HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-09-13 MinutesDraft minutes — Not yet approved by Committee NOTES OF MEETING OF SAMUEL WILMOT NATURE AREA MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE HELD TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 13, 2011 AT 7:00 P.M. Present: (Voting) Melanie McArthur Tim Lizotte Pat Mulcahy Jim Cleland Geoff James Councillor Corrina Traill Staff Present: Peter Windolf Absent: Warren May — MNR 1. Agenda Additions -None Acceptance of Agenda MOVED by Clayton Morgan, seconded by David Best THAT the agenda for September 13, 2011 be accepted. CARRIED 2. Minutes of August 9, 2011 Corrections None Approval of Minutes MOVED by Pat Mulcahy, seconded by Tim Lizotte THAT the minutes of August 9, 2011 be approved. CARRIED Clayton Morgan Brian Reid (Chair) Michael Goleski Karin Murphy David Best Greg Wells — GRCA I -2 2 3. Sub - Committee Reports The site maintenance sub - committee met over several evenings to cut back burdock and remove accumulated grass clippings and dirt on the trail at the rear of the Sewage Treatment Plant. The burdock removal was very labour intensive and several committee members inquired about possible assistance from high school students. in the future. It was noted that high school students are generally available for organised activities only during the school year which may not correspond with the burdock removal schedule. Transportation to the site is also a constraint for student work at the SWNA but for future site clean -up events it will be stated in the advertisement that "Community Services hours are available" for high school students who participate. Clayton Morgan reported that he had removed several of the low branches from the locust trees overhanging the trail from the Toronto Street parking lot. Michael Goleski circulated a Burdock fact sheet for review by committee members. Jim Cleland recommended that removal of young Manitoba Maple should be a project for 2012. 4. Updates Kiosk Sign . The sign was installed by Page Graphics on August 12. The sign graphics and content look very good however it was noted that the sign needs to be flipped around so that the orientation map of the SWNA faces S/E to assist people entering the SWNA from the waterfront trail. Page Graphics have already been instructed to flip the sign around when they are next in this area. Fall Planting Project Pending input from GRCA recommendations will be made for a fall planting. project that could include barrier plantings and /or fish habitat enhancements. Peter Windolf and Michael Goleski will meet on -site to assess potential locations for fall planting. GRCA will also be asked to attend. Funding for a fall planting project is available from the Municipalities' Stewardship program. The date for the planting project will be Saturday October 22 at 9:OOAM. More details will be available at the October meeting. Bird box cleaning Jim Cleland has requested assistance with the annual maintenance of bird boxes. Jim has removed 4 of the 38 bird boxes so far. The specific boxes he requires assistance with are south from the Cobbledick parking lot on the west-side of the SWNA. Jim will continue to clean the bird boxes on the east side of the SWNA and around the Newcastle Memorial Forest. Pat, Melanie and Brian volunteered to assist and will meet on site Wednesday September 25 at 6:OOPM at the Cobbledick Parking Lot. Melanie will bring a wheel barrow. Great Canadian Shoreline Clean- On Saturday September 24 several committee members will meet to clean -up garbage along the Wilmot Creek and Lake Ontario shoreline. Melanie indicated she was unable to attend on the 24th but will clean-up on the Toronto Street side on her own schedule. The clean -up will correspond with the schedule for the Great Canadian Shoreline Clean- up but the committee will not actually register as an official participant in the event. It was agreed that it is a worthwhile project but official registration requires excessive paperwork and an inventory of garbage collected. An event poster will be created and distributed via the SWNA blog and Facebook, page. Councillor Traill will send the event poster to various schools and environmental groups who might be interested in participating. Those able to attend will meet at the Cobbledick Parking lot at 9:OOAM to be assigned zones to clean -up. Brian will bring garbage bags and gloves. 