HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-11-15NEWCASTLE COMMUNITY HALL BOARD November 15 2022 Council Chambers 7 pm Present Were: Barry Carmichael Sierd DeJong Janeen Calder Crystal Yaki Marg Zwart Regrets From: Henry Corvers Absent Were: Granville Anderson Also Present: Gabrielle Bell, Secretary 1. AGENDA Motion by J. Calder, seconded by C. Yaki The agenda is accepted as circulated with the following additions to New Business a) Security Camera b) Hotel California "Carried" 2. MINUTES Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by C. Yaki The minutes of September 20 2022 are accepted as circulated. "Carried" Motion by C. Yaki seconded by B. Carmichael The minutes of October 25 2022 are accepted as circulated "Carried" 3. BUSINESS ARISING a) Budget Approval Motion by J. Calder, seconded by C. Yaki That 2023 Budget be accepted as presented. "Carried" b) Accessibility Charging Station — C. Yaki will follow up with Municipality. c) Bench Donation as per Municipality will be considered in early 2023 as they are in the process of creating new policy. Family has been notified. d) Blinds for Building - C. Yaki has discussed with Historical Society the idea of a clear UV film to be put on windows to protect items in the room when blinds are open. We will request a sample to see prior to install. - Board will price out new uniform blinds for front of building. e) Main Hall curtains - We will obtain 3 quotes and move forward on purchase and install. f) Montague and Massey Pictures - Email has been circulated with Board and Municipality for commitment of date to install. We have had numerous comments from residents as to why they have not been installed. g) Village Concerts - G. Bell met with a resident that had shown interest, however this did not pan out. - B. Carmichael has reached out to another resident - C. Yaki will do a post on Hall Board social media for additional committee members. h) 30+ Dance - C. Joseph has submitted proposal for dances. Through discussions the Board decided we are fully committed to events for the 100t" Celebration for the next year. If she is able to form a committee of volunteers Board would be interested in discussing further. i) Roof Project— G. Bell reported R. Groen has informed us that the roof project has been rescheduled for spring 2023. When we have dates we will let our clients know that there will be work being done on the building on the dates of their rentals. 4. CORRESPONDENCE a) Village Church Rental — see attached email. o At this time we will allocate 2 drawers in the Centennial Room for storage. o Permission to mount a TV in the Council Chambers denied. o Theatre chairs in Council Chambers will remain in the room. o Beginning January rent for each will be paid at beginning of the month o Require 1 month notice to cancel future rentals. b) October 23 Rental - Follow up email was sent Nov 15 with response that she will take care of immediately. We will follow up with registered letter on Friday if no payment is received. It will include that Dec 4 rental with Hall is cancelled. c) BIA October Minutes received for information d) Community Hall Lighting scheduled for Nov 18 2022 at 5:30 pm - J. Calder reported that some of the lights were vandalized earlier this week. - Toy drive will be part of the event - BIA donating hot dogs to be served from Massey House and Old Newcastle House e) Early On Parking - Parking has become an issue in our parking lot. Dental office clients often use out space. We will request signage from the Town. 5. FINANCIAL REPORT Motion by J. Calder, seconded by S. DeJong The financial report is accepted as presented. "Carried" 6. INVOICES N/A 7. 100t" Committee Update - C. Yaki has followed up with Heritage Grant, at this time we have not had response - Followed up with OPG no update at this time 100t" Committee has requested additional funding for Celebration in July 2023. Board discussed request and feels at this time we can't commit to additional funds. We are still recovering from COVID with our rentals. We are also committed to purchase of curtains for the main hall. 8. New Business a) Snow Removal Contract Motion by S. DeJong, seconded by C. Yaki That snow removal contract from F.O.S. Maintenance is accepted as presented. "Carried" b) Salt Bin to be purchased for back door. C. Yaki will order and have it delivered. c) Camera — Security - As we have had vandalism in parkette we will be requesting security camera from Municipality. B. Carmichael will follow up with Town on this as we have already received information from them in the past. d) Hotel California email blast will go out 1st week of December Motion to adjourn by S. DeJong at 9:05 pm "Carried"