HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-11-08 MinutesI -1 Draft minutes — Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY NOVEMBER 8, 2011 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: (Voting) Brian Reid (Chair) Tim Lizotte Jim Cleland Staff Present: Peter Windolf Regrets: Councillor Corinna Traill Karin Murphy Absent: Warren May — MNR 1. Agenda Acceptance of Agenda MOVED by Tim Lizotte, seconded by Clayton Morgan THAT the agenda for November 8, 2011 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of October 11, 2011 Clayton Morgan Melanie McArthur Michael Goleski Pat Mulcahy Geoff James Greg Wells — GRCA Corrections Melanie McArthur was listed as absent, but she actually sent her regrets through Brian Reid. Approval of Minutes MOVED by Clayton Morgan, seconded by Jim Cleland THAT the minutes of October 11, 2011 be amended and approved. CARRIED 2 3. Sub- Committee Reports Burdock Removal Jim Cleland suggested that the committee could attempt to control the growth of burdock in the spring. Rather than removing the plant when it is fully grown he suggested that it could be cut off at ground level continuously throughout the spring to see if it comes back. After debating the merits of this approach the committee agreed to try this control . method along the woodchip trail on the Toronto Street side in spring 2012. It will be monitored throughout the season to assess its effectiveness. Tim Lizotte has hand held equipment that he will bring to the site to easily cut the plant off at grade. 4. Updates Recap of Live Stake Planting and Anglers Clean -up On October 22, committee members and community volunteers implemented a live stake planting project to narrow the access point to the creek from the woodlot on the east side of the creek. Live stakes from red osier dogwood were harvested on -site and inserted into the side of the bank leading to the creek. The goal was to narrow the access point to the creek, and reduce the potential for soil erosion and compaction. Willow stakes were also harvested and inserted closer to the creek. Michael Goleski, Pat Mulcahy, Brian Reid and Councillor Traill participated along with four community volunteers. Michael explained that the stakes were inserted into the bank 12 " -18" deep. Although the area does not get full sun he is optimistic that the plants will take root. The growth of the plants will be monitored throughout 2012. The group also planted three serviceberry and several small white pines at various locations. That same day a group of anglers met to clean up the creek banks. It was not known how many anglers participated but several bags of garbage were left for pick up at the Toronto Street parking lot. A thank you letter will be sent to the angler who organized the clean- up, Karin Murphy and her husband also cleaned up the hydro corridor and left several bags of garbage at the Toronto Street entrance to the Waterfront Trail. SWNA Hunting Complaint An e -mail was sent to Peter Windolf from a concerned user of the SWNA who saw a hunter on the barrier breach on November 7. The barrier beach at SWNA was a popular hunting location for years. MNR regulations allow duck and geese to be hunted on Lake Ontario through the fall and into the winter. About 5 years ago No Hunting signs were installed at several locations and most of the hunting has stopped. The By -law number posted on the signs is the Municipal By -law prohibiting the discharge of fire arms in a public park. The committee was advised to contact our Municipal Law Enforcement division if they notice hunting occurring at the SWNA in the future. 3 Communitv Outreach Presentations The committee was reminded that the SWNA PowerPoint Presentation is available for any member who would like to use it. In the past SWNA members have helped raise awareness through presentations to schools, church groups, and community associations. Brian Reid suggested that some of the photos and information in the presentation could be updated. Since there are several new members who have never seen the presentation . it will be reviewed at the January 10 meeting. New Member The vacant committee position was advertised by the Clerks Department and a new member will be appointed by Council at the November 14 meeting. 5. Other Business Future Meetings The committee discussed the need for monthly meetings throughout the winter. Clayton Morgan recommended that winter meetings be held at the call of the Chair. Brian Reid suggested that the committee could meet every second month through the winter. After more discussion it was agreed that only the December and February meetings would be cancelled, but if an issue requiring the committee's immediate attention arises the Chair can call a meeting at his discretion. Trail Marker Signs Some of the 3 % "trail marker signs have gone missing. Brian Reid asked about purchasing more. Peter Windolf will investigate the cost and the availability of funding for the signs. Picnic Table at Lake Jim Cleland reported that there is a wooden picnic table embedded in beach below the embankment on the Cobbledick side. The maintenance sub - committee will have a look at the bench and determine if it can be removed in pieces at a future date. Leaves on- Trails Jim Cleland also reported that leaves on the trails are contributing to the growth of vegetation on the surface and the committee should consider a project to remove them. It was agreed that no action would be taken at this time but it will be looked at in the spring. Motion to Adjourn MOVED by Clayton Morgan seconded by Melanie McArthur THAT the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED M Adjournment: 8:15 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday January 10, 7:00 PM Please note that the December and February meetings have been cancelled Notes prepared by P. Windolf