HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-40-90:yam :Y .q ► . DATE: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File #,., Res. # By -Law # GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION NOVEMBER 5, 1990 R CS-40-90 v� FILE #: BUILDING SERVICES UPDATE RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council; 1. That Report No. CS -40 -90 be received for information. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 The Community Services Department has initiated our Building Services Program as approved by Council during the 1990 Budget Process. This Program is addressing the structural integrity of all municipality owned buildings and will provide a Preventative Maintenance Program in conjunction with the Building Profile Reports and respective Government Legislation. 1.2 Staff met with representatives from the two Arena Boards, nine Hall Boards, three Municipal Departments, two libraries and two museums during the summer (Attachment #1). 1.3 These meetings clarified the roles and responsibilities of the Town and the Boards, discussed liability and risk management procedures, 1990 Capital Works, the Liquor License Act and the establishing of a Safety & Preventative Maintenance Program. ../2 REPORT NO. CS -40 -90 - 2 - NOVEMBER 5, 1990 2.0 PUBLIC RESPONSE: 2.1 Most of the participants indicated concerns about the Town's role in the operation of "their building ". After dialogue, the participants understood and welcomed the partnership which would enable them to operate more effectively in the community. 2.2 General comments were that the philosophy of Town's support through the Building maintenance program is welcomed and that the various Boards and staff would have to communicate and commit to the process and the results would be measurable. 3.0 STATUS OF PROGRAM: 3.1 The Department has initiated various projects as approved under the 1990 Capital Budget in coordination with the occupants and has also inspected and upgraded all buildings to meet the necessary Provincial Legislation (yearly Fire Inspection Certificate, Boilers etc.). A status report of these projects is provided as Attachment #2. 3.2 Discussions have commenced with the various groups in terms of the 1991 Capital Budget, allowing input from the Board Members regarding the respective facilities. 4.0 STAFFING: 4.1 As approved in the 1990 Current Budget, one full -time Lead Hand and one maintenance person were hired and have commenced employment as of October 1, 1990. 4.2 Maintenance staff are currently checking all mechanical equipment and determining a suitable service level to maintain or improve on the existing conditions. We have also undertaken general Fall maintenance program to ensure no potential problems will occur. ../3 ��ir REPORT NO. CS -40 -90 - 3 - NOVEMBER 5, 1990 5.0 FUTURE OF THE PROGRAM: 5.1 It is important that the Town continue towards providing a preventative maintenance program to protect the Town's investment in municipal property and to ensure the minimum loss of service to the community. An ongoing program will be created to evaluate roofing, heating, ventilation, energy conservation and to ensure that all buildings comply with provincial statutes. 5.2 The partnership with the various hall boards will continue to be strengthened to gain the confidence of these groups and to encourage a better relationship with the Town. 5.3 A sound maintenance program and working relationship will ensure the public's enjoyment of their leisure time in our facilities and buildings. 6.0 SUMMARY: 6.1 The Department will continue to give high priority and resources to the Building Services Program in order that a strong partnership can be assured. Staff are also organizing workshops for the Board Members and staff dealing with WYMIS, Risk Management and the Server Intervention Program to enable them to operate more effectively in their buildings. Respectfully submitted, Jo eph P. Caruana, Director D artment of Community Services JPC:FH:sda Recommended for presentation to the Committee 'XJ/07� - LawrenceJEk Kotseff Chief Admihistrative Officer 9U) .J ATTACHMENT #1 Buildinar Profile Meetinas Date Building Representative June 23 9:30am Tyrone Community Centre Arlene Yeo 11:OOam Memorial Park Association Pat Lunn, Reta Junkin Bob Carrsdale 5:OOpm Brownsdale Community Centre Fleurette Simmons, Carol Phillips June 26 11:OOam Bowmanville Museum Charles Taws 2:OOpm Newcastle Arena Ron Hope, George Petherick 4:OOpm Newcastle Community Hall Brenton Rickard 6:OOpm Orono Town Hall Ann Dreslinski, Eleanor Magder, Judy Chad June 28 9:30am Fire Department Mike Creighton 1:30pm Public Works Bill Werry, Don Patterson, Kaye Rand 3:OOpm Baseline Community Centre Brenda Metcalf June 29 9:30am Planning Department Howard Wight