HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-30-90r TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File # j,V- ;f. Res. # u - By -Law # MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION IA E: . JULY 23, 1990 REPORT #: CS -30 -90 FILE #: SUB,ECT: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT - PROGRAM FEES AND FACILITY RATES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended' that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council; 1. That Report No. CS -30 -90 be received; 2. That the proposed program fees and facility rates (Schedule B) be approved; and 3. That the new fees and rates be effective as of September 1, 1990. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 The Program/ Community Relations Division of the Community Services Department has completed its annual review of fees and rates currently charged for program and facility usage. The Community Services Department will be working on an ongoing basis, with other Departments and Treasury to develop a plan of implementing the incoming Federal Goods and Services Tax (G.S.T.) . Currently the impact on the community is unknown but all fees and rates would be conditional with the intention of minimizing the negative effect of this 7% taxation. ../2 REPORT CS -30 -90 - 2 - JULY 23, 1990 1.2 The objective of the review process is to develop a fee and rate schedule that will encourage community participation and use of the programs and facilities operated by the Town of Newcastle's Community Services Department. The concept of quality services at reasonable prices was one of the major considerations throughout the adjustment process. 1.3 The factors considered in this review included: (a) current economic /social trends within the community; (b) current use of programs and facilities; (c) cost of operating programs and facilities; (d) survey of fees and rates charged by other municipalities within the Region of Durham; and (e) perceived impact changes in fees and rages may have on program and facility use. 1.4 A five (5) percent increase was the start of all discussions with the aforementioned factors being used to modify the actual rate proposed. Some fees and rates, therefore, may not change while others may increase or decrease. The remainder of this report will highlight the significant variations in the fees and rates and the reasoning for the proposed changes. Please note that Schedule A is attached for reference to define terms and abbreviations used in Schedule B. 2.0 PROGRAMS: 2.1 The fees for Public Skating have been adjusted to encourage greater participation and to balance with those charged for Recreational (public) swimming. By doing this, it is intended that the community will be able to make a choice as to how to spend their leisure time (skating or swimming) without the cost being a factor. 2.2 The rates charged for annual pool memberships have been left unchanged for the 1990 -91 season. They are currently higher than the regional average but we believe that a more consistent promotion of their availability will increase the ../3 9 ,� K REPORT CS -30 -90 - 3 - JULY 23, 1990 community use of these memberships. The rates currently work out to be - Adults $75.00 /year or $ 6.25 /month Youth $50.00 /year or $ 4.17 /month Family $150.00 /year or $12.50 /month and Seniors $45.00 /year or $ 3.75 /month By breaking the annual memberships down to their actual per month cost, for discussion only, it would be difficult to make them any less without reducing the quality of the service received. 2.3 To encourage more participation in the game of squash a new section has been developed. In 1989 -90 students or seniors wanting to play during prime time (ie. 4:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. weekdays) would be required to pay full adult price ( $5.00 per court time). In the proposed fee schedule, a new prime time rate for seniors and youth is proposed ($4.00 /court time) to encourage greater use of the two courts located at the Newcastle Fitness Centre. 