5. Other Business Brian indicated that the new garbage containers have been well used all summer but the garbage cans in the Toronto Street Parking lot were over spilling. Fishing season seems to generate the most garbage at the SWNA and the committee requested that the Operations Department increase the frequency of garbage pick -up during the fishing season and /or add more cans at the parking lots. Pat is working with the Wilmot wood workers club to have garbage can lids constructed to help keep rain water out of the new garbage cans.. The lids are to be 22 %2" in diameter. David Best announced that he is resigning from the committee. While he has enjoyed his time on the committee he stated that he is unable to dedicated sufficient time to committee meetings and events. Chair Brain Reid thanked him for his years of service and wished him well on behalf of the committee. Motion to Adjourn MOVED by David Best seconded by Clayton Morgan THAT the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED Adjournment: 8:00 P.M. Next Meeting: Tuesday October 11, 7:00 PM Notes prepared by P. Windolf , I -3 CENTRAL LAKE ONTARIO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY MINUTES NO.7 AUTHORITY MEETING Tuesday, September 20, 2011- 5:00 P.M. MEETING LOCATION: 100 WHITING AVENUE, OSHAWA AUTHORITY'S ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE, BOARDROOM Present: P. Perkins; Chair B. Chapman, Vice Chair L. Coe L. Corrigan A. England R. Hooper T.D. Marimpietri D. Mitchell J. Neal M. Novak P. Rodrigues C. Traill J.R. Powell, Chief Administrative Officer D. White, Director, Corporate Services H. Brooks, Director, Watershed Planning & Natural Heritage C. Darling, Director, Development Review & Regulation G. Geissberger, Marketing & Communications Coordinator D. Hope, Land Management & Operations Supervisor P. Lowe, Director, Watershed Stewardship & Community Outreach P. Sisson, Director, Engineering & Field Operations G. SooChan, Director, Groundwater K. Tate, Administrative Assistant/Recording Secretary Excused: J. Drumm Absent: S. Collier The Chair called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. DECLARATIONS of interest by members on any matters herein contained — NONE ADOPTION OF MINUTES Res. #83 Moved by M. Novak Seconded by B. Chapman THAT the Authority minutes of June 21, 2011 be adopted as circulated. CARRIED AUTHORITY MINUTES — SEPTEMBER 20,2011 — PAGE 2 CORRESPONDENCE (1) Correspondence item #NVG15 -5 from Durham Continuing Education/John Cooney (attached as Schedule 3 -1) re: thank you letter for invasive species presentation to students (2) Correspondence from Conservation Ontario/Don Pearson (attached as Schedule 3 -2 to 3 -5) re: copy of a letter sent to Mr. Tim Hudak, MPP in response to comments attributed to him in the Eastern Ontario AgriNews (3) Correspondence from Community Environment Fund — Sobeys and Earth Day Canada (attached as Schedule 3 -6 to 3 -10) re: thank you letter for reviewing Earth Day Canada Community Environment Fund Submissions (4) Correspondence from Ducks Unlimited Canada/James W. Brennan (attached as Schedule H -1 & H -2) re: copy of letter addressed to The Hon, Jim Flaherty, MP extending an invitation to participate in a celebration at Lynde Shores Conservation Area to celebrate the achievements of the Natural Areas Program and the successful. acquisition of outstanding parcels of natural habitat (5) Correspondence from Tim Hudak, Ontario PC Leader (attached as Schedule H -3) re: copy of letter addressed to Conservation Ontario/Don Pearson received -in response to Conservation Ontario's July 25/11 letter to Mr. Hudak responding to the July AgriNews article Res. #84 Moved by D. Mitchell. Seconded by L. Coe THAT the above correspondence items be received for information. CARRIED (6) Correspondence item #ACAF9 -18 from Town of Ajax Legislative & information Services/M. de Rond (attached as Schedule 3 -11 to 3 -13) Re: Great Lakes & St. Lawrence Cities Initiatives Res. #85 Moved by D. Mitchell Seconded'by L. Coe THAT the CLOCA Board of Directors support the resolution passed by Town of Ajax Council at its meeting held June 27, 20X1 as contained within correspondence item #ACAF9 -17. DIRECTOR, DEVELOPMENT REVIEW & REGULATION (1) Staff Report #4977 -11 (attached as Schedule 4 -1 to 4 -9) Applications for Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses — June to August 2011 Res. #86 Moved by L. Coe Seconded by B. Chapman THAT the attached applications, as issued by staff, be endorsed. CARRIED AUTHORITY MINUTES — SEPTEMBER 20,2011 — PAGE 3 (2) Staff Report #4975 -11 (attached as Schedule 4 -10 to 4-21) Amending Ontario Regulation 42/06, Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority: Regulation of Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alteration to Shorelines and Watercourses C. Darling answered questions raised by members pertaining to the above noted staff report; discussion ensued. Res. #87 Moved by L. Coe Seconded by B. Chapman Whereas a local Conservation Authorities Act Section 28 "Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Regulation" has been prepared in conformity with the