July 5 9:30am Bowmanville Library Barb Baker Clarke Library 11:OOam Clarke Museum Mark Jackman, Derek Barnett 3:OOpm Newtonville Hall Mr. & Mrs. W. Boughen July 10 4:OOpm Orono Arena & Hall Gord Lowery, Pete Maartense Laverne Boyd Aug. 9 5:OOpm Solina Hall Bill Murray Sept.12 8:OOpm Haydon Hall Barb Welsh, Jan Mayer Sept.18 7:OOpm Hampton Hall Audrey Cook, Terry Luke, Lou Cassidy VO4 BUILDING Animal Control Bldq . Baseline Comm. Centre �. Bowmanville Memorial Club House Bowmanville Museum FACILITIES AND BUILDING SERVICES PROJECT STATUS - weather stripping Completed - plumbing & elect. - soffit light Completed - splash pad at no cost - down spout repairs - security lights Completed - masonry repairs Oct. 23 - caulking Completed - roof repairs Nov. 6 - down spouts Completed - repair siding Completed - paint & replace windows Outstanding - electrical recept. Completed ATTACHMENT #2 EXPENDITURE BUDGET TO DATE $2,400. $ 900. $ 700. 0 $14,000. $8,100. $ 2,200. $ 800. - insulate pipes Oct. 30 $21,900. $2,000. - int. /ext.calking On hold - replace flat roof On Hold These two projects are presently on hold in order that a program can be established to best address restorative and structural problems. The insulation of pipes is underway presently. Bowmanville Public Works Yard Brownsdale Community Hall - caulking Completed $5,200. $4,100. - metal flashing - roof repairs Completed $5,200. $2,400. - door closer Completed - masonry repairs Outstanding ../2 BUILDING Clarke Library Courtice Fire Hall #4 Fire & Court Building Hampton Hall Hampton Public Works Yard Haydon Hall - 2 - FACILITIES AND BUILDING SERVICES EXPENDITURE PROJECT STATUS BUDGET TO DATE - storm windows Underway - drywall repair Underway - insulate pipes Oct. 31 - new roof Tendered - alternate offices Completed - roof repairs Underway Municipal Administration Centre $3,200. $50,700. $ 9,800. $4,500. - roof repairs Outstanding $ 5,000. - chimney repairs Outstanding - drain hoppers Completed $ 2,500. $1,000. - masonry repairs - broke well pipe - roof repairs Underway $ 2,000. - foundation repair - building renova- Dec.15 $34,300. tions - card entry system Oct.31 - digital security system Oct.31 - cenotaph lights Oct.18 - Christmas decor- Nov.23 ations - baseboard heaters Completed - Planning dept. renovations. Nov.15 Newcastle Memorial Arena - roof repair Tendered $56,000. - adjust.to struct. Completed ../3 $5,937. BUILDING Newcastle Fire Station #2 Newcastle Community Hall Newtonville Hall Orono Arena & Community Hall Orono Fire Station #3 Orono Public Works Yard Orono Town Hall - 3 - FACILITIES AND BUILDING SERVICES PROJECT STATUS BUDGET TO DATE - separate wall Underway $16,000. - reinforce beam By Oct. 18 - roof repair Underway - chimney & flu Completed repairs Outstanding - new windows Completed - new furnace Completed - flat roof repairs Outstanding - slate roof repairs Completed - eavestrough Completed repairs - masonry chimney Outstanding repairs - reinforce floor & foundation Tendered - roof repairs Completed - paint foundation - paint steel beams - paint block wall - misc. minor repairs Completed - seal down shingles Completed - repair joints Tendered - replace sill Completed - masonry repairs Completed - window replacement Complete - timber beam rein. By Oct.31 - fire escape Completed $56,500. $34,000. $15,000. $ 8,500. $ 4,000. $ 4,000. $ 2,550. $12,500. $27,000. $14,300. ../4 - 4 - FACILITIES AND BUILDING SERVICES BUILDING PROJECT STATUS BUDGET TO DATE Solina Hall- - fire rated wall Completed $13,000. $13,300. - stairs Tyrone Community Hall - paint windows Outstanding $ 4,900. - reinforce basement wall Outstanding - masonry repairs Outstanding - emergency exit lights Completed Visual Arts Centre - major structural Completed $50,000. $20,000 Bowmanville Recreation Complex - fire proof ceiling Completed $116,600. $28,000 - flag pole Oct. 15 - trophy case Oct. 31 - first aid cupboard Oct. 18 - delay system for PA Complete - kitchen retrofit Tendered - folding door Dec. 31 - dimmer switches Nov. 1 - portable stage Completed - marque board Completed Darlington Sports Centre - energy audit Oct. 31 $81,200. $61,000. - ceiling painted Completed - wall paint Completed - flooring Completed - tables & chairs Completed - fire alarm system Completed - glass behind bench Oct. 18 Newcastle Fitness Centre - pool vacuum Completed $31,400. $ 7,000. - vent repairs Outstanding - pool tunnel repairs Outstanding - tables & chairs Completed ../5 ,A) b BUILDING Orono Pool Bowmanville Memorial Arena - 5 - FACILITIES AND BUILDING SERVICES EXPENDITURE PROJECT STATUS BUDGET TO DATE - chemical feed pump Completed - automatic vacuum Completed - pool heater Completed - block building Completed - demolition & clean up Completed - sodding Completed $32,000. $24,000. $60,000 $45,000.