HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS-42-90MEETING: TOWN OF NEWCASTLE REPORT File Vo. t,: = i t �✓ Res. # By -Law # GENERAL PURPOSE AND ADMINISTRATION DATE: , NOVEMBER 19, 1990 REPORT #: CS -42 -90 FILE #: COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT CAPITAL PROJECT UPDATE PARRS AND CEMETERIES RECOMMENDATIONS: It is respectfully recommended that the General Purpose & Administration Committee recommend to Council; 1. That Report No. CS -42 -90 be received for information. 1.0 BACKGROUND: 1.1 The attached information is provided to members of Council as an update on the status of our Capital Budget as it relates to parks and cemeteries (Schedule 1). 2.0 CAPITAL HIGHLIGHTS: 2.1 As reported to Council in Report CS -37 -90 the installation of skateboard facilities at Newcastle Lions Pool, Orono Park, Darlington Sports Centre, Bowmanville Memorial Park and Courtice Secondary School created interest both inside the Town and in adjoining communities. The five facilities appear to have eased skateboard problems previously occurring on both private lands and public road allowance. 2.2 The ball fields at the Bowmanville Recreation Complex are now constructed. During the past summer extensive work has been undertaken completing the installation of all related services. At present we are awaiting delivery of the precast concrete ../2 REPORT NO. CS -42 -90 - 2 - NOVEMBER 19, 1990 light poles for installation in December or January. The seeding was delayed until mid September in order to allow various trades to complete their tasks. Germination has taken place and with a favourable winter and spring we are hopeful to see the fields in use by August of 1991. Staff provided a floral display over the summer months across the Complex main frontage and this fall over forty trees of various sizes have been added to enhance the sport field area. 2.3 Courtice Memorial South Park located on Courtice Road near Bloor Street has for years had limited parking. With the increased traffic along Courtice Road and the growing use of this facility it has become necessary to build and enlarge the parking lot. 2.4 The developer abutting Foster Creek Parkette has developed the adjacent homes and removed the top soil pile from the park allowing staff to grade, top soil and seed approximately one acre of parkland. This park, fully developed stretches from Sunset Boulevard to Edward Street and provides public access to the Foster Creek floodplain. 2.5 Foxhunt Parkette has been developed for full public use and features a paved pedestrian walkway, basketball court, gazebo, park sign, pedestrian bridge over a drainage swale and twenty trees which have been added this year to the park. Staff have received several complimentary comments from area residents concerning the park upgrading. 2.6 Mearns Avenue Park has received considerable attention through the upgrading completed this year. The main addition features a pedestrian walkway from Mearns Avenue to Barley Mill Crescent, a floral display, tree planting, a gazebo and sitting areas. 2.7 Bond Head Waterfront Park has recently been reported to Council in Report CS- 41 -90. Phase I is in process of being tendered and is expected to be implemented later this fall with a completion date scheduled for the spring of 1991. 2.8 A committee of citizens and Business Improvement Area ../3 9oz REPORT NO. CS -42 -90 - 3 - NOVEMBER 19, 1990 representatives have worked with Mr. Bruce Cosburn and Town staff since spring in developing a Master Plan for the Orono Woods /Walk Park. The plan was presented to the Orono community during a public meeting to review Orono Hamlet Plan. In September the committee walked the site and recommended a priorized construction program. Tender documents are currently being prepared by the Purchasing Agent. Building of an east /west path, cleanup of debris, selective removal of dangerous or undesirable trees and provision of a temporary stream crossing will be undertaken this fall and winter. 2.9 The inclusion of the ball diamond lights in Soper Creek Park over the winter of 1989 -90 has been further enhanced by a batters cage, a parking lot and hard surfacing of the park road. The erosion of Soper Creek banks immediately north of the Visual Arts Centre is scheduled to be stabilized after November 15th in accordance with directions received in obtaining Provincial approval. This late date will safeguard the migratory fish population inhabiting the creek at this time of year. 2.10 Westview Park has been Master Planned, tendered and awarded, the contract documents are currently being prepared for signatures and work is expected to proceed in mid November and completed in late spring of 1991. 3.0 COMMENT : 3.1 As Council is aware the Community Services Department prepared a very energetic parks development program as indicated in the 1990 Capital Budget. Staff is pleased to bring forth this report to inform Members of the status of that program. A final review of our Parks Development Program will be provided to Council through the 1991 budget deliberations. Respectfully submitted, Recommended for presentation to the Committee u J ph P. Caruana, Director Lawrence Kotseff Department of Community Services Chief A t istrative Officer JPC:JDC:NV:sda `jii� PROJECT DESCRIPTION Skateboard - 5 sets of ramp Facilities (20 ramps in total) Bowmanville - landscaping Recreation - walkways Complex - 4 bleachers - 2 backstops & homerun fences - lighting of 2 diamonds - grading & seeding - floral display Courtice - goal posts Memorial South Park - parking lot Darlington Hydro - parking lot Soccer Field Foster Creek - grading and seeding Foxhunt Park - paved walkway - landscaping - gazebo - park sign - basketball court Harvey Jackson - bleachers Park Lord Elgin Park - playground Mearns Avenue - paved walkway - gazebo - water chamber & irrig. - 2 park signs - floral display - boundary fence Bond Head - boat ramp & shoring Waterfront Park Orono Fountain - plumbing repairs Orono Park - hydro box - tennis court repairs - washroom refurbishing - sentry lights Orono Woods/ - design and const. Walk Park Soper Creek - batters cage Park - parking lot - road surfacing - erosion control COMPLETE X X X Ordered X Ordered X X Deferred to 1991 X Ordered X X X X X X X X X X X X X Deferred Tendered X Deferred to 1991 X X X Ordered X X X After Nov. 15/90 �U4 BUDGET $ 25,000 $299,000 $ 7,500 $ 6,500 $ 6,000 $ 31,900 $ 5,000 $ 7,000 $ 57,300 $ 81,000 $ 3,000 $ 18,500 $ 75,000 $ 70,000 Schedule 1 EXPENDITURE TO DATE $ 23,900 $160,400 $ 9,216 0 $ 2,130 $ 29,165 $ 4,408 $ 6,330 $ 41,652 $ 4,297 $ 1,400 $ 12,650 $ 3,703 $ 36,461 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Rhonda Park - park development (St. Stephen's) Tyrone Park - parking lot surfacing Waverly Park - goal posts Westview Park - park development phase 1 Park Furniture - picnic tables - benches - trash receptacles General - bare root trees Landscaping - caliper size trees - coniferous trees Bond Head/ - monument repairs Bowmanville Cemeteries COMPLETE BUDGET Deferred to $150,000 1991 X $ 15,000 X $ 2,000 Tendered $ 68,500 X X X X X X M $ 31,000 $ 29,500 $ 20,000 Schedule 1 TO DATE 0 $ 9,200 $ 1,865 $ 5,335 $ 29,500 $ 29,820 $ 19,760