2.4 The family rate for Squash and Pool memberships has been reduced by five (5) percent. The reduction is intended to bring the rate more in line with the fees charged by other municipalities in the region and to encourage the sale of a greater number of memberships. Please note that the Regional average for this type of membership (all categories) is misleading since it involves a greater amount of services. The Town of Newcastle membership includes access to the pool, squash courts and sauna /whirlpool (18 years and up) while other municipalities include these plus access to weight rooms and /or fitness classes in their membership fees. 2.5 The fees for the aquatics (instructional) programs are generally proposed to increase by five (5) percent. This reflects the increase in operating the programs (ie. pool and instructor time) plus new fees being charged by the regulating ../4 914 REPORT CS -30 -90 - 4 - JULY 23, 1990 Provincial /Federal bodies for use of their programs (ie. Red Cross, Royal Life, National Lifeguard Services). Since there is no opportunity to opt out of these programs (and maintain accreditation) these new costs must be incorporated into the program fee paid by the community. 2.6 Leadership programs have also increased by the basic five (5) percent but the cost of examination and reference material fees have also been incorporated. The Bronze Medallion and Bronze Cross Leadership programs include the mandatory examination fee set by the appropriate regulatory association. The National Lifeguard Leaders and Royal Life Saving Society Instructors programs include the examination fee and the resource manuals(s) in the proposed fee. This is intended to make the administration process required by these programs easier for Aquatics staff to perform. Special care will be taken, in the promotion of these programs, to ensure that potential participants are aware of and understand these changes. 3.0 FACILITIES: 3.1 The hourly rental cost for ice time at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex and the Darlington Sports Centre is proposed to increase by the prescribed five percent. This reflects the increase in the cost of facility operation and maintenance. The non - resident fee for renting the ice surface is unchanged for the 1990 -91 season in order to make ice rental in the Town of Newcastle an option for non - resident groups. Non - resident bookings are used to fill gaps in the time schedules at the two Town facilities. 3.2 The use of Town owned facilities (arenas /pools) by the two Boards of Education is under review by the Program /Community Relations Division. The Boards of Education pay a reduced fee (proposed to be $23.00 per hour in 1990 -91) for pool time while the fee for ice is waived. Division staff are in the ../5 REPORT CS -30 -90 - 5 - JULY 23, 1990 process of collecting information and statistics relative to the frequency of this group's use of facilities over the past two years. This information will be presented as part of ongoing negotiations, between the Community Services Department and the two School Boards, to establish a reciprocal cooperative agreement for facility use. Since this process is not complete, the Division recommends that current practices are maintained until this agreement is finalized. 3.3 The daily rate for booking the Newcastle Fitness Centre multi purpose room is deleted in the proposed 1990 -91 schedule. This reflects the fact that this space is not currently rented on a regular basis. The Program /Community relations Division is reviewing current use of this room with the intention of looking at alternatives that will increase the effective use of this space. 3.4 For groups hosting an event involving alcohol and bartenders, they will be required to use two (2) bartenders, provided by the Community Services Department, for events of 100 people or more. This is proposed to reduce the possibility of the Town being held liable for the condition of the participants leaving the event and to ensure the safe operation of the event within a Town facility. 