the process and financing of this Project as outlined. Distribution of coins and revenues collected would be handled by Mr. and Mrs. Jackman with regular deposits made back to the Town. Promotions could be coordinated through the Community Services Department with the assistance of both Mr. Jackman and the Bowmanville High School. 4.2 These arrangements are similar to how previous "coins" were handled in the past (ie) the Town of Newcastle's 10th Anniversary coin and will ensure the protection of the Town's investment into these coins. In the event all the coins are not sold, they could be utilized by the Town for presentations or awards for the remainder of the year. 0 1 REPORT CG-34-89 - 4 - October 2, 1989 5~0 5.1 Staff suggest Council view this project as an opportunity to do something to show support of this Centennial celebration provide the opportunity for generating funds for an honorarium or annual award to future students. 08c. Jackman is planning on attending the October 2nd General Purpose and Administration Meeting in the event Council would like further information. Respectfully submitted, jJose Caruana, DT'r-ector mm lty De rtment of Community Services JC:JL:oa Recommended for presentation to the Committee Lawrence E. seff Chief Admi is ative officer {} 1 � 1 /| SCHEDULE I BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL CENTENNIAL COIN PROPOSAL Recommendation: $2.00 Trade Dollar Both Trade Dollars and Medallions are used to promote awareness in an event as well as commemorate that event with a lasting artifact. A Trade Dollar is also a community coin which is given a legal monetary value for a specified period of time. In the case of the B.H.S. Centennial the deadline date for legal tender could be set for July 31st, or the Homecoming Weekend ( ?) or December 31st ... whatever is suggested by the Committee. There are two benefits of purchasing a Trade Dollar rather than a Medallion: 1) coin collectors are more interested in this type of coin; and 2) trade dollars can be distributed through most local banks as well as local stores whereas only a few stores may be interested in selling the medallions (ie. Rickaby's). II COMPANY AND COIN SELECTION Recommendation: (in order of preference) 1) Press Metals -Brass Coin 2) Sherritt Mints - Aureate Bonded Steel 3) Johnson - Matthey Press Metals has been recommended because of its quality - looking product. A disadvantage is that the company is located in British Columbia and they are more expensive. Sherritt Mints is also a possibility (looks similar to the Loon Dollar). However, there is a problem with size of the medallion (smaller) and tarnishing. This company is located in Scarborough. Johnson - Matthey did the last two coins distributed in Town. However, their main interest is in silver coins and they are not that interested in doing Trade Dollars or Medallions. Further, this company requires camera -ready artwork. To commemorate the Centennial Anniversary a "gold" colour is suggested. What is suggested for the Committee to consider would be: ** 1) Press Metals - Brass Colour $1.01 Mint Charge /Coin or * 2) Sherritt Mint - Aureate Bonded Steel $.41 Mint Charge (see enclosed samples) There is also the option of ordering a limited number of gold - plated coins through Press Metals for $1.18 Mint Charge per Coin. (see samples for consideration) ../2 SCHEDULE Z -3- III DESIGN Recommendation: See Attaobnx*ota For the front side the B.H.S. crest (including the Screech Owl) is suggested. The other side of the Coin could include a picture of the original High School or both the original and new High School. Wording could iuclode the centennial dates I890-I990 and/or "Homecoming Week/Days (?). Artwork, Design and Die Casting proofs would be handled by Press Metals or Shercitt Mints and approved by the client (the Town and the Centennial Committee) at a cost of approximately $I,500. IV SUGGESTED ORDER NUMBER Recommendation: 5,000 - 10,000 Amioimum of 5,000 coins should be ordered in order to make it financially feasible. Dependent on the number nt alumni you have already contacted as well as present and future students of B.B.S. and coin collectors it is difficult to predict the demand. V POTENTIAL FOR FUND-RAISING If a $3.00 Trade Dollar is considered a potential profit of ¢.75 per orio could be realized. If 5,000 coins are sold, a profit of $3,700 is possible. This amount would be reduced by promotion and miscellaneous costs. However, there is a possibility of residual funds being utilized for an honorarium for future students or a plaque to the school from the Town commemorating their Ceu-- iaI Anniversary to mention a few options. Proposed Bowmanville High School Centennial Coin Design '1 1. nm _4 151NOIL lI A 7A/fr A) { AN Ir'A4.-.* b14 SCHEDULE II Bowmanville High School Centennial Committee suggests old school only Mr. Jackman suggests both schools Bowmanville High School CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NEWCASTLE 40 TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO L1 C 3A6 TELEPHONE 623 -3379 FAX 623 -4169 August 2nd, 1989. Mr. D. Jackman, Group 3, Box 301, R.R. #l, Newcastle, Ontario. LOA 1HO Dear Mr. Jackman: RE: BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL 100TH ANNIVERSARY Further to your presentation to the Council of the Town of Newcastle at their meeting held on July 24th, 1989, I advise that the following resolution was passed: "THAT the delegation.of Mr. Doug Jackman with respect to an advance of sufficient monies to prepare a commemorative medallion in recognition of Bowmanville High School's 100th Birthday be referred to the Community Services Department.to co- ordinate liaison between the Town, Mr. Jackman and the Bowmanville High School Centennial Committee; and THAT the delegation of Mr. Doug Jackman be acknowledged and he be advised of Council's decision." Yours truly, Patti L. Barri , A.M.C.T.(A) Town Clerk. PLB :mev CC: J. Caruana, Director of Community Services