HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-28-2022Ciarftwn Minutes of the Committee of Adjustment Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington April 28, 2022 Municipal Administrative Centre, Council Chambers 40 Temperance Street, Bowmanville Preliminary Note In response to the Province's Emergency Order and to maintain physical distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, this Committee of Adjustment meeting took place in an electronic format. Members listed as being "electronically present," as well as applicants and members of the public, participated though the teleconferencing platform Microsoft Teams, which allows participation through a computer's video and audio, or by telephone. Electronically present: Brandon Weiler Annette VanDyk Shelley Pohjola Gord Wallace Dave Eastman John Bate Noel Gamble Secretary -Treasurer Meeting Host Acting Chairperson Member Member Member Member Ron Warne Manager of Development Review Andrew Payne Planning Staff Toni Rubino Planning Staff Ruth Porras Planning Staff Absent with notice: Todd Taylor Chairperson 1. Call to Order The Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest There were no pecuniary interests stated for this meeting. 3. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting, March 31, 2022 Moved by S Pohjola. Seconded by G Wallace. "That the minutes of the Committee of Adjustment, held on March 31, 2022 be approved." Minutes from April 28, 2022 Page 2 "Carried" 4. Applications: 4.1 A2022-0010 Owner: Daniel & Dale Woelfer Applicant: John Louws 78 Trudeau Drive Part Lot 10. Concession 1, Former Township of Darlington J Louws, applicant was not present and therefore Dale Woelfer, owner via the Teams application with audio, gave a verbal presentation to the Committee regarding the application. D Eastman asked a question to D Woelfer — When would the two sheds be removed? D Woelfer indicated that it would be removed prior to the deck being built. No other Committee Members had questions or comments. No other persons spoke in support of or in opposition to the application. Motion to approve A2022-0010 as recommended by N Gamble, seconded by G Wallace. Full text of decision: "That application A2022-0010 for a minor variance to Section 3.1 g. iv) and Section 13.2 e. of Zoning By-law 84-63 to facilitate the construction of a deck by increasing the rear yard deck projection from 1.5 metres to 3.7 metres, leaving a 4.9 metre rear yard setback and increasing the permitted lot coverage from 40% to 42%, be approved as it is minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land and maintains the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law, the Durham Region Official Plan and Clarington Official Plan". "Carried" Ciarington 4.2 A2022-0012 Owner: Gord Blondin Applicant: Hull Drafting 4826 Concession Road 6 Part Lot 1, Concession 5, Former Township of Clarke G Blondin, via the Teams application with audio and video, gave a verbal presentation to the Committee regarding the applications. S Pohjola stated indicated the recommendation from the staff report is to tabling and asked if there was an objection. G Blondin stated no objection but indicated that they can relocate the garage to meet the setback requirements. No other Committee Members had questions or comments. No other persons spoke in support of or in opposition to the application Motion to table A2022-0012 as recommended by D Eastman, seconded by J Bate. Full text of decision: "That application A2022-0012 for a minor to facilitate the construction of a detached garage by increasing the maximum permitted total floor area for accessory buildings from 120 square metres to 187 square metres and by increasing the maximum permitted height from 4.5 metres to 6.4 metres be tabled for a period of up to ninety (90) days". "Carried" 4.3 A2022-0013 Owner: Gyaltsan Property Management Inc. Applicant: Tenzin Gyaltsan 109 King Ave East Part Lot 28, Concession 1, Former Township of Clarke T Gyaltsan joined by Alicia Scott, spokesperson for Dollarama, via the Teams application with audio and video, gave a verbal presentation to the Committee regarding the application. He explained the history and purpose of the application. Minutes from April 28, 2022 Page 4 The Committee asked questions to Planning Staff regarding unit size and types of uses that could go into the unit. Planning Staff responded to the Committee's questions regarding unit size and intent of the entrance removal. The Committee asked questions T Gyaltsan and A Scott about the term of the tenancy, the reason for the 600m2 cap for one unit, and the non-residential entrance. Members of the public came to speak in opposition and in favour of the application. Questions and concerns that were raised from members of the public who spoke in opposition of the application: John (member of public): Told bottom floor for boutique stores and medical space. Is there a competition clause for other dollar stores. T Gyaltsan and A Scott responded to questions and concerns raised. Faye asked T Gyaltsan and A Scott — How is Dollarama going to maintain the heritage feel of Newcastle. How is pest control being done as many boxes will be used in the applicant's inventory and overall cleanliness of the site. T Gyaltsan and A Scott responded to Faye — Regarding signage proposed to maintain transparency. Conditions of lease for maintenance and cleanliness. Dollarama also has their own protocols to deal with waste and refuse in their unit and picked up directly. Carol stated their concerned with the entrance location with all the entrances to the building on the east side of the building. T Gyaltsan and A Scott responded to questions and concerns raised. Members of the public who spoke in support of the application: Ed (member of the public): In favour of entrance location to eliminate street parking of customers on Beaver Street. No other Committee Members had questions or comments. No other persons spoke in support of or in opposition to the application. Motion to approve A2022-0013 as recommended by J Bate, seconded by N Gamble. Full text of decision: "That application A2022-0013 for a minor variance to Table 16.5.62.c of Zoning By-law 84-63 to increase the maximum commercial unit size from 600 square metres to 971 square metres, and to eliminate the requirement for a non-residential entrance located in the street fagade (Beaver Street), be approved as it is minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land and maintains the general intent and Minutes from April 28, 2022 Page 5 purpose of the Zoning By-law, the Durham Region Official Plan and Clarington Official Plan". "Carried" 4.4 A2022-0014 and A2022-0015 Owner: Jaro Rimes Applicant: Mark Foley -Woodland Homes 248 Mearns Avenue (retained lands) Part Lot 9, Concession 2, Former Town of Bowmanville M. Foley, through the Teams Application with audio, gave a verbal presentation to the Committee regarding both applications. No Committee Members had questions or comments. No other persons spoke in support of or in opposition to the application. Motion to approve A2022-0014 as recommended by D Eastman, seconded by G Wallace. Full text of decision: "That application A2022-0014 for minor variances to Sections 9.2 a., 9.2 b. and 9.2 c. i) of Zoning By-law 84-63 to facilitate a land division application (LD2022/030) by Reducing the minimum required lot area from 4,000 square metres to 1,050 square metres and by reducing the minimum required front yard setback from 6 metres to 4.5 metres (A2022-014), be approved as they are minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land and maintains the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law, the Durham Region Official Plan and Clarington Official Plan". "Carried" Motion to approve A2022-0015 as recommended by N Gamble, seconded by D Eastman. Full text of decision: "That application A2022-0015 for minor variances to Sections 9.2 a., 9.2 b. and 9.2 c. i) of Zoning By-law 84-63 to facilitate a land division application (LD2022/030) by Reducing the minimum required lot frontage from 30 metres to 28.5 metres and by reducing the minimum required lot area from 4,000 square metres to 2,912 square metres (A2022-015), be approved as they are minor in nature, desirable for the appropriate development or use of the land and maintains the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law, the Durham Region Official Plan and Clarington Official Plan". "Carried" Minutes from April 28, 2022 Page 6 5. Other Business • No other business. 6. Adjournment Next Meeting: June 16, 2022 Moved by N Gamble, seconded by D Eastman. "That the meeting adjourn at 8:27 p.m." "Carried"