HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-08-25 Minutes 1-2 CLARINGTGN AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 201'1 MEMBERS PRESENT: Ted Watson Jenni Knox arrived 8:00 Brenda Metca{f Mary Ann Found arrived 7:50 John Cartwright arrived 7:40 Les Caswell Eric Bowman Marlene Werry Gary Jeffery .Councillor, Wendy Partner STAFF: Faye Langmaid " . REGRETS: Mark Bragg, Don Rickard, Tom-:Barrie Gary welcomes{ all to the meeting. .Adoption of Agenda 011-16 Moved by Eric Bowman, seconded by Wendy Partner „That the Agenda for August 25th, 20 1 be adopted" CARRIED Approval of Minutes 011-17 Moved by Ted Watson, seconded by 1Nendy Partner : "That the minutes:of the July 7th; 2011 meeting beappraved " CARRIED ' G'uest.::_.Marlene provide any overview of the Ourhsm.Region Agriculture Strategy, the executive summary is-attached Discussion regarding high school programs and heavy equipment skills courses such as that at Kemptville are needed. Most farmers need someone that can drive tractor, but.the operator needs the skills to be able to drive a major piece of equipment and work the electronics and hydraulics it has. Many use retired teachers or auto workers as they cannot find young people willing to do the work or with the skills. The meat industry needs cutters and workers for the killing floor, again there are few coming into the profession at a young age and the older workers are getting close to retirement. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington August 25, 2011 Generally once labourers acquire skills they are lured away to more lucrative jobs, in our local area the competition such as OPG and GM are able to pay much better wages and provide benefit packages. The theory behind creating the agriculture courses at Durham is to create entrepreneurs. The issue will be how to finance their ventures, as no bank will provide a loan. It will need a capital venture fund, Marlene has been working with the GTA Agriculture Action Committee and other committees in the Greater Golden Horseshoe to address some of these start-up issues. Marlene indicated that most job creation comes from existing businesses and the diversification of existing rather than attracting new. Marlene spends considerable time with existing business helping them expand. Presentation: Faye provided an overview of the Port Granby Project (see attachment) and a presentation on the End Use Concept that has been endorsed by Council, Port Hope and the GRCA. The End Use Concept is for all the lands that Cameco owns (+666 acres) and will be selling to the Federal Government when the license from CNSC is issued. Currently Robert White farms the lands that are cultivatable (approximately 350-400 acres), the remainder of the lands are in natural cover (creek and ravine areas, plus shoreline bluffs). The lands where the waste mound will be constructed will be taken out of agricultural production and under license from CNSC approximately 192 acres (78 ha). The existing site will remain under license for the next 50 years, 40 acres (15 ha). The surrounding lands, some of which are in natural cover and some in agricultural production, are part of the "Full Concept" end use. The community felt strongly about creating a long-term legacy and, would like to see the lands turned over by the federal government to an "alliance" which would be a number of partners including area residents, Port Hope, Clarington, and GRCA. In this manner the community would be able to control the future of the lands and not have to worry that the,federal government would use them for some other purpose in the future or that they would be sold to the private sector. The concept for the end-use is to create a "nature reserve" that would be a stop-over for migrating birds and insects along the north shore of Lake Ontario. The end-use also seeks to have the mound shaped to mimic other landforms that naturally occur in the landscape (like a drumlin). Regardless of which end use concept is endorsed by the federal government at least 200 acres of productive land will no longer be available (the waste mound location and surrounds). The remaining agricultural fields, which are smaller parcels and not contiguous will either remain as agricultural fields or be converted to natural cover_ This will depend on the decision by NRCan about whether to adopt the End Use concept endorsed by the local municipalities and community. The Agricultural Committee should be aware of this project not just because it affects the loss of agricultural lands but also because it is a major construction project that will be starting in 2012 that will continue for a number of years (8-10). The waste will be transported from south of Lakeshore Road via an underpass to north or Lakeshore Road. The materials arriving on site are to construct the liner and cover for the mound and other engineering aspects, no waste from outside sources is being accepted. The transportation routes are designated as Newtonville Road, Concession 1 and Elliott Road and will be improved by the federal government. The local community will face a variety of disruptions and challenges to daily living during the years of construction. Some plantings to screen views and reduce dust, noise have already been planted along Concession Road 1. Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington August 25, 2011 Business Arising Trees for Rural Roads As a result of the input from the Agriculture Advisory Committee and others the concept of planting along the road right of ways has been the focus of a meeting with the Conservation Authority staff. Guidelines have been drafted and an application form. An information report to Council will be on their first agenda in the fall_ The tree planting program would be added to the suite of stewardship programs the two Conservation Authorities provide. The Municipality would fund the trees from the environmental stewardship account and the land owner would provide in-kind labour for the planting, maintenance and also the site along the roadway. It is anticipated that uptake will be slow until the program becomes known, but it also fits with many other initiatives. As such, it may be replicated by others and could garner additional funding in future. Whitebe€t Resolution As a result of the presentation by Dean at the last meeting regarding the Official Plan Review, the committee was looking to pass a resolution that requests stricter tests before "whitebelt" lands are taken up as urban development. A small group has worked on as resolution that was circulated with the agenda. Faye provided an overview of where the ORM, Greenbelt, Whttebelt and Urban Lands area. 071-18 Moved by John Cartwright, Seconded by Tbd Watson "Whereas the Municipality of Clarington is in the process of reviewing the Official. Plan; and whereas part of the mandate of the Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington is to advise Council with regard to: . a) implementation of municipal agricultural goals, objectives and policies; b) alternative 'solutions, approaches, plans or studies dealing with agriculture and.related rural issues which are within the responsibilities and financial capabilities of the Municipality of Clarington; and c) monitor and report on changes within the agricultural industry including agricultural land inventory; And Whereas agriculture is the 41 industry in Clarington; And Whereas agriculture is necessary for food security, And Whereas some of Canada's best agricultural land is in Clarington, more particularly immediately adjacent to the current urban boundaries and in the "whitebelt"areas; And Whereas there are not stringent tests for the expansion of urban settlement area boundaries with regard to prime agricultural lands and soil capability; Now therefore-be it resolved that Council instruct Planning Staff to include additional policies in the Growth Management and Agricultural Sections of the Official Plan to ensure that: a) growth be provided through intensification, and redevelopment; and within the existing urban boundaries; b) That agricultural soil capability be included as an additional criteria for determining where future growth happens (e.g. avoid Classes 1, 2 and 3 soils, in this order of priority) ; c) That impacts from settlement areas on agricultural operations be mitigated; and d) That all types, sizes and intensities of agricultural uses and normal farm practices be promoted and protected in accordance with Provincial standards." CARRIED Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington August 25, 2011 Council Referrals — None —summer break Liaison Reports DAAC — September 15 is DAAC tour, Uxbridge area. Meeting is next week. DRFA 'OFA has been working on a provincial election kit_ They have 5 major themes. Would like members of the agricultural community to discuss these themes with candidates but make the message consistent. The AGM is on September 20 1h in,Nestleton with Heather Hargraves (Ontario Farm Animal Council)as the keynote. The family resource centre is working on an 18 month calendar as a fundraiser. The on-farm care program is looking to expand from a summer only relief program to full year. OFA will be celebrating its 75th anniversary and will be calling for nomination to recognize volunteers. CBOT — Jenni informed group that CBOT is viewing the Port Granby Project as an economic development opportunity. There have been education sessions on how to become a bidder/supplier on the Public Works Canada process, another session will be held in the fall. The Mayor's Annual address to CBOT will be on September 271h at Newcastle Community Hall, if you would like tickets contact the CBOT office. Clarington Farmer's Market — Brenda has stepped down as Chair, did not have the time and energy to guide the market as it should be. There are processes in place for approving vendors and guidelines for type of vendors that the Board is not being involved-in. The market is being run by the vendors and the Market Manager. The stalls appear to be filled for the season. There are several markets around Ontario that have closed, and others that are starting but, there are nine in Durham Region but many of the vendors are from outside the Region. The difficulty is getting the vendors. Other Business Orono Fair Display—working on a "renewed" version of the display Illegal.Dumping — protocol for reporting is to call Operations (Hampton) and report it. If it is in the field they will not pick it up but they track the incidents and can better target enforcement and also address issues like tipping fees for certain types of materials. Greenbelt in Ajax, the width is an issue at "/..mile, the owners' are not able_ to get building permits after their fire as they do not meet minimum distance requirements. Future Agendas November the member of parliament that is elected on October 6th will be asked to attend and discuss their initiatives for agriculture. John Cartwright moved to adjourn. CARRIED Next Meeting - October 13th, 2011 Kim Gavine will provide a presentation on the Oak Ridges Moraine and the Foundation Agricultural Advisory Committee of Clarington August 25, 2011