HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-20-90M MEETING: DATE: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # Res. # By -Law #9�._ GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION June 4, 1990 REPORT #: Cs -20 -90 FILE #: BOWMANVILLE ZOO - PARKING RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council the following:- 1. That Report No. CS -20 -90 be received; 2. That the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to extend the licence agreement between the Town and the Bowmanville Zoological Park Ltd. permitting the utilization of a portion of the northern extension of Soper Creek Park as shown on the attached sketch (Schedule B), for the purpose of providing overflow parking facilities for the zoo; 3. That representatives of the Bowmanville Zoological Park Ltd. provide a crossing guard in the person of an "Off Duty" Police officer to assist people crossing Hwy. #2 whenever the licenced lands are used for overflow parking; 4. That any damages to the property and liability for the use of the property be the responsibility of the Bowmanville Zoological Park Ltd. and that the public liability insurance in the minimum amount of $2,000,000.00 for each occurrence in a form satisfactory to the Chief Administrative Officer be obtained and maintained for the term of the licence; ../2 REPORT CS -20 -90 - 2 - JUNE 4, 1990 5. That the rental rate be established at $1,000.00 for the 1990 Season and that the licence be on a net basis to the Town; and 6. That Mr. Alex Nagy, President Bowmanville Zoological Park Ltd. be advised of action taken by Council. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 In July of 1989 Council approved a staff report authorizing the Mayor and Clerk to execute a licence agreement between the Town and the Bowmanville Zoological Park Ltd. for purposes of providing overflow parking on Town owned lands. 1.2 Subsequently, in a letter dated March 28, 1990 (Schedule A) a request to extend the existing licence for the 1990 season has been received. 1.3 The request was forwarded to the Parks Policy Committee for their input at its meeting held on Friday, May 18, 1990. After review it was recommended that staff prepare a report to Council endorsing the request for an extension to the licence agreement subject to a review of the fee. 2.0 FEES AND COSTS: 2.1 After review of our legal costs associated with this matter, staff is recommending that the cost for use of the subject area for overflow parking be increased in accordance with recommendation #5 of report CS- 20 -90. 3.0 COMMENT: 3.1 It should be noted, that the Bowmanville Zoological Park Ltd. has engaged a consulting firm to address the problem of parking within the Zoo's property limits. ../3 9 1 C REPORT CS -20 -90 - 3 - JUNE 4, 1990 3.2 With this in mind, staff is optomistic that alternate parking arrangements will be in place for the Zoo's 1991 season. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee VVAkp Jose P . Caruana, Director Ld,�vrence ,E!. Kotsef f Dep tment of Community Services Chief A(#4nistrative Officer JPC:dmm 911 SCHEDULE A March 28, 1990. Corporation of the town of Nnwcastle, 40 Temperance Street, eowmanville, ont. LlC 3A6 Attn: Mr. L. Kotseff RE: Bowmanville Zoo ParXina - Your File # Dear. Sir: We are presently worKing with the engineoring firm of Cosburn Patterson and Wardman from Markham re; additional parking Cor tho zoo. This process has moved ill a very slow manner, however we are confident that by late summer we will be able to proceed. We therefore are requestiny an extension to last years licence agreement with the same terms and conditions. Yours truly, BOWMANVILLF ZOO Alex Nagy, President'. AN : hl-) 340 King Street East Y 6owmarivillc: e orttarin • Canada • L 1 C ,3K5 (4 16) 62.3 5655 • (4 16) 623 9675 - 24 hrs • (416) 576 1928 - Fax u 83-8 CD 82-4 uc:l 81.6 83- 83-1 0� , E\3\ 11 U 7- oo oc> .8 "__`T". -_. .84-1 KING :STREET 84-4. 1'1� SCHEDULE B /83.3 / ` 83-4 83-2 •