HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-10-18"Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" ci ffbooll Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes October 18, 2022 If this information is required in an alternate format, please contact the Accessibility. Co-ordinator at 905-623-3379 ext. 2131 Minutes of the Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting held as a hybrid meeting in person at 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville and via Microsoft Teams on October 18, 2022, at 7:00 PM. Members Present: Peter Vogel, Victor Suppan, Steve Conway, Jason Moore (ACO), Noel Gamble, David Reesor, Ron Sproule, Bob Malone (NVDHS), Heather Graham, Myno Van Dyke (NVDHS alternate), Laura Thiel-Convery (Museum). Regrets: Councillor Ron Hooper Staff Present: Sarah Allin, Jane Wang, Emily Schaefer, Planning and Development Services Guests: Rick McEachern 1 Declaration of Interest There were no disclosures of interest stated at this meeting. 2 Land Acknowledgement Statement P. Vogel read aloud Clarington's Land Acknowledgement Statement. 3 Adoption of Agenda 22.38 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by S. Conway That the Agenda be adopted adding the item of discussion regarding the tunnel to business arising. "Carried" 4 Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting 22.39 By consensus That the minutes of September 20, 2022, Clarington Heritage Committee meeting be adopted with a minor correction to Item 9.2 that 'vernacular design" replaces "traditional and modest Victorian style." "Carried" 5 Delegations/Presentations: 5.1 Rick McEachern: Bowmanville Zoo Building (340 King Street E.) - 1 - Clarftwa **Subject to Advisory Committee Approval** Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes October 18, 2022 R. McEachern noted he presented information about the history of the former Cream of Barley Tourist Camp and the Bowmanville Zoo, including the cobblestone building located on the property to the Committee at the June Committee meeting and recommended that the property, including cobblestone building, be designated under the Ontario Heritage Act. In this meeting, R. McEachern requested updates on the review process and better communication. The Committee received the feedback and provided an update on the ongoing work for the assessment of the larger area considering the Bowmanville Zoo Land as a whole. The subcommittee evaluation will be presented at tonight's meeting (see Item 7.1). 6 Business Arising 6.1 Camp 30 (2020 Lambs Road) S, Allin updated on the peer review of Camp 30 HIA. The peer review report will be submitted at the end of October for discussion at the November meeting. P. Vogel emphasized the public interest in preserving history and making the campsite accessible to the public. Plaque recognition and commemorative cairn with QR code technology were recommended by the committee member. Staff were requested to follow up with the signage relating to the national designation and whether there would be any funding available. 22.40 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by S. Conway That staff discuss with Public Works staff the possibility of signs/markings on the road and bring information to the next meeting. "Carried" 6.2 3403 Liberty Street HIA The property is identified to build a pumping station and a reservoir through the Soper Spring secondary plan. Demolition is required for the building on the property. A heritage impact assessment was conducted and presented to the Committee for information. The property is not on Clarington Cultural Heritage Resource List. Committee members suggested a site visit to confirm the HIA recommendations and potential requirements for documentation and salvaging. Staff indicated that a site visit might be arranged prior to the next Committee meeting if required. 6.3 Former Bowmanville Zoo Lands P. Vogel attended the visioning design workshop for the Bowmanville Zoo Land led by Valley 2000 association. The discussion at the session included how to incorporate the cobblestone building on the property at 340 King in the holistic -2- "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" cl abooll Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes October 18, 2022 design of the Zoo Land and repurpose its use. The bridge over the creek was suggested for preservation. A follow-up presentation was expected in the future. 6.4 34 Wellington Street The committee members had visited the property to have a look at the building and the designated attributes. Some renovation suggestions had been offered to the owner. Staff will follow up with the owner regarding the scope of the work and revisions to the heritage permit application. 7 Project Reports 7.1 Municipal Inventory/Register: 340 Highway 2 The subcommittee conducted thorough research and evaluation on the former Bowmanville Zoo Land including the cobblestone building at 340 Highway 2. Bowmanville Zoo is located within Lot 8 Concession 1, Bowmanville. The land has a long history associated with several families that can be traced back to the 1800s. The land was used for milling operations, a tourist camp and eventually transformed into a zoo. In the 1990s, the zoo became the largest private zoo in Canada. the cobblestone building is a T-shaped one -and -one -half -storey structure that was built in a Dutch Colonial Revival style, initially as a gas station during the 1920s. The cobblestone structure represents the history of when the lands became a Tourist Camp and eventually evolved into the oldest private zoo in Canada. One characteristic is the use of cobblestones in the entire ground floor of the structure and its columns, making up the Porte-cochere. The evaluation of the cultural heritage interest of the property suggests the property is placed in Group 2. and does not warrant designation under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. The iron bridge over Soper creek on Bowmanville Zoo Land is also considered a heritage asset. 22.41 Moved by V. Suppan, seconded by D. Reesor That the property 340 Highway 2, Bowmanville be added to the Municipal Register under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act. Further assessments on the iron bridge are recommended. "Carried" 7.2 Outreach/Education Sub -committee: Heritage Information Station Project: No update -3- "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" cl abooll Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes October 18, 2022 Heritage Barn Project: No update 8 Correspondence and Council Referrals: None 9 New Business: 9.1 Comments requests on development applications Development applications are circulated to the committee for comments regarding heritage conservation perspective. The applications of two properties (1440 Gord Vinson and 2149 Courtice Road) had been reviewed and commented on in the Secondary Plan process. The subcommittee will review HIAs and then form comments for the committee's approval at the November meeting. 10 Reports from the committees: 10.1 Bowmanville, Orono and Newcastle CIP: None 10.2 ACO — Clarington Branch: None 10.3 NVDHS The Room will be open and have a display for Remembrance Day 10.4 Museum: Charles Bowman and Family Painting idea will be confirmed shortly, will update the time of revealing. The annual Spirit Walk is scheduled on October 26t" 10.5 Heritage Conservation District: None 10.6 Wilmot Creek Heritage Park: None 11 Standing items: 11.1 81 Scugog Street: Committee members raised the concern about losing heritage features and attributes due to the owner's negligence. To prevent the situation that some structures being taken down due to safety, like the case of 34 Wellington St., committee members discussed the appropriate process. 22.42 Moved by R. Sproule, seconded by V. Suppan That staff follow up with the By-law Enforcement regarding the history and property standard condition of 81 Scugog Street and report back to the Committee. "Carried" 11.2 Fletcher Tree: no update Clarbgton Adjournment: 9:30 p.m. "Subject to Advisory Committee Approval" Clarington Heritage Committee Meeting Minutes October 18, 2022 Next Meeting: November 15, 2022, 7:00 p.m. Wil