HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-36-90TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT MEETING: GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION DATE: SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 REPORT #: CS -36 -90 FILE #: SLJB,JECT: COMMUNITY TREE PLANTING RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Administration Committee recommend to Council; 1. That Report No. CS -36 -90 be received for File # jr, V f4 Res. # By -Law # Purpose & information. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 Following a delegation by Mr. Brian Hickey at the May 28, 1990 meeting of Council regarding fencing of Town owned land, Council directed through Council Resolution C- 384 -90 that staff report on a proposed tree planting program in the Whitecliffe storm detention pond lands. 1.2 Prior to this delegation while performing an inspection of the Whitecliffe Storm detention pond, staff had the opportunity of meeting with area residents on an informal basis. 1.3 During the inspection, it was noted that a number of small trees were planted in the detention area by the local residents. Concerns were raised by staff noting that the trees would in time cause blockage and impede maintenance to the detention pond. 1.4 Subsequently, the Community Services Department has ../2 VU!'� REPORT NO. CS -36 -90 - 2 - SEPTEMBER 17, 1990 offered to work with the area residents to relocate and plant additional trees in an appropriate area of the pond under the supervision of department staff. 2.0 REPORT: 2.1 The residents interest in the aesthetics of adjacent Town lands and their willingness to invest both time and money is commendable. It is in the Town's interest to channel their activity to create positive results and to be partners with the residents in local improvements. To that end sufficient funds exist in the Parkland Development, General Landscaping Account #7603- 00001 -0516 to accommodate the purchase of 20 or 30 trees. Discussion on a planting date has recently taken place with Mr. Hickey and area residents have chosen Saturday, October 20th. Members of Council are encouraged to participate in this program. 3.0 COMMENTS: 3.1 Community self help programs have many positive features. In this particular case, the proposed program would assist in helping the community develop its identity, create community pride and ensure that improvements are performed to acceptable Town standards. 3.2 It is the Department's intention to eventually provide an ongoing program that would offer this assistance on a first come basis to all residents wishing to reforest hazard and open space lands. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee i ljkl, Jos ph 15. Caruana, Director Lawre De rtment of Community Services Chief JPC:JDC:sda . Kotseff nistrative Officer