3.5 The cost of renting the Newcastle Fitness Centre Pool has been adjusted to include two lifeguards. This is to encourage the safe and responsible use of the facility and to ensure that proper supervision is available. The proposed fee reflects the five percent increase in the facility rental plus the wages for two lifeguards to supervise (estimated to be $10.00 /hour). WAM 91 REPORT CS -30 -90 - 6 - JULY 23, 1990 4.0 SUMMARY: 4.1 The Program/ Community Relations Division has attempted to develop a consistent and equitable schedule of program fees and facility rates. In doing this, the cost factor of participation has been adjusted so that it is less of an issue when an individual or group is choosing how or where to spend their leisure time. It is felt that the community will be receptive to these changes provided that the quality of service received justifies the fee /rate assessed. The Program/ Community Relations staff are committed to ensure that the standard of quality is maintained or increased. 4.2 The staff of the Program/ Community Relations Division are investigating methods of promoting and encouraging the rental of Town operated facilities. Current permit policies and regulations are being reviewed and will be revised, as necessary, in order to make facility rental more attractive and affordable to residents and local community groups. Respectfully submitted, Jos ph P. Caruana, Director De artment of Community Services JPC:JJC:sda Recommended for presentation to the Committee Lawrenc. /Kotseff Chief A i istrative Officer 91 / SCHEDULE A DEFINITION OF TERMS Tots: Children 5 years of age and under Youth: Individuals 17 years of age and under Family (Swimming): Consists of two adults and 4 children Minors (Ice /Diamond): Sport programs for individuals 17 years and under BRC: Bowmanville Recreation Complex DSC: Darlington Sports Centre NFC: Newcastle Fitness Centre Prime Time: Most heavily requested and used hours Squash Monday to Friday 4:00 p.m. -10 p.m. Sat. /Sun. /Holidays 8:30 a.m.- 9 p.m. Ice Rental Monday to Thursday 4:00 p.m. -12 a.m. Friday 4:00 p.m.- 2 a.m. Saturday 7:00 a.m.- 2 a.m. Sunday /Holidays 7:00 a.m. -12 a.m. Pool (NFC) Monday to Friday 6:00 p.m. -10 p.m. Sat. /Sun. /Holidays 10:00 a.m.- 9 p.m. Non Prime Time: Hours that are not requested or used as often. Squash Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. Ice Rental Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. Pool (NFC) Monday to Friday 6:00 a.m.- 6 p.m. Sat. /Sun. /Holidays 6:00 a.m. -10 a.m. PROPOSED (90 -91) FEES AND RATES I PROGRAMS 1990 -91 Public Skating (BRC /DSC) - per person Adults Youth Seniors /Tots Picnics (Orono Park) - Park Admission Sat. /Sun. /Holidays Cars Motorcycles Buses Recreational Swimming (All Pools) Adults Youth Family Seniors Season Swim Pass (Outdoor Pools) Single Family Pool Memberships (NFC) Adults - Annual - Monthly - 10 Tickets Youth - Annual - Monthly - 10 Tickets Family - Annual - Monthly - 10 Tickets Seniors- Annual - Monthly - 10 Tickets Squash - (Pay as you Play ( /person) Prime Time - Adults - Seniors /Youth Non Prime Time Non Prime Time - Youth - Senior Squash & Pool Memberships (NFC) Full Annual 3 Months Summer Special (May 1 - Sept. 1) Monthly (Summer) 10 Tickets CAE SCHEDULE B 1989 -90 Region Average 2.00 1.75 1.25 1.25 1.00 1.25 3.50 3.50 2.50 2.50 22.00 22.00 2.00 1.75 1.25 1.00 4.00 3.75 .75 .75 30.00 29.00 60.00 57.00 75.00 15.00 13.00 50.00 9.00 8.00 150.00 27.00 23.00 45.00 8.00 6.00 75.00 14.00 12.00 50.00 9.00 7.00 150.00 25.00 22.00 45.00 8.00 6.00 1.87 1.60 1.60 N/A N/A N/A 1.60 .97 3.10 .55 N/A N/A 61.00 13.00 14.17 43.00 8.00 8.68 121.00 28.00 31.00 48.00 8.00 7.00 5.00 5.00 4.50 4.00 N/A NEW 4.00 4.00 3.85 3.00 3.00 2.75 3.00 3.00 2.75 215.00 210.00 265.00 80.00 78.00 97.00 52.00 50.00 N/A 16.00 15.00 N/A 40.00 40.00 N/A PROGRAMS (Continued) .... Daytime Annual 3 Months 10 Tickets Youth Annual 3 Months Summer Special (May 1 - Sept. 1) Monthly (Summer) 10 Tickets Seniors Annual 3 Months Summer Special (May 1 - Sept. 1) Monthly (Summer) 10 Tickets Family Annual 3 Months Summer Special (May 1 - Sept. 1) Monthly (Summer) Aauatic Proaram Fees Waterbabies to White Adult Aquafitness Masters (1 class /week) (2 classes /week) (3 classes /week) Bronze Medallion ( incl.exam) Bronze Cross (incl.exam) Leaders (incl. $8.00 /student Red Cross Admin. Fee) Semi - Private - 10 lessons - 5 lessons Private - 10 lessons - 5 lessons NLS /Instructors (40 hours) (includes $25. exam fee for NLS Instr.) Special Programs (Snorkel) Life Saving I, II, & III (includes crest & test) Mini Session (5 lessons) Waterbabies to White Adult Aquafitness NOTE - * = exam fee not included 9_ 0 SCHEDULE B (Page 2) 1990 -91 1989 -90 Region Average 105.00 105.00 152.00 44.00 42.00 61.00 30.00 30.00 N/A 105.00 105.00 97.00 44.00 42.00 40.00 26.00 25.00 N/A 11.00 10.00 N/A 35.00 40.00 N/A 105.00 105.00 97.00 44.00 42.00 40.00 26.00 25.00 N/A 11.00 10.00 N/A 35.00 40.00 N/A 400.00 420.00 370.00 135.00 130.00 129.00 105.00 100.00 N/A 32.00 30.00 N/A 30.00 27.00 29.00 35.00 33.00 36.00 35.00 33.00 36.00 42.00 40.00 N/A 63.00 60.00 N/A 73.00 70.00 N/A 58.00 55.00 51.00* 60.00 57.00 59.00* 50.00 48.00 48.00 58.00 55.00 N/A 32.00 30.00 N/A 85.00 85.00 N/A 45.00 45.00 N/A 100. NLS 80.00 92.50 115. w /books 80.00 38.00 36.00 N/A 38.00 36.00 35.00 16.00 15.00 N/A 19.00 18.00 N/A 19.00 18.00 N/A II FACILITIES SCHEDULE B (Page 3) 1990 -91 1989 -90 Arenas (per hour) BRC /DSC Prime Time - Adults 74.00 - Minors (16 yrs. & under) 66.00 Non -Prime Time - Adult 58.00 - Minors(16 yrs. & under) 30.00 Non - Resident (prime /non - prime) 80.00 Floor Rentals - BRC (off season) Special events (per day - 8 a.m. -1 a.m.) 550.00 Set -up /Take Down (per day) 100.00 Sports (Ball Hockey - Hourly) 32.00 Pool Rentals (NFC) - per hour Pool (includes 2 lifeguards) 55.00 Non -Prime Time - 6 a.m.- 6p.m.(M -F) & 23.00 Sat. /Sun. /Hol. - 6 a.m. -10 a.m. (no guard) Board of Education (non - prime) 23.00 Aquatic Club (NEWAC) 23.00 Meeting /Banctuet Rooms NFC - Multi purpose - 75 people Residents - per hour 15.00 - per day (8 hrs.) delete Non - Resident /Commercial - per hour 20.00 - per day delete BRC - Banquet Hall (per day) (a) Full Area - 375 people (capacity) Sunday to Thursday - Resident 315.00 - Non -Res. 365.00 Friday & Saturday - Resident 445.00 - Non -Res. 500.00 Holidays - Resident 475.00 - Non -Res. 525.00 New Years' Eve - Resident 900.00 - Non- Res.1000.00 Non - Profit Functions (Mon. - Fri.)(per hour) 35.00 (b) Room 'A' - 135 people Sunday to Thursday - Resident - Non -Res. Friday & Saturday - Resident - Non -Res. Holidays - Resident - Non -Res. Non - Profit Functions (Mon. - Fri.)(per hour) NOTE - * = lifeguards not included 70.00 63.00 55.00 28.00 80.00 550.00 100.00 30.00 42.00 22.00 22.00 20.00 10.00 40.00 16.00 80.00 300.00 350.00 425.00 475.00 450.00 500.00 900.00 1000.00 35.00 150.00 145.00 175.00 170.00 170.00 165.00 200.00 190.00 180.00 175.00 210.00 200.00 20.00 18.00 Region 74.64 55.33 55.70 23.85 N/A 552.00 N/C 29.08 42.00* 22.00 30.00 20.13 N/C N/C 28.00 FACILITIES Continued... 1990 -91 (c) Room 'B'or 'C' - 120 people Sunday to Thursday - Friday & Saturday - Holidays - Non - Profit Functions (Mon. - Fri.)(per hou Resident 135.00 Non -Res. 150.00 Resident 155.00 Non -Res. 180.00 Resident 170.00 Non -Res. 195.00 r) 20.00 (d) Meeting Room - 20 - 25 people(per hr.) 15.00 Bar Services Bartender - 1st 15.00 - Additional (each) 11.00 - Hol. & New Years' 25.00 Bar Supplies (non- alcoholic) 1.50 (per person) Park Permits (Diamonds /Soccer Pitches) Adults - per game - line marking ( /game) - lights ( /game) Minors - per game - line marking ( /game) - lights ( /game) Tournaments - 1st day /diamond - additional days/ diamond SCHEDULE B (Page 4) 1989 -90 Region Average 130.00 145.00 150.00 175.00 160.00 185.00 18.00 15.00 15.00 11.00 25.00 1.50 8.00 7.00 12.00 10.00 13.00 12.00 N/C N/C 6.00 5.00 13.00 12.00 40.00 34.00 20.00 12.00 15.75 12.00 26.00 2.25