provisions outlined in Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act and the amended Ontario Regulation 97104, and as per the eligible amendments identified by the Ministry of Natural Resources, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority adopts the proposed amendments to the subject regulation as illustrated in Attachment 1 and 2 to this report, AND THAT the said regulation proposal with eligible amendments be submitted to the Ministry of Natural Resources for review, posting on the Regulation Registry, and depending on the results of the registry posting, for subsequent consideration for approval by the Ministry of Natural Resources, AND THAT a copy of Staff Report #4975 -11 be forwarded to the partner municipalities within CLOCA's watershed. CARRIED T.D. Marimpietri arrived at 5:27 p.m. .(3) Staff Report #4979 -11 (attached as Schedule 4 -22 to 4 -32) CLOCA — Revised Policy for Large Fill Sites Res. #88 Moved by L. Coe Seconded by B. Chapman THAT Staff Report #4979 -11 be received; and, THAT the proposed Large Fill policy as outlined in Attachment 2 be adopted. C. Darling answered questions raised by members pertaining to the above noted staff report; extensive discussion ensued. In reply to an inquiry from L. Corrigan asking if the Chief Administrative Officer would be open to arranging an invitation for senior staff and Board Members to tour soil sites, R. Powell replied yes — if given the appropriate list of invitees. AMENDMENT Moved by L. Corrigan Seconded by J. Neal THAT prior to final adoption of Staff Report #4979 -11, that the policy be sent out to our member municipalities, Durham Region Conservation Authorities and the Ministry of the Environment. CARRIED RESOLUTION #88 CARRIED AS AMENDED DIRECTOR, WATERSHED STEWARDSHIP & COMMUNITY OUTREACH (1) Staff Report-#4976-1 I (attached as Schedule 5 -1 to 5 -3) Monarch Teachers Network Workshop Report Res. #89 Moved by L. Coe Seconded by A. England THAT Staff Report #4976 -11 be received for information. CARRIED AUTHORITY MINUTES — SEPTEMBER 20,2011 — PAGE 4 (2) Staff Report #4978-11 (attached as Schedule 5 -4 to 5 -8) Education Program Update 2010 -2011 Res. #90 Moved by L. Coe Seconded by A. England THAT Staff Report #4978 -11 be received for information; and THAT Board members support the recommendations for enhancing our 2010111 Environmental Education Programs. CARRIED DIRECTOR, ENGINEERING & FIELD OPERATIONS (1) Staff Report #4980-11 (attached as Schedule 6 -1 to 6 -4) Purple Woods Conservation Area Heritage Hall R. Powell presented Staff Report #4980 -11 and gave the Board members an update on the status of the project to date, emphasizing the need to get the second phase of work underway as soon as possible for which a contract has been tendered. Res. #91 Moved by D. Mitchell Seconded by L. Coe THAT Staff Report #4980 -11 be received for information; and, THAT prior to the next scheduled October 18111 CLOCA Board of Directors meeting, staff be directed to circulate the appropriate documentation to Authority Board Members for their response of acceptance or not of recommended award of contract for the second phase of work recently tendered for the Purple Woods Conservation Area Heritage Hall project. CARRIED (2) Staff Report #498 1-1 1(attached as Schedule 6 -5 to 6 -9) Summer in the CLOCA Conservation Areas Res. #92 Moved by L. Coe Seconded by R. Hooper THAT Staff Report #4981 -11 be received for information. CARRIED DIRECTOR, GROUNDWATER RESOURCES (1) Staff Report #4982 -11 (attached as Schedule 7 -1 to 7 -3) CTC Source Water Protection — Chair's Quarterly Report Res. #93 Moved by M. Novak Seconded by A. England THAT Staff Report #4982 -11 be received for information. CARRIED AUTHORITY MINUTES — SEPTEMBER 20,2011 — PAGE 5 MUNICIPAL & OTHER BUSINESS R. Powell read a thank you note to the Board members received from the Commissioner, I" Enniskillen Scouts in appreciation of assistance they have received from CLOCA staff in support of their programs. J. Neal informed the Board members Mr. Gord Coroner, Chair of CLOCA during 1964 -1965 recently passed away. P. Rodrigues inquired if the Authority has any information, rules or regulations regarding hedgerow /fencerow protection; staff advised it does not come under any of our regulations. C. Traill inquired if this Authority administers fair wage schedules for contracts; staff advised not at this time. Res. #94 Moved by C. Traill Seconded by A. England THAT staff be directed to send an inquiry to the Regional Municipality of Durham for their input as to whether they would be in support of fair wage schedules for contracts. CARRIED ADJOURNMENT Res. #95 Moved by B. Chapman Seconded by L. Corrigan THAT the meeting adjourn. CARRIED